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Vindicator ago

djklbd follows Discord chat luring attempt and shitposting with threat to brigade v/pizzagate with alt accounts he has already created

User @djklbd posted multiple off-topic non-pizzagate-research threads complaining about political bias which had to be removed. He was warned and persisted, until I removed a fourth post which was clearly a baiting attempt, cited the previous removals and told him he was being banned. I then banned him.

However, this was during the Saturday March 10th maintenance issues, and just now I noticed the ban was not in the ban log. When I went ahead and reissued the ban, he DMed me this threat to brigade the sub:

I felt it was important to follow through with the ban because this user was attempting to lure pizzagate researchers into a Discord chat, which has been a venue for doxxing voaters multiple times in the past.

djklbd ago

I felt it was important to follow through with the ban because this user was attempting to lure pizzagate researchers into a Discord chat, which has been a venue for doxxing voaters multiple times in the past.

That's some halfass manipulation. All they have to do is look at my post history and see I've been a user there since the sub was created you idiot. No rules were ever broken, no racial or homophobic slurs were ever used, I was a good contributor and I actually reported on "doxxing" attempts on myself in a thread from a few months ago.

These are not "threats", I'm telling you what is going to happen lol. You banned me unfairly, abused your power, and you're forcing me to take these measures. I still want to post, I'm not going to let some douchebag shill keep me from being active here.

Vindicator ago

All they have to do is look at my post history and see I've been a user there since the sub was created you idiot.

You clearly are aware of the rules then, and persisted in making off topic posts. You can make all the racial or homophobic slurs you want; this is Voat, not Reddit. But you have to adhere to the submission rules or you will lose the ability to contribute to the board. The longer you've been here, the better you know this.

djklbd ago

There are posts with literally no relevance, or very little relevance to pizzagate, that are allowed here. Don't hide behind "the rules", I have every right to be suspicious.

I made a clear connection to Pizzagate and the grand scale of elite pedophilia in each of my posts that were "defiant of the rules". Way more than some of the stuff that is allowed to stay up here.

But you know what? I find it odd that my "problematic" posts all had common theme to them; They were all encouraging some basic skepticism of the current administration, and that's why you reprimanded me. Not because there wasn't elite pedophilia relevance, but because they challenged the pro-Trump/Q and conservative favoritism here, that YOU are paid to protect and prop up.

Anything that challenges the little Q psyop or the "Trump is a good guy" narrative is dangerous apparently. It's a pressure point I continuously get banned and removed for on other discussion platforms. This tells me that it's too important of a topic to not have discussed on here or anywhere else, regardless of your personal political bias (which is overshadowing your supposed "concern for the children, by the way). Either that, or you're just another lousy sellout shill, paid to maintain a limited hangout forum. Both are depressing ass realities.

Vindicator ago

I find it odd that my "problematic" posts all had common theme to them;

They did indeed have a common theme: "This board is compromised. See, I can make them delete this post." You didn't offer any new research, you didn't post anything DIRECTLY related to elite child sex abuse. You gamed the rules to post your political opinion. Repeatedly. We have a sub for that, clearly explained in the rules: v/pizzagatewhatever. You can also post it in v/politics. But that wasn't good enough for you, probably because you want to slide pizzagate research.

You also attempted to recruit our more gullible users to a Discord chat. So you can play the victim if you want, but I doubt people will buy it.