argosciv ago


Per curiosities outlined in Root of Corruption - Annex: Loaded Weapon 1: The curious case of Charlie Sheen & Denise Richards:

It's starting to seem very apparent that someone had a loaded gun, or, that someone modified a single round of (supposed to be blank)ammunition to be lethal and inserted it into their magazine/chamber when they were ready to take the fatal shot.

Alternate theory: Unseen assassain shot from a distance with a suppressed weapon?

@carmencita @redditbelowsme @Gothamgirl @cantsleepawink @2impendingdoom

carmencita ago

Had not thought of this before. Good analogy.

argosciv ago

It follows suit even on the most logical basis... I myself have always personally believed this to be the case on those grounds alone.

Excuse my swearing, but, what the fuck is, "a defective blank", anyway? (rhetorical question; I don't expect an answer)

Now there's even an abstract connection to be made, apparently...

carmencita ago

A blank is NOT suppose to work, so there is a tricky play there on words. Most people might not catch it. How can something that is not suppose to work be defective? Oh, so the bland was a real bullet that was suppose to work? Hmm.

argosciv ago

ps: I'm off to bed shortly :)


argosciv ago

Logical possibilities in my mind:

  1. Real bullet from a real gun or not-so-fake prop gun
  2. Modified projectile designed to be lethal in a prop gun
  3. Unseen shooter with a real, suppressed gun - smart enough to fire at the opportune moment and collect the bullet casing; professional job

carmencita ago
