think- ago

@Itshappening123: I am going to delete the post now per Voat Rule: spam. See @Honeybee_'s comment.

Honeybee_ ago

I'm flairing for a 24 hour warning. This website is associated with you, and based on the Voat site-wide rules concerning self promotion and spam, you must also include links to sites other than websites associated with you.

YogSoggoth ago

Well, what do we have here, some neon boy lover triangle, heart within a heart ... only poor kids go to libraries anymore. Those with money have computers and can afford to buy necessary books. I doubt this is the only one like it.

carmencita ago

Yes, and it is sad that kids have stopped going to libraries. When they are closed books will be gone. We will be accepting only what is posted on the internet. Where will the information be coming from? How do we know that what is posted is correct? They already are already doing without text books. This is the beginning of their brainwashing. This library is contributing to that and going a step further by posting pedo signs. That's because they know they can get away with it, attendance is down. This will be happening elsewhere, wherever they can get away with it. Usually poorer sections. Scary and Frightening.

YogSoggoth ago

Your smart. When I look through books I can pick out most relevant ones by the cover, but I am a bit of a bibliophile. Save the most banned books, even in bad condition. They can be reprinted, and used as evidence for this crime against humanity.

carmencita ago

The girl next door does not have a text book for math. It is all different now. Answers must be arrived at in an entirely new way and parents are finding it very hard to help since they were taught differently. This is extremely counter productive. Unfortunately I believe this is the whole point. Yes, I save books and none are pocket books. They are all hard cover. There is nothing like holding a real book.

YogSoggoth ago

Look for old dictionaries because of changed definitions in words. You might not know the word or words changed until you find out how much that tattered old book is going for. Then you will wonder what the buyer is up to. I suspect a library in Texas was burnt down for too many yet to be banned books.

carmencita ago

I love really old books. I have found the most interesting books by picking them for their looks. Jackets must be on books or I will not buy them. Texas is where text books are and were printed. They tried to bring about a huge change but a group of either scientists or another learned group put their foot down and things remained the same. But who knows what will happen when no one is paying attention. I wish I still had my old text books. I loved World History and my Geography books.

exposethecriminals ago

"The highest honor for libraries in the United States could soon be given to the Rochester Public Library [in Minnesota.]"


Rochester library again finalist for national honor

3141592653 ago

here is a link to the "preschool fair" page on the library's official website: what is that boy painting? I could be wrong or reading into things, just thought I should share

3141592653 ago

VERY suspicious