bdiminishedminor7 ago

NXIVM ... N = 14th letter, XIV = 14, M = 13th letter ... the sequence 13-14-15 has great occult significance (Pie, anyone?) ... remember the 14 on Podesta's hand ...

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for the breakdown.

think- ago

This article links to the full complaint against Raniere / NXIUM (about half way down the page).

Kudos to the Albany Times Union for having exposed Raniere already some time ago

@Vindicator @darkknight111 @LightlyToasted @13Buddha

migratorypatterns ago


Yes, thanks Times Union.

think- ago

Thanks! :-) Document is accessible now.

LightlyToasted ago

Complaint made Nxivm sound a lot like scientology.

think- ago

Yes, there might be a connection - maybe Raniere was involved with Scientology at some point?

LightlyToasted ago

ITT it was a female co-founder or executive. Hwv, I also think that Nxivm & scientology are all linked to MKUltra control and blackmail to help fund the cartel.

think- ago

Hwv, I also think that Nxivm & scientology are all linked to MKUltra control and blackmail to help fund the cartel.

Yes, I'm still fascinated by the story about the hack of Edgar Bronfman's emails.

If true, the Wikileaks dump weren't the first HRC emails that got hacked....

think- ago

Laundry list for research:

  • look into the members of CGI
  • compile all info we had on CGI on old Voat threads
  • archive the above info on and other archive sites
  • look into the two other foundations the Bronfman sisters and Raniere founded
  • why did Sara Bronfman go to Libya?
  • just a thought: did her Buddhist ex-lover follow the dark left hand path of Tibetan Buddhism?
  • find other cases of doubtful 'private' research, like Dr. Porter did for NXIUM => MK Ultra @Blacksmith21
  • investigate the Mexico connection, connection to Mexican elites
  • connection of Sara Bronfman's Libyan husband to John McCain
  • connection to Richard Branson, who hosted a NXIUM event on his private island (find old Voat threads on Branson)
  • connection between NXIUM and Scientology
  • make a list of people they allegedly hacked to get email access or about whom they collected illegal information (currently on list: Edgar Bronfman, Rick Ross)

(to be continued, will edit from time to time; please feel free to add more thoughts/questions in comment replies)

@Vindicator @darkknight111 @LightlyToasted @13Buddha

argosciv ago

  • connection between NXIUM and Scientology

FIND IT! (I've already found something to seal the deal)

@Vindicator @think-

argosciv ago

@Vindicator @think- @migratorypatterns @LightlyToasted @EricKaliberhall

I'll say it again... this is fucking HUGE! We've actually got 'em now...

Just need some more tangible(opposed to abstract) links from the rest of you(or me, whoever gets there first :P)!

hint: We've been down this road before ;)

Turisas - We Ride Together (live hämeenlinna)

argosciv ago

Oh whoops, should have pinged @migratorypatterns instead... mp, see ^

Third time's the charm...

argosciv ago

The relevance your list has, is astounding, I assure you.

I have some pieces myself which will shed some light on the extent of this situation. Hoping to finish write-up within next 72 hours - everything needed is available, anything more is gravy, though.

We've got 'em by the flip-flops now, really truly.

think- ago

Agree. Please link to this thread when you post something!

argosciv ago

Oh I absolutely will. I'm gonna ping like mad when I drop it.

think- ago

For further research, let's not forget this:

Richard Branson has hosted an intensive NXIVM course on the Caribbean island he owns.

Branson, who owns an island just like Epstein....

think- ago

Research question: Why went Sara Bronfman to Libya in the first place (trip where she met her future husband)?

Sara Bronfman first became involved in aiding Libya after traveling as a delegate with the Independent Libya Foundation in November 2011, during the Arab Spring and after the death of Muammar Gaddafi.

The delegation was headed by president and founder Basit Iglet and consisted of multiple humanitarian experts, including Adam Hock and Joseph Hagin. They toured post-Gaddafi Libya and presented their "multi-phase re-integration program," which was accepted by the local authorities of Benghazi, who were appointed by the Libyan National Transitional Council.


BeTidy ago

That "independent" deep state "humanitarian" work in Libya, is a very explicit military intelligence connection to the cult. Also, with so many very prominent and influential women as "slaves" to the cult, one wonders whether its activities included yet another "compromise and control ring". Along the lines of Jeffrey Epstein's operation, or the Clinton Foundation, or Jimmy Savile's activities. Again, all suggestive of military intelligence, including the very slick cult mind control techniques.


YogSoggoth ago

I am pretty sure we covered that on this channel. When Qgaddafi left for Zimbabwe on his way to destinations guessed, they set up a fortress in Tripoli much like the one exposed in South America recently. This was manned by Mossad and took children. Same operation, different country. They also killed dissidents and journalists who told the truth. It was Gaddafi who kicked out the fake jews in 1969 even though he was reportedly tribe by his mothers birthright.

Gaddafi with David Berg whose name has been linked to pedophilia and the CIA's MK ULTRA brainwashing. (RELIGIOUS MIND-CONTROL CULTS)

migratorypatterns ago


And we know the charges being made about the collusion between ex-French president and Skankles in ridding Libya of Gaddafi. And there's Benghazi and the set-up for the tragedy to follow.

think- ago

Yes, Libya seems to pop up again lately in our research, lol.

Not a good week for Hillary, especially since the newsoutlets will point out that she received money from the Bronfmans for her campaign and that the Bronfmans and Salzman were members of CGI.

migratorypatterns ago

Well, the evidence continues to pile up against her.

Not sure how high the pile needs to be before the DOJ takes action.

You know, I had a big question though. Not about Skankles, but about this cult sex ring. What was the point? That's what's missing here. Think about it, they tortured, molested, and branded girls, but where's the story about the agenda/purpose behind doing this? Just for Ranieir's pleasure? Doubtful.

