13Buddha ago

Okay, I am losing faith quickly and am not ready to believe these allegations are completely true or completely false, but I do feel the need to be a bit of a devil's advocate and share this 03/15/16 article written by a reporter named Frank Parlato (niagarafallsreporter.com) about the Dalai Lama's visit and Keith Raniere. It provides some valuable information. The reporter, Frank Parlato, has his own history, but I have enough to write about the Dalai Lama incident. Parlato, however, certainly appears to have credibility as a reporter.

Frank Parlato writes: During my tenure as a press consultant for purported cult leader, Keith Raniere, and his benefactors, Clare and Sara Bronfman (heiresses of the Seagram's liquor fortune), I was tasked with improving Raniere's public image and that of his company, NXIVM.

It was 2007 and at the time the press did not know Raniere had blown over $100 million of Bronfman sisters' inheritance on bogus commodities investments, a crooked real estate deal, and paying lawyers to sue his enemies; nor did they know Raniere slept all day and night and had a harem of female devotees who gave their hearts, minds, and undressed bodies to him. These things few knew - including myself - or that the cult was raking in millions - seemingly much of it off the books.

During my tenure, things went well. Albany's weekly newspaper Metroland published a favorable blurb on Raniere - for the first time; The Times Union wrote a story about NXIVM without using the word "cult" - for the first time in memory. I wrote press releases and announcements which were published and broadcasted, and I arranged interviews for NXIVM people to humanize and demystify them.

Raniere wanted a high powered religious person to help improve his image. The Pope was out of the question. Rev. Billy Graham was not likely to make a public endorsement of Raniere - no matter how much the Bronfman sisters were willing to spend.

One day, I got an enthusiastic call from one of Raniere's inner circle. "What would you say if we got the Dalai Lama to come to Albany and announce that Keith's teachings are the solution to the world's problems?" she asked. "Sara and Clare are ready to donate a million to the Dalai Lama. One of the Dalai Lama's assistants, a monk, is here in Albany and Sara is showing him everything. If the Dalai Lama, one of the spiritual leaders of the world, comes to Albany and endorses Keith, the press will not say we are a cult; we are cutting edge."

I was never again asked for help with the media and soon afterward was fired after I discovered and revealed facts about how the Bronfmans lost $100 million at Raniere's hands.

The Dalai Lama had met Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Robert Runcie, and Gordon B. Hinckley, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Now he was to meet Keith Raniere, the founder of NXIVM.

The Bronfman sisters worked for more than a year organizing the upcoming visit. Sara, in particular, worked hand in hand with the Venerable Lama Tenzin Dhonden, a special emissary of His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Tenzin then visited Sara in Albany and met NXIVM members. Despite reading allegations that NXIVM was a cult, Tenzin said, "I have my own intellectual resource, capacity, to know persons, to feel persons. I can pick up like that, very easily."

Thanks to Lama Tenzin, Sara and Clare Bronfman and Nancy Salzman, president of NXIVM, were granted an audience with the Dalai Lama in India. There they expressed their desire to invite His Holiness to Albany to meet Raniere, and of course they offered to make a suitable Bronfman-style contribution to the Dalai Lama and his worthwhile causes, and the Dalai Lama agreed.

In the sex charged society of the love cult of Raniere, it wasn't long before the Venerable Lama Tenzin Dhonden was transformed by Raniere's ethical tools. From celibate monk to a hot tub with Sara Bronfman, the Venerable Lama Tenzin was inches away from a torrid affair and the breaking of his vow. And helping him dispense with the second vow - that of poverty - Sara Bronfman purchased a beautiful home for her lover Lama in Half Moon, a suburb of Albany.

Sister Clare announced to the media that the Dalai Lama was to appear in Albany for a four day session of talks and meetings, capped by an appearance on Sunday April 19, 2009, at the Albany Times Union Center, where His Holiness would give a public address on compassion and ethics - a lecture sponsored by Clare, Sara, and Raniere's organization, The World Ethical Foundations Consortium.

There was an outburst of shock recorded in the Albany press that the Dalai Lama would associate himself with the "cult-like" NXIVM. The Dalai Lama, frequently an honored speaker at prestigious universities across the United States was, it was noted, not being officially hosted by any school in the Albany area.

The Albany Times-Union reported that despite the stature of the religious leader, no school was willing to lend its nbame as an official host for an event associated with Raniere. Skidmore College and Raniere's alma mater, Rensselaer Polytechnic, declined to host the event.

