karenrussell63 ago

Wonder if we can find out - Who owns the property, 7009 Varnum Street, Hyattsville, Maryland, where the academy is located? And get some background on Nellie T Hubbard, the Trustee for her former husband’s Estate. I have her age at 53 but there isn’t much to find on the net apart from divorce court documents and that she resided with Joseph T Scheve at 7292 Finns Lane, Lanham, MD 20706. Wonder if ‘Nellie’ is a product of the CIA/related to L Ron Hubbard? A ‘Nellie’ features in Hubbard’s book, Writers of the Future. https://books.google.com.au/books?id=oE5jlaDEWGIC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false

Date of Birth: 01/01/1963
Age: 53
Address: 7292 FINNS LN LANHAM MD 20706
Previous Address 1161 PUNJAB DR ESSEX MD 21221 10/01/1995
Previous Address 11403 JULY DR 201 SILVER SPRING MD 20904 06-01-1996
Previous Address 7292 FINNS LN LANHAM MD 20706 04/00/2000

Current Address 7009 VARNUM STREET LANDOVER HILLS MD 20784 2010-03-05
Juliette Healy 7009 varnum street Landover hills MD 20784 ******@newhopeacademy.org 10/14/2007

NotTooLate ago

YingYangMom ago

All i have is an archived document titled 'Front Groups of the Unification Church'. Link posted by @redditsuckz http://archive.is/QbqYG

PresudentMcCheese ago

"The children are being packed into homes"

Any evidence at all for this? Your psychotic break doesn't count.

NeedPolyGF ago

Do you mean DirBuster is for safe archiving?

NeedPolyGF ago

I didn't know stuff could be so easily removed from the net by third parties. Isn't there a safe place to put anything online?

Singleservename ago

One stinkin shitpost after another, all rapidly upvoted, no research anywhere on Hot despite many leads and loose ends the stupid mooner links rehash posted by a clueless n00b at the top - where the fuck have all the RESEARCHERS gone?

This site is going to shit faster than last night's kebab

rush22 ago

The person who posted it needs to learn how to write something that isn't an incoherent mess, then they won't be dismissed as a shill or as yet another person declaring Obama is actually Will Smith clone living with lizard people underneath the white house (which they go on to prove with a video of Katy Perry playing ping pong.)

This looks mildly interesting but we don't have the energy to decipher dumps of half-baked writing.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I understand the format of Voat overall and get that posts fall off or get moved, scrubbed, deleted, fall off the radar for various legit reasons. But it's frustrating in this particular subverse due to the nature of what we're doing here. Good leads get lost. I mention this and suggest ways to change this and am reminded that's not how Voat works and posts aren't normally deleted as a general rule but the influx of puzzagaters "fucked all that up".

I get it...I'm newer to Voat & this is just one of many and doesn't define Voat. But this is one of the big hubs of the investigation, like it or not.

Nana66 ago

Link is missing....

Parents, you can help the students at New Hope Academy with NO COST TO YOU by using the Amazon.com link below to make your purchases. Amazon will reward New Hope Academy for every purchase, which helps our school provide the best services for all of our students.


Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Somehow someway we need to find the 3 children waiting in a swimming pool for Podesta.

Jem777 ago

I don't know what the tie in here might be but for those who are not aware the South Korean president was impeached about a month ago after it was revealed she was involved both in a cult that had similar themes that also spoke of child sacrifice. Millions of protesters took to the streets for days our media completely blacked it out. They are our ally and a democratically elected governmenment. For those not following this is historical and ties in the connections since GWB Sr., Barbara Bush (Pierce) research this!!! The history of the elite secret societies, banksters, the Vatican takeover of USA, WW11, the founding of CIA with Nazi war criminals, JFK speech against them, the astounding cover ups.....blackmail. The name in this now being linked to L. Ron Hubbard (Scientology) massive false religion by CIA to control Hollywood through confession, threats, cp, (view Leah Remini). The Attorney mentioned in the Podesta emails as possible replacement for Scalia on Supreme Court was attorney in case against Hubbard and Scientology.This is huge.

