grantedrights ago

Implementation of “How to save the World”

TinaTessler scrubbed from minds ?

overstock - soros - ott(mann)awa spider statue

Oct 26, 2017 People, and this means minimum 60–70% globally IMO, need to be made aware and convinced,

that the implementation of the seven Part template of the Blog “How to save the World” would result in:

Maximum freedom and security for all people, and would require only a modicum of selfrestraint from each Individual.

To achieve this i propose the method of Blog two. Everybody should pick some Blog 1 related Info of his/her choosing

and adress in a confident, yet non obtrusive, manner at least one other person IRL every day.

The Info provided should be so compelling, that no explicit demand to spread it needs to be added

Off course this means one should pick topics one feels strongly about, and believes it will be interesting to the adressed person !

Furthermore one should check ones own consumption of media, food, etc. as well as the time and money spend.

This stock taking should focus especially on companies which directly or indirectly do evil, e.g. poison the planet or

the minds of millions with adrenalin busting yet attention and compassion destroying filth !

Fewer and fewer companies control larger and ever larger parts of entire industries.

Often disguised through various brand labels etc. Easy to check for everybody.

Regarding the media one has to conclude (this definitly implies the various ”alternative” media, as well)

that they very often serve as propaganda and distraction.

Leave your “smart”phone

(check the last paragraph for its controlling verbiage alone, now add the surveilance hundreds of millions do

facilitate onto themselves AND their surrounding, to a ridiculous and unprecedented degree AND add the new technologies

hailed as both inevitable and beneficial

watch blackmirror)

as often as possible unused, read a book JohnXIIHawks, have a walk and talk with people you like !

Men are pitched against women, blacks against white, “left” against “right”, rich against the poor etc. etc.

Sidenote: check the history and origin of the term Ideology !

Hate is incited, war is made palatable again, to a generation living in peace which never knew about its horrors.

Creeds are used to controll and to dehumanize believers of different creeds or nowadays even just different opinions.

Sidenote: check Blog 1 for the solution to this

The use of the term Hatespeech to limit the allowed (!!) range of opinions, the controlled use of similar terms like Refugeecrisis, Fakenews etc.

and especially the inflationary use of “Phobia” to label as sick the opinions or fears of people, and thus degrading or even dehumanizing them, comes to mind !

Be aware that language can be a virus .. , to quote a singer you might know, and yes that is the the point to conclude this blog with the

affirmative : No more heroes, and to hell with war !

Kahlypso79 ago

This thread ties information about tying the Abedins through 'Creative Minds' at the Moonie's 'Unification Church' The Moonies and the Bushes.. The Moonies, the bushes and Water in Paraguay..

Good resource site for learning about Moonies.

(plenty of tales of sexual abuse and general cult 'messiah' behaviour.. that almost always ends up looking like El Presidente Banana Republika Dictator, send me all your wives.. then your girls.. then your babies.... almost always...seems like a pattern emerging....)

Hmm// may link into organ trafficking.

Omnicopy ago

Jim Carrey has done another artwork piece and he definitely depicts a chicken as a baby. Interesting!!!!

Lansing-Michigan ago

"The second submission made on New Hope Academy the very next day, Alefantis and Pegasus Museum connections to the Moonie Cult, was by Redberries, one of the best researchers who was doxxed a week later* and deleted their accountPN" Moonie Cult gave money to Jerry Falwell, who used to be a prominent spokesperson for Christians ..he had strange ideas though back then.. ..different from MSM christians..(1) he thought one big hurricane was due to lesbians (2) he took over the PTL club when it 's spokesperson , Jim Baker, had to go to jail for tax purposes. Charismatic christians and fundamental supposedly like Falwell would never do this.The two factions do not mix..Cathy O'Brian stated in Trans: Formation of America that two well known TV evangelists were satanic. At the time, the two most well known were Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. A big red flag to me is when the US govt. gives it's stamp of approval to christian evangelists etc. Have read that the US govt. has given more money to Jerry Falwell's church than to NPR...Unfortunately , did not save the link.

Yuke ago

I remember the stuff about kids possibly being kept in houses so there must have been some further posts made about this one aspect.

