wecanhelp ago

@kevdude, I'm a little late to this as I don't log in very often now, but let me react to this one. With all due respect, the fuck are you talking about?

After about 6 months @wecanhelp and MF pushed to have that changed. That should have been the tip off. "We know best" is bullshit.

Never has the obligation for mods to explain their removals been lifted. The only thing that changed was when. The rule set you had created did not prove to be scalable or practicable, as explaining every single removal was both very taxing in terms of resources, with the sub often being under shill attack, and just nonsense, as we needed to keep rewording existing sub rules in 90% of the legit cases, as they were simply the results of people not reading the rules in the first place.

We changed the rule about removal explanations so that they needed to be requested, in case the rule number cited in the removal note (which remained compulsory, by the way) wasn't sufficient as an explanation. Every single time when people actually asked for an explanation, we gave one. Contrary to your expectation, not a lot of people asked for one, it really only happened once in a great while.

It's a bit ironic that you're preaching about bullshit in the same comment you're spreading bullshit in. If you don't remember the rule change clearly, feel free to read back. It's also ironic how you removed @Millennial_Falcon on the grounds of being selective and biased, but kept @Vindicator who pushed the whole Q agenda aggressively with selectivity and bias. All in all, it's worth thinking about who's actually feeling infallible in all this.

The only thing I'm surprised about, though, is how @Crensch was on board with all this.

Vindicator ago

Hi wecanhelp. Good to see you!

Every single time when people actually asked for an explanation, we gave one. Contrary to your expectation, not a lot of people asked for one, it really only happened once in a great while.

Unfortunately, Falcon stopped reading and responding to most modmail months ago, which is where the vast majority of such questions end up, because people reply to the removal message that Voat auto-sends. I was spending most of my time replying to modmail explaining his deletions trying to get people to fix their submissions and repost. The new 24 Hour Reprieve flair we are using now seems to be working much better; it gives everyone a chance to help submitters fix their threads so they satisfy the submission rules -- simultaneously preventing removals and educating everyone about how to follow the rules.

wecanhelp ago

Hi Vind, thanks for your response.

Unfortunately, Falcon stopped reading and responding to most modmail months ago, which is where the vast majority of such questions end up, because people reply to the removal message that Voat auto-sends.

Unfortunately, this is pretty irrelevant in terms of the original rule that clearly said that explanation requests should be posted as comments on deleted submissions, so that the explanation is visible to all other users on the sub to clear up any doubts in the community. It feels like both you and kev are attacking a straw man without regard to what that rule was about, and what it actually said.

I don't trust that the sub is in good hands right now, but time will tell.

Vindicator ago

@dundundunnnnn: Removing per Rule 3. Also changing this flair to "Possible Disinfo" since it appears designed merely to waste people's time.

ben_matlock ago

agreed. titles are much more important than merely being simple percentages based on the number of words in a post. that's just silly.

clarity is our friend.

ESOTERICshade ago

To be honest, the best way to do it would be to ban link posts altogether and require every submission to have a brief discussion by OP with whatever links they are sharing.

That might not be a bad idea.

so mind your manners and this could have been a polite discussion but you turned it shitty

Easy there snowflake. Your daddy would tell you to stop being a pussy. lol

I handed you that one for a freebie :) You didn't say anything about my "fee fees" so i'm good :)

Cc1914 ago

@kevdude questioning the motives of someone who has spent countless hours as we all have here , trying to stop this madness really makes me question the motives of some mods .

ESOTERICshade ago

We already practically agree on everything and this conversation would have been over until you started trash talking like an ass so mind your manners and this could have been a polite discussion but you turned it shitty. I have done a ton to help you so don't question my fucking motives because you don't believe it and neither does the majority of people here and I promise you that it makes us question your motives when you talk like that because we heard that garbage from you owner types before. That big O by your name has no credibility anymore so just stop.

I, personally, am suspicious of your motives.

Common claim here made by your level. You know better.

You are claiming that you are right and I am wrong.

Stop crying. I told you it was a joke.

But I can read into it a little with you.

Provide evidence or shut up and stop accusing me. A shill tried to bait me into defending a post this morning and disrupting the forum using Falcon as bait. I shut the shill down. You have no leg to stand on. Just take suggestions, consider them, and stop making accusations. That is all htat is required.