fogdryer ago

..... ties to connections since George senior and Barbara bush..,, What does that mean

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yes. The South Korean revolt is very significant and should have been MAJOR news. Big time stuff!

waxdino ago

Maybe I missed that. The archive and link direct to the default page now, and when I just tried the link, it said service unavailable. Should've screen capped what I found, damm!
(Edit for clarity)

BeezleyBillyBub ago

hulk's head hurts, hulk getting angry

Yuser_Manuel ago

People from all over the Moonie-spectrum, from H1 supporters to Sanctuary members to some level-headed FFWPU members, have noted that there is something strangely familiar and relevant to the situation of the Unification Church in the recent scandal exploding about the South Korean President, Park Geun-hye.


ZalesMcMuffin ago

I read the article but didn't see any parallel situation mentioned. What is the familiarity aspect?

Blacksmith21 ago

@Tjarco - Did you notice on the Google Streetview of 7292 Finns lane, the car in driveway has Florida, not MD (or DC or VA) tags on it? And Google didn't blur it out...FAIL. This is not unusual to see in the DC area, but given the role FL might play in trafficking (water access) and I-95N, this might be the missing link. Can anyone run a license plate? It would appear to say PF6 62P, but I'm not with image processing software at the moment.

Archived image: https://sli.mg/RVfF8b Archived site: https://www.google.com/maps/place/7292+Finns+Ln,+Lanham,+MD+20706/@38.961847,-76.8871778,3a,15y,128.09h,79.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUgd4zLIlVKXXXNjXVmfnHw!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fmaps%2Fphotothumb%2Ffd%2Fv1%3Fbpb%3DChAKDnNlYXJjaC5UQUNUSUxFEkAKEgm5XTKFEMG3iRFzE01cYooOIBIKDRwcORcVKfEr0hoSCZdAecUEwbeJEcKcvMzf5kI_KgoNHBw5FxUp8SvSGgQIVhBW%26gl%3DUS!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7c11085325db9:0x200e8a625c4d1373!8m2!3d38.9618716!4d-76.8872151!6m1!1e1

Let's see how long it takes for Google to blur it out.

YingYangMom ago

This needs to be sticked and up there at the top. Super interesting finds. Need lots of eyes on this. Great thread and research OP!

Snailracer ago

This whole line of thought seems very tenuous to me. How is JA involved in New Hope Academy? Why is quoting statistics from The World Factbook, a CIA publication, supposed to be interesting at all? Not every place with "Hope" in the name is going to be related to a specific school. Having met some Moonies or worked with them somewhere doesn't make you agree with their cult. Why is it suspicious that someone lives near a baptist church?

It sounds a lot more like the reasoning went the other way to give Voat a false lead, and get someone to pester the Sceves.

Solver2 ago

Want to look at this article in more detail later and am here marking it just so I don't lose track of it.

Shortgiraffe ago

Isn't anyone scared that these pedophiles may be on voat and can see everything being discussed. Isn't it kind of scary that they would have a heads up on all of this. Just wondering.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

It's a negative, but so is letting the situation just continue on uninterrupted. I'll take door #1. ;-)

justanotherpizza ago

They find safety in secrecy. We find safety in transparency and openness. also consider that dismantling and moving a child trafficking operation because someone is on them is an expensive business. they have put money, time and effort into sourcing and buying property, sorting logistics, etc. at the least we are an expensive nuisance, and at the most a considerable risk to their operation.

Shortgiraffe ago

I totally agree. I would like to think that there is someone watching them to see what if any changes are taking place.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

Drive the cockroaches out into the open....

spacewitch ago

Interesting! Marine Le Pen was at the Trump Tower just yesterday and met with Pierre Ceyrac, who is a former Moon Cult member.

BerksResident ago

Pls send this info to David Seaman and Ryan PizzaGater and anyone else covering Alefantis on you tube. I will save the link and schedule loads of tweets today.