Lynnwiod ago

New Horizon Academy is owned by:


Here’s the property owner info on 9 nearby homes. This is not doxxing, it is publicly available here:

Nothing looks strange to me. These names can be checked for public court records to be sure. I think the neighboring homes is a dead end. I did notice that the parent Corp “Specialized Education of MD” has several other similar names where only the state is changed. That might be worth pursuing. As it is for New Horizon, the owner is still hidden behind a corporate entity. I’d have to poke around more tomorrow or someone else can pick that up.

Vindicator ago

Was the thing you had a problem with in the original submissions the idea that they had unusual numbers of residents in these homes?

Lynnwiod ago


carmencita ago

In the thread you posted on the school I found this

Seems this Berndt Teacher makes many trips to Gambia. We have had people post about how there are Children taken on nefarious trips to other countries for nefarious purposes.

Berndt started working with groups in Gambia with that first trip in 1999, then began bringing small groups to Gambia in 2007 for three weeks at a time.

Berndt, who lives in Bowie, teaches sixth grade classes and algebra to high school students at New Hope Academy in Landover Hills, where she's been since the school opened 21 years ago. She also tutors, helps with the youth ministry at her church and is currently housing four foreign exchange students, some of whom are from Gambia.

Another organization that started because of Berndt's work is Side by Side, which started a nursing school that now houses 40 children. That, too, is running out of money to keep going. Berndt is working on a plan to help pay teachers and other employees to keep it afloat.

Finally, the annual summer program is still running strong. It is what Berndt describes as "the ultimate peace-keeping mission." The program is open to anybody over the age of 17 who wants to have an amazing experience and stay in Gambia for more than three weeks.

One year at the summer program, two imams from the area came to talk to the group about their beliefs on marriage and family. To the surprise of those on the trip, they had many of the same underlying values as the young Americans.

WHAT? She let two IMAMS come and talk to the Children about their beliefs on Marriage and Family? If this is what they believe in at New Hope Academy, God Help those Children. Also, why so many trips and so many Children taken there.

Please help sponsor a student! You can make a donation of any amount, or, if you would like to sponsor a student for a year, we will pair you up with a specific student and you will receive their name and contact information.

You will receive their name and contact information if you make a donation of any amount? Or Sponsor a Student. Scary and Creepy considering who New Hope Academy is connected to.


  1. In the Gambia 2007

    1. 8 volunteers went from Maryland, USA to work “side by side” with youth in The Gambia, West Africa from June 27 th -July 18 th They are from left to right: Vera (Mariama) Goldberg, LeeAnn (Fatou2) Henkin. Abby (Abie) Grow, Esther (Animata) Lykes, Alysia (Isatou) Flynn, Joshua (Mustafa) Berndt, Emerson (Ebrima) Lykes, and Sarah (Adama) Berndt

    2. Baby Immunization and Weighing The SFP campaign has brought great results. Long lines of mothers and babies come for immunizations and weight checks on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Esther Lykes and Abby Grow helped administer the oral vaccines and weigh and record the development of the babies.


  1. Clockwise from left: Betty from UYA awarded 50+ hour certificates. Cherno Cham gave awards to the Americans. Auntie Sally Savage received an Ambassador for Peace appointment. Ebrima Jadama from Family Federation for World Peace spoke about service and peace.

Family Federation for World Peace

On the foundation of the Holy Spirits Association for the Unification of World Christianity founded in 1954, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification was established in 1994 with the goal in promoting ideal families that attend God. Since 1996 it has been used as the official name of the Unification Church. UNIFICATION CHURCH? Yes the one connected to Rev. Sun Myung Moon

I am in need of any opinions of new hope academy in landover hills md.

Anonymous My daughter had a play date for the day and has fnially recieved an acceptance call. I have not read any recent posts in regards to this school. If anyone has any opnions on the school please let me know. We have to make a decision between two schools soon. If you have any friends who know anything please post their opnions as well.

Anonymous I know people who've left this school -- dissatisfied with the instruction and the facilities. For me, I just ruled it out because of the connection with the Unification Church (Moonies). Most people try to downplay this -- but I just find it bizarre. That's my own prejudice. When I was looking at schools, I just ruled that one out for that reason.

