SearchVoatBot ago

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dandelion2319 ago

Or maybe the original people who reported it are the key to truly exposing it???

rickman ago

Let's take Comey on his word. It would appear he was so unconcerned by Pizzagate that if there was any investigation it was handled by some low level agents and he was not involved.

An online group of conspiracy theorists are accusing high ranking members of the DNC as well as other prominent figures in art, media and business of running a child sex ring. Their "baseless accusations" are so damaging and dangerous that it inspired one man to walk into Comet and fire a gun. Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are two of the biggest targets for the "nutjobs" making horrible things up and posting them as truths online.

Thats the jist of the official narrative. We're supposed to believe Clinton buddy Comey did not fear any more of us taking a gun or a bomb and going after someone? That we have now been associated with terrorism and the head of the FBI did not feel our community needed to be stopped from posing future risks?

It really does tell me that Welch was a staged event. It just doesn't make sense that the FBI would not be coming down hard on us if he was real.

MolochHunter ago

did you see that article that exposed that Welch killed a pedestrian in his car a few weeks before he shot up Comet? Sounded like he was in a prone position to 'do some dirty cops a favor' ...

InnocentAngels ago

I remember that as well.

InnocentAngels ago

Perfect timing for this article to come out. So he waited 2 years to tell his side of the story.

MolochHunter ago

2 years and they are still running stories that fail to address any of the salient and concerning evidence

this should be made its own post i reckon , go for it

InnocentAngels ago

I see that Vindicator made a post about it. I thought about it but was dead tired when I saw it, and just wanted to make a comment about it considering the topic being out in the limelight again with Comey. Just another attempt by them to get ahead of the story.

sgd1971 ago

Remember when James Comey & his brother were held hostage by the Babysitter Bandit?

MolochHunter ago

yea, i forgot all about that

YogSoggoth ago

Try not to jew it up too much. My understanding is that the people not grilling Comey were there to pretend, and by that, I mean make sure that Comey said the right thing at all times as a support team with distractions and eye contact, with possible hand sign gestures, as a reminder of who owns him. Were they controlled by Jewish puppet masters? All will come out I believe. Not all jews are Satanists. I should know.

SchlongKeyhote ago

not every single jew of 16 million is this or that? no shit? the fact that you think that is exculpatory speaks volumes.

interesting how historically the entire Jewish community was expelled for covering up some members' satanic ritual murders, at which point the murders ceased.

imagine thinking you're so fucking special -- indeed God's "chosen" people! -- that you can have thousands of organizations exclusively dedicated to your community, but it would be the height of injustice if you suffered the consequences for the crimes of that community.

Never seen a Jew apply this principle to any other race: ALL whites are subconsciously racist, ALL Palestinians are terrorists, and both can be (and are) collectively punished according to the Jew.

theres a reason this concept of 'chutzpah' only came to English through Yiddish.

this is why you are hated in every corner of this earth.

YogSoggoth ago

I am only part Ashkenazi. My Grandmother was brought over in project paperclip as a chemist before WW2. She died a horrible, long, and painful death from exposure to chemicals working for the U.S.A. She, nor I, am hated. Would you say the same of the original Sephardic Jews that are brown skinned? There are many Ashkenazi who are not Satanists, and actually resist the zionists. The people you have hatred for prey on the other rabbinicists just like they were goyim.

SchlongKeyhote ago


Another reason youre hated is because youre a race of inveterate pathological liars and swindlers.

Usually to get money but also for unearned sympathy.

Operation Paperclip was after the war not before, recruited expert Nazis not Jews, none of whom would have been female (though if any chemist were so incompetent as to die of exposure it'd be a woman).

Not even a nice try, but Jews do no morally acceptable service to America and America does no morally acceptable service to the world.

YogSoggoth ago

Did not get far into it before I realized that Comey don't know nothin', including what insidious,and collusion means by definition. Dementia often causes that time to time. He was going full retard from a legal standpoint. Would be better if we had the film version with a lie detector beeping.

MolochHunter ago

he's just using the cynical shield that the propaganda was designed for : the term 'collusion' has no legal weight or standing, thats why the MSM cronies used it. It imputed criminality upon Trump without constituting something libellous

YogSoggoth ago

He remembered gravaman. Even if collusion is not binding legalise, how would he not know what English words mean, all of the sudden? I am not sure of the meaning of the following words(written on the back of my hand), arson, murder, incarcerate, and flee. I am a lawyer though, all day.

think- ago

Pizzagate became personal for former FBI Director James Comey

An acquaintance of Comey’s unwittingly got wrapped up in the conspiracy theory and sought help from the law enforcement chief, according to a new batch of Comey’s personal emails.