LeChevalBlanc ago

Sorry, not following 24/7... Is there anymore link so far to JA than Moonies being the previous owners of Pegasus?

Because that only sounds like no link at all.

Votescam ago

Sorry -- sent a report that this msg was "spam" -- tried to correct, but too late. Apologies

SecureYourSeats ago

As for the number of residences in the houses, if you view the "Neighbors" section you do get strange high numbers of residents, however if you select one of those homes the number changes to a normal number of residents. This must just be a flaw in the web pages.
Edit: I stand corrected the 7308 Finns Lane address does seem to have a fair amount of residents (16) all with non western sounding surnames.
Edit: However, if these are "trafficked" kids why would they be listed as living in these homes? That makes no sense.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I would be very surprised if the names were names of trafficked kids. By intuition I expect it would be something else. It's odd, though, so dig dig dig!

readstuff ago

Some single-family residences are rented out to large numbers of unrelated immigrants. They live crowded but cheaply while the owner gets extraordinary level of income to pay mortgage and acquire other properties.

SecureYourSeats ago

That makes sense

scuttlefish96 ago

What if it's to benefit from the adoption and safe families act?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I don't know if this is a lead, but, when I read some of the articles about the Moon cult, specifically the "Biden offspring" comment. I went digging. Turns out that the Bidens were seemingly involved in business dealings with "Dr James Park, one of Korean Unification Church founder Reverand Sun Myung Moon’s sons-in-law". 2 courts cases resulted in the failed dealings, and Joe Biden was just being sworn in as VP at the time. Both court cases settled out of court under confidential terms: https://ftalphaville.ft.com/2009/05/01/55288/the-politics-of-paradigm/

So, in the footer of the article I was reading, it drops the Frank Biden nugget of entertainment: "Joe and James Biden knew the center well: A judge had sent their brother, Frank, there after a string of arrests, one of them for trying to flee a Blockbuster with DVDs shoved down his pants."

So, I jump to Frank Biden, just to see if his legal troubles went beyond movies down his pants. Turns out he was in trouble before but seems to be recovered and on a straight path now. He ends up running the "Mavericks High" Charter school program in FL: http://digitalissue.miaminewtimes.com/display_article.php?id=932950


Strange quote from the article: “I’m a salesman,” Biden says. “I’m nothing but a P.T. Barnum for these kids.” Probably nothing...

So, I look into Mavericks high school and notice that it's pretty terrible. As in extra police needed and the school has to pay for the extra police. Shootings, theft, underage drinking... oh, and the Principal gets caught in a car full of weed with her shirt unbuttoned while with an 18 year old student: http://extracredit.blog.palmbeachpost.com/2015/05/07/maverick-high-charter-school-principal-suspended-after-pot-arrest/

But Herman noted the bar for criminal charges to be filed is higher than that needed to file a civil lawsuit.

Doubt there's much here. Just thought I'd share the line of thinking it case it triggered any deeper dives.

SecureYourSeats ago

There is no charitable/religious organization listed by the IRS for the New Hope Educational Institute in Hyattsville, MD. Any thoughts?

Vindicator ago

Just for the record, this information is not being censored by mods on this sub. We reached out directly to several different researchers with a proven track record of skill and rigor and asked them to look into it. We are concerned this could be planted information that is part of a disinformation campaign to discredit pizzagate investigators. We have not yet heard anything back.

Dressage2 ago

It seems from my observation that anything of any significance on this site gets deleted. I am no shill dectector, but I do observe what stays or what is deleted immediately. Very unfortunate.