The University of Albany agreed to rent out an arena but with the strict precondition "that by no means were we going to allow NXIVM to be part of our relationship with the Dalai Lama. NXIVM and the organization were not going to have any part with dealing with our students or advertising or recruiting," according to U Albany's vice president for development. F

Stories in the Times Union, the Albany Student Press, The Daily Gazette, and Metroland expressed people's astonishment at the coupling of the Dalai Lama with the Bronfman Raniere cult.

With the spate of negative publicity, the Dalai Lama canceled his appearance. Times Union Publisher George Hearst, who spoke with a representative of the Dalai Lama said, "there's enough stuff out there that (they) don't need to expose His Holiness to this kind of risk."

This was a PR nightmare for NXIVM. If the Dalai Lama did not appear, he was all but saying NXIVM was a cult. Raniere instructed his top assistant, Nancy Salzman, to rush to India to see the Dalai Lama and bring Sara and Clare, and of course, their checkbook.

They were persuasive.

While the Dalai Lama would not consent to a four day Albany tour, he did agree to deliver a single lecture - in Albany - one night, a 24 hour visit. He was coming to the US anyway for an official Harvard University sponsored engagement.

The press that jubilantly announced the cancellation, now announced the rescheduling, noting that the Dalai Lama event moved from the 17,500 seat Albany Times-Union Center to the much smaller 2,800 seat Albany Palace Theater. Tickets dropped to $55 to $85 per person which meant a gross of less than $250,000. Critics took shots at the Dalai Lama. It was widely assumed that Bronfman money changed his mind.

On May 6, the Dalai Lama arrived to speak at Albany Palace's Theatre to a near capacity crowd of about 2,600. Sara and Clare were seated onstage with him.

At the beginning of his talk, the Dalai Lama presented Sara and Clare with white silk scarves called "kataks," which according to Tibetan culture, symbolize purity.

When the time came for questions, the Dalai Lama was asked about his canceled then rescheduled visit. "Firstly, I received an invitation that in principle, I accepted," the Dalai Lama said, "Because this is controversial, some allegations, then we carry further investigations. Then, finally, this organization's teacher (Salzman) and some friend(s) (Bronfman sisters) came to see me in Dharmasala, and I discussed, I observed, basically they are carrying some kind of movement about ethics...When I met them personally in Dharmasala, I told them very friendly, very openly, 'as far your sort of work for promotion of ethics I fully support...but at the same time...if you have done something wrong, you must accept, you must admit, change, make correction. If you have not done (anything wrong), make clear all these allegations (are untrue), truthfully, honestly, openly, transparently." He also asked the press to investigate - everything - to have the long nose of the elephant - and smell the truth from the front and behind.

At the event's conclusion, the Dalai Lama called Raniere - who was in the audience - on stage and placed a katak around his neck.

After the Dalai Lama's visit, the honor that Raniere and the Bronfmans sought after the endorsement eluded them. Following my dismissal and subsequent attack by Raniere (with Bronfman millions) - their negative publicity increased.

The exposure of the real estate and commodities loss totalling $100 million dwarfed a sole lecture by the Dalai Lama. And the onslaught of negative publicity have rightly rained down on them ever since.


think- ago

I don't see why this story would contradict the negative view we have about the Dalai Lama's contacts to NXIUM.

It is even worse than I thought.

Please note my emphasis:

With the spate of negative publicity, the Dalai Lama canceled his appearance.

So the Dalai Lama was fully aware what kind of organization he was to visit; he decided to do so nevertheless.

The $ 1,000,000 was a sum he couldn't reject easily. /s

And his claim that everything was fine since Raniere & Co. cared about 'ethics' - this is laughable. The Dalai Lama may have many vices, but he certainly isn't stupid.

13Buddha ago

Bummed, disenchanted, defeated, and confused am I. Was hoping and holding out that one human being was the real deal.

think- ago

Sorry about that. The Buddhist @letsdothis1 taliked about - Thich Nhat Hanh - seems to be genuine to me.

Maybe you would like to check him out? Also, it's mostly not the big names that are 'the real deal' anyway. You'll still meet people who are great and awesome (and might have ordinary vices nevertheless), but who are not famous.

13Buddha ago

Funny, I have always had my druthers about "Thay." Talk about a huge $$$$ conglomeration. Author of 400+ books, writings, poetry, etc., however, it is fair to say that negative press about him is nil.

