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Vindicator ago

Look here:

Looks like a link in the chain on how these clowns get away with MK Ultra type research.

"Daniel Patrone, a lecturer at the State University of New York at Oneonta and a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics, said regulations governing independent oversight of human studies may only apply to research that's associated with institutions supported by federal funding, or performed in support of applications for FDA approval."

migratorypatterns ago

Well, now that I'm thinking about it, FB admitted to engaging in human studies also. Didn't Zuckerface brag about planted posts altering FB members moods? Outlooks?

Vindicator ago

What 65 Studies Can Tell Us About Facebook and Mental Health

A new review of 65 studies about Facebook and mental health suggests that the platform is linked to negative effects on areas of mental well-being including Facebook addiction, depression, anxiety, body image and disordered eating and even alcohol use.

Facebook has “1.13 billion people actively using the service daily,” researchers Rachel L. Frost, and Debra J. Rickwood, PhD, from the University of Canberra, Australia write in their review, published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior...

While the findings are complicated and show that more research needs to be done, the authors told me via email that they were surprised about “the extent of mental health problems associated with Facebook use.”

migratorypatterns ago

OMG! This is depressing.

It's probably even worse than this and this is horrific.

Vindicator ago

I've always considered Facebook to be one big projection of Sorority bullying...(((FACEbook))). It's always been a shame factory. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Here's the thing: sometimes people need to be hit in the face with a door to understand the shit sandwich they've been greedily feeding on. That isn't bad. That is the shortest distance between two points. This is a world made by Someone who created tigers...and tsunamis.

My life experience has shown me that people act most like human beings when they find out they have cancer, and in natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Mercy is not what the SJWs would have you believe it is.

migratorypatterns ago

So, basically, it's when our ego is leveled we become human. I'd agree.

FB, Microsoft, and Amazon are from the same litter. I changed the quote from Assange a bit because it fits. They never were what they purported to be. They served a function, but the bigger function was hidden. Same with Google.

Until someone finds out and uncovers where the money came from to birth these entities, we'll remain in the dark as to the origins. Someone with very deep pockets was behind Bezos -- someone that didn't mind losing millions and millions each year until they starved out competition. So who was this person Bezos parternered with?

think- ago

Person? I always thought the clowns threw the money at him. Considering they are now using his service.

think- ago

regulations governing independent oversight of human studies may only apply to research that's associated with institutions supported by federal funding, or performed in support of applications for FDA approval."

What?! I can't believe it.

So anybody can get money from private sources and do 'torture research'?!

@Blacksmith21: please see parent.