Comey’s contact, a woman, emailed him on March 1, 2017, with the subject: “Need a favor.”

The woman said her school held fundraising events at Comet Ping Pong, the DC restaurant shot up by a man who sought to investigate the debunked human trafficking allegations known as Pizzagate.

The Comey pal complained that there are “nut jobs who spend their days and nights making this stuff up” and worried the conspiracy theorists might pose a threat to her school.

She asked Comey for help and he obliged, asking his chief of staff, James Rybicki, to get involved.

“This woman is a serious person …Can you get this to the right people,” Comey wrote.

So Comey has a female aquaintance whose school does fundraising events at Comet Ping Pong?!

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy @bopper

4freedomsring ago

She was concerned about “ nut jobs “, but Comet’s perverted FB page, murals, and Sacha Lord’s performances were OK? SMH.

think- ago


Yes, obviously CPP is the perfect venue for a school fundraiser.... /s

4freedomsring ago

Just can’t believe a parent could walk in that place and not get the creeps

Vindicator ago

Yeah...I've been going over old threads to see if that school pops up in any of our research. Haven't hit gold, yet. I did find this interesting thread:

Complete copy of original Pizzagate Summary

Interesting facts about the usual suspects I hadn't originally seen.

Babylon5 ago

Hey Vindicator! Could it be anything to do with this do you reckon?

'Washington Waldorf School: Verified Connection to Comet Ping Pong' ?

Vindicator ago

Nice find, Babylon5! Now, didn't that Comey email say it was a woman that requested FBI investigation? Was it a woman who organized the Waldorf events at CPP? Does her name fit into the redacted part of the email? ;-)

think- ago

Interesting facts about the usual suspects I hadn't originally seen.

Thanks, I will check it.

QuestionEverything ago



Blacksmith21 ago

Does not recall...Howdy Doody. Simply amazing.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SethRich submission by @flyingcuttlefish.

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Yuke ago

But...but...but... it was debunked!

letsdothis3 ago



I saw that too. He is a Democrat from Tennessee

mrohm ago

Since it was never actually investigated, it was never actually "debunked."

This is what we've been saying all along. They just assume that it isn't true.

YogSoggoth ago

My friend in the CIA asked me, who are they and them? Curious question, no? Smoke and shadows are real in my own personal opinion.


His statement here is pretty big deal imo. Sure, we know he is lying, but that's not as important as the truth of what he actually said is.

He just admitted that he did not personally involve himself in either one of these cases- the Seth Rich case, nor anything involving alleged horrific child abuse, and trafficking that was possibly connected to high profile political figures. Wait, what?! Not only did the head of the FBI (Comey) just admit to NOT getting personally involved in either case, but neither case was even worthy of his recollection as to whether or not these bombshell allegations were investigated!

The wicked fool just confirmed that he believes both cases to be conspiracy theories, while admitting that he doesn't even recall if an investigation of these "conspiracy theories" ever happened! Let that sink in.

YogSoggoth ago

He is definitely up to his neck in it. These Q and A sessions are there for a reason, and not for show. I have seen quite a bit of detractors to that theory lately.

StarAnon ago

You all have done an amazing job keeping this in the spotlight! Congratulations!

think- ago

It kind of cracked me up when I read an article about the Epstein case some days ago (published by a MSM outlet), and the journalist wrote something along the line of 'well, nobody of us knew that Epstein's crimes were that nefarious', and I thought 'well, if you had cared to actually take the Pizzagate investigation seriously, and read the submissions on this sub, you would have known'.

Although I think it is of course a lie - everybody in the MSM knew what Epstein did, and that Bill Clinton was part of it.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

StarAnon ago

I know lolol "Journalists" are complicit in this. I think we're going to see a lot of "we never knew" in the upcoming days. I ponder all of the time how they could stand back, and allow our kids to be fed to the wolves, and say nothing. Of all of the occupations out there, they had the safest road to the authorities to make anonymous reports. They chose a payoff instead.

Vindicator ago

Remember when they were pushing the idea that just READING Podesta's emails on Wikileaks was illegal and could result in FBI investigating us? :-)

think- ago

I tell you brother, one day everybody will claim to have been on v/pizzagate, and have been part of the Pizzagate investigation from the very beginning. ;-) :-) It will be hip! ;-)

@EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy @bopper

HelloDolly ago

I was just thinking the same yesterday. It really is so crazy that at first you think it's absolutely impossible. But at some point too many coincidences to ignore. My husband is reluctantly starting to agree. He still thinks a lot of people like Celine Dion are oblivious to what they are actually promoting. I suspect there are some celebrities that don't know. Just like the useful idiots that promote guys like Che with designer tee shirts, etc., but that don't have a clue as to who he even was.

think- ago

He still thinks a lot of people like Celine Dion are oblivious to what they are actually promoting.