If you notice in one of the links, it says that these slave members needed to upload video or whatever to the server. Upload what? Were these girls programmed to seduce and collect blackmail on politicians? Or corporate leaders? Were they gather information? I mean, come on ... they had to be being used for something because this was a huge, well-connected operation.

It occurred to me last night before I fell asleep and I'll ask it here .... what were these girls doing?

think- ago

P.S. 2: Someone said some time ago (unfortunately can't recall who) NXIUM was a Clowns In Action project.

migratorypatterns ago

Pretty high-ranking clowns, but then we had a Kenyan clown in the White House.

think- ago

P.S.: Also, if the story about NXIUM hacking Edgar Bronfman's emails is true - what kind of info did they get?

Did they use it for blackmail?

migratorypatterns ago

It's another angle. Why did she want those emails?

think- ago

Interesting question....we should definitely keep this in mind!

Nana66 ago

This should be wayyy more up voted...I have a theory that...just like on Reddit, people sit on new posts to down vote them and it puts some kind of algorithm whammy on the posts...and all it takes is one. In a few days this will be just another post that no one will see unless they go searching for the right terms. :-(

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks and I think it's due to the title. It reflects the major story the first link contained and not what I only suspected was a huge lead. Now that think-, Vindicator, DarkKnight are digging in, that hunch turned out to be true. I would have included the new direction in the title had I known. I sort of had a feeling to make a new thread that centered on the new evidence so members won't miss what's tucked inside the Salzman story because it leads to much bigger fish to fry.

Appreciate the support.

think- ago

Maybe make a summary post in a couple of days with the new info? Also someone suggested to do a summary post 'for normies' on v/news and v/politics. Maybe the article someone linked (as a link post today) would be good starter for that. Has major info, but the rape of minors allegations are missing.

migratorypatterns ago

Just coincidentally, The Kenyan launched a ten-year project studying the brain. Wanted to aid in the development of artificial intelligence.

Obama Seeking to Boost Study of Human Brain

he Obama administration is planning a decade-long scientific effort to examine the workings of the human brain and build a comprehensive map of its activity, seeking to do for the brain what the Human Genome Project did for genetics.

The project, which the administration has been looking to unveil as early as March, will include federal agencies, private foundations and teams of neuroscientists and nanoscientists in a concerted effort to advance the knowledge of the brain’s billions of neurons and gain greater insights into perception, actions and, ultimately, consciousness.

Scientists with the highest hopes for the project also see it as a way to develop the technology essential to understanding diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as to find new therapies for a variety of mental illnesses.

Moreover, the project holds the potential of paving the way for advances in artificial intelligence.

The project, which could ultimately cost billions of dollars, is expected to be part of the president’s budget proposal next month. And, four scientists and representatives of research institutions said they had participated in planning for what is being called the Brain Activity Map project.

The details are not final, and it is not clear how much federal money would be proposed or approved for the project in a time of fiscal constraint or how far the research would be able to get without significant federal financing.

think- ago

Federal Agencies? Foundations? Hmm.....

We should put that onto our research laundry list and take a closer look.


migratorypatterns ago

A summary sounds good.

I rarely post in other places ... as you know.

argosciv ago

Again with respect: "I've got this" <3

EDIT: Sorry, to clarify, I mean I'm not going to forget about it - by all means keep digging, this is huge.

Tech N9ne - PTSD (Warrior Built) Feat. Krizz Kaliko & Jay Trilogy - Official Music Video

Vindicator ago

Aaand the Dalai Lama is involved 🤤 Dalai Lama was paid $1 MILLION to endorse women-branding 'sex cult' after secret deal between Buddhist's celibate U.S. emissary and his Seagram billionaire 'lover'

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, dear Lord!

I never knew what to think about the Dalai Lama. I had misgivings, but would hate to criticize a religious leader that was actually trying to help people attain peace of mind. There were all these doubts about him doing that, though. And here's why.

think- ago

The Dalai Lama definitely is a badactor.

argosciv ago

With respect: Hold that thought...

Powerman 5000 - When Worlds Collide

Vindicator ago

Look here:

Looks like a link in the chain on how these clowns get away with MK Ultra type research.

"Daniel Patrone, a lecturer at the State University of New York at Oneonta and a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics, said regulations governing independent oversight of human studies may only apply to research that's associated with institutions supported by federal funding, or performed in support of applications for FDA approval."

migratorypatterns ago

Well, now that I'm thinking about it, FB admitted to engaging in human studies also. Didn't Zuckerface brag about planted posts altering FB members moods? Outlooks?

Vindicator ago

What 65 Studies Can Tell Us About Facebook and Mental Health

A new review of 65 studies about Facebook and mental health suggests that the platform is linked to negative effects on areas of mental well-being including Facebook addiction, depression, anxiety, body image and disordered eating and even alcohol use.

Facebook has “1.13 billion people actively using the service daily,” researchers Rachel L. Frost, and Debra J. Rickwood, PhD, from the University of Canberra, Australia write in their review, published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior...

While the findings are complicated and show that more research needs to be done, the authors told me via email that they were surprised about “the extent of mental health problems associated with Facebook use.”

migratorypatterns ago

OMG! This is depressing.

It's probably even worse than this and this is horrific.

Vindicator ago

I've always considered Facebook to be one big projection of Sorority bullying...(((FACEbook))). It's always been a shame factory. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Here's the thing: sometimes people need to be hit in the face with a door to understand the shit sandwich they've been greedily feeding on. That isn't bad. That is the shortest distance between two points. This is a world made by Someone who created tigers...and tsunamis.

My life experience has shown me that people act most like human beings when they find out they have cancer, and in natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Mercy is not what the SJWs would have you believe it is.

migratorypatterns ago

So, basically, it's when our ego is leveled we become human. I'd agree.