Just have never been a fan of his, and it all boils down to my belief that when a spiritual leader capitalizes on everything, he/she is for the most part off my list.

think- ago

and it all boils down to my belief that when a spiritual leader capitalizes on everything

Hm, depends on what he does with the money, I guess?

letsdothis1 ago

I was once at one of Thich's 3 days workshops on Mindfulness for Educators. So, I've seen him up close. Most people don't know about him because he's not interested in 'celebrity'. He quietly gets on his work and instructs people who are genuinely interested in his teachings. He is primarily a monk but said that he eventually decided to travel to teach people because of the state of the world. A very impressive man. @13Buddha

think- ago

I was once at one of Thich's 3 days workshops on Mindfulness for Educators.


I watched a YouTube interview with him and read some of the things he wrote, and got the impression that he is genuinely devoted to Buddhism, and not interested in fame or having followers and admirers.

sore_ass_losers ago

HH also wrote an introduction to one of the Vanguard's books (see on Amazon; no 'peek inside' alas!)

think- ago

Would you know which one it was?

sore_ass_losers ago

"And on April 13 2009 the Dalai Lama wrote and signed off on the foreword for a book co-authored by Raniere called The Sphinx & Thelxiepeia."

(Strangely hard to find book listing again on Amazon; found info here: )


This January Daily Mail article thoughtfully includes a photo of HH's [pbuh] one page intro. The Mail claims this was part of the quid pro quo for $1 million +.

think- ago

Great, thank you!

sore_ass_losers ago

Tibetan attitudes toward child abuse, a 5-yo girl raped in a camp, police authority asks father to drop charges as they won't reflect well on HH. and the Tibetans.


sore_ass_losers ago

Bronfman connection is interesting, as 'anti-semitic' 'conspiracy theory' long held the late Edgar Bronfman to be head of the conspiracy.

Here the Jerusalem Post lauds him as 'King of the Jews". "He is best known, of course, for building the Seagram liquor empire and for beating up the Swiss banks on behalf of heirs of Holocaust victims."

"His most complex and powerful rabbinic relationship was with Israel Singer, who served as secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress during its heyday. Singer is a talented and passionate teacher of Jewish text as it relates to issues of everyday and global justice, and Edgar was an eager student and partner. Together, along with Elan Steinberg, who died last year, they played into the myths of “Elders of Zion” while at the same time fighting anti-Semitism. It was a well orchestrated leverage play that only Bronfman, because of his wealth, power, and grace, could project. As much as Edgar took on the financial burden of carrying the WJC, the King of the Jews developed one of the most effective direct mail campaigns, bringing in millions of dollars to essentially crowd-fund the campaigns against former UN secretary-general Kurt Waldheim and for Soviet Jewry."

But never fear, goy reader: "Edgar was an optimist who believed Jewish power could be extended for the good not only of the Jews, but also of humanity."


Baichu ago

This is very interesting and somehow not surprising. Gotta question the guy when he joins with hollywood and his famed sidekick, Gere. And all the nonsense about save Tibet. More money for the coffers. Tibet will never be saved.

Another Tibetan lie was Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche (dead), who was a drunk, womanizer and apparent cocaine addict, and his sidekick, Osel Tendzin (dead), who knowingly gave students the wonderful aids virus. In fact, I was listened to a tape of Trungpa and Tendzin a number of years back and it was disgusting, both were loaded beyond belief. I dropped the Buddhist thing right away, thankfully.

think- ago

His personal tutor was a Nazi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Harrer), he is a CIA asset (CIA wanted to expel China from Tibet), he visited the painter Balthus, who created pedophile art, at his home in Switzerland, and the Tibetan Buddhism has a dark left hand path, comparable to Satanic sex magick.

Go figure....

letsdothis1 ago

he is a CIA asset

From what I saw of him I have no trouble believing that.

septimasexta ago

"CIA wanted to expel China from Tibet" Why? Details please. Does China consider Tibet part of it's country? Did Dali Lama and others flee to Nepal as refugees? Was this the refugee group DiFi's husband, Richard C. Blum mentioned that he stayed with on a trip to Nepal? Blum also has been financially successful doing China deals. https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/20161014_poverty_blum_transcript1.pdf

SPEAKING OF CHINA DEALS.... Look who Creepy Joe Biden's son made deals with while "ole Joe" was accosting children during VP photo shoots:

"Inside the shady private equity firm run by Kerry and Biden’s kids"

"Some of their transactions are nevertheless traceable by investigating world capital markets. A troubling pattern emerges from this research, showing how profitable deals were struck with foreign governments on the heels of crucial diplomatic missions carried out by their powerful fathers. Often those foreign entities gained favorable policy actions from the United States government just as the sons were securing favorable financial deals from those same entities.

