lopus ago

Dalai Lama also involved? This article is from january - and was maybe mentioned here already. But I think I bring it back to memory!


Nana66 ago

I get error 503 when trying to archive this but you can add it to your post.


Are_we__sure ago

Raniere himself was not part of the Clinton Global Initiative, three women close to him were, Nancy Salzman, Sara Bronfman and Clare Bronfman.

The way the CGI worked is donations did not go to the Clinton Foundation. The folks donating money agreed to fund a committee themselves to some specific charitable goal. It was their own money. The CGI gave them a platform, networking and then monitored commitments.

Here's an example of a CGI committment

Energize Learning: Locally Sourced Groundnuts for Ghana Commitment by: The Hershey Company Partner(s): Ghana School Feeding Program

In 2015, the Hershey Company committed to train 7,500 smallholder farmers in Ghana on improved agronomic practices and empower them to supply commercial markets with groundnuts (known in the U.S. as peanuts). The Hershey Company purchases groundnuts to manufacture Vivi, a vitamin-fortified protein snack that it distributes to the Government of Ghana’s school feeding program. This commitment aims to achieve 100% local sourcing of groundnuts for Vivi from Ghana’s farmers, by helping them increase groundnut quality to meet standards for commercial use and by constructing a local groundnut roasting facility. Meeting this sourcing goal will improve the livelihoods of local farmers by increasing the quality and price of their products; in addition to the access they will have to the Hershey Company’s supply chain, the farmers will gain the capacity to grow groundnuts that can be sold on formal markets in the long-term.

In this case the money would go from Hershey to the Ghana School Feeding Program. It wouldn't go to the Clinton Foundation at all.

Are_we_sure ago

Actually, there was a membership fee. That probably did go to the CGI. Otherwise the foundation would have had to subsidize the CGI.

I don't know if you could be a member without making a committment.

I know the Bronfmans were heavily involved in philanthropy.

MolochHunter ago

informative and constructive cheers bro,

darkknight111 ago

http://www.executivesuccessprograms.com/who-we-are/ He has a group called "Rainbow Cultural Garden" relating to Children. Also dig into Ultima.

Also, the site has more info on all the major players. Potential starting point for digging.

darkknight111 ago


He has some organizations called Rainbow Cultural Garden (child relate

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Just another in a parade of coincidences right?

ProudPatriotGal ago

If this is just the tip of the iceberg, I wonder what other horrible stories will be coming out in the future.

River_Otter ago

Getting closer...

think- ago

Have to rush off to work so dont have time to dig into this for verification



septimasexta ago

"began using end-to-end encrypted email and stopped using his phone." Very interesting.

think- ago

Have you seen this thread?


It goes further down the rabbit hole...