FB, Microsoft, and Amazon are from the same litter. I changed the quote from Assange a bit because it fits. They never were what they purported to be. They served a function, but the bigger function was hidden. Same with Google.

Until someone finds out and uncovers where the money came from to birth these entities, we'll remain in the dark as to the origins. Someone with very deep pockets was behind Bezos -- someone that didn't mind losing millions and millions each year until they starved out competition. So who was this person Bezos parternered with?

think- ago

Person? I always thought the clowns threw the money at him. Considering they are now using his service.

think- ago

regulations governing independent oversight of human studies may only apply to research that's associated with institutions supported by federal funding, or performed in support of applications for FDA approval."

What?! I can't believe it.

So anybody can get money from private sources and do 'torture research'?!

@Blacksmith21: please see parent.

NorthPondHermit ago

Any relation to BettyLu Salzman?

"I can honestly say I probably would not be president today without Bettylu Saltzman," Obama said. "Love that woman."

BettyLu's father, Philip Kluznick, was also the president of the world jewish congress

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks for this!

Another possible connection. We'll have to investigate that.

think- ago

Stephen Bronfman, Sara and Clare's cousin, was a major force behind Justin Trudeau's election success.


Revealed: Justin Trudeau's close adviser helped move huge sums offshore

The chief fundraiser and senior adviser to the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, who played a critical role in the rise to power of the charismatic politician, was involved in the movement of millions of dollars to offshore havens, the Paradise Papers reveal.

Stephen Bronfman, heir to the Seagram fortune, who was instrumental in Trudeau’s successful bid for the leadership of the Canadian Liberal party in 2013 and the premiership two years later, engaged through his family investment business in a complex web of entities in the US, Israel and the Cayman Islands.

Multimillion-dollar cashflows between the three jurisdictions might legally have avoided taxes in the US, Canada and Israel.

Did I already say this was a nice family? :-)

migratorypatterns ago


One you get one in the family, it could be law of averages, but two?

Yeah, this is deep ... and crazy.

think- ago

...wait until you'll see my next comment! It gets even better! :-)

Vindicator ago

You're on a roll!

think- ago

:-) :-)

think- ago

Sara and Clare Bronfman have been involved with two more foundations, according to Wikipedia:

Clare, along with her sister, Sara Bronfman, formed a non-profit organization called the Ethical Humanitarian Foundation after it was "conceptualized" by Keith Raniere in 2007.

Clare is listed as a being a trustee of the organization

The group claims that its goal is to move humanity "towards a more noble civilization" by adopting a "humanity first foundation".

She, Sara, and Keith Raniere also established a non-profit organization called the World Ethical Foundations Consortium. As part of their involvement in WEFC, Sara and Clare were credited with being able to bring the Dalai Lama to Albany to participate in the WEFC's inaugural event on May 6, 2009.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, she works towards a more noble civilization by starving herself because Keithy-Weithy doesn't like fat chicks.

Physician:heal thyself.

think- ago

Sara Bronfman is married to a Libyan businessman and aspiring politician, who opposed Ghaddafi:

Igtet said he considers himself a devout Muslim, and he’s married to a Jewish woman, Sara Bronfman, a daughter of wealthy liquor magnate Edgar Bronfman.

Mezran said having an American wife is another liability for Igtet’s political career. For now, Sara said she’ll remain in New York to care for their infant daughter, Safia, but supports her husband’s work in Libya.

Igtet believes he’s got the technocratic prowess to transform his country of six million people from the brink of civil war into the crown jewel of northern Africa. But skeptics say his status as a longtime expatriate and his lack of national security experience leave him ill-prepared to grasp control of deteriorating relations among warring rebel factions, police and the army.

A Benghazi native, Igtet fled the country as a political exile, finding refuge in Switzerland, where he became a successful businessman. He recently enlisted the law firm of foreign policy heavyweight former Sen. Joe Lieberman in a deal likely to broker him meetings with Obama administration officials and members of Congress.

“I have been part of this revolution from day one,” Igtet said.


darkknight111 ago

Given potential connections to the Clintons and Obama if we can find them, this puts Obama's imvolvement in killing Gaddafi in a potentially more damning light.

"We came. We saw. He died." -Hillary Clinton.

think- ago

The Wikipedia article gives an overview about her work in Libya:

Sara Bronfman first became involved in aiding Libya after traveling as a delegate with the Independent Libya Foundation in November 2011, during the Arab Spring and after the death of Muammar Gaddafi.

The delegation was headed by president and founder Basit Iglet and consisted of multiple humanitarian experts, including Adam Hock and Joseph Hagin. They toured post-Gaddafi Libya and presented their "multi-phase re-integration program," which was accepted by the local authorities of Benghazi, who were appointed by the Libyan National Transitional Council.

She has been involved with the U.S.-Libya Chamber of Commerce since its founding in November 2011 with the purpose of developing viable economic links between American and Libyan enterprises.

The chamber announced that Sara, who was then a member on the board, would be the new president after the conclusion of a vote conducted by the organizations board members on February 20, 2012.

The announcement occurred after Adam Hock resigned as president and board member to pursue private ventures within the country. In a press release Sara stated "as I am able to devote my efforts to the development of the Chamber to support bilateral trade between Libya and the United States, it is a privilege to take on this significant role as the President of the US-Libya Chamber of Commerce."

In an interview with the National Journal, Bronfman stated that the situation in Libya provides an opportunity for the State Department to change their tactics, and "rather than enforcing our ways on them, we need to understand their ways, learn from them and discover which of our country’s many strengths we can (use to) best support them."

