redditsuckz ago

The Waldorf Schools might be pumping out witches and pagan priests...

wecan = wiccan

Wicca (English pronunciation: /ˈwɪkə/), also termed Pagan Witchcraft, is a contemporary Pagan new religious movement. It was developed in England during the first half of the 20th century and was introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant. Wicca draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practices.

The Waldorf schools might have made use of the spiral to keep the place invisible to outsiders and might have been used on the children inside the school as they would have seen these spirals every single day and multiple times a day opening their sub-conscious minds to w/e manipulation the teachers taught in the classes. And its possible the 5 pointed star is also used as a type of blinding and/or mind control technique and these are just SOME examples of how Waldorf Schools made use of the spiral;

The Spiral Triangle Spiral Heart and Spiral Circle are MKULTRA used on humanity as a form of mind control

projection ago

My two children attended Waldorf schools in Melbourne and Brisbane (Australia) and are thoroughly red-pilled. As a shift worker, I was quite involved as a helping handy man. From my experience, teachers/parents have a significant influence in the purity of teaching .

If you think Steiner was a nutcase, look up 'Biodynamic farming'. He evidently saw more than the average person .

Singleservename ago

Serendipity brought me to an overlooked Alefantis Instagram pic of a map of a small departement in the deep south of France.

In the center is St. Faust. It's got an interesting history.

carmencita ago

Granted, I understand about why there are some that are countering what I am saying, but like you say if they have not gone there either then they also have not experienced it. I will not divulge anymore information about my background in order to prove my point. I am doing some serious research and revealing info may endanger me. If you feel that serious about the information you are researching then you need to continue until you come to a conclusion. I have had quite a few people fight me on here about education and how someone that will be heading our Dept. of Education will be a woman that has never been to a public school neither have her children nor has she ever taught school. I guess I am frustrated about how people are attacking our systems of education that have seemed to serve our children for decades.Peace.

carmencita ago

I have researched their programs years ago. They are not Freemasons. This is a Witch Hunt.

redditsuckz ago

Famouse Waldorf Alumni

Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston, Rosie O' Donnell, Harrison Ford, A German Chancelor - Helmut Kohl...Clint Eastwood...

Famous Alumni By Names;

leahxpearl ago

See my comment above. Each school is like a community within itself, guided by the principles of the founder, but is very much sovereign.

racoonbite ago

wtf, what a fucking nutcase. wonder if he actually believes this crap, or just a peter popoff scam artist?

FuckTheGlobalstElite ago

I did not want to make pre-conceived judgments of a Waldorf education based solely on the evidence of JA and CPP connections; however, as I choose paths and investigate down them, this ideology gets stranger and more disturbing.

From the Emerson Waldorf School site, provided by a previous comment that points out the pedo logo, I browsed through newsletters and came across Douglas Gerwin, who was going to be a speaker at the school according to the newsletter I was reading.

I found and read the introduction to one of his books titled, Trailing Clouds of Glory: Essays on Human Sexuality and the Education of Youth in Waldorf Schools. In the last paragraph on page 8, Gerwin aligns his view with the "intentions" of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Well, I looked up Goethe and found that he wrote of both boys and girls: "I like boys a lot, but the girls are even nicer. If I tire of her as a girl, she'll play the boy for me as well" (Goethe, 1884). Goethe also defended pederasty: "Pederasty is as old as humanity itself, and one can therefore say that it is natural, that it resides in nature, even if it proceeds against nature. What culture has won from nature will not be surrendered or given up at any price.".

Don't know about everyone else here, but I find it EXTREMELY FUCKING DISTURBING that Gerwin's sex ed book uses the "intentions" of Goethe to support its approach....just saying....

Singleservename ago

Please. Goethe came up before here on voat and it got really embarassing so before you go any further: Goethe is the bard of the Germans and the most famous figure in German literature.

He lived at the end of the 18th century when pederasty and what we now call pedophilia (except prepubescent) were as normal as slavery and public torture.

He's considered a very important thinker too (not by me) so quotations, citations and paraphrases of his work are standard fare for (pseudo)intellectual discourse.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

If the references to Goethe are specifically about Essays on Human Sexuality taught at the school then the poster has a good point.