Anonymous Not the PP who mentioned the Unification Church, but we also ruled out the school once we found out about that connection. The school's site has a "statement on faiths" and it mentions that the school was founded by members of the Unification Church. If you google Sun Myung Moon or the Unification Church you'll be able to read a lot about the religion and see if you think the school would be a good fit for your family.

TrustTheTruth ago




Alsup Carolyn Patricia - Republic of The Gambia July 2015 Share



SUBJECT: Ambassadorial Nomination: Certificate of Demonstrated Competence -- Foreign Service Act, Section 304(a)(4)

POST: Republic of The Gambia

CANDIDATE: Carolyn Patricia Alsup

Carolyn Patricia Alsup, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, class of Counselor, currently serves as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Accra, Ghana. Known as a talented leader with extensive high-level, interagency policy experience in African regional affairs, she is an experienced consensus builder and manager. Her proven ability to promote U.S. foreign policy and run American Embassies abroad will enable her to further bilateral relations with the Government of The Gambia, an important U.S. partner in Africa and within the African Union.

Previously, Ms. Alsup served in the Department of State as Director, Office of Central African Affairs (2011-2012), Deputy Director, Office of Central African Affairs (2010-2011), Career Development Officer, Bureau of Human Resources (2008-2010), and Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Banjul, The Gambia (2005-2007). She was also Executive Assistant, Economic Bureau (2004-2005), Special Assistant, Office of Undersecretary for Economics, Business & Agriculture (2004), Examiner on the Department’s Board of Examiners (2003-2004), and Special Assistant, Office of Undersecretary for Economics, Business & Agriculture (2001-2003). Before that, she served as Desk Officer, Office of the Eastern Caribbean (2000-2001), Economics Officer, Office of Multilateral Trade (1997-2000), Assistant Financial Attaché, U.S. Embassy Mexico City (seconded to U.S. Treasury) (1995-1997), and Consular Officer, U.S. Embassy Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (1993-1995). ##Earlier, Ms. Alsup was a self-employed consultant and art gallery owner in Saint Petersburg, Florida and previously worked for Seaway Hotels Corporation, the City of Saint Petersburg, Ling-Temco-Vought Aerospace, the Washington D.C. Development Corporation, and S. C. Johnson & Son.

Ms. Alsup earned a B.S. at Wellesley College, an M.B.A. at Harvard Business School and an M.A. at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University. She is the recipient of three Superior Honor Awards and three meritorious Awards from the Department of State. She speaks Spanish.

TrustTheTruth ago

Who is Larry Yarber?

What is Strangite and what are the Voree plates?

What is the Interfaith Alliance with Kabbalah, Scientology, Jesuits, OTO and others involved?

What is the American Family Foundation?

What was decided at a Secret Meeting at Wingspread?

In furtherance of his plans for religion, West is also a member of the advisory board of the American Family Foundation (AFF), an organization affiliated with CAN. In 1985, AFF and Jolly West held a clandestine meeting at the Wingspread Conference Center near Racine, Wisconsin. West attempted to create some credibility for this conference of anti- religionists by lending the name of the Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), which West heads, as a co-sponsor. However, when UCLA was contacted to see if NPI and UCLA were officially sponsoring and endorsing the conference, one of the Vice Chancellors for the university stated in a letter that: “...Neither the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute’s assistance in organizing the conference, nor Dr. L. Jolyon West’s participation in the program, constitutes endorsement or advocacy by the University of California. Dr. West to express his views...and does not express an official position of the University of California when he does so.” Word of this secret meeting leaked out beforehand and prompted national protests from religious and civil rights organization including the National Council of Churches. During the protests, media and protestors compared the secret conference to the infamous “Final Solution” conference held by the Nazis to work out the extermination of the Jews.



SandHog ago

Oh damn. There is a lot to unpack here. I vaguely remember some talk of the Moonies early on. I'm kinda buzzed right now so I'll have to look at the rest of this stuff tomorrow.

I do know that @IsThisGameofThrones (he's the guy Alefantis was threatening, yes?) talked to Owen Benjamin about coming on his podcast a couple days ago and I also spoke with him on a Reddit thread he made a while back so I can try to get in touch with him there and direct him here if that will be of help.

All the rest of this is stuff that I am unfamiliar with.

Vindicator ago

I'm kinda buzzed right now so I'll have to look at the rest of this stuff tomorrow.