Sara Bronfman is also involved with the Canada-Libya Chamber of Commerce, which was founded on March 12, 2012. Bronfman and fiance Basit Igtet are the inaugural president and chairman of the board respectively. Positioned to provide help and advice to the people of Libya, the Chamber of Commerce discourage continued business with groups such as SNC-Lavalin, who allegedly did business with the Gadaffi regime. The group is one of several working to restore the economy in the region.


think- ago

While the Wikipedia article was a bit tame, the Frank Report has all the goodies about Sara Bronfman's husband:

One of Igtet’s top backers though is John McCain – a man who has been photographed shaking hands with almost every extremist in Libya and who was a major figure in the plot of the invasion and destruction of the country in 2011.

Igtet denies he is an Islamist – yet he has courted support from some of the most extreme Islamist figures. He has met with Ahmed Abu Khattala – charged with the 2012 attack on the US embassy in Libya that killed four Americans – including its ambassador, the gunrunning Christopher Stevens.

Igtet has known a senior Libyan Muslim Brotherhood leader, Emad Elbannani – since they both lived as businessmen in Switzerland. The latter introduced Igtet to Islamist politician Rachid Ghannouchi – leader of Tunisia’s controversial Ennahda party.

Tellingly, Igtet is also an oilman – he founded an oil and gas exploration entity called Athal Energy in 2011. No coincidence that 2011 was also the year of Nato’s war on Libya and it is clear who Igtet intends to give the oil profits of Libya to – and it will not be the Libyan people.

Of course, all info needs to be checked. (The article is clearly biased.) Here's what it says about Bronfman's husband and John McCain:

The Bronfman family was the king behind the throne of the organised crime empire in Arizona – a crime empire that spawned the political career of John McCain.

A man named Jim Hensley was well known in mob circles as a gangster in Arizona and was exposed in the seventies – by a man who was then killed in a car bombing in 1976. Hensley’s daughter married John McCain and the Hensley family was a key sponsor of McCain’s political career. Like the Bronfmans, Hensley was also involved with alcohol – as owner of the biggest beer distributor in Arizona. But what the media never mention is that the Hensley gangster fortune that backsMcCain is, in fact, a branch of the same bootlegging and racketeeringfortune of the Bronfman dynasty of Canada… [This is a bit unclear.]

darkknight111 ago

This is VERY suspicious. Only one person on board of directors AND trustees.

Website is also highly unprofessional.

This is likely purely a front organization.

migratorypatterns ago

Definitely agree.

Thinks stinks to high heaven.

migratorypatterns ago

Re: Edgar Bronfman Jr. he started a venture capital group

Edgar Bronfman Jr., former chairman and CEO of Warner Music Group, has co-founded a venture-capital company focused on media and entertainment along with VC investor Daniel Leff of Luminari Capital.

And this is weird:

Waverley Capital ( will focus on investing in “innovative and disruptive companies” in the media and entertainment sectors.

Media? Innovative and disruptive?

think- ago

This would be Clare Bronfman's brother, Edgar Bronfman Jr. Was accused of insider trading in France. Nice famiy.

Also, he was CEO of Warner Music Group.? Knowing what we know about the music industry...

think- ago

It seems that not only Nancy Salzman, but also the Bronfman sisters were members of the Clinton Global Initiative:

Also contains a link of all CGI members.

Thanks to @Vindicator for retweeting it.

migratorypatterns ago

Fantastic. Thanks @Vindicator.

Found this YouTube with a woman who alleges to have had a sexual relationship with Raniere starting at the age of twelve. She did report it to the police, but ... they did nothing. Is this starting to sound familiar?

think- ago

A nice outline of NXIUM's money laundering and tax evasion scheme can be found here:

The Bronfmans and NXIVM have also been accused of illegal bundling for Hillary Clinton, through a Western New York political operative, something the operative says, neither he nor the candidate, Clinton, were aware of. The scheme was to give checks to individuals who in turn made contributions to Clinton.

Also mentions that Mexican politicians and judges were bribed by NXIUM.


migratorypatterns ago

I guess Killary isn't aware of anything that's going on .. the money just appears and she doesn't question how it got there.

think- ago

A nice outline of NXIUM's money laundering and tax evasion scheme can be found here:

The Bronfmans and NXIVM have also been accused of illegal bundling for Hillary Clinton, through a Western New York political operative, something the operative says, neither he nor the candidate, Clinton, were aware of. The scheme was to give checks to individuals who in turn made contributions to Clinton.

Also mentions that Mexican politicians and judges were bribed by NXIUM.

think- ago

More info:

This article claims Nancy Sulzman was a 'hypnotist' - wonder whether she used this when dealing with cult members?

Also, the daughter of another ex-president of Mexico (Vicente Fox) is said to have been a cult member, Ana Christina Fox.

And, most interesting:

According to the Progressive Review, before NXIVM "Raniere ran a $30 million multilevel marketing business that imploded after federal agencies and regulators in 23 states alleged it was an illegal pyramid scheme." Keith Raniere was based in Arkansas, when the alleged ponzi scheme went bust in 1992 when Bill Clinton was governor.

migratorypatterns ago


" Keith Raniere was based in Arkansas, when the alleged ponzi scheme went bust in 1992 when Bill Clinton was governor."


think- ago

Some info about NXIUM's Mexico connection (via the son of Mexico's former president):

...the alleged plan to lure the women to Mexico in 2012 was discussed by Raniere and Emiliano Salinas, a NXIVM leader and venture capitalist who is the son of a former Mexican president, Carlos Salinas.

NXIVM has a strong presence in Central America, and Clare Bronfman has testified that about one-third of the corporation is in Mexico.

migratorypatterns ago

Why am I not surprised by this?

Why else would they be so determined to keep the borders open? Yeah, they don't want any monitoring that would make things tough for them.

think- ago

Yes, and Mexico of course is a very interesting country cough cough ....if you're into drug trafficking and human trafficking....

Vindicator ago

think- ago

With a long and sordid history of human sacrifice, I might add.

Yes. :-(

think- ago

This isn't a rabbit hole, it's a rabbit canyon!! :-)

It's getting better and better....

Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a "key logger" virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.