Truthseeker3000 ago

One thing for absolute certain is that we know the Illuminati aligned folks helping usher in the NWO have infiltrated everywhere including schools, colleges and universities. We cannot be at all surprised that schools have the logos and staff, teachers, etc; who's narratives are destruction and control of minds, especially children and impressionable young adults.

heretolearn ago

my friend loves it there. he has invited me to attend a day there whenever i want. if people on here are interested to learn more, i could cash in that offer. he's going thru the teaching program. kids learning at their own pace, music playing, lots of interaction, etc. it fits since my friend grew up in the hippie lifestyle. still a naive young college kid. i have another friend who's in academia; she endorses their program as well.

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, it is concerning to see a drive towards condemning a system of schools without any real knowledge of them. Ironical because people complain that the 'elites' have knowledge that the plebs don't. That knowledge is mysticism, spiritual law. This knowledge is not good or bad. It can however, be put to good or bad, it depends on how an individual uses it. Steiner schools allow their students to explore and think about the spiritual world, to develop their own creativity through play. To grow as individuals. Many find their teaching methods unconventional. But certainly they are not evil. Historically, these types of schools are not allowed to be mainstream by a political class that wants to produce effective 'workers' for their systems. And here now, we see such a push against this entire school system which then makes me suspicious.

By all means, look at the Washington school, but to say that all the schools have a problem is patently ridiculous.

YingYangMom ago

I don't believe anyone would be against any alternative educational system if its founder wasn't a self-proclaimed satanic pedophile that enjoys inserting and promoting his own sexual and deviant tendencies in the project in question.

cantsleepawink ago

Huh ? ROFL.

cantsleepawink ago

Also Waldorf-Steiner schools pay attention to Geometry as their founder Rudolf Steiner was an expert in this area, and lectured all over Europe, with even Einstein attending his lectures. Steiner understood/thought that Geometry was a basic foundation of universal laws. I'm not defending the Washington school as it's possible that one unit could be questionable but people shouldn't conflate that with an entire pedagogical system.

ConcernedParent2 ago

A reminder that Waldorf schools are like a cult and believe in pure bloodlines and other mysticism:

And a note to the people who always show up to defend these and claim that all the mysticism is in "the past":

The picture I have painted is one of a secretive and, perhaps, dishonest organisation that does not disclose its origins, beliefs and goals to prospective parents of its schools. The Steiner movement has of course responded to similar criticisms in the past. What sort of arguments do they use?

The first type of argument is to suggest my concerns are historical – that they do not apply to the modern Steiner movement. If this is true, then I would simply ask where is the evidence for this? Such a shift in the anthroposophical movement would surely have been historically documented and debated. I find no reason to believe this has ever happened. I see no evolution in the organisation’s purpose, practices and beliefs.

YingYangMom ago

Well said.

cantsleepawink ago


cantsleepawink ago

READ my long comment.. There is a difference between Satanism, Luciferianism, Theosophy, Anthroposophy. Steiner was NOT a Luciferian. He LEFT the Blavatsky crowd because he did not agree with the direction they were taking. He was not teaching dogmatic religion. That does NOT mean he was a satanist. He was closer to Gnosticism which is trying to understanding the spiritual laws of nature..but to the benefit and development of the individual human. The Blavatsky tribe were more into control.

People who have a lack of knowledge in esoteria quickly label everything they don't understand as satanic. The occult world is complex. And I am using the word occult here to mean 'unknown'. I also know people who have been students at these schools. Highly educated and empathic individuals.

YingYangMom ago

Illuminati, Satanist, Luciferian, Freemason, et al, they all worship Lucifer, the 'fallen angel of light' as they call him. It's like they're trying to twist and turn and make it sound like they're so different from one another, but in reality, just like Catholicism and all of its different branches (Roman Catholics, Carmelites, Latin, Orthodox, Protestants, Evangelicals... ) which all worship the same Lord Jesus-Christ, Son of God, they are intertwined and share similar faithful values. Bottom line is they worship EVIL, HATE and PAIN, and we worship GOOD, LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Don't be deceived. We all need to open up our eyes and face the simple and honest truth.

cantsleepawink ago

You have no idea what you are talking about. And with your previous comment I can't take you seriously. Over and out.