In most cases I agree with you on moderation.

Good sign that I am not the suspicious shifty character you make me out to be and you only make yourself look bad by accusing me because the forum knows better. Just be reasonable and stop making claims. I'm not here to argue with you.

If posters are participating in good faith then they need to understand that linkposts will get zero tolerance when it comes to accurate titles.

For the third time I agree with you. Can we stop with that now?

The way you are coming off is that any time a mod deletes a linkpost with a bad title you will be ready with your torch.

Stop crensching me until I torch a mod for deleting a title on a link post.

And every proposal you make for rules I want you to think how shills can take advantage of it. Because it doesn't seem like you consider that.

The screaming shill is more boogie man than reality. The vast majority of those were LEGIT POSTERS THAT FALCON CALLED SHILLS..

And the proof is following here. Which is why I keep saying to STOP basing our decisions on the fallacy of the crying shill because those screams were mostly legit posters and not shills. Them days are gone.

MF's problem was selectivity and weaponizing the rules. That and not working well with a team (which is why a lot of mods went inactive).

It was the areas where people did have a problem that became too much.

That was the weaponized rule part and the fallacy of the crying shills that were actually legit posters.

ESOTERICshade ago

You are fighting tooth and nail to create an environment where linkposts can be flooded and trolls can bitch about subjective enforcement.

I already said NOT the link posts. But don't boil tooth brushes over it, fer fuks sake. If the title is close enough leave it alone. We already agree for fuks sake.

I just want you to know that your lobbying weighed less in the decision to pull MF than you think. This is not reddit. Mods are not allowed to be subjective with the rules here. I don't know if you realize it or not, but your constant harping on this piece is making me very suspicious of your motives.

Here we go again with our new dictator routine. Accusations of being a subversive shill with bad motives. Boy where have I heard this before. Sounds incredibly familiar. Hmmmm......

I give no fucks. I am making common sense suggestions.. You asked for suggestions and I am giving them to you. Don't act like Falcon, crensch, victorsteinerdavion. That is exactly their routine. I"m not fighting you for power. I don't want to be a mod here.

"This is a community forum, give us your input, what did you say?, oh no, that opinion is different from mine, now you are causing trouble, all you neutral people speak up we want your opinion. No that is not an opinion because it does not reflect mine. All you neutral people speak up. I am only here to serve the community......" Don't act like a dictator.

ESOTERICshade ago

And if you want to know what a toothbrush boiling measurement is I have a perfect example I can show you.

ESOTERICshade ago

A shitty title on a linkpost?

No. Not those. If it is totally misleading get rid of it. If it is off by a toothbrush boiling measurement leave it alone.

ESOTERICshade ago

How long would it take him to fix the title and repost?

My daddy would say "read the damn article, if you like it keep reading it, if you don't then don't read it, and stop being a pussy about the title."

ESOTERICshade ago

If it is part of a broader discussion post and the post itself makes things clear then the piece as a whole should stay.

I'm happy.

That's your opinion and when the rules guidelines discussion happens we will be two people out of many.

Smile. It was a cheesy joke. That was your cheesy joke punishment for the rant yesterday :)

How long would it take him to fix the title and repost?

A lot longer and more unnecessary than not aggravating everybody involved in the first place over something trivial.

ASolo ago

I just think some of these 'truthers', who in most cases have the best of intentions, should stay off the drugs. If that's how your going to express yourself, fuck off, I dont need your bizarre, triggering bullshit. There are much better ways to get the point across. 4Chan kek fuckin' weirdos.

Wish this weirdo would just come out and explain that Google maps image he scribbled all over.

Get off the meth kids.

ESOTERICshade ago

How long would it take for him to fix the title and repost?

Its ok. I will teach this to the forum slowly if I have to. it will slowly click to some of them that a title is one sentence in one hundred. It makes too much sense not to. At one point you mentioned that maybe all the rules should just be scrapped as a test which of course is not cool and I doubt you were serious but probably making a point that we needed rules. guidelines and we do. I like you but you are a guy that would actually down vote a post because of the title. Not everybody boils their toothbrush every morning before they use it like you do. This rule is causing tons of problems over one little tiny sentence our of potentially hundreds of relevant sentences. If the content of the post is not relevant, or shill material, great, get rid of the post. A "title" is not a post. Please let this sink in. I'm crensch this time, i'm right and you are wrong.

