TrishaUK ago

Looks like we are going to have check the background of this person, George Nader, in the pool with Bill Clinton and friends. He was one of the 'witness' against Trump in the 'Russian Conspiracy Hoax' run by Mueller. - Would be great to find out he is into what they all are suspected of here on voat...........that would show a definite purpose of the them all conspiring to get Trump out of office so they could continue their EVIL plans. MUELLER'S STAR WITNESS AGAINST TRUMP BUSTED PARTYING WITH BILL CLINTON! - - You really could not make this stuff up if you tried! @carmencita @srayzie @Cc1914

carmencita ago

Well we could probably not have made this stuff up a couple years ago, but I bet we could all write a book now, after all the sordid romps we now know. The problem is ours would be stories while they are living it! Yeah, the are Romping the Globe and Living the Life La Vida Loca.

TrishaUK ago

'You really could not make this stuff up' and the average Jo believe it to be true is what I meant by saying that.

carmencita ago

Oh yes, most def the average Jo would believe almost anything these play actors dish out. They swoon over their words even and believe it all. I am sure many have tried to get through to their brains. No success. It will take something really big to convince. Big.

TrishaUK ago

'You really could not make this stuff up if you tried' and the average Jo believe it to be true is what I meant by saying that.

Cara_C ago

I saw this picture linked from: The caption identifies the people in the photo as: Ricardo Cheaz, Bill Clinton, George Nader, Jose Calzada y Rolanda Gonzalez Bunaster.

DRKStar00 ago

Its not Tony. Someone posted the photo this weekend, with the actual names underneath the photo. He isnt one of them.

Micheal84 ago

Or maybe your just trying to get people to your new site??.

Polwarrior22 ago

Duh. This site sucks . Full of censorship and other bullshit.

Micheal84 ago

What keeps you here??

Polwarrior22 ago

Getting the good researchers who keep getting deleted over to my site. Make sure to spread the word. It’s more personal since all my threads were deleted here. Now everyone is gonna leave this cesspool. Voat isn’t even high traffic your a low end place. I get most of my visitors from /pol. There are gem posts that get deleted here that’s why I stick around

TrishaUK ago

Bye bad rubbish, no one is asking you to stay......👋🏻

carmencita ago

Well the pic says they were in Punta Cana, when I scrolled down in the reddit post there was a comment with a link to another article that had a much larger picture with the names and no it is not TP. Yes, it is George Nader. BUT it also says they were staying at Casa de Campo. We have researched that place before on here. Is it owned by F Giustra? What were they all doing there? @Oh_Well_Ian

TrishaUK ago

Excellent question my dear Watson :) I thought wow more names linked to that pasty white ugly dude in the centre of the photo! Gross.....made me want to puke! Especially at the thought of what they are all probably up to :'( - read your comment and it seems to confirm my saddest thoughts. @Honeybee_

carmencita ago

It is owned by the Fanjul Sugar Empire Family and Friends of the Clintons. There is also a connection to Marc Anthony. This just reeks to high heaven. These people are all over the world in every nook and cranny.

letsdothis1 ago

Man they sure like Dominica and Haiti:

The head of the Dominican Republic Visa Department, and previously the Chief of Children's Issues Abduction Unit, has ties to the NPFS orphange.

Also, I recently noticed the Clintons have close ties to at least two international airports in the Dominican Republic.

While I'm not accusing these people of anything, just to mention owners of one include Julio Iglesias (on the right), and Frank Rainieri, and the other is owned by the Fanjul sugar and real estate family.

Punta Cana International Airport:

This airport has a private security force (Full document) (PDF source) and is owned by the Clintons' close friends Frank Rainieri and Julio Iglesias, through their company Grupo Puntacana. GP owns Punta Cana Resort and a massive number of other operations. The airport moves four million passengers per year.

The Clintons, longtime friends of Iglesias, have stayed at his homes in Indian Creek in Miami, and Punta Cana:

Frank Rainieri, a pilot who formerly owned a company that sprayed chemicals over DR fields, donated to the Clinton Foundation after most shied away:

Late owners of the airport included Oscar de la Renta, and labor mediator Theodore Kheel. The latter's ownership is currently represented by his son Robert Kheel (center) and son-in-law, Arnold Jacobs.