YingYangMom ago

You think people can't see through your comments? You've been defending this twat tirelessly, I wonder why that is. Did you go to a Waldorf school yourself? Maybe that explains why you're acting this way. Over and out.

the_sharpest_knife ago

You should abbreviate them as just CP rather than CPP.

cantsleepawink ago

The woman who runs that site is Debra Snell

Debra Snell, president of People for Legal and Nonsectarian Schools and a former Waldorf parent, said it boils down to a question of fairness. "If Catholic or Lutheran schools cannot be publicly funded, then neither can Waldorf, " she said.

Her organization has filed a federal lawsuit in Sacramento contending that the public Waldorf schools violate the constitutional separation of church and state.

Those who run the Waldorf public schools say the lawsuit is unfounded and misses the point. "We teach about religion, but we don't teach religion," Principal Cheryl Eining said of her 270-student school in the Sacramento City Unified School District.

Politically motivated ?

phlux ago

It may be politically motivated; but maybe this is supposed to be the only way she can raise awareness and shed light....

cantsleepawink ago

A few years ago I did some background research into Rudolf Steiner. I don't have my notes with me or the time to get them but I'll briefly point out a couple of points about the man from memory, and explain why it is a mistake to lump him with the Blavatsky Luciferian crowd,

While it is true he was originally a member of the Theosophical Society, he eventually broke away from them due to differences in philosohpical approaches. See:

The relationship between Rudolf Steiner and the Theosophical Society, co-founded in 1875 by H.P. Blavatsky with Henry Steel Olcott and others, was a complex and changing one.

Steiner continued speaking regularly to the members of the Theosophical Society, becoming the head of its newly constituted German section in 1902. The German Section of the Theosophical Society grew rapidly under Steiner's leadership as he lectured throughout much of Europe on his spiritual science.[4] Through his lecturing to Theosophists, Steiner met Marie von Sievers, owner of the Theosophical headquarters in Berlin, who was to become his spiritual partner and second wife. From the end of 1903 Steiner and von Sievers became the inseparable centre of Berlin Theosophy.[5] By 1904, Steiner was appointed by Annie Besant to be leader of an Esoteric School for Germany and Austria. Steiner made it clear that this school would teach a Western spiritual path harmonious with, but differing fundamentally in approach from, other Theosophical paths. These and other differences with Besant became particularly pronounced at the Theosophical Congress in Munich in 1907—organized by Steiner—its focus on artistic expression was a sharp departure from the Blavatsky tradition.

Steiner's popularity as a lecturer spread far beyond the borders of Germany: he was active in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria and other countries. Besant tried to restrict him to lecturing in Germany itself,[7] but this contravened both Theosophical Society statutes as well as a statement of Besant's greeting this broadening lecture activity, issued some months before.

As a result of the conflict, two steps followed in rapid succession:

  • The overwhelming majority of German-speaking theosophists followed Steiner into the new Anthroposophical Society, founded between August and December 1912. In a telegram sent to the Theosophical Society they justified this step by stating it was: "based upon the recognition that the President [Besant] has continually and even systematically violated this highest principle of the Theosophical Society, 'No religion higher than the truth', and has abused the presidential power in arbitrary ways, thus hindering positive work."[1]

  • Steiner's exclusion of Star in the East followers was a direct contravention of Theosophical Society statutes, and duly led to the charter of the German Section being revoked.

Steiner later claimed that he never had considered himself to be part of the Theosophical movement.[8][9] Even while the leader of the German section of the movement, he made a great point of his complete independence of philosophical thought and esoteric teachings from the Theosophical Society's esoteric path.[10] His reaction to the above events was: "I myself experience what has happened — apart from what has been sobering and painful — as a great liberation from the oppressive narrowness that has characterized the life of the Theosophical Society for years."

He was a very spiritual and erudite man. The great Albert Einstein was a follower of his teachings on Geometry (which I think today would be called Sacred Geometry), attending his lectures and became great friends.

