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remedy4reality ago

Savannah Gutherie, from NBC's Today Show, is full on pedo cult. How do I know this? First of all, on the TODAY show this morning all her notes were on PINK paper ( always on white ) and she wore a baby blue and white traditional dress, a la' Alice in Wonderland. Yes, she looked like Alice. She wore red 4 out of 5 days last week, also. Now, who wears red that frequently during a Satanic celebration period, other than Satanists? To boot, Savannah also got her Masters from ((( Georgetown ))) and hails from Australia. Her biography is replete with red flags as well >> I especially like this article written during the dust up over her replacing Ann Curry on the show. It's very favorable and written by a Seth Ambrovitch, if you can believe that coincidence.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wow. I never watch that shit it's just pure programming those types of shows. The hosts are women actors appealing to the heart strings of other women to share their view points and program them. I just went looking for pics of what she wore this morning and can't find any. I'd love to see the outfit she wore as that is very telling. Has anyone called her out on twitter yet? She just won some phony "Matrix" award. This woman has young kids too. Isn't Jenna bush also on that shitty show? There's a pair.

remedy4reality ago

From the Ambrovich article >> ' She joined Court TV (now truTV) in 2002 while working at Akin Gump, where she worked as the national trial correspondent, covering such high-profile cases as the Michael Jackson child molestation case, the Boston clergy sex abuse scandal trial '. Also, I've been digging on her parents and it seems they spent 2 years in Australia ( where she was born ) and it looks like there may be something. As for Jenna Bush.... FUCK HER ! She is a complete CIA plant. They are not even trying to hide the undeserved and ridiculous anointing of her to a main line show, with ZERO experience or merit. Jenna Bush was in Paraguay in 2006 and negotiated a massive land deal for W, that has a story of its own.

mooteensy ago

I was watching outnumbered on Fox earlier and not one anchor or guest was dressed in telling ways regarding Alice Day. Wonder if that will change next year...

ArthurEdens ago

Check out these posts on Today show's site, maybe they are there for Alice Day...

Baby Eats Fried Chicken in A Pot

Daphne Oz (Dr. Oz's daughter) article using donut photo from her instagram

If you go to that instagram post...

Look at what this guy commented with...

If you go to his site, it's blocked, but I'd like to know who he is

remedy4reality ago

a BABY in a pot ??? oh... I'm sure it means nothing...

Dr. Oz is a TODAY show regular and his daughter, Daphne Oz ( seriously, that name is starting to sound fake as fuck !! ) also likes to stick her children in a POT

ArthurEdens ago

That is fucked up. Did you see the part today (4/27/17) where the old hag rounded up a bunch of kids and brought them into the studio and Matt Lauer tried to sneak up and scare them? it ended with a father and daughter looking into the camera and there were pedo swirls written all over the place followed by a woman in the crowd flashing the satan horns. It was fucking crazy.

remedy4reality ago

I have been watching the TODAY show for the last month and it's a full blown shitshow !!! The imagery, the topics, the comments, the dress... on and on... I had to post this today and thank you very much for the follow up! GOOD STUFF

ArthurEdens ago

That's a tough show to watch in the first place. Thanks for taking one for the team. It makes me think that it was a planned media takeover timed to go with a Hillary presidency and now that she lost they're just going through with full pedo campaign anyway.

remedy4reality ago

They MUST do these rituals because they perceive them as their power, their religion. Without the constant indoctrination and ceremony, I'm convinced their programming would shut down and they would dissolve. Could it really be a massive suicide cult, as well? Because this looks like bat shit crazy madness to me.

ArthurEdens ago

that would be awesome if it was a suicide cult, just got to find the trigger