think- ago

Forum sliding attempt:

User @Tazzermalt posted a pic without sources as a link post, alludes to organ trafficking in headline without evidence.

Tazzermalt ago

HERE YOU GO YOU STUPID FUCKING DICKHEAD pizzagate conspiracy? Also a question some world wide church involved? i know you fuckwits deleted tons of shit abuse connections on Vegas, India, Africa, S.America and the Middle East ...a movie even exposed this recently South Africa’s first medical thriller hits at the heart of illegal organ donation. Shane Vermooten, “The message in Bypass is clear: Human organ and tissue trafficking is real. It’s a reality that stalks the desperation and vulnerability of people – across the economics of wealth of poor. “From the outset of creating Bypass I had three concepts that I wasn’t willing to compromise on. Bypass was going to be in English, it was going to be a thriller and the protagonist had to be a strong female of colour. During our writing process we came across an organ trafficking case where more than 100 illegal operations had taken place in one of our national hospitals. The World Health Organisation estimated in 2007 that of the global transplants that take place, up to 10% were conducted illegally. In 2011, it was established that the black-market human organ and tissue traded generated illicit profits of up to USD 1.2-billion each year. The illegal organ trade markets is an ever-present threat to national legitimised organ donation systems and further erodes public confidence in organ transplantation across the globe. and more South Africa!! The dark world of internet kidney trafficking South Africa has its own scandal involving illegal kidney transplants (see below) and the internet has become a powerful tool for those willing to let go of a kidney for a price.

People in urgent need of organs are often not in a position to wait in the long donor queues, so some have taken to the black market and online traders to source the organ they so desperately need to survive. On the other side, desperately poor people are offering their kidneys for sale and, as Shaun Swingler finds out for Health24, the only winners are the scammers in the middle.

Read: Should you have the right to sell your organs for profit?

It’s easy to think of the illegal organ trade as existing only in movies but that is not the case. Some 5-10% of organ transplants worldwide are undertaken with criminal intent, according to the World Trade Organisation. And while the reality may not necessarily be that of a victim waking up in a bath full of ice with a stitched-up cut down their side, the real story is not very far off.

According to a report by the United Nations, illegal organ trafficking is an organised crime involving a host of players: a recruiter who identifies the vulnerable person, the desperate seller, the organ transporter, hospital or clinic staff and medical professionals, middlemen and contractors, buyers and organ banks where the organs are stored.

Trading in organs occurs in three broad categories:

  • The first scenario involves traffickers forcing or tricking victims into giving up their organs.

  • Secondly victims formally or informally agree to sell an organ and are then cheated by not being paid (or being paid less than promised) and,

  • Thirdly vulnerable persons – such as migrants, homeless or the illiterate – are treated for an ailment which may or may not exist and their organs are removed without their knowledge.

Organ trafficking is increasingly going hand-in-hand with human trafficking. In September 2014 an Italian police investigation revealed that a gang of human traffickers accepted migrants’ organs as payment for smuggling them to Europe from northern Africa, and in 2006 the Mozambican Human Rights League revived claims that trafficking in human organs is done not through exporting the organs themselves, but through the trafficking of children.

‘Bury them alive!’: White South Africans fear for their future as horrific farm attacks escalate

NEARLY every day, horrific acts of rape, torture and murder are carried out on a community under siege. WARNING: Graphic.

Kidneys and livers are highest in demand of all organs. In the case of human kidneys, where there’s a worldwide average asking price of US$5 000 (±R58 000) per kidney, there’s a ready market of people willing to sell. South African hospital firm admits 'cash for kidney' transplants South Africa's biggest private hospital group has admitted receiving R3.8m (£342,000) from an illegal organ trafficking syndicate in a scam that included the removal of kidneys from five children.

Netcare, which also runs hospitals in Britain, took part in an international scam that allegedly saw poor Brazilians and Romanians paid $6,000 (£3,840) for their kidneys to be transplanted to wealthy Israelis.

At the Durban regional court yesterday, Netcare KwaZulu (NKZ) pleaded guilty on 102 counts relating to illegal operations between June 2001 and November 2003. It was fined R7,820,000 (£704,000).

Police said these included five counts of "unlawfully acquiring and transplanting human kidneys by acquiring kidneys from five minors in law at the time the kidneys were transplanted". Netcare admitted that some of the kidney donors were "minors" but there were no details of the children's ages or nationalities.

The group made a plea bargain in which criminal charges against the parent company, Netcare, and its chief executive, Richard Friedland, were unconditionally withdrawn.

The transplants took place at one of South Africa's top hospitals, Netcare St Augustine's in Durban. In September the Times of South Africa cited a charge sheet that read: "Israeli citizens in need of kidney transplants would be brought to South Africa for transplants at St Augustine's hospital. They paid kidney suppliers for these operations."

Kidneys "were initially sourced from Israeli citizens, but later Romanian and Brazilian citizens were recruited as their kidneys were obtainable at much lower cost than those of the Israeli suppliers."

think- ago

@Tazzermalt, the reason your post was deleted was not that I or anyone of the other mods are don't believe that there is not organ trade in South Africa.

The reason was that unsourced pics are regarded as spam, and that - since it was a link post - your claims also were not sourced.


Tazzermalt ago

You accused me of being a Shill then I FUCKING ACCUSE YOU SIR from all the posts and news you deleted on abuse

think- ago

I didn't say you were a shill, I said you posted spam. This thread is for recording spams, that's why I added the deleted submission here.

I suggest you calm down, take a break, and write a discuss post about the topic, as I have already suggested elsewhere.

If you're not sure whether it might adhere to the rules, you can post it to v/pizzagatewhatever first, and then ping mods in to look at the post, before you crosspost it to v/pizzagate.

@Vindicator @srayzie

think- ago

This post was spread on several subverses by @Russianbots.

We asked to please edit and add some more info; but the user didn't bother to reply.

Vindicator ago

djklbd follows Discord chat luring attempt and shitposting with threat to brigade v/pizzagate with alt accounts he has already created

User @djklbd posted multiple off-topic non-pizzagate-research threads complaining about political bias which had to be removed. He was warned and persisted, until I removed a fourth post which was clearly a baiting attempt, cited the previous removals and told him he was being banned. I then banned him.

However, this was during the Saturday March 10th maintenance issues, and just now I noticed the ban was not in the ban log. When I went ahead and reissued the ban, he DMed me this threat to brigade the sub:

I felt it was important to follow through with the ban because this user was attempting to lure pizzagate researchers into a Discord chat, which has been a venue for doxxing voaters multiple times in the past.

djklbd ago

I felt it was important to follow through with the ban because this user was attempting to lure pizzagate researchers into a Discord chat, which has been a venue for doxxing voaters multiple times in the past.

That's some halfass manipulation. All they have to do is look at my post history and see I've been a user there since the sub was created you idiot. No rules were ever broken, no racial or homophobic slurs were ever used, I was a good contributor and I actually reported on "doxxing" attempts on myself in a thread from a few months ago.

These are not "threats", I'm telling you what is going to happen lol. You banned me unfairly, abused your power, and you're forcing me to take these measures. I still want to post, I'm not going to let some douchebag shill keep me from being active here.

Vindicator ago

All they have to do is look at my post history and see I've been a user there since the sub was created you idiot.

You clearly are aware of the rules then, and persisted in making off topic posts. You can make all the racial or homophobic slurs you want; this is Voat, not Reddit. But you have to adhere to the submission rules or you will lose the ability to contribute to the board. The longer you've been here, the better you know this.

djklbd ago

There are posts with literally no relevance, or very little relevance to pizzagate, that are allowed here. Don't hide behind "the rules", I have every right to be suspicious.

I made a clear connection to Pizzagate and the grand scale of elite pedophilia in each of my posts that were "defiant of the rules". Way more than some of the stuff that is allowed to stay up here.

But you know what? I find it odd that my "problematic" posts all had common theme to them; They were all encouraging some basic skepticism of the current administration, and that's why you reprimanded me. Not because there wasn't elite pedophilia relevance, but because they challenged the pro-Trump/Q and conservative favoritism here, that YOU are paid to protect and prop up.

Anything that challenges the little Q psyop or the "Trump is a good guy" narrative is dangerous apparently. It's a pressure point I continuously get banned and removed for on other discussion platforms. This tells me that it's too important of a topic to not have discussed on here or anywhere else, regardless of your personal political bias (which is overshadowing your supposed "concern for the children, by the way). Either that, or you're just another lousy sellout shill, paid to maintain a limited hangout forum. Both are depressing ass realities.

Vindicator ago

I find it odd that my "problematic" posts all had common theme to them;

They did indeed have a common theme: "This board is compromised. See, I can make them delete this post." You didn't offer any new research, you didn't post anything DIRECTLY related to elite child sex abuse. You gamed the rules to post your political opinion. Repeatedly. We have a sub for that, clearly explained in the rules: v/pizzagatewhatever. You can also post it in v/politics. But that wasn't good enough for you, probably because you want to slide pizzagate research.

You also attempted to recruit our more gullible users to a Discord chat. So you can play the victim if you want, but I doubt people will buy it.

Honeybee_ ago

Keep an eye on @Itshappening, they are posting spam from a website associated with them, I've already flaired this post

Vindicator ago

User itshappening abuses 24 hour Reprieve flair, triggers flooding stipulation

Update: @itshappening submitted four separate posts that ignored various submission requirements over two days, and refused to remove and repost in accord with sub rules:

As well as this thread promoting his site and complaining about moderation of v/pizzagate (a Rule 4 violation) which we chose to flair and leave up for user awareness:

In accord with the flooding stipulation, he was banned from the sub for abusing the 24 hour edit privilege and demonstrating repeated disregard of subverse rules.

Vindicator ago

Did you by chance report to v/ReportSpammers?

Honeybee_ ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I just happened to see this and wanted to let you know, I'm not posting any disinfo, although some of my posts were removed! Just FYI.

Vindicator ago

Did you have an alt listed here? We've only been keeping track of certain posts, not every post that gets removed. Many things just aren't quite PG related enough to leave up, but no harm, no foul unless a person posts with blatant disregard for the rules (i.e. a pattern).

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Nope, just dropping this comment based on the gist of the thread I didn't realize it was only for people who are obvious shills with multiple alts. I thought you meant it to apply to all removed submissions.

Honeybee_ ago

Spam post by @Mumbleberry

Vindicator ago

User @GrDec posted "Rabbi charged with having sex with 17-year-old girl forced into prostitution", and was removed due to lack of explanation of connection to elite pedophilia. He then reposted without editing, bitching about moderation and was again removed.

He was also warned continued disregard for submission rules will result in a ban.

think- ago

Spampost by daphaze.

Vindicator ago

User @dundundunnnnn posted Podesta, Pizza Gate, Aaron Swartz, MIT, Cicada3301 and Seth Rich, was advised of the many ways it did not fulfill submission rules, and did not take it down to fix it.