Qwerty72 ago

The Bronfman sisters used to belong to Scientology. This sounds like a money laundry. The Bronfman family are connected to the Kennedy assassination through Permindex.

LightlyToasted ago

Can you elaborate on Permindex?

Qwerty72 ago

Go to Google insert search word

LightlyToasted ago

Because google searches are reliable? Mmkay.

Qwerty72 ago

Permindex was a corporate entity based in Rome close to Meyer Lansky and the CIA. Clay Shaw was on the board of directors as was Major Louis Bloomfield of Montreal who represented Bronfman's financial interests as front man. The French connection.

LightlyToasted ago

So many moving pieces...thank you!

Laskar ago

This is why we need to persevere. A trickle turns into a stream... Thanks for this post!

LightlyToasted ago

I sure hope so!

think- ago

Found the NGO that is currently investigated and connected to NXIUM via the Bronfmans:

(crossposting the comment from @migratorypattern's thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2469942)

Police searched Nancy Salzman's home today.


The Bronfman's are also in trouble:

The Albany Times Union reports that the New York State Attorney General’s office is actively investigating the Ethical Science Foundation, a nonprofit founded by Clare and Sara Bronfman.

State investigators are looking into illegal human experiments sponsored by Bronfman money and performed by Dr. Brandon Porter.

Dr. Porter conducted brain-activity and other human behavioral studies on various women without their consent and without having an Institutional Review Board (IRB) in place to oversee his “research”.

A state Supreme Court justice signed an order directing Bronfman and Porter to turn over all documentation associated with the research, including written communications, videos, conclusions, consent forms, and names and addresses of individuals associated with Ethical Science Foundation, as well as financial records, budgets, bank account numbers, and names and addresses of board members, trustees or employees.

It was reported that Catherine Oxenberg met with the attorney general’s office in November to bring information and evidence about alleged criminal activities of NXIVM.

Several women told Frank Report they were victims of human experiments conducted by Dr. Porter – who, among other things, may be in danger of losing his medical license.

Reportedly, a grand jury is seated and indictments of Raniere, Nancy Salzman, Lauren Salzman, Rosa Laura Junco, Emiliano Salinas, Clare Bronfman, Allison Mack, Alex Betancourt, Karen Unterreiner, Dr. Danielle Roberts and others may be forthcoming.

Raniere and Bronfman fled the USA and were last spotted near Monterrey Mexico.


Illegal human experiments? It gets weirder and weirder....

We should look into the 'Ethical Science Foundation'.

migratorypatterns ago

Awesome. Thanks.

Absolutely this deserves a dig, dig, dig.

think- ago

Welcome. :-)

darkknight111 ago

Under the guise of an “executive success program”, NXIVM recruits rich women and introduces them into a bizarre secret society that brainwashes its members using rituals and trauma-inducing techniques taken directly from the MKULTRA handbook. Founded by the “charming and charismatic” leader Keith Raniere (who requires members to call him “Vanguard”) along with his associate Nancy Salzman (who is called “Prefect”), the organization sells self-help seminars for executives. However, within NXIVM is a secret society named DOS which turns women into slaves trauma-inducing methods resembling Monarch Mind ((( "PREFECT" ))) <<< To gain admission, they were required to give their recruiter — or “master,” as she was called — naked photographs or other compromising material and were warned that such “collateral” might be publicly released if the group’s existence were disclosed. New recruits were then brought into initiation rituals that are, in actuality, torture sessions to cause dissociation. In short, it is trauma-based mind control. <<< In March, Ms. Edmondson arrived for an initiation ceremony at Ms. Salzman’s home in Clifton Park, N.Y., a town about 20 miles north of Albany where Mr. Raniere and some followers live. After undressing, she was led to a candlelit ceremony, where she removed a blindfold and saw Ms. Salzman’s other slaves for the first time. The women were then driven to a nearby house, where the branding took place. Sarah Edmondson, one of the participants, said she had been told she would get a small tattoo as part of the initiation. But she was not prepared for what came next. Each woman was told to undress and lie on a massage table, while three others restrained her legs and shoulders. According to one of them, their “master,” a top Nxivm official named Lauren Salzman, instructed them to say: “Master, please brand me, it would be an honor.” A female doctor proceeded to use a cauterizing device to sear a two-inch-square symbol below each woman’s hip, a procedure that took 20 to 30 minutes. For hours, muffled screams and the smell of burning tissue filled the room. “I wept the whole time,” Ms. Edmondson recalled. “I disassociated out of my body.”

think- ago

Found something interesting:


NY Attorney General’s Office investigating non-profit associated with NXIVM

The New York Attorney General’s Office is now investigating a non-profit organization associated with NXIVM.

The non-profit allegedly sponsored studies of the brain and other human behavioral studies without anyone overseeing them.

In December, reports started to surface about some of the weird rituals that allegedly went on within the organization.

Now the attorney general’s office is ordering the founder and a doctor to turn over all of their documents, including financial records.


Unfortunately, they don't say which NGO it is. Might need some digging.

@darkknight111 @letsdothis1 @9272 @swordfish69

darkknight111 ago


8chan is finding a supremely fucked up rabbit hole. More awful by the minute.

darkknight111 ago

Its clients have included Richard Branson<< as well as actresses Linda Evans, Allison Mack, Kristin Kreuk and Nicki Clyne.[15] According to Forbes magazine, 3,700 people had taken part in its Executive Success Program as of 2003, including Sheila Johnson, co-founder of BET; Antonia Novello, former Surgeon General of the United States; Stephen Cooper of Enron; and Ana Cristina Fox, daughter of former Mexican president Vicente Fox.[19] Emiliano Salinas (son of former Mexican president Carlos Salinas), has been identified by Proceso magazine as "director" in Mexico for NXIVM.[20]

Found it.

think- ago

Richard Branson? The guy who owns a private island like Epstein?

Also, I thought this was an all-women club?

Could he have trafficked NXIUM members?

darkknight111 ago

Will need to dig more, but based on what 8 chan found, I believe that's entirely possible.

think- ago

Found something:

Richard Branson has hosted an intensive NXIVM course on the Caribbean island he owns.


darkknight111 ago

The clintee list is certainly worth digging into. I'll look at the 8chan post regarding this later tonight.

think- ago

Wow, that's great news!! :-) :-)

InfoWarsDotComFan ago

Do you guys know of FrankReport.com ? He's been following this NXVM story for a long time. Maybe the only journalist to do so.

LightlyToasted ago

I'm not -- do you have a relevant link?

think- ago

It's in one of the old threads on the topic.

You can find the old Voat threads by using searchvoat.co, typing 'pizzagate' and 'Raniere' or 'pizzagate' and 'NXIVM'.

Vindicator ago

LT, I am giving this the rare "Swamp Takedown" flare! Woooot!

carmencita ago

Upvoat! . I remember the thread you linked. The FBI getting involved is surprising as well. Great news.

carmencita ago

Secretive upstate group had Gillibrand’s dad on payroll WOW This could be how they control her.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/SsXK8 :

Details: Cult-like NXIVM 'self-help' group accused of branding members - Business Insider

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