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think- ago

@Itshappening123: How come you once again submit a post that disregards our rules?

We had to delete two posts yesterday and today because you didn't adhere to our rules. You were told to please not to submit a link post that directly links to your forum, since this disregards the Voat rule: Spam.

Did you intend to provoke a ban? Here you go: three strikes and you are out. I will delete this post per Voat Rule: Spam and ban you from v/pizzagate due to persistent disregard for our rules. Have a nice day.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

Just a clarification: This post also violates v/pizzagate Rule 3. @ItsHappening123 is completely ignoring our submission requirements and abusing the 24 Hour Removal Reprieve.