ESOTERICshade ago

What is wrong with the title?

Great post with terrible title.

We Will Win


Great title and spamalek terrible post.

Podesta, Pizza Gate, Aaron Swartz, MIT, Cicada3301 and Seth Rich


In a 100 line post the title is 0.01% (one hudtreth of !%) of the post content.

In a perfect title world we would love perfect titles. Its not a perfect title world. Can't judge a book by its cover and can't judge a post by its title. If a shill post has a shill misleading title the content will reflect that. Deleting a great post because of 0.01% of its content is a sin.


ESOTERICshade ago

What is wrong with the title?

Takes Kev behind the woodshed for a title fetish beating since the title is only 2% of post content. :)


Vindicator ago

Esoteric, I just read the ungodly comment-avalance you unleashed in here nitpicking @kevdude. I have to say that if this level of distracting stuff is going to come up whenever a title needs to be edited, it makes me want to remove Rule 3 problems from the 24 Hour Reprieve altogether and launch a community rule change discussion banning Link posts completely.

Your opinion that titles are only 2% of the word count and therefore not important shows a complete lack of understanding of online communication. Shitty titles don't get clicks. They don't get shared, because they make the person sharing them look bad. They also don't show up appropriately in search results. Shitty titles are in fact a great way to keep research buried.

The post title is like the rudder of a ship -- a tiny fraction of the total mass, but it controls the whole vessel and where it ends up.

@think- @ben_matlock

ESOTERICshade ago

Esoteric, I just read the ungodly comment-avalance you unleashed in here nitpicking @kevdude. I have to say that if this level of distracting stuff is going to come up whenever a title needs to be edited, it makes me want to remove Rule 3 problems from the 24 Hour Reprieve altogether and launch a community rule change discussion banning Link posts completely.

This discussion is over. @kevdude and I agree on it for the most part. Lets just let it go.

Your opinion that titles are only 2% of the word count and therefore not important shows a complete lack of understanding of online communication. Shitty titles don't get clicks. They don't get shared, because they make the person sharing them look bad. They also don't show up appropriately in search results. Shitty titles are in fact a great way to keep research buried.

If you want to delete posts because you think the title is "shitty" go ahead. I probably won't post here anymore anyway because of the title Nazis.

The post title is like the rudder of a ship -- a tiny fraction of the total mass, but it controls the whole vessel and where it ends up.

No its not. Its like the cover on a book. Everybody won't meet your title standards but knock yourself out deleting their posts. I am sure they will appreciate it. I fought for this change to hopefully get some fresh air so I could post again. I think i'm done with you rule nazis and I have not decided but I might never post or comment here ever again. I am sick of you nit picking mother fuckers.

I tried hard to help make all this happen but I think i'm done with the whole lot of this crap. Yall make life to damn hard. I am going back to the Altered Minds UK forum and have some peace. I wish you well and you know that.

@think- @ben_matlock

think- ago

Title is original title of YT vid, so I let the post stay and didn't ask for repost.

It's a clickbaity title and Cicada3301 was thought to be a shill operation in the past.

Your thoughts, @Vindicator?

think- ago

Ok, shall I delete it then?

@Vindicator @ben_matlock

Vindicator ago

This is a good example of what Falcon would call "Spamalek" and just delete for forum sliding and ban the OP to prevent point farming. We can do that. Alternatively, we could change the flair to "Possible Disinfo" and leave it up, as I proposed in this comment.


think- ago

When we let it stay, we need to keep flairing it 'Edit Warning', since OP hasn't provided a summary as requested in Rule 3.

Maybe it's good to let it stay, as suggested by you, so everybody can see it and see the 'Disinfo' flair.

However, it was my understanding that we can't flair posts with more than one flair at a time?

@kevdude @ben_matlock

Vindicator ago

LOL. True. Only one flair. In this case, maybe leave the Edit flair and then switch or Disinfo or Remove. I'm curious what others' opinions are.