Jem777 ago

Exactly. Almost comical now for " Do you have any links

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

Soros, Madeline Mccann Coloboma Defect & StemCell Harvest

To begin, we are discussing the genetic anomaly which occurs both in the eye of George Soros, Madeline Mccann and members of the Rothschild family. One of the moderators of this forum has correctly pointed out the rarity of this condition here:

If 1 or 2% have it, then this could easily be coincidence. However, it is MUCH more rare than that. This is an extremely unlikely coincidence (although we must acknowledge there's still a possibility it's a coincidence). https://nei.nih.gov/health/coloboma/coloboma

estimates range from 0.5 to 2.2 cases per 10,000 births That's .005% to .022% quote @Millennial_Falcon OK, So the genetics of the condition are thus.... The PAX6 transcription factor within our DNA is responsible for the congenital mutation within the Iris we see on the aforementioned, for the PAX6 transcription factor plays a major role in the development of our eyes, brains, in particular our olfactory (sense of smell). Many of you will be aware our olfactory is responsible for some of our oldest and deepest memories. This is because the olfactory, unlike the functions of the other senses, is processed uniquely through more extensive channels of the brain.

It should also be noted, the olfactory bulb is responsible for the production of stemcells.

That's right, adult neurogensis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK55966/

That is to say, stemcells within the adult brain. I would hazard such a discovery, as it is known can regenerate organ tissue, would be a fundamental element to human cloning.

Now how does this relate to pizzagate?

~~~ "In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene."

~~~Well if we consider the programs of the Nazis, to create a super race, we might consider which particular genetics might be considered the holy grail for eugenicists. This eye condition is found in the art of many of the alleged perpetrators of pizzagate. discussed here https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5gde85/maddie_mccann_and_the_baby_in_james_alefantis/

Why do you we suppose that alleged occultists would have such a strong desire to show this condition symbolically.

"Sigurdr had a defect in his eye, that many believed to be an image of an Ouroboros, more specifically, the Ouroboros Jormundgandr."

"In Norse mythology, Ragnarök is a series of future events, including a great battle, foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdallr, and Loki), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B6rmungandr


Perhaps they are after very particular stemcells, the ones from this particular lineage, which they presume to contain a very special kind of DNA.

LeChevalBlanc ago

To me the OP should be reshaped. When it goes : * This is what we know - as Fact … James Alefantis IS connected to the ‘New Hope Academy*’ The only connection I know of is that what became Pegasus was purchased to these people (possibly at a cost that didn't match the usual market price but this is yet to be proven). Not a "connection" to me or a very far-fetched one.

It doesn't mean that the rest of the research is irrelevant but honnestly doesn't encourage to explore further this lead.

In passing Nazi eugenism seems to be a pleaonasm for many. I encourage those to read about the social eugenism policies in US and elsewhere before and (could be wrong here) after 2d world war. Eugenism was official and not edgy scientific pratice before 2WW. Even today many widely agreed pre-natal medical practises amount to eugenism.

jangles ago

Keep digging

Investigate1999 ago

Would you mention that in a separate stickied post? You don't need to list each post and researcher, but just claiming that you are doing this helps to relieve tension, and build trust.

If you want, I could write up a post, and then have you sticky it.

tjarco ago

This should be at the top. Mentioning censoring in title was solely aimed at suspicions of archives/google being scrubbed

tjarco ago

in retrospect fuck me for not stating 'possibly scrubbed' in title - still learning yall languistics

MolochHunter ago

guys..scrubbing archives is a bit of a worry - is archive.is still secure to use or is there a more robust equivalent?

Ronnilynn31 ago

My question is ... is there a way to save different versions of a webpage URL in archive.is?

A page is overwritten every time it's archived. Perhaps I just don't know a way around it.

Alpo ago

See here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1561690 As for alternatives, I don't know what to suggest.

tjarco ago

It is an issue, good point some additional methods since I don't know archive alternatives. screenshot with url in browserbar, create hash and post in blockchain run screenrecording software as extra archiving methond. https://obsproject.com/ is an example

WindowsInJudgement ago

It's an absolute pain in the hole if I have to re archive everything again under a different site. I'd better get some ink for my printer

JoJoVoat ago

I found it in OP's last link.


Pla Read the review and check out the pic for the movie Neon Demons.... this is some sick shit... Has anyone heard of this movie?