Einstein was a believer in the holistic education movement as he himself had had this type of education. His saying that 'Imagination is more important than knowledge' came about because he did not believe in a utilitarian type of education system but believed that 'play' was an important aspect of one's intellectual, emotional and spiritual development. These men were progressives for their time, as the political class was just beginning to interfere with education and were beginning to prepare their populations for war. They had no time for a holisitc approach which fostered the more humanitarian aspects of development within an individual. So, to decry Waldorf Schools because some perverted CIA operative went to one, is to do them a disservice. You might even be playing into the hands of those who seek to continue to suppress and control humanity.

leahxpearl ago

In this support group for former Waldorf school parents, I have so far only seen posts regretting the financial and confidentiality practices of the schools, as well as poor leadership/decision-making and little room for discussion regarding policy changes. One poster said this after listing her complaints, "I should also say that I think Waldorf education is beautiful and there is so much that I believe in and love about it...I just think that the individual schools can become like huge, dysfunctional families and each should be judged on a case by case basis...I do think that the way they are structured, there is much room for dysfunction (for lack of a better word)." (I should also say that I think Waldorf education is beautiful and there is so much that I believe in and love about it...I just think that the individual schools can become like huge, dysfunctional families and each should be judged on a case by case basis...I do think that the way they are structured, there is much room for dysfunction (for lack of a better word) )

cantsleepawink ago

If you are on a support forum for parents with grievances then that will be why most of the posts will be about grievances. Apart from that, there seems to be a mixture of experiences there which seems like a more realistic picture of education. I'm just here to help foster a balanced approach to this research. Witch hunts don't serve anyone.

leahxpearl ago

Yes, I agree, that's why I posted what that parent said, that each individual school should be judged on a case-by-case basis.

redditsuckz ago

Good Job OP...please archive before posting any links as this is very important info.

WWS Alumni Holiday Reception

Thursday, December 22, 8-10 p.m.

Comet Ping Pong

Alumni--please join us for our annual holiday reception at Comet Ping Pong. Don't miss it. We're expecting a big crowd. Kindly RSVP to Maria Monteverde Jackson if you haven't already.

P.S....those are three 6's in the Washington Waldorf School Logo

And the MKULTRA Monarch Mind Control Butterfly Symbol in their facebook pics;

"In full, Monarch Mind Control (MMC) is noted as a mind control technique that combines occult rituals, psychology and neuroscience to create an alter ego within a desired subject.Oct 8, 2013"

So this is where occultists like to take their kids to really fuck em up and send them out to destroy the world.

JesusRules ago

The Winter Solstice is a big day for the Satanists, lots of kids missing that time of year. "Today might be the shortest day of the year, but the senior class is deep into light as they wrap up their optics main lesson with Mr. DeVinney"

redditsuckz ago

Dec 22 Winter Solstice (Sabbat Festival) (Feast Day) orgies oral, anal, vaginal any age(male or female, human or animal

heretolearn ago

if this is true, then im gonna be pretty sad. i have a friend who works for waldorf. i would hate to have to break the news to him. im gonna need some definitive proof of these claims.

cakeoflightylight ago

read the linked article at the top, it references their training handbook, and that the whole school is Luciferian

cantsleepawink ago

It's taken out of context because of a misunderstanding as to who Rudolf Steiner was. See my more detailed comment on this page.

heretolearn ago

saw your comment. i agree. they definitely aren't a religious school. far from it.

Werwer12 ago

Their faceobok page is liked by this other emerson school. Pedo symbol logo

FuckTheGlobalstElite ago

Yup, def a pedo logo, good find! YouTuber pointed out in the video that the WWS logo is symbolic of '666'.

carmencita ago

I am going to be out til later, but will dig into this. Why would any of the pedo elites send JA to a WWS? It makes no sense. I know the background of these schools and know a few children that have and are attending. This is totally against their principles. There seems to have been quite a few posts trying to harm Waldorf. Hmmm.

Ihatepizza2 ago

"Totally against their principles". How do you know what principles they operate? Did you help craft them? And what in the world has a 5 day membership got to do with anything?

carmencita ago

I knew some teachers and students from there. Do you think I just make this stuff up? I am not going to divulge anymore personal info, since that is what I will have to do to back up