Vindicator ago

Hey there ItsProbablyNotHappening. I'm flairing this "Unverified" so our users know this is an unvetted site that may or may not be a honeypot designed to collect their metadata.

ThePuppetShow ago

Almost 100% these are the same clowns I was trying to get banned before. Any reason something like this gets a 24 hour warning? If a real investigator from here created a site they would use their real account to let everyone know. There's another one from today too.

Vindicator ago

Well, we have a new community moderated approach, because folks were unhappy with posts being removed over trivial rule violations. So now, we give 24 hour reprieves so everyone can help people edit to avoid removal. It also has the handy advatage of forcing trolls, shills and those who think every spiral is pedo signalling to endure the spotlight before their little steaming pile is removed, collecting downvotes as the community sees fit. It helps everyone see the disinfo campaigning that goes on here daily, and take part in debunking it. You don't like this strategy?

Itshappening123 ago

I own the site and can provide proof it’s legal

Honeybee_ ago

Another reason this post should be deleted. It's considered spam if your own personal website is the only link you provide. Please delete and repost with sources from other websites or the post will deleted for you in 24 hours as spam.

Honeybee_ ago

Corey, come back!!!

Honeybee_ ago

Honestly, all your comments have warmed my heart, I seriously love our dysfunctional Voat family ♡ Thank you to those not running out the door with a stranger...we have learned much from the creepy pedophiles!

Madwack ago

Stranger Danger!!!

DrPenguin ago

Obvious D&C. Username same as linkedwebsite. Member for 15 minutes...

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Lol i saw a post titled "obama arrested". So sloppy.

bdmthrfkr ago

1 hour old couldn't possibly be a honey trap, but now I am intrigued. Maybe I will join his new and shiny word press site and leave all of the useful researchers here at Voat. Hmmm... decisions decisions...

Hey shill, you should give this to your boss, he seems to have lost it

Nana66 ago

One of mine on there. March 12, 2018 at 5:46 pm #10287

Micheal84 ago

Sorry im staying here..

Itshappening123 ago

do what you want but you wont be ale to read the deleted posts here at voat and have full discussions like you will at itshappening pizzagate forum

Micheal84 ago

I have to say, the new 24hr warning flare made it much better.

But everyone is free to do what they want, right?

EricKaliberhall ago

Media Matters whore! Fuck off!

Itshappening123 ago

Go read the deleted posts elsewhere then.

EricKaliberhall ago

Aww, go cry somewhere else... Faggot!

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago
