think- ago

@Itshappening123: How come you once again submit a post that disregards our rules?

We had to delete two posts yesterday and today because you didn't adhere to our rules. You were told to please not to submit a link post that directly links to your forum, since this disregards the Voat rule: Spam.

Did you intend to provoke a ban? Here you go: three strikes and you are out. I will delete this post per Voat Rule: Spam and ban you from v/pizzagate due to persistent disregard for our rules. Have a nice day.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

Just a clarification: This post also violates v/pizzagate Rule 3. @ItsHappening123 is completely ignoring our submission requirements and abusing the 24 Hour Removal Reprieve.

EricKaliberhall ago

You are spamming this board. Please delete this post yourself or we will. Continue and you risk being banned for spamming. 24hr flair will be put up. Thanks.

Syndicalism ago

Thank you, was going to call this out too but its already being addressed.