Honeybee_ ago

Delete and repost as a "discuss" post per rules 2 and 3, you have not described the image, and the title does not clarify the content. You have 24 hours to self delete and repost, after that a Mod will temove, thank you

Vindicator ago

Weird. He's pushing this really hard as a pedo logo ALL OVER Voat: https://kek.gg/i/6LJSMn.png

@Blacksmith21 @think- @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

The OP is @RussianBots

think- ago

Yes, I noticed that too. Maybe someone who wants to frame the guy? If it's just an innocent Viking symbol...?

EvaEverywhere ago

It's a Viking symbol oft-seen on hipster white boys with no identity of their own. Totally overused. I was reviewing software yesterday and the guy who built it used a version of this. I wanted to tell him how uninspired he is... But that's not part of my job, which is entirely technical. If his logo really had been a boy-love symbol, he would have had a piece of my mind tho LOL

The only reason why this can still be left in the aspirational Illuminati bucket is that the Golden Triangle Business Improvement District in Washington D.C. uses this logo. Their home page had ping pong on the home page. The previous director died in weird circumstances and it's on my radar as sketch as fuck, because such things are obviously influence peddling orgs a la Clinton Foundation.

gaystapo ago


RagingShieldMaiden ago

That is indeed a valknut, based in Heathenry (Vikings)...


realityisinsanity ago

That's a valknut, but it does look similar to the boy lover logo.

carmencita ago

On the Sweater? Boy Love Symbol.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

That's a valknut, brah

Russianbots ago

U fuckin cunt