Hollywood and satanic rituals. Go figure. Bringing this shit into the mainstream. Just blows my mind. This was written in June 2016. Im sure the movie was released with the thinking that Hilary would be the next president.

Eyes are crossing. Night all.

tjarco ago

haha def going to watch that sometime :D experience the mind controlol

SecureYourSeats ago

The Community Bible Baptist Church has all the markings of a legitimate Christian Church. It's definitely not Unification. Look over their web page but please don't disturb these innocent people. I have significant experience in researching "Christian" Churches for aberrations. (I put Christian in parenthesis because I have often discover Churches that pretend to be Christian but are anything but).

Orange_Circle ago

Did you ever come across any of the abuse going on at that Baptist church in Culpepper, Va?

fogdryer ago



Orange_Circle ago

"Lambs of Culpepper."

SecureYourSeats ago

Never heard anything about it, does it have connections to pizzagate?

Orange_Circle ago

Perchance more so connected to the the Finders. One guy took the fall for it. Someone started calling the child victims, "the lambs of Culpepper."

waxdino ago

Info on who owns 7009 Varnum... It's owner is just listed as NEW HOPE EDCTNL INSTITUTE INC. They are also listed as a seller in 2008? Someone that understands realty more will have to look at this.
EDIT: Also, Scheve sold 7292 Finns in 2012.
Sorry if these links don't work, I just tried to archive one and it went to the default page. But you can search any address, the cities in the post are in Princes George's County.

DCmommaBear ago

NEW HOPE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE INC is registered by "Resident Agent" Joy Morrow. (EIN#52-1590136) Hmmmm....I feel like I've heard that name before...



New Hope Facebook.... New Hope Academy They have an Open House tomorrow! (Sunday 1/15)

Susan Joy (Hipschen) Morrow.....

Joy Morrow Identity Link

Joy's Facebook

EDITED to add discovery.....

Just realized where I heard that name Morrow......the co-owner of Kent Ozkum's "Pig Farm" is Kent's boyfriend, Will Morrow! Could Will and Joy be related? Researching.....

Pig Farm - Whitmore Farm

Proof of Will Morrow being co-owner of farm.....Frederick County Property Tax records


karenrussell63 ago

possible connection but not conclusive.

susan joy morrow has a relative listed as jennifer morrow living at same address, jennifer morrow has a relative listed as william l morrow.

william j morrow is the apparent co owner of the farm however, but it is possible the middle names on the background search got mixed up.

Nana66 ago

Amazon link missing

Parents, you can help the students at New Hope Academy with NO COST TO YOU by using the Amazon.com link below to make your purchases. Amazon will reward New Hope Academy for every purchase, which helps our school provide the best services for all of our students.


Jeff Bezos


JrSlimss ago

Just want to be careful of a common mistake - not all "New Hope" organizations will be related. It is seemingly a Christian term (though I only previously knew it from Star Wars). In Spanish, it is Nueva Esperanza.

If you want to link two "New Hope" or "Hope" organizations - make sure there is a clear secondary link - person, address, etc.

dindonufin ago

It's also an obama catchphrase.

e-traiu ago

IT is also a movie title

SecureYourSeats ago

I absolutely agree with JrSlimss, "New Hope" is a term found very often in legitimate Christian circles. The "New Hope" 7009 Vanum St, is anything but a "new hope", it is more closely related to the Unification church, which is a Mooney thing.

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

Massive find! Explains why ja not worried about killroom but details of property transfer!!!

VieBleu ago

why exactly? 'splain it like I'm 5.

Blacksmith21 ago

Follow the money. Or follow the Mooney. Depending on your viewpoint.

Antonius ago

This is super interesting....great work! But keep digging...

tjarco ago

do you remember what this was? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1474474

derram ago

https://archive.is/oD2Ip :

Unification Church Profile: The Fall of the House of Moon
 | New Republic

https://archive.is/oD2Ip :

Unification Church Profile: The Fall of the House of Moon
 | New Republic

This has been an automated message.