The Clintons and Kissingers appear to spend a chunk of their quality time together at that de la Renta estate in the Punta Cana resort. Last year, the Associated Press noted that this is where the Clintons take their annual Christmas holiday. And other press reports in the United States and the Dominican Republic have pointed out that the Kissingers are often part of the gang the de la Rentas have hosted each year. When Oscar de la Renta died in 2014, the New York Times obituary reported:

At holidays, the de la Rentas filled their house in Punta Cana with relatives and friends, notably Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy and Henry Kissinger, and the art historian John Richardson. The family dogs had the run of the compound, and Mr. de la Renta often sang spontaneously after dinner. First-time visitors, seeking him out in the late afternoon, were surprised to find him in the staff quarters, hellbent on winning at dominoes.

In 2012, the Wall Street Journal, in a profile of de la Renta, wrote:

Over Christmas the Kissingers were among the close group who gathered in Punta Cana, including Barbara Walters, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Charlie Rose. "We have two house rules," says Oscar, laughing. "There can be no conversation of any substance and nothing nice about anyone."

YogSoggoth ago

He then got to dine with, and dress, the US first ladies Nancy Reagan, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton – the unlikely venue for his recent first retrospective was the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas (De la Renta was a staunch Democratic supporter). After much sharp teasing from him over her un-American choices for state events, Michelle Obama finally wore one of his designs earlier this month. Check out who was at his funeral. One annoying name keeps popping up in much of my research and that is Annie Lebovitch. You know, the photographer that did the almost nude Mily. What really turns my stomach is that I used to work for someone on that list. Gerald Shaw probably brought Oscar from the Dominican Republic to be his front man in the business while he ran things from behind. Funny thing about (Jerry) he collected Nazi memorabilia and claimed to be a survivor of the holocaust. He had the best part of the job, girls would come up in skimpy outfits, he tells them to spin, .... yes, no, nyahoo. They walk out .All day that was his job besides managing his idiot sons.

carmencita ago

How Cozy. Dinner for 8.

think- ago

@Itshappening123: Please note that headlines must adequately describe content per Rule 3. The photo you linked doesn't show Tony Podesta as claimed in the headline.

Please self-delete and edit the headline by copying it into a new submission sheet

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content.

(Headlines cannot be edited on Voat.)

Also, I would like to ask you to repost as a discussion post - the website you are linking to is associated with you, and based on the Voat site-wide rules concerning self promotion and spam, you must also include links to sites other than websites associated with you, and pointing out that you are running the site you linked to.

Can I submit links to sites I operate?

Submitting only links to sites you operate (or are associated with), without submitting other, unrelated links, is considered spamming.

I will flair the post with an 24 hours warning. You will have 24 hours to self-delete, otherwise we will do it.

Your post will be deleted per Rules 3 and Rule 5 (spam).

Thank you.

@Vindicator @Honeybee_

ThePuppetShow ago

I don't see anything in the code other that google and facebook. This is probably about this..

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"> </script>

&nbsp &nbsp

<script type="text/javascript"> google_ad_client = "ca-pub-9365032194420637"; google_ad_slot = "8353336580"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; </script> <!-- test12345678 --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"> </script>

</div> </div><!--/.pad--> </section><!--/.content-->

And the "lulz" of course

ThePuppetShow ago

Watch this shit.. Seems like someone is fishing for IP's. Why else wouldn't you just post the reddit thread? I'll check the code when I get home tonight, unless someone beats me to it.

Yuke ago

No Tony Podesta in this pic. Tony Podesta art-related threads posted today. Is this the shill angle for the day?

Polwarrior22 ago

Far right you’re blind .

TrishaUK ago

Are these Tony Podesta picture 'Artwork' fake too? - Or are you just referring to the photos with Bill Clinton? - BREAKING: Tony Podesta Creepy Photos Leaked! @Yuke

Micheal84 ago

And wheres TP in this picture.??

Polwarrior22 ago

Far right you’re blind

anomRandom ago

Podesta isn't in the photo.

Maybe he took it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

this post is intended to taint the REAL evidence in the picture

That's George Nader ( see my comment below )

Polwarrior22 ago

Far right your blind

Oh_Well_ian ago

The real catch in this photo is GEORGE NADER, who just claimed Erik Prince met in him the Seychelles to set up a backchannel to the Kremlin for President Trump.

He's also the same George Nader that had a Child Pornography Distribution conviction overturned in 1985.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago


JesusRules ago

Illuminati Satanists Baptizing each other