@srayzie @karenrussell63

think- ago

I'd suggest to switch to 'Disinfo' after 24 hours, then delete it.

This way it will have the 'Disinfo' flair in the 'removed submissions' log.

@srayzie @karentussell63 @ben_matlock

Vindicator ago

That's a good plan. It won't show up in the user's Submissions profile though.

think- ago

Oh, you're right, hadn't thought about that.

So better flair it 'Disinfo' after 24 hours and let it stay?

Vindicator ago

That we will have to decide. It would be a formal change of policy from what we've done in the past.

ben_matlock ago

do we really want things we clearly have labeled as 'disinfo' to stay up permanently?

forgive my lack of knowledge, but is there a way we could organize all the 'disinfo' posts in a separate sub so that we wouldn't have to delete them? this would allow the post to show up in the user's submissions profile (and allowing researchers to continue to review them if they wish) without cluttering the main sub with known disinfo.

Vindicator ago

I wish, ben. But there's no way to move a post from one sub to another.

One thing we could do is make a thread in v/pizzagatemods tracking the disinfo and include archives of the threads in question, as well as a list of usernames, there. That won't make it show up in the users Submission history, though.

ben_matlock ago

ah that sucks..

srayzie ago

Ok. If I’m ever 100% sure it’s Sarah, I’ll tell you. Sometimes it’s sooooo obvious.

think- ago

If I’m ever 100% sure it’s Sarah, I’ll tell you. Sometimes it’s sooooo obvious.

That would be great, srayzie! Much appreciated. :-)

@Vindicator @ben_matlock

srayzie ago

I’m pretty sure this is “Sarah”. I recognize that youtube account and listen to the weird sounding video.

Vindicator ago

What are your thoughts regarding handling of these under the new mod procedures?

srayzie ago

I don’t know because I’ve never done it before. I don’t know what the rules are.

Gothamgirl ago

I understand this video.

ESOTERICshade ago

Gothamgirl like you I understand that the video is painting a broad vague picture of related events, and like you "i get it" but in my opinion it might be cool to watch but not post worthy.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I agree they should explain this shouldn't be a brain or guessing game.

Vindicator ago

Hey Gothamgirl, if you understand it, could you take a stab at explaining it? The OP has not bothered to do so, or to make an effort at honoring the submission rules. This is exactly what MF would consider a disinfo post meant to waste everyone's time and slide real content off of the board.

ben_matlock ago

while i don't necessarily agree with MF that it a 'disinfo post,' i would say that this particular video, even granting that it may hold some deeper meaning related to pg, does not belong on this sub (perfect for v/pizzagatewhatever tho.)

too weird and spazzy. incomprehensible to the vast majority of people that watch it and imo gives this sub a poor image to any normies who may stumble upon it. we have enough cryptic puzzles and esoteric symbology to decipher in this investigation...we certainly don't need to add to the perplexity.

Gothamgirl ago

I will do my best I am on a phone.

Mit Preformed mind control.

They keep showing an iris, not sure if thats due to mind control, clone or being a bot.

They used drugs during mind control programming. This kid loooks high.


But judging by the movie sign I would guess they're dead https://ibb.co/kQ66fn

Aaron and Seth I believe you guys know theyre history and that Aaron was Israel military trained.

This is a new form of mk ultra where they can munipulate your dreams and you will not remember. I believe from the clues, this may be happening at the rabbit shaped tract of land. Which states Bushes phone was pinged there.

The comets and kids reference. I am unsure.

Well think Comet and stars, could be kids in Hollywood.

Or Nasa and kids. Remember Comet did have Aliens painted on the walls.

Besta had and an Elf on its storefront.

Then we have uranuim one at Pegasis.

It was stated that spacex delivers to Korea.

Vegas was preplanned obviously.

There is something we are missing here. Each video gves lttle hints.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for taking a stab at this, Gothamgirl. :-)

There is something we are missing here. Each video gves lttle hints.

This is the key to these type of posts, IMO. They make no attempt to posit a thesis that can be proven or disproven (because they don't want you to engage critically). They offer no corroboration of supporting claims in the form of evidence that can be verified. They rely far too heavily on innuendo forcing the viewer/reader to "fill in the blanks" and see what they want to see (Confirmation Bias). All of this distracts from legitimate research posts that attempt to actually nail stuff down. It's for exactly this reason that we have the rules we have.