Last month, the Times Union reported that Keeffe, in emails attributed to her, claimed top officials in NXIVM paid a Canadian investigative firm to sift the financial records of six federal judges and U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

According to Keeffe, NXIVM officials also used the Canadian firm to obtain financial information on Edgar Bronfman and other officials with the Jewish World Congress, which Bronfman headed from 1981 to 2007.

According to federal court records, in March 2009, the Canadian investigative firm, Canaprobe Group, sent an invoice to Clare Bronfman for $10,000 for "banking sweep services" of Rick A. Ross, who said he is a "recognized expert" in cults and who is being sued by NXIVM in U.S. District Court in New Jersey. Keeffe said she processed the Canaprobe invoices and that the company was paid "well over a million dollars."

Keeffe, in the telephone conversation attributed to her, claimed that Clare Bronfman and Pamela A. Nichols, who is a shareholder with the Albany law firm O'Connell & Aronowitz and one of NXIVM's attorneys, were involved with the Canaprobe transactions.

Keeffe claimed that Raniere was involved in the plan and taught a young woman who was a Mexican immigrant and NXIVM member "to be a hacker."

[the] woman "then spent like a year reading all of Edgar Bronfman's emails, including emails with Hillary Clinton and involving world leaders with the World Jewish Congress, then reporting on the contents to Keith and to Clare," Keeffe said. She did not provide any details in the telephone call about what sort of information was allegedly gleaned from Edgar Bronfman's emails.

The Times Union could not independently verify the computer-hacking allegations.

A person who was close to Edgar Bronfman, but did not want to be identified for this story, said it's very likely that Clinton and Edgar Bronfman communicated through email. They became friends after meeting in the late 1990s when Bill Clinton was president, the person said, and Hillary Clinton supported Bronfman's successful efforts with the World Jewish Congress to get Swiss banks to pay billions of dollars in restitution to relatives of Holocaust victims.

Bronfman, who was 84 when he died, was a financial supporter of Hillary Clinton's candidacies, including her unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign. Clinton sat next to Bronfman at his 75th birthday celebration at Seagram Company headquarters in New York City in 2004. In 1999, President Bill Clinton awarded Bronfman a U.S. Medal of Freedom.

@Vindicator (beautiful, isn't it? :-) ) @darkknight111 @LightlyToasted

think- ago

Wikipedia article about Edgar Bronfman Sr.:

LightlyToasted ago

Wow, just wow.

think- ago


Vindicator ago

More like the maw of Hell!

migratorypatterns ago


Brlliant! Sometimes you just gotta know what hole to go down canyon to dive in!

I believe they could take down a good part of the cabal by following this.

think- ago

Yes, they could, but I doubt that they will.....but still, look at all these people who will likely get charged.....Bronfman is still on the run in Mexico, but hopefully they will get her.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, they'll get her.

Can't get too far on 500 calories.

think- ago

Can't get too far on 500 calories.


think- ago

From the Sun article @Vindicator linked (NSFW):

In arrest documents seen by Sun Online, Keith Raniere is accused of raping girls as young as 12

Remember when we discussed the 'Rainbow Cultural Gardens' run by Raniere some months ago and suspected he was also involved in pedophilia? Bingo.... :-(

Raniere is also alleged to have forced women attending one of his classes to wear fake cow udders over their breasts while people called them "derogatory names", put women in cages as punishments... accused of having a "decades' long history of abusing women and girls" - including "repeated sexual encounters with multiple teenage girls" as young as 12, according to the document.

"I would estimate that more than a thousand people have deeply hurt by him - and about 200 women have been abused physically, sexually, coerced, black mailed, hypnotized and brainwashed on a basis that was so severe it affected adversely the rest of their lives.

"The authorities are asking that bail be denied and Raniere could face his whole life behind bars - he may never see freedom again and in my opinion this is absolutely deserved."

Raniere is due to appear at court in Texas on Tuesday on charges of sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and conspiracy to commit forced labour. Authorities have requested that bail be denied as he is considered a flight risk and a danger to the community.

@LightlyToasted @darkknight111

think- ago

Slave gardens? Hmm...

Sometimes I like Q.... ;-)

LightlyToasted ago

He needs to hang!

migratorypatterns ago

Remember when we discussed the 'Rainbow Cultural Gardens' run by Raniere some months ago and suspected he was also involved in pedophilia? Bingo.... :-(

Yeah, but remember pizzagate has been debunked and all this speculation is nonsense except when it turns out to be right.

think- ago

LOL. Remember that the Dalai Lama received $ 1,000,000 for speaking at a NXIUM event?

migratorypatterns ago



think- ago

[Sara Bronfman] was also Lama Tenzin Dhonden's lover, the "Dalai Lama's gatekeeper," which came to light amidst a corruption scandal involving the latter's taking money for access to the Dalai Lama.

toutedesuite ago

If not for the fact I have been a devoted goat lurker for a long time, I would not be able to wrap my mind around all of these tangled tentacles. There’s a sucker born every minute, I know, but who could have imagined how skillfully evildoers would identify and exploit them en masse?

think- ago

If not for the fact I have been a devoted goat lurker for a long time, I would not be able to wrap my mind around all of these tangled tentacles.

Yes, and I'm afraid we've been seeing only tiny bits of the tentacles so far.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, jeez!

Pay-to-play Buddhism?

think- ago

Pay-to-play Buddhism?


migratorypatterns ago

Oh, and I see Andrew Hauptman, a HUGE Obama donor, is married to a Bronfman:

Andrew Hauptman's name emerged in emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee, with one email referring to his intent to "meet with the folks from the Obama Foundation."

He is chairman of Andell Inc., a Los Angeles-based private investment firm and family office he controls with his wife, Ellen Bronfman Hauptman. She is from the Bronfman family, whose fortune was built through the Seagram Co.

