Theytookoutgodslaw ago

JA is a playing card for Satan's New world order. We have JA being visited by lady haha in a witch outfit. Lady haha is connected to spirt cooking. Lady haha was "invited" to cookies and tea by M.I.A. tweet; with JA in the embassy. And mean while JA is running from charges of rape and sex slave grooming. JA family background screams MKultra....a Dr who co founded LSD.....and Trump is going to save the day? Go watch more WWF....because you sound like an adult who believes WWF is NOT acting and all real....btw Trump owned WWF and WCW.

Sum-of-Nun ago

Highly suspicious "project" listed on raniere's site. rainbow cultural garden kids with chapters globally :

Markb63 ago

He will get pissed off and then let the dirt fly.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Didn't The Ecuadorian Embassy just cut off all of Assange's access to the internet, telephone comms?

migratorypatterns ago

Stupendous post @new4now.

A glorious UpVoat for you.

I remember that video ... so let's see.

The story breaks with Raniere's arrest. Salzman's home is raided and Clare Bronfman takes off to parts unknown. Simultaneously, JA's internet access gets shut down ...

new4now ago

The accusations of alleged abuses within the Nxivm self-help group in the United States threaten to extend to its operations in Mexico. So Emiliano Salinas Ocelli, son of former president Carlos Salinas, and his legal representatives have begun a legal defense strategy.

Emiliano Salinas is part of the staff of Keith Raniere in the United States, because he is the vice president of the Ethics Committee of the Executive Success Programs (ESP), a company that is part of NXIVM Corporation, both owned by Raniere .

In an interview with Aristegui Noticias , Emiliano Salinas, a follower and licensee of all the courses designed by Raniere, announced that his lawyers have already filed the first lawsuits against former members of ESP Mexico, who are accused of attempted extortion, sabotage and information theft.



think- ago our country [Mexico] there is no formal accusation against the company that he directs together with his partner

Yes, and why is this so?

Because the son of a former Mexican president and the daughter of another former Mexican president are NXIUM members, and NXIUM has been blackmailing Mexican politicians and judges.

Now they're playing the victim....disgusting.

think- ago

I think the internet access got shut down due to him tweeting about the Catalan political leader who was arrested and is held in custody. Spain seems to have put some pressure on Ecuador.


new4now ago

I thought it was cut off because he questions that the Brits are saying it was Russians who poisoned the ex agent and his daughter

personally I think It's B.S. myself

someone is cleaning house and I don't think It's the Russians

Vindicator ago

LOL...yes. Or maybe he's got the video Q has been talking about.

migratorypatterns ago

The British government has threatened, tried, and failed to do it before.