Nowhere is that more true than in their commercial dealings with Chinese government-backed enterprises.

Rosemont Seneca joined forces in doing business in China with another politically connected consultancy called the Thornton Group. The Massachusetts-based firm is headed by James Bulger, the nephew of the notorious mob hitman James “Whitey” Bulger. Whitey was the leader of the Winter Hill Gang, part of the South Boston mafia. Under indictment for 19 murders, he disappeared. He was later arrested, tried, and convicted." https://nypost.com/2018/03/15/inside-the-shady-private-equity-firm-run-by-kerry-and-bidens-kids/

BoHai Harvest RST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FndfbwFaR4

John Forbes Kerry is a descendant of the Forbes China/Opium traders.

think- ago

Does China consider Tibet part of it's country?

Yes! China occupied Tibet decades ago. The Dalai Lama is regarded by the Tibetans not only as their spiritual, but also als their exiled political leader. Tibet used to be a theocracy, headed by the Dalai Lamas.

sore_ass_losers ago

Which makes this really hilarious that the SJWs support a theocracy in Tibet, versus their old fave communism,

millennial_vulcan ago

yes! I remember we talked Balthus a while back. His son 'Stash' ran around with the Rolling Stones in the 60s/70s... :)

think- ago

Yes, and actually Stash published books about alchemy....and said he really enjoyed talking with his father Balthus about esotericism....

runningbear ago

It isnt Tibetan buddhism thats has a left hand path,specifically but all buddhism does, all religion technically.

I woldnt call Tantra "Satanic sex magick" either. Tantra is a positive sexual energy thing, most of the time its not even about ejaculating or orgasming, theres no blood sacrifices, bestiality,rape etc....Even hinduism has a left hand path, look at the agori baba's and their rituals.... Im not sure if the cannibalism is consensual or if they nap people. I have heard stories of people disappearing around the kathmandu valley, tourists mostly, people thought witches would kidnap them for sacrifice, but that isnt agori babas doing that prob since they live at temples, but there are Hindu black magic practitioners.

Of course he wanted to help Tibet.. All National Socialists advocated for nations self-determination, except when they were attacked lol, Indians and Africans fought alongside the Wermacht in their respective regions too fyi. and the CIA didnt want communism to expand. Its really too bad about Tibet, but China will never give them up.

But I also heard things about buddhist monks trafficking drugs because they dont talk and have those big robes, hardly ever get hassled by security, they were selling tigers in Thailand remember.... In china, people used to go hide out in monasteries because they shave their heads and take a vow of silence...

Tibet is a strange place, all of S Asia really. there is magic there, how they built some of that stuff, or stories of htem moving boulders with sounds...possible entrance into hollow earth...very interesting, lots of what the SS was researching into that time as well. And I dont think harrer was that much of a National Socialist, most of those legit guys did not shy away from their choices or opinions or say they regretted their service, unlike he did, and his intro into SS was prob more ceremonial than anything bc of his sports feats.

Also, You might also be surprised, or not, at how yogis in India manipulate lots of foreign girls to sleep with them, usually with tantric discovery, yoga, and such, but most of those girls were quite lost and sometimes on hard drugs like H too...

S Asia is ripe for corruption and kidnapping, fly by night orphanages, UAE/saudis recruiting people for jobs, open border with India...I could go on and on

As they say in buddhism, Om Mani Pädme Huma, wich translates to, Your money, My Home! lol

think- ago

Well, from my understanding Tantric (Tibetan) Buddhism isn't only about 'positive energy' - in fact, the initiatees who have reached the highest level may murder people and will get away with it (in their understanding re: karma).

Tantra in its original tradition is not the stuff they seem to teach in modern Western tantra classes, where the followers may concentrate upon the 'positive energy'.

There is a connection to Hinduism, as tantra was first a deviant cult persued by some Hinduists, and later added to Buddhism.