ASolo ago

I just think some of these 'truthers', who in most cases have the best of intentions, should stay off the drugs. If that's how your going to express yourself, fuck off, I dont need your bizarre, triggering bullshit. There are much better ways to get the point across. 4Chan kek fuckin' weirdos.

Gothamgirl ago

Well its not drugs lol, its a puzzle, you can't understand one piece without the others. I honestly think they do this to make you work hard to figure it out. In other words they're not giving away free answers, just small bits. Same thing as Q in a different way.

Gothamgirl ago

Guess I didn't hit the i's hard enough. Sorry about that.

ESOTERICshade ago

You pinged me here and made this comment.

M_F is the reason I backed away from this place for a while. How fucking refreshing to see this stickied!


Then you posted this stupid trashy video. you can ping me with shitty material like this but I will only hope it gets deleted. Don't try to get me to defend your shill posts.

dundundunnnnn ago

I did?

ESOTERICshade ago

You pinged me from the sticky at the top of the page labeled "emergency" and then posted some spam, yup :)

dundundunnnnn ago

A reply is called a ping here? I did not ever catch that.

What I posted was spam in your opinion, not in my view. Sorry your fucking majesty, you nasty bitch. Forget that we're fighting the same fight?

dundundunnnnn ago

And I'm not seeing a ping on the emergency sticky Got a screenshot?

dundundunnnnn ago

I'm not even sure what a ping is. Apologies. You don't need to be such a cunt.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for calling this out, ES. This is what MF would call "spamalek".

GreenDell144 ago

Cicada 3301 always smelled like a trap. A way to catch and subvert anyone that may be smart enough or otherwise disposed ro expose their evil plot...bwahahahaha. Also, it was really hard to solve those puzzles.

IrishJew ago

It wasn't really difficult at all. I did it and I'm Irish.

resurgence ago

Whatever came from it? Wasn't the last thing from them like in 2013? any new theories floating around?

GreenDell144 ago

There are different youtubers that deal with it. Different reports say multiple things.

think- ago

OP, could you please add a short summary of the video? Thank you!

Please see Rule 3 in sidebar:

EACH link in your post must include a description of content and how the link relates to the post

According to our new rules, I'll flair your post with a '24 hours Edit Warning' and would like to ask you to edit within this time period. In case the post won't be edited within 24 hours, I will unfortunately have to take it down.

Thank you! :-)

carmencita ago

WOW. I just literally Woke Up. Love that 24 Hr. Warning Marker! I am being constantly and pleasantly reminded of the New Changes and I Love Them. It's like getting a Present Every Day. Thank You!

Cc1914 ago

lol I love them! It's so much nicer this way . At least it gives us a chance to see if it's nothing.

carmencita ago

It also promotes Kindness and Respect for all of our members. What a Novel and Refreshing Idea!

think- ago

Aww, @Carmencita, thank you! :-)

I'll ping @Vindicator, and @kevdude, so they'll see what you have written, too. :-)

Vindicator ago

Because this is only a Link post, @dundundunnnnn will have to take it down himself and repost it with a better headline within 24 hours for the 24 hour flair to make sense. But flairing it and giving it the grace period clearly has positive advantages anyway:

  • It puts control in the OP's hands
  • It reinforces the new spirit of collaboration as demonstrated by @carmencita's comment
  • And it creates an opportunity to engage the whole community in suggesting better headlines

We just need to explicitly ask the OP to Edit the title by Self-Removing and reposting within 24 hours. Thoughts? @ben_matlock @kevdude

carmencita ago


ben_matlock ago

ah, you beat me to the punch @think-

and OP, your post is also in violation of the first part of Rule 3:

All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate.

think- ago

Hey, Ben, welcome on board! Thanks for being so considerate, excellent start! :-)

ben_matlock ago

you can just consider me, mr. considerate. ;)

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=jWHJmISQZYo :

Podesta, Pizza Gate, Aaron Swartz, MIT, Cicada3301 and Seth Rich - YouTube

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