I do remember that name from the emails, but don't remember what they were in connection with. I'll have to do a search.

think- ago

Yes, there was a Daily Mail article about it, I'll try to find it tomorrow.

The Dalai Lama, btw., was on friendly terms with Balthus, creator of pedophile art, and visited him at his home in Switzerland.

Tibetan Buddhism has a dark left hand path....

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. t does. Black hat. It's the secret sect. And Tibet is the country where families sell off their young daughters. But, naturally, the propagandists put a spin on it.

Vindicator ago

Giving this a "Potential Lead" flair, MP. Maybe we can get some folks digging into the web of these people's associates.

migratorypatterns ago


It's what I'm hoping because this goes deep.

Vindicator ago

They were systematically brainwashing, raping and BRANDING young girls like cattle with KR's initials.

Here's a new piece from the UK Sun:

migratorypatterns ago


The thing is that this story hit the news in 2007. The NYT actually even reported on it ... must have been the last time they did a real story. And nothing was done until now?

This operation would have never been shut down if it weren't for our POTUS getting elected. Skankles wouldn't have touched this with a ten-foot pole. And the thing is it's got that ''global'' aspect with fake visas and illegal aliens taking key positions. And Salzman and Bronfman connecting themselves to The Clintons is troublesome and not surprising.

YogSoggoth ago

Bronfman is a variation of the Bauer surname like Newbauer, Bower, Burr, ect. Yehuda Bauer tells you a little more about the origins of this family of many names. Andrew Burr was arguably involved with the the formation of the Republican - Democratic party along with George Clinton and others. I am talking 1790 on, here.

Are_we__sure ago

The thing is that this story hit the news in 2007. The NYT actually even reported on it ... must have been the last time they did a real story. And nothing was done until now?

You obviously missed the front page Times story on this cult six months ago: Inside a Secretive Group Where Women Are Branded. It was mentioned here on VOAT.

This operation would have never been shut down if it weren't for our POTUS getting elected.

What a ridiculous statement. So you not only missed the fact that the NY Times did an article on this cult six months ago, but you missed the fact that this article is what caused the cult leader to flee to Mexico and got the US attorney in Brooklyn to start investigating.

A number of women came forward for an investigation published in the New York Times newspaper in October, which led to the United States attorney's office in Brooklyn opening an investigation into the group.

This is the same NY Times article mentioned in Keith Ranieres arrest warrant.

This story of branding of women was not known until 2017. It was not known in 2007. In fact the "sorority" where this went on was a secret within the group. The first accusations of branding outside the group were made in June 2017 on the blog of a critic of the group. This is probably where the NY Times learned of it.

Vindicator ago

We need pics of these assholes partying together we can make memes of.

The recruiting and handlers smacks of Epstein and Maxwell. We could put the pics side-by-side.

migratorypatterns ago

Great idea. The thing is that Clare Bronfman was used as an idiot attack dog using her billions to persecute those who left. I'm thinking those that left might be a good source of those pics. Bronfman had the nerve to sue someone on 3/24/18. I have to post a cached link. A lot of these articles about the operation are disabled, but that's probably a coincidence: Multiple sources tell Frank Report that Clare Bronfman filed a criminal complaint against Sarah Edmondson for “theft, fraud and mischief” with the Vancouver Police Department.

No arrests have been made.

Miss Bronfman’s complaint is on behalf of Executive Success Programs Inc. [ESP], a cult-like group that is headquartered near Albany, New York. Miss Bronfman, 38, is Vice President of Operations for ESP – and, in that capacity, she oversees and manages all of the company’s litigation.

ESP was founded by Keith Raniere, who prefers to be called “Vanguard” by his followers. The company operates as a multi-level marketing company that sells high intensity, high demand, life coaching and behavioral modification seminars known as Intensives. ESP’s Intensives cost from $2,100 to $10,000; students are encouraged to take several Intensives per year.

In her complaint, Miss Bronfman alleges more than 125 students in Vancouver left ESP because of Miss Edmondson’s “mischievous and fraudulent” activities.

Miss Edmondson, 40, in addition to being a popular Vancouver actress and voice talent, was an independent contractor who provided training in Vancouver for students of ESP. She recently stopped teaching ESP Intensives – and the storefront on Georgia Street in downtown Vancouver where she taught was then closed.

The exodus of Vancouver students coincides with revelations, first reported on Frank Report on June 5, of a secret women’s group called DOS [Dominant Over Submissive] whose membership is comprised of ESP students.

Reportedly more than 400 students left ESP during the last few months, thereby causing the company to close its training centers in Los Angeles and San Francisco in addition to the one in Vancouver.

DOS is one of several multi-level marketing companies founded by Mr. Raniere.

Clare Bronfman, daughter of the late billionaire, Edgar Bronfman Sr, and one of the heirs of the Seagram Liquor fortune, funds DOS operations and describes Mr. Raniere as her “mentor’”

According to former members, DOS members are subjected to 24-hour/7-days-a-week monitoring of diet, sleep, travel, hygiene, exercise, study and sex life by a coach whom they call “Master” (DOS students are called “slaves”). Members pledge to keep DOS practices a secret.

To ensure secrecy, DOS women are required to upload “collateral” to a cloud account that is controlled by Miss Bronfman (She also heads the Raniere-group’s IT department).

Collateral consists of graphic nude photographs and videos of DOS women, as well as confessions to criminal, adulterous, or scandalous activities – and, in some cases, the assignment of assets to the Raniere-controlled organization.

When sufficient collateral is held, a DOS “slave” is branded with a white-hot cauterizing iron with Mr. Raniere’s initials on her pubic region. Women are told that their collateral will be released to the general public if they ever reveal the existence of DOS or its practices.

What sparked the criminal complaint was that Miss Edmondson was reportedly disgusted by DOS practices of blackmail and human branding. When she left, other students bolted from the company.

