Vindicator ago

Hi AngryMimi. Could you add a headline to the top of your post (stick a "#" in front of the line of text) that explains more clearly the content and how this relates to PG, since your uneditable headline is so generic? Our submission rule #3 requires it. Something more specific like you'd see in a newspaper. Thanks!

I'm giving this our 24 Hour Removal Reprieve flair so you can do that.

Honeybee_ ago

Interesting, Nadar, and Prince met in Seychelles and that is being investigated by Mueller. I recently did a report about child sex trade and money laundering in Seychelles that goes all the way up to Gov and Catholic Diocese...

Nader/Prince/Dmitriev meeting in Seychelles

Child Sex Trafficking in Seychelles

More information for your post and direct links.

Link to 310 #7

Lawyer's Profile

3141592653 ago

glad to check out your report. you really remind me of a friend of mine. keep up the great work.