Happy Friday, Sandhog. :-) You deserve it.

I do know that @IsThisGameofThrones (he's the guy Alefantis was threatening, yes?) talked to Owen Benjamin about coming on his podcast a couple days ago and I also spoke with him on a Reddit thread he made a while back so I can try to get in touch with him there and direct him here if that will be of help.

That'd be great. He does check in here from time to time, but since Voat doesn't have off-platform notifications, it often takes a while. He really took a beating here when he reported about Alefantis' fuckery. I've always believed him and thought he was legit dude who wanted to help and was a bit naive about how the shills would spin his decisions. It would be interesting to get his take on this material.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I can ping him on Reddit or Twitter. Let me know.

SandHog ago

Happy Friday, Sandhog. :-) You deserve it.

Thanks. Figured it was time for a little break before I wrapped my brain into a pretzel.

That'd be great. He does check in here from time to time, but since Voat doesn't have off-platform notifications, it often takes a while. He really took a beating here when he reported about Alefantis' fuckery. I've always believed him and thought he was legit dude who wanted to help and was a bit naive about how the shills would spin his decisions. It would be interesting to get his take on this material.

Yeah, I'll pop over there and shoot him a message. I dunno if he has been active at all on that account or not recently but I'll give it a shot. I must have missed out on all this stuff because I took a long break from everything around February of '17 or therabouts.

Vindicator ago

I took a long break from everything around February of '17 or therabouts.

Lucky man! I've been here almost every single day since November 23, 2016. Only a few days off. This is the board no one wants to mod, because it puts a target on your back, LOL. I've watched something like two dozen mods come and go -- most taken out by trolling and/or doxxing. It was one of the first clues I knew this shit was real.

Blacksmith21 ago

Shit @vindicator I don't recall seeing this. Then again, I wasn't exactly watching v/pizzagatemods then.

Interestingly, the "Moonies" (Rev Sun Yung Moon) founded the conservative Washington Times newspaper. I'm unlcear if they still own it:

This sounds like a very sophisticated grooming/breeding/programming operation. The DC franchise.

PIZZAGATE- James Alefantis ties to Moonies Cult via purchase of Pegasus Museum?

Followup to the OP: Followup to the Alefantis/Pegasus/Moonie Connection from an earlier post (Part 3 --THE OTHER PROPERTY OWNED BY PEGASUS OWNER)

Refresher imagery

TrustTheTruth ago


Why was a self-proclaimed prophet and leader of a religious cult abusing children?

Who else in the family abused children?

What other groups in the area abuse children?

What prominent officials and community leaders abuse children?


Where were the Podestas and Emanuels "MADE"?

Where was Hillary's Deal and Model made for Community Policing?

Where is Trump's Deal and Model made for 5G+ AI and the Mark of the Beast?

What is Alefantis' family name?


What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real name?

Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

septimasexta ago

"Racine, Wisconsin is the Root of All Evil"

"(1816) Astor's American Fur Company began operating in Wisconsin"

HISTORY "(1783) U. S. took control of Wisconsin Region in second Treaty of Paris (1787) Wisconsin became part of U. S. Northwest Territory, British fur traders continued to control region 1800s (1814) Fort Shelby built at Prairie du Chien, captured by British, name changed to Fort McKay (1815) British abandoned Fort McKay (1816) Astor's American Fur Company began operating in Wisconsin (1818) Wisconsin area included in Michigan Territory; territorial governor created two Wisconsin counties: Brown and Crawford (1822) Indians from New York moved to Wisconsin; lead mining began in southwestern Wisconsin (1825) U. S. and Indian representatives met at Prairie Du Chien, signed Treaty of Prairie Du Chien establishing tribal boundaries (1831) Survey of public lands began by Lucius Lyon (1836) U.S. Congress created Territory of Wisconsin; Madison selected as territorial capital (1837) All territorial banks failed in Panic of 1837; Winnebago Indians ceded claim to all land in Wisconsin (1848) Wisconsin became 30th U. S. state; first telegram reached Milwaukee"

TrustTheTruth ago

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

Who were the first Corporate Nations, and how do they still control Global Trading?

What have the members of the Astor family been involved with since?

