zzvoat ago

OP, this seems like it's important enough to alert everyone to by reposting on v/pizzagate

wecanhelp ago

@Alpo I'm a mod on /v/pizzagate, and I can confirm this is important enough for resubmitting there. Make sure to rephrase the title as "Pizzagate-related pages deleted from archive.is" so that there is no doubt about rule 1. This should otherwise be relevant as systematic cover-up, as per the Pizzagate definition (but make sure to proactively mention this, too, so that another mod doesn't delete the post). Thanks!

lawexaminer ago

As I noted in another thread, this investigation should stop relying on archive.is and employ mirrored backups. Here is an example of wikileaks' mirror backup strategy: http://wikileaks.openanthropology.org/Mirrors.html

This appears to be the only truly reliable solution to avoid the spectre of all research suddenly disappearing from the Internet one day.

The only issue with mirrored backups is that someone needs to volunteer to create the central repository which others would then mirror.

Votescam ago

My thoughts are that if Voat has made a commitment to "pizzagate" then it should be followed through in ensuring that the investigation is protected -- including the archiving of the information.

Let's hope, as well, that more and more website will spring up also tracking pizzagate and investigations and adding more investigators to the mix. Sharing info -- all with dependable archives.

3333333333y ago

archive.is can not be trusted. they are using cloudflare now to track everything with strong settings. the founder claims to be paying the bills himself and losing money. It cost a ton of money to host the amount of data in the thousands of USD. Backup as much locally as you can.

tjarco ago

archived the David Halperin again, see what happens http://archive.is/F1fOe

tjarco ago

tony P facebook link is wrong - also points to olivier friendly

tjarco ago

Holy shit, this needs attention! Are there any screenshots that prove these things actually excisted?

tjarco ago

the original facebook links are still up

JesusOfNazareth53 ago

Fuckin' wild.

The Norwegian pedo ring news articles that were pulled from news sites on the same day also had their archive.org archives deleted, but this is the first I've heard of it happening with archive.is.

Some people or organizations are working really hard to keep this shit secret.