And as in all left hand paths, their understanding is that the left hand path is necessary to achieve a balance between positive, uplifting energies and destruction.

Tibetan Buddhism was also influenced by the shamanic bön religion which preceded Buddhism in Tibet. I used the 'Satanic sex magick' as a comparism so that people can relate to the activities.

Tibetan Buddhism, btw, has also a huge problem with sexual abuse by monks. Many poor people give their children to monasteries so that food and education will be provided, sometimes already when they are babies. I've never heard the Dalai Lama adressing the problem.

And re Harrer - you just didn't just become a SS member just for fun. He surely believed the stuff.

runningbear ago

Yeah but big diff between recanting your beliefs and sticking too them when youre put inside a kangaroo court run by kikes facing death such as nuremburg. He was an athlete, not a soldier. If he was real serious about the SS, he wouldnt have denounced NSDAP, there are still Germans, or were, who did not recant their beliefs of the NSDAP.

I mean if youre white you can go to a lot of countries and just start teaching english and get paid for it... Think about how it was 50 years ago when someone from the modern world shows up in a backwater place and can teach, people would pay big bucks for that or be totally cool letting them stay. I think the Natsoc connection is there, but it isnt really related to the situation. SS was also tasked with researching lots of old folklore in Anceint Aryan (proto Indo european) history, which largely encompasses places like S Asia.

Perhaps Harrer was there for that reason? Although more likely hed be there to learn rather than to teach if you know what i mean http://www.renegadetribune.com/himmlers-ahnenerbe-first-true-effort-define-aryan-past/

think- ago

I really don't know why you defend him. He was friends with many high-ranking Nazis.

Many Nazis tried to explain after WWII they were 'not really' Nazis, and did it mostly for career reasons (which is bad enough). He was only trying to whitewash himself.

runningbear ago

I dont really have an issue with other countries adopting National Socialism... DOnt really thinks thats grounds for supposition entirely, now NSDAP may be controlled op like other pol parties in any"democratic" system in the world right now tbh...Call it plausible deniability,,,, our arguments are equally plausible.

I dont think being part of the NSADP is any worse than say, being a part of Republican or Democrat party, or anyone else with power....

I dont think Europe would be having its Moslem/African problem if the ((Allies)) lost WW2....

I dont really see how members of the NSDAP would all be muh evil satanists. I know about Paperclip, even still, we never got ALL their people, maybe we were picking and choosing...

Just sayin, Nazi Nazi Nazi is kind of a cop out...you should also know the term Nazi is a slur... If you want to address something genuinely, you should do it properly. I cant really tell if you are so biased against NSDAP or legitimately genuine, just trying to understand your pov.

think- ago

if you are so biased against NSDAP or legitimately genuine

So someone who doesn't like Nazis or the NSDAP can't be genuine? Hmm....

And yes, I think democracy is better than fascism. Glad that Hitler didn't win WWII.

runningbear ago

Technically, Fascism is rooted in the state as the end to the means- a nation state (What we know of the State today), whereas with National Socialism it is ultimately the for the volk/people (monoculture)- a nation, a nation being made up of one people. Not that it didn't have a fascist-esque approach, but I find it hard to believe that someone who has really researched PG wouldn't be against throwing out the Jews, and recently in our case, Islam. You must be well aware of the connection between Judaism Communism/Cult Marxism and Satanism... Remember Hitler was a Zionist, after all...

Also look at how Gaddafi used National Socialism, which gave Libya the highest standard of living in all of Africa! Before Clinton and Obama bombed it to shit.

Baichu ago

Had a friend who was in Nepal during the Mao youth uprising a few years back. She was staying at an orphanage where she witnessed the children being beaten and slapped by Monks. No love there!

think- ago

Not surprised...

millennial_vulcan ago

Sara Bronfman'a brother Edgar Bronfman Jnr has appeared on Voat before, net worth, $2.3 bil. Previous CEO of Warner Music Group.

Sara and Edgar's grandfather, founder of Seagram's Liquor, was once Canada's richest man. Edgar's son, Benjamin Brewer idiot hipster trust fund kid who 'dabbles' (lol) in music, has a young child with controversial/popular/influential British/Sri Lankan singer, MIA...(go get those billions, MIA, while you preach about poverty and corruption!)

MIA was the one who gave the one finger salute during the superbowl few years back when she was performing with Madonna. Important to know all these kinds of connections.