John Jacob Astor founded the American Fur Company in NY in 1808 and its subsidiary, the South West Co., in the Great Lakes region. He had a virtual monopoly on the American fur trade from 1820 until 1834 and was reputed to be the richest man in the US when he died.

In mockery and imitation of God’s 12 tribes, Satan blessed 12 bloodlines. One of these bloodlines was the Ishmaeli bloodline from which a special elite line developed alchemy, assassination techniques,and other occult practices. One bloodline was Egyptian/Celtic/Druidic from which Druidism was developed. One bloodline was in the orient and developed oriental magic. One lineage was from Canaan and the Canaanites. It had the name Astarte, then Astorga, then Ashdor, and then Astor. The tribe of Dan was used as a Judas Iscariot type seed. The royalty of the tribe of Dan have descended down through history as a powerful Satanic bloodline. The 13th or final blood line was copied after God’s royal lineage of Jesus. This was the Satanic House of David with their blood which they believe is not only from the House of David but also from the lineage of Jesus, who they claim had a wife and children. The 13th Satanic bloodline was instilled with the direct seed of Satan so that they would not only carry Christ’s blood--but also the blood of his "brother" Lucifer. - Bloodlines of Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier, 1995

Who else is connected with the DuPonts, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and other families involved at the highest levels?

What do they all know and believe? What do they fear?

What else did they steal from Native Americans and ancient civilizations?

What is their real Agenda beyond control at all levels?

Vindicator ago

Nice addition. Did you see this comment in that thread, by @Yuke:

Yuke 1 points (+1|-0) 2 years ago (edited 2 years ago)

The people that bought the property on September 28th 2012 and still own it to this day are 1644 North Capitol LLC, otherwise known as Syga and Semara Thomas

Syga Thomas is a former US diplomat and has other interesting connections he's very much an 'international' man, speaks five languages and is on the board of directors for the Dupont Underground initiative He runs Maedwell out of 1644 North Capitol Street and District Maids is also based there

Semara Thomas is a medical doctor whose specialist area is obstetrics, gynecology and fertility https://www. If you dig a little on her area of work you get some alarming 'big picture' findings regarding mutated genes and their effects, which is quite scary.

Vindicator ago

Shit @vindicator I don't recall seeing this.

..."You have more than you know." It haunts me.

Blacksmith21 ago

I remember some shills slamming me way long ago over some BS I made up - "retrogressive logic". Work backwards. Read right to left. Start at the beginning and work forward a year or two later. Everything has new meaning. Just like looking at Feb 15 2018 Q posts.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Agreed... all archived. Diving back in based on timestamped URL/bookmarks.

Vindicator ago


Vindicator ago

Do you recall in one of the recent MSM pieces whining about pizzagate conspiracists Alefantis or Podesta or someone mentioned a woman said her school had been threatened or something like that? I can't remember where I saw that. The woman wasn't named, and we were discussing schools that had had fundraisers at Comet. Can't find that!

@think- Do you remember?

thewebofslime ago

Horace Mann that belongs to the Edible Schoolyard program was the school.

I assumed it was Alice Waters writing, but I haven't been able to prove that definitively.

The email was to Comey's personal gmail account, where the sender admits they know each other then asks for a favor, which seems a lot more like a cover up. The two agents in charge of "Pizzagate" or "Pizzagate cover up" (you decide) are named. They would definitely be ones to ask for updates from.

In February 2018, Director Christopher Wray named Paul M. Abbate the associate deputy director of the FBI. In this position, Mr. Abbate is responsible for the management of all FBI personnel, budget, administration, and infrastructure.

FBI Director Christopher Wray has named executives to three senior leadership positions: David T. Resch as executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch; Andrew W. Vale as executive assistant director of the Human Resources Branch; and Nancy McNamara as assistant director in charge of the Washington Field Office.

YOu can ask them, yourselves, what's up with all that.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Vindicator ago

LMAO. Thanks webofslime!

think- ago

Yes, I think he means these threads ;-) - at least these are the posts I remembered.


Vindicator ago

My first instinct was that Alice Waters of Edible Schoolyards was the one who sent the email on behalf of one of the schools in her program. James Alefantis is on the Board. My Edible Schoolyard posts have been deleted by the mods in this sub, so I gave up on trying to tell anyone about it back in April.

