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Vindicator ago

Just for the record, this information is not being censored by mods on this sub. We reached out directly to several different researchers with a proven track record of skill and rigor and asked them to look into it. We are concerned this could be planted information that is part of a disinformation campaign to discredit pizzagate investigators. We have not yet heard anything back.

Dressage2 ago

It seems from my observation that anything of any significance on this site gets deleted. I am no shill dectector, but I do observe what stays or what is deleted immediately. Very unfortunate.

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

Soros, Madeline Mccann Coloboma Defect & StemCell Harvest

To begin, we are discussing the genetic anomaly which occurs both in the eye of George Soros, Madeline Mccann and members of the Rothschild family. One of the moderators of this forum has correctly pointed out the rarity of this condition here:

If 1 or 2% have it, then this could easily be coincidence. However, it is MUCH more rare than that. This is an extremely unlikely coincidence (although we must acknowledge there's still a possibility it's a coincidence).

estimates range from 0.5 to 2.2 cases per 10,000 births That's .005% to .022% quote @Millennial_Falcon OK, So the genetics of the condition are thus.... The PAX6 transcription factor within our DNA is responsible for the congenital mutation within the Iris we see on the aforementioned, for the PAX6 transcription factor plays a major role in the development of our eyes, brains, in particular our olfactory (sense of smell). Many of you will be aware our olfactory is responsible for some of our oldest and deepest memories. This is because the olfactory, unlike the functions of the other senses, is processed uniquely through more extensive channels of the brain.

It should also be noted, the olfactory bulb is responsible for the production of stemcells.

That's right, adult neurogensis.

That is to say, stemcells within the adult brain. I would hazard such a discovery, as it is known can regenerate organ tissue, would be a fundamental element to human cloning.

Now how does this relate to pizzagate?

~~~ "In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene."

~~~Well if we consider the programs of the Nazis, to create a super race, we might consider which particular genetics might be considered the holy grail for eugenicists. This eye condition is found in the art of many of the alleged perpetrators of pizzagate. discussed here

Why do you we suppose that alleged occultists would have such a strong desire to show this condition symbolically.

"Sigurdr had a defect in his eye, that many believed to be an image of an Ouroboros, more specifically, the Ouroboros Jormundgandr."

"In Norse mythology, Ragnarök is a series of future events, including a great battle, foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdallr, and Loki), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors."

Perhaps they are after very particular stemcells, the ones from this particular lineage, which they presume to contain a very special kind of DNA.

LeChevalBlanc ago

To me the OP should be reshaped. When it goes : * This is what we know - as Fact … James Alefantis IS connected to the ‘New Hope Academy*’ The only connection I know of is that what became Pegasus was purchased to these people (possibly at a cost that didn't match the usual market price but this is yet to be proven). Not a "connection" to me or a very far-fetched one.

It doesn't mean that the rest of the research is irrelevant but honnestly doesn't encourage to explore further this lead.

In passing Nazi eugenism seems to be a pleaonasm for many. I encourage those to read about the social eugenism policies in US and elsewhere before and (could be wrong here) after 2d world war. Eugenism was official and not edgy scientific pratice before 2WW. Even today many widely agreed pre-natal medical practises amount to eugenism.

jangles ago

Keep digging