Anyway. Dalai Lama. TOTAL FAMEWHORE AND PERVERTED CREEPO. Fascinated by celebrity culture and loves the fact these dumbass movie stars fawn over him. Like that creepster 60s Indian Guru the Beatles used to follow. Greedily accepts hotel upgrades, first class flights, untold freebies etc.

Wait for the tabloid newspapers to bring this gross fcker down next!

@migratorypatterns @think- @carmencita @matthelm @ASolo

carmencita ago

If all that is true about the Dalai Lama, then I cant wait for them to Roast Him! The Beatles had the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and I wonder how holy he was. All these "holy"men are anything but.

new4now ago

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Baichu ago

I think the whole Maharishi thing was another ploy to get people swayed and into TM, using the fame of the Beatles. Nothing wrong with meditation at all. It is a problem however, when people start to believe that nothing matters and that they are just dancing tetrahedrons (quite like Jim Carrey is now spewing all over the internet). Things do matter and a simple mantra isn't going to save anyone....... Maharishi yet another fallen guru.

angry_mob ago

yeah i meditate, but i had a problem with carrey's statement that nothing matters or whatever it was he said. but i attributed that to a phase of waking up, where you kind of go through a period of existentialism. i went through that back in the 1980's, but it eventually led me back to the search (and finding) for meaning and ultimately to God. not the God of the bible, but as the loving benevolent source of all things. just as an aside, the God i am speaking about and know personally doesn't want us to be small & fearful, but to step into our power and be co-creators with him/her. i truly believe God wants the best for us and wants us to overcome the evil that has taken over our planet. he/she's not going to do it for us, though, we are going to have to do it ourselves. wish us luck, right? let's make our own!

think- ago

Wait for the tabloid newspapers to bring this gross fcker down next!

We can hope....

(Daily Mail, do you hear us? LOL)

millennial_vulcan ago

OH THEY HEARD US! LOOK at today's article!!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5560301/A-free-love-cult-conman-mystic-93-Rolls-Royces-biggest-mass-poisoning-history.html

!!! Ok DM, now we know you're here: PLEASEHeather O'Rourke MUST be next...


carmencita ago

After reading this Hitchens described another disturbing session in which a woman was 'stripped naked and surrounded by men who bark at her, drawing attention to all her physical and psychic shortcomings, until she is abject with tears and apologies'. I could read no more. Thoroughly disgusted. Yes, they are here and reading our posts and comments. If they do not cover Heather soon, I will be extremely disappointed. SO DAILY MAIL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? HEATHER IS WAITING. SO ARE WE.

millennial_vulcan ago

I have faith, Carm. MSM are slowly dripfeeding the non-wokers and they know this one will hit a lot of folk hard (like it did to me: I'll like, literally never get over the day I read this blind. I still have PTSD) There are some good folk in MSM and I'm praying one of them will make this story their pursuit. Fingers crossed

carmencita ago

I hope so, for I am beyond my patience and the meter is about to explode! What the Bleep are they waiting for?!! My fingers have been crossed so long they cannot be uncrossed. Help!

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for this.

Great stuff.

migratorypatterns ago


Let's get this news out and dig more.

septimasexta ago

Dalai Lama has his own 501c3!

"Applications are open for Dalai Lama Fellowship 2018 that offers emerging leaders a rigorous, interdisciplinary program on ways to be a different kind of leader, a leader that connects and cares for self, extends genuine compassion to others, and works for our common humanity.

Fellows cultivate practices in mind training for increasing self-awareness, self-care and resilience, for connecting with others and working across differences, and in building solutions for generations to come.

Over the course of a year, with the support of mentors and coaches, each Fellow designs and implements an original Field Project addressing a global challenge. Upon graduation, Fellows join a LifeLong Community, where they connect with and support each other while continuing to advance their leadership journeys.

Global Challenges

Improving cross-cultural and interreligious coopoeration Diminishing violence Gender equality Mitigating economic disparities Enhancing environmental sustainability "Over the course of a year, with the support of mentors and coaches, each Fellow designs and implements an original Field Project addressing a global challenge. Upon graduation, Fellows join a LifeLong Community, where they connect with and support each other while continuing to advance their leadership journeys.

Global Challenges

Improving cross-cultural and interreligious coopoeration Diminishing violence Gender equality Mitigating economic disparities Enhancing environmental sustainability" https://www2.fundsforngos.org/fellowships/applications-open-for-dalai-lama-fellowship-2018/

migratorypatterns ago

I think the question of why anyone would give up their individuality and follow someone that you know nothing about begs answering.