The reason I jumped to this conclusion is because they had a "Solstice" fundraiser where they made $167,000. Another fundraiser was for someone 41st birthday party. Alefantis is the likely organizer.

Edible Schoolyards has connections to a number of schools named "Monarch" where they have made gardens.

Yep. Excellent. I'm pretty sure that's what I was thinking of. I was trying to find that when I came across this New Hope Academy thread in PGmods.

I wonder if Comey was referencing the New Hope Academy, and not Edible Schoolyard?


letsdothis3 ago

There are other considerations. We have a list of schools within the vicinity of CPP with tunnels:

I have created a partial, but extensive map of the underground tunnels that run under Comet Ping Pong and throughout D.C. and found a few interesting connections, but I need some help.

Comet Ping Pong is directly connected to Murch Elementary School,

-Another adjoining tunnel reaches close to Deal Middle School, which is coincidentally right by 4082 Chesapeake.

-There are also a few other tunnels connecting to Deal Middle School which are loosely connected to CPP from another vein.

-CPP connects directly to St. John's College High school with multiple tunnels.

-CPP connects to the Episcopal Center for Children.

Source: Besta Pizza Closed Down, Tunnels below Woodrow Wilson High School

Apartment buildings near Comet Ping Pong have some interesting connections: Martha's Table, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,...

a rousing keynote by His Royal Highness Prince Charles. Seedling Projects collaborated with Bon Appetit Management Company and D.C. non-profits, with the generous support of Kaiser Permanente, to produce a lunch that continued the conversations sparked by the panelists and speakers over a family-style meal.

Hand-decorated bay leaves. The children from E.W. Stokes public charter school and Martha’s Table donated their youthful artistic talents to decorate 350 bay leaves that sprang to life at each place setting. The leaf decoration, coordinated by Farm to Desk D.C. coordinator Peter Nalli, was integrated into a lesson on herbs.

I'm going to go off now and have a closer look at that third post because it is connected to another post of mine (which was deleted) about the murder of an actress but there were many things about the case that I thought weird...


letsdothis3 ago

And lastly, I'll leave this image which I found rather poignant which was also on her account ;

Washington Ballet’s Septime Webre turned company into a big tent

It was 1999, and Webre had just moved to Adams Morgan from New Jersey to start his new job. Beside him stood Rhonda Buckley, founder of the Sitar Arts Center, which ran after-school programs for underserved children in that damp, windowless room. She was nervously hoping that Webre would consider, at some future date, offering ballet classes for little ones at her center, maybe once she had moved it to a better location.

His answer surprised her.

“He said yes, emphatically and without hesitation,” Buckley recalled recently.

letsdothis3 ago Prince Charles with Pertula George and Tricia McCauley

Petula George is now AmeriCorps VISTA Program Director. Related voat post:

April 20 + 21: school board members in California and Kentucky arrested on charges related to human trafficking + child pornography

Having served for two years in an unrelated AmeriCorps program myself, it's interesting that you bring that up. It has definitely crossed my mind a time or two that some of these programs--particularly those in mentoring and education literacy--may very well serve a much more sinister purpose. It is especially troubling when you consider the fact that a lot of them (Teach for America, for example) provide support to K-12 schools in economically disadvantaged/low-income areas. In no way is that to say that all who serve in these programs have ill intent, but rather, it gives certain individuals access where they wouldn't have had it otherwise.


It's definitely worth looking into, given the history of the program. The idea for a national volunteer network was originally proposed by John F. Kennedy and came to fruition under Lyndon B. Johnson's anti-poverty platform + the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. Early programs such as VISTA and the NCCC were ultimately designated under the AmeriCorps umbrella in 1993; a division of the newly-created Corporation for National and Community Service signed into law via the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993. In addition to AmeriCorps VISTA and AmeriCorps NCCC, the act also allowed for the establishment of AmeriCorps State and National programs. As a result, communities of all shapes and sizes, in all 50 states, may utilize stakeholder partnerships to apply for and obtain AmeriCorps funding through the CNCS (and thereby establish local or state level AmeriCorps programs to fit the community's needs).


Oh, and did I mention that Bill Clinton signed the National and Community Service Trust Act into law?

letsdothis3 ago

Martha's Table:

James Alefantis $5,000+ donor to Martha's Table Charity?