I think Céline Dion is fully aware of what she has been doing, sadly.

Vindicator ago

Exactly why I've told key family and friends what I've been up to the past couple of years.

Both my sister and my uncle heard about Q and pizzagate a couple months ago and were enthusiastically 'enlightening' my mom. They couldn't believe it when she told them I've been here helping from the beginning. (I'm the family skeptic -- they're the preppers!) :-) She's known all along, because I was visiting her with my family when Reddit shut down r/pizzagate and I couldn't put my laptop down and had to explain what was happening.

think- ago

Both my sister and my uncle heard about Q and pizzagate a couple months ago and were enthusiastically 'enlightening' my mom. They couldn't believe it when she told them I've been here helping from the beginning.

LOL!! See?? ;-) :-) :-)

YogSoggoth ago

Screw them all in advance. I really was investigating a parcel of it in Mena, Arkansas. It started out as corroborating now deceased reporters work. I am lucky to be alive, and it aint over.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I agree. There was a distinct change in threat level in about February 2017. I don't know how to describe it other than the wind shifted.

think- ago

There was a distinct change in threat level in about February 2017. I don't know how to describe it other than the wind shifted.

What exactly do you mean, Vin? Threat level regarding Pizzagate researchers?

Vindicator ago

Yes. The tone of the shilling changed, the cockiness of the blue checkmark libs on Twitter changed, the censorship efforts weakened...just the whole feel of the situation changed.

think- ago

And what do you think was the reason?

Vindicator ago

I don't know. Maybe the funding dried up and/or they couldn't get away with it anymore.

YogSoggoth ago

I'll tell you why. People like me were putting out articles and verbatim online. Lot's of fed up people. I spent every afternoon doing that in the prime of my life, way before the election. No one has ever paid me. A small piece of information well spread is very powerful.

Vindicator ago

I like you're attitude, Yog!

Shizy ago

I thought they were already doing that 🤔😁

think- ago

Haha. :-)

MolochHunter ago

mmm hmmm ... but not serious enough to bother remembering whether actual investigations occurred

StarAnon ago

He remembers :) It's fantastic!

Vindicator ago

Heh. No matter how hard they try to wipe Pizzagate off their shoe, they can't get the stink off.

Well done, people!



derram ago :

TheSharpEdge on Twitter: "Transcript of Comey Testimony reveals questions regarding Seth Rich and Pizzagate.… "

This has been an automated message.

EricKaliberhall ago

Mr. Cohen. When you were at the FBI, did you have any reason to investigate the people who propagated stories that Seth Rich was murdered by folks within the DNC or other democratic operatives or any of the people that talked about this pizza operation, the pizzagate thing? Did you ever investigate the people that started those conspiratorial stories?

Mr. Comey. I don't remember. I don't remember investigations on those topics. I remember at one point receiving an email from someone, a private citizen, to my personal account, raising issues about the -- is it Ping Pong? Whatever the pizza place was that was involved in some conspiracy theories. I remember sending it to my staff saying, make sure this gets to the appropriate place, but I don't know whether there were investigations.

Howdy doody doesn't remember... Shocker.

4freedomsring ago

Schools hold fundraisers in that creepy place ? Advertising groups like “Sex Stains”, and creepy pics on walls .

Comey knows about Ping Pong .

think- ago

Interesting that he is asked whether he investigated the people who propagated stories, and not the events (Seth Rich murder and child trafficking connected to JA).


dandelion2319 ago

That is interesting. What do you think it means?


Can we get a share flair?

This is pretty significant as "pizzagate" is being legitimately addressed by the Federal Investigations. A great intro to friends and family.

Mr Cohen: When you were at the FBI, did you have any reason to investigate the people who propagated stories that Seth Rich was murdered by folks within the DNC or other democratic operatives or any of the people that talked about this pizza operation, the pizzagate thing? Did you ever investigate the people that started those conspiratorial stories?

Mr. Comey: I don't remember. I don't remember investigations on those topics. I remember at one point receiving an email from someone, a private citizen, to my personal account, raising issues about the -- is it Ping Pong? Whatever the pizza place was that was involved in some conspiracy theories. I remember sending it to my staff saying, make sure this gets to the appropriate place, but I don't know whether there were investigations.

Also the "I dont remember" but then he names [Comet] Ping Pong by name.

The Truth always comes out

canuhunter ago

How can you work at that level of government and be such a terrible liar?

those types of verbal mannerisms are so blatantly obvious

lamplight ago

Apparently Comey has had a lot of practice as a liar. His coverups started with Whitewater and the Clintons. From there, he was in with the "evil elite."