NoBS ago

Hero worship get's even deadlier if the hero spreads some wealth and perceived power to parents so they can become motivated pimps.

This is how they abuse power and entice children to be sex/drug slaves.

migratorypatterns ago

Genius point.

So very true. When leaders present themselves in this way the instinct to protect is put out of commission. The guard is lowered because this person is religious and my child will not come to any harm.

NoBS ago

If I was a pedophile, would I not be in the "child" friendly biz? The most successful pedophiles have a badge and a gun.

migratorypatterns ago

Unfortunately, you can't reduce things down to one profession.

Teachers are rife with pervs as are doctors. Take Nassar ... please! Politicians. Clowns ... actors ... oops! Redundant. Comedians. Trillionaires wanting to takeover the world.

think- ago

But we know he is holy and one of the most benign beings on earth! :-) /s

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, absolutely.

septimasexta ago

"The Last Dalai Lama?" "But the Chinese program to uproot ‘‘feudal serfdom’’ in Tibet soon provoked resentment. In 1956, armed rebellion erupted in eastern Tibet. By then, the Central Intelligence Agency had spotted Tibet’s potential as a base of subversion against Communist China. The Dalai Lama’s second-oldest brother, Gyalo Thondup, helped the C.I.A. train Tibetan guerrillas in Colorado, among other places, and parachute them back into Tibet. Almost all of these aspiring freedom fighters were caught and executed. (Gyalo Thondup now accuses American cold warriors of using the Tibetans to ‘‘stir up trouble’’ with China.) China’s increasingly brutal crackdown led to a big anti-Chinese uprising in Lhasa in 1959. Its failure forced the Dalai Lama to flee."

"A solemn hush fell when a student asked the Dalai Lama for the key to happiness. The Dalai Lama seemed to ponder the question. And then in his noun-stressing baritone he declaimed:


‘‘Sex!’’" https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/06/magazine/the-last-dalai-lama.html

millennial_vulcan ago

(see my comment)

TurdLord5000 ago

As a devout student of the most-likely-ficional Gotama Buddha, I would like to take this fine opportunity to say: Fuck the Dalai Lama, and fuck Tibet.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/ePCM7 :

Dalai Lama's $1 MILLION to back women-branding 'sex cult' | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

letsdothis1 ago

Lol. I always thought he was a wrong 'un. I saw him years ago and had a bad vibe from him.

think- ago

Lol. A guy I used to know years ago helped organizing an event where the Dalai Lama was - um - celebrated. He said all the women in the organizing committee were unnerved because His Holyness kept staring at their breasts when talking to them.

millennial_vulcan ago

right!? Like I said above; perverted creepo! Friend of mine too went to one of his bullcrap "Meet His Holiness, the Dalai..." nights and he literally was flirting up a storm with the hot women in the room. Wish one of them would have punched him hard in his 'Holy' ballsack.

think- ago

LOL. Maybe some did and we only didn't hear about it?

pby1000 ago

Why did you have a bad vibe? Was it like seeing the pope or something? I am never seen either one, but I suspect I would feel creeped out by it, especially when seeing how other people react to the situation.

letsdothis1 ago

I can't explain it. I saw him at a public event. Just an intuition that he was not a good man or that he was not who he was pretending to be.

Thich Nhat Hanh is known as the world's second most famous Buddhist. Now he's the real deal.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I saw HRC speak at my university in my pre-red pilled days. Serious bad vibes, not to mention she came across like an entitled bitch, sour expression throughout and dozens of nervous looking assistants running around after her. She showed up on stage late of course.

It’s amazing how accurate your gut instinct can be, my pedo/sociopath-radar is finely tuned these days.

pby1000 ago

I will look him up. I have never heard of him before. Thanks!

DerivaUK ago

Are any of them the real deal? Honestly? Can’t trust any of them.

letsdothis1 ago

Thich Nhat Hanh is. I've had some contact there. True Zen master. Very impressive. Pity people like him do not have more influence. Beautiful human being.

DerivaUK ago

I don’t know too much of him. But I’ll take a look. Sometimes we have to put the cynicism aside. An occupational hazard in these quarters, sadly.

letsdothis1 ago

Sadly he suffered a major stroke a couple of years ago so he's not as active now.