Anthony Podesta is a donor/sponsor too.

Patricia Q. Stonesifer /ˈstoʊnsaɪfər/ (born 1956) is the president and CEO of Martha's Table

Stonesifer currently advises business, nonprofit and government leaders on strategies for reducing inequity, and was appointed in 2010 by President Obama to serve as the Chair of the White House Council for Community Solutions.[3] In July 1996, she was named as one of the 25 Most Influential People in America by Time.[

Patty Stonesifer is the former co-chair and chief executive officer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Stonesifer is a founding board member of the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences. She served on the board of The GAVI Fund, which helps to provide vaccines to developing countries. Stonesifer has also served on the U.S. delegation to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on AIDS.

Nov. 2018 article:

Patty Stonesifer, the founding CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who took over Martha’s Table Inc. nearly six years ago, is stepping down next summer.

Stonesifer, a national figure in philanthropic and business arenas who has sat on Inc.’s board of directors since 1997, disclosed the news in an email to supporters on Friday.

Vindicator ago

Excellent, LDT3.

Somewhere as I was reviewing the Search results for New Hope Academy, I believe I read that the guy who owned the Pegasus property prior to Alefantis was also a member of the Dupont Underground adivsory group or something. It was enough to ping my radar when I read it, but not enough for me to include in the submission (maybe because I was getting tired and had 20+ tabs open LOL).

letsdothis3 ago

I was getting tired and had 20+ tabs open

It happens.. believe me I know :)

Vindicator ago

I think my max was like 121. Doh! I didn't notice until my laptop started to get hot and reeeeeally slow.

letsdothis3 ago

E.W. Stokes public charter school - Principal: Constanza Rosas. Executive Director: Erika Bryant.

Erika Bryant - senior counsel at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is an American international law firm and the most profitable lobbying firm in the United States... Paul Manafort, a central figure in the 2017 Special Counsel investigation, was being represented by Melissa Laurenza, a partner of the firm.

Under Current employees and consultants: Vernon Jordan Jr., former adviser to President Bill Clinton

In her CV : I have significant experience in representing companies and private equity firms on transactional matters and other complex business transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, venture capital/private equity investments, divestitures of subsidiaries and business segments, distressed M&A transactions, reorganizations, and other strategic transactions across a broad range of industries, including media and entertainment, telecommunications, retail, restaurants, technology, social media and renewable energy.

Mrs. Bush's Remarks at the Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom Public Charter School Graduation -

Linda Moore, founder of the school writes for the Guardian (has an image of Obama)

Agriculture Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Kevin W. Concannon at the school

Laura Bush at the school where her daughter Jenna Bush taught

Her sister is involved with SPiN ! Should we investigate SPiN?

Former first daughter Barbara Bush is dating Franck Raharinosy, a part owner in the the New York ping-pong clubs SPiN


Savannah Gutherie, from NBC's Today Show, is full on pedo cult. How do I know this? First of all, on the TODAY show this morning all her notes were on PINK paper ( always on white ) and she wore a baby blue and white traditional dress, a la' Alice in Wonderland. Yes, she looked like Alice. She wore red 4 out of 5 days last week, also. Now, who wears red that frequently during a Satanic celebration period, other than Satanists? To boot, Savannah also got her Masters from ((( Georgetown ))) and hails from Australia. Her biography is replete with red flags as well >>

Savannah was also the only reporter authorized to view Obama's birth certificate. She said it felt totally authentic and was super convinced that it was the real deal.

From the Ambrovich article >> ' She joined Court TV (now truTV) in 2002 while working at Akin Gump, where she worked as the national trial correspondent, covering such high-profile cases as the Michael Jackson child molestation case, the Boston clergy sex abuse scandal trial '. Also, I've been digging on her parents and it seems they spent 2 years in Australia ( where she was born ) and it looks like there may be something. As for Jenna Bush.... FUCK HER ! She is a complete CIA plant.

So far connections to the school are: Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP >> Jenna Bush >> Samantha Guthrie

Guthrie is married to Michael Feldman

Michael Feldman (born October 14, 1968) is an American public relations and communications consultant and a former Democratic political adviser. Feldman was Vice President Al Gore’s traveling chief of staff during the 2000 presidential election campaign. He is a founding partner and managing director of The Glover Park Group, a communications, consulting and advocacy firm.