Vancouver Police are expected to investigate the matter thoroughly before making any arrests and are likely to interview students who left ESP and DOS women who have been branded to determine if they felt coerced by Miss Bronfman and others into giving collateral.

Of course, Ms. Bronfman may well have been addled by the 500-calorie diet she and the rest of Raniere's slaves converts were forced to consume. Meanwhile, he's a fat pig and looks sort of like Stephen King.

Super skinny Clare Bronfman on 500 calorie DOS diet — running half marathons – is she branded too?

In the photos Miss Bronfman appears to weigh about 100 pounds and her lower body seems to be not dissimilar to a child or an anorexic person.

This conformity with the DOS slave women training indicates that Miss Bronfman, the funding source for Mr. Raniere, has either joined DOS or set up a compatible type of organization, possibly with slaves of her own.

In combination with the low cal diet, Mr. Raniere likes women to train in the half marathon, a 13.1 mile run. Runners typically train by running 15 to 25 miles per week.>

Allison Mack has this on her twitter feed as her top post. Deprived, starving, harem member/slave humor. Jokes about deprivation abound.

“I harbour the fantasy of one day opening a chain of upscale Kant Diet restaurants-serving nothing”

think- ago

I will try to find some pics tomorrow.

think- ago


think- ago

Some more info about the Ethical Science Foundation:

Internal Revenue Service records indicate the Ethical Science Foundation acquired more than $145,000 worth of computers, medical equipment and brain-activity monitors several years ago.

A 2015 IRS form filed by the nonprofit listed its "charitable activities" as "Tourettes study — studying the effects of a specific and innovative method has [sic] on individuals with Tourettes syndrome and obsessive compulsive disorder." The 2015 tax form said its expenses were $32,620.

The State Health Department faced scrutiny last year when it was reported that the agency had brushed off complaints about the brain studies and the branding, which was done by a licensed medical doctor associated with NXIVM.

The office of Gov. Andrew Cuomo said it was reviewing the Health Department's handling of the complaints, but so far has taken no action publicly.

[So anybody can just conduct illegal human experiments and the Health Department doesn't look into it when notified?]

Times Union reported previously that Porter — who abruptly resigned from St. Peter's Hospital last year when his involvement with the brain studies became public -— had apparently not published a scientific study in a number of years, and there is no indication his private research was being overseen by an independent review board.

...the complaints initially brushed off by the state Health Department was filed in August by a woman in Vancouver, British Columbia, who was associated with NXIVM and said she was traumatized by a bizarre experiment in 2016 in which Porter showed her videos depicting graphic violence.

Kobelt said she was recruited for the study by an assistant of Nancy Salzman (...) and that she knew of at least four other women who took part.

Kobelt said she was not told what the study was for or what would take place, and that she was not asked to sign any documents indicating she had been informed what the study was about and consented to take part.

Porter drove Kobelt to the building that day, she said, hooked her up to an EEG machine that monitors brain activity and showed her terrifying images and videos of murder, rape and mutilation. She described her ordeal to the Times Union last year and also detailed her experience in a complaint filed with the state Department of Health last summer.

In response to the complaint that Kobelt filed with the state Health Department last summer, the agency sent her a letter saying that what she described was "not medical misconduct."

From the testimony of another woman who took part in a 'study' by Dr. Porter for ESF:

In a follow-up session with Porter, she said, he asked her how she felt about her weight, what part of her body she obsesses about, and about "murder, harming myself, harming others and other more depraved topics."

Nancy Salzman claims to have 'expertise' in mental health:

Salzman, who records indicate has been a licensed nurse in New York since 1983, described herself as a "psychotherapist," while acknowledging that it is "not an earned degree ... it's a descriptive term." She also testified that beginning in 1985 and continuing through 1992, she had taken "neurolinguistic programming courses."

Testimony of the first woman cited above continued:

Kobelt said that Porter routinely monitored the brain activity of her and other women, usually while they were taking part in NXIVM-related "personal development trainings."

Vindicator ago

In response to the complaint that Kobelt filed with the state Health Department last summer, the agency sent her a letter saying that what she described was "not medical misconduct."

Check this out:

migratorypatterns ago

Holy fucking shit!

And here's more. It's an open call for Porter's wife to run with the kids and escape!

A call out to Janie, wife of Dr. Porter: Escape with your children from Raniere!

A reader makes this call out to Janie Jeffries, the wife of Dr. Brandon Porter, M.D.

Janie, if you’re reading this: YOU KNOW THIS WEBSITE HAS SO MUCH TRUTH IN IT. Go home to your family, take your kids and get out. Do not let them end up being victims to this because you were too afraid to leave. Please, you have time. Your kids are young. Don’t let this brainwashing fool you: you are a smart woman. So many people will love and support you if you leave. I know that you have questions, I know that you have always doubted and tried to ask questions…why do you think they are never answered? Why do you think you are just asked to take more intensives? To keep you in line, to keep you obedient. Wake up. Get out.

Frank Report wrote about the relationship with Dr. Porter, his master, Keith Raniere, and his patroness, Clare Bronfman, who is a committed slave to Mr. Raniere.

We have been told that Dr. Porter “operates” the Ethical Science Foundation, which is owned and controlled by Clare Bronfman, [which means it is owned and controlled by Mr, Raniere] as a front for Rainbow Cultural Gardens.

If what our sources say is true, Dr. Brandon is the “face” of a money laundering operation and an illegal immigration scam. ...

Miss Keeffe: Some people were just flat out illegal like Cami Fernandez. And, some people were in the country on fraudulently obtained visas. This also goes to another point of impeachment for Clare [Bronfman], because, Clare was involved with every aspect of this.

Matt McMorris signed those tax returns so he’s on the hook…. Rainbow has hundreds of thousands of dollars running through it in tuition. Because, when I left, there were seven kids just in Albany doing five or six languages. Paying twenty five dollars an hour for these teachers. Right? Rainbow is owned and controlled by Loreta Garza, who lives in the country on a management visa for NXIVM…. [I]t’s totally fraudulent. She’s in the country on a fraudulently obtained visa, she’s not a manager for NXIVM. She’s the owner of … Rainbow {Cultural Gardens} but she’s not claiming it. I’m sure Rainbow’s never filed taxes. And, all of this goes through Clare. Clare oversees everything to do with the finances, and the personnel, and the management of Rainbow. And, then when you get into Rainbow you get into issues that play back into each other.

For example, Danni Fernandez and her mother, were living imprisoned in the room while illegal alien, Cami Fernandez [Danni’s sister], is downstairs teaching the children [whose parents] are paying … twenty-five dollars an hour – in the same … house [12 Wilton Court]. I mean, it’s crazy; including even Jennie Ose’s kid, Steve and Jennie’s kid. [And Dr. Brandon Porter and Janie Jeffries children] And Clare and Nancy [Salzman] own the house.

think- ago

We have been told that Dr. Porter “operates” the Ethical Science Foundation, which is owned and controlled by Clare Bronfman, [which means it is owned and controlled by Mr, Raniere] as a front for Rainbow Cultural Gardens.

If what our sources say is true, Dr. Brandon is the “face” of a money laundering operation and an illegal immigration scam. ...

I remember this from an old Voat thread....they employed women from abroad for their kindergarten.

(Rainbow Cultural Gardens - aargh....)

I guess Mrs. Porter will be able to flee soon, when her husband will be in prison (hopefully).

Still: Why did he show women this sick footage which traumatized them?

migratorypatterns ago

Why did he show women this sick footage which traumatized them?

Wouldn't it to see what effect it had so the torture could be more effective? You start with a baseline of how they normal brain worked when they walked in. Then you subjected them to images. Now they're hooked up, so he could see which particular images were doing the most damage ... and what genre of images. Then you see how their brain works after the bombardment ... and you see how long the variation lasts. In this way, they could see at what interval it needed to be repeated.

Then there's the whole ''normalization'' and ''desensitizing'' that they might have wanted to follow up on. In other words, how many times do the images need to be repeated to produce a flat line response ... or ... a pleasurable response.

think- ago

Wouldn't it to see what effect it had so the torture could be more effective?

I'm afraid you're right. :-(

Remember - all regimes that practice torture actually employ doctors who are often present and monitor the torture (to make sure the victim stays alive, so that they can torture him/her a bit longer).

Also, medical professional help with figuring out what kind of torture to employ so that it will leave minimum traces.

Sick, just sick.

migratorypatterns ago

It is.

So much is wrong with this story including extending this to the general public. But it raised no red flags. Why would that be?

think- ago

including extending this to the general public

What do you mean by 'extending this'?

There is still no official investigation into why the Health Department didn't look into this although it received several complaints.

Take a guess....

think- ago

Some info about the Ethical Science Foundation, which conducted the illegal experiments:

Ethical Science Foundation website:

(They might have taken most of the info down now - or never had much info?)

Actually I cringe now evertime I hear the words 'charity' or 'foundation', lol....

migratorypatterns ago


I do, too. I'm sure the people of Haiti feel the same way.

think- ago

I remember getting this creepy feeling and wondering who the hell they were. I reminded me so much of Scientology.

Unfortunately I can't remember where I've read this today, but someone said jokingly Scientology should actually sue NXIUM, because NXIUM stole so much of their propaganda. Wonder what the connection is here.

migratorypatterns ago

Could very well be an offshoot. Especially because it attracted the likes of Clare Bronfman. Seagram's Business Empire? She has to be loaded.

think- ago

The Bronfman's are also in trouble:

The Albany Times Union reports that the New York State Attorney General’s office is actively investigating the Ethical Science Foundation, a nonprofit founded by Clare and Sara Bronfman.

State investigators are looking into illegal human experiments sponsored by Bronfman money and performed by Dr. Brandon Porter.

Dr. Porter conducted brain-activity and other human behavioral studies on various women without their consent and without having an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in place to oversee his “research”.

A state Supreme Court justice signed an order directing Bronfman and Porter to turn over all documentation associated with the research, including written communications, videos, conclusions, consent forms, and names and addresses of individuals associated with Ethical Science Foundation, as well as financial records, budgets, bank account numbers, and names and addresses of board members, trustees or employees.

It was reported that Catherine Oxenberg met with the attorney general’s office in November to bring information and evidence about alleged criminal activities of NXIVM.

Several women told Frank Report they were victims of human experiments conducted by Dr. Porter – who, among other things, may be in danger of losing his medical license.

Reportedly, a grand jury is seated and indictments of Raniere, Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, Rosa Laura Junco, Emiliano Salinas, Clare Bronfman, Allison Mack, Alex Betancourt, Karen Unterreiner, Dr. Danielle Roberts and others may be forthcoming.

Raniere and Bronfman fled the USA and were last spotted near Monterrey Mexico.

Illegal human experiments? It gets weirder and weirder....

We should look into the 'Ethical Science Foundation'.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, so again, what were they doing?

And did it have to do with making women ... or victim's .... more compliant in regards to sex trafficking/abuse? Or were they studying the effects on human guinea pigs?

think- ago

Time to look into the Clinton Global Initiative and possible links to Human Trafficking again:

migratorypatterns ago

Just added the new info. Definitely a new lead.

think- ago

K! Please be aware that we still have problems with upvoats after editing.....upvoats might not show.

migratorypatterns ago


And this just reminded me of something I meant to put into the original post.

think- ago

At least three of them – group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.

Now that's interesting.....

.....remember the Clinton Global Initiative was closed down when Pizzagate broke....

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. I actually do remember that.

Perhaps Salzman had some tell-tale evidence laying around her comfy abode.