Feldman joined Bill Clinton's campaign staff in 1992.

Notable clients have included the National Football League,[3] Pfizer, the United States Telecom Association,[1] Visa, the Alliance for Climate Protection,[4] Microsoft, The Saudi Government and Verizon Wireless.

In November 2011, the firm was acquired by WPP plc, a London-based communications services company.

Related voat thread re: Glover Park Group .>

I believe in Aaron Rouse there is an Pete Rouse-John Podesta connection that Pete and John have gone to lengths to keep hidden. (Obama Hotdog related?)

septimasexta ago

Alice Waters. Edible School...or something like that.

HelloDolly ago

I do. The school complained of harassment or something. I tried to research school fundraisers at comet and couldn't find anything at the time.

Vindicator ago

Do you remember which thread we were researching? Was it the Comet fire?

HelloDolly ago

I think it was before that for some reason.

think- ago

Yes, it was before that. Sometime in December I think.


think- ago

I think we figured that this might have been a school (or schools) involved in the 'eadible schoolyard' project. By the lady who is connected to Slow Food.

@letsdothis3 might know.

Lynnwiod ago

What bothered me (reason I backed off) was the researchers seemed hell bent on interpreting Spokeo results wrong; attributing every single name associated to an address as a current resident, and decided they were all children. I have a pay Spokeo account, and tried on a different dig to explain how Spokeo results should be read. But some folks, they refuse to see logic. I got disgusted with them, took my pay Spokeo account and went home.

Vindicator ago

Lynnwiod, would you repost that here so we can take a fresh look at it?

That was a very high stress time on this board. Lots of disinfo spamming, lots of Voat bugginess that made people paranoid, lots of leftover paranoia from all the Reddit suppression and MSM attacks. Things are better now.

Lynnwiod ago

I’m pretty sure it was these houses

That link is found here, posted above:

Lynnwiod ago

I think it might have been the houses neighboring the New Home Academy. Across the street. I don’t know what more I can do, what I did at the time was look at other people’s comments, then looked up the addresses myself and realized they were not only wrong, but totally wrong. Not a single thought was given to who owned the homes just LOOK AT ALL THOSE NAMES. You can’t help people like that. I’m a professional internet researcher, since 2002. I’ve learned that that the wronger a person is, the less likely it is they will listen. So, I didn’t save any of the info and don’t have the addresses. The only way I know it’s the same dig was the New Hope name and the assumption that the kids must be living in neighboring homes. A proper dig would look up the owners of the homes, public records, easy, and not assume all the names at Spokeo are kids, and that they all live there at the same time.

Vindicator ago

Are you referring to that first post from RFSY, or the second one from Redberries? Did you make any comments there to explain spokeo and/or what was wrong with what people were saying?

Lynnwiod ago

I really don’t remember if I posted, DM someone in private, or just walked away. I am willing to give it another go and be more vocal this time. I suspect i just looked at the conclusions, rolled my eyes and walked away. Internet research can’t be done on assumptions. We are held to a very high standard BECAUSE it’s the Internet. Considering you have pinged the original researchers, I’m sure it will come up again. I’ll try to keep an eye on this thread....

Vindicator ago

I really don’t remember if I posted, DM someone in private, or just walked away. I am willing to give it another go and be more vocal this time. I suspect i just looked at the conclusions, rolled my eyes and walked away. Internet research can’t be done on assumptions.

It would be great if you could find the time and will to do this, Lynnwiod. Our enemies rely on us growing discouraged and divided and giving up. Together, we can prevail, but as you said, it takes discipline and fortitude. :-)

Looking forward to your perspective!

Vindicator ago

Pinging some users who helped with the original research.

@Blacksmith21 @Karenrussell63 @rooting4redpillers @Orange_Circle @remedy4reality

Vindicator ago

Pinging some users who helped with the original research.

@SayWhatNoWay @Pizzagate711 @olear @Kawksnahch @Freemasonsrus

Kawksnahch ago

sup booboo

Vindicator ago

Hey there Kawksnahch! Been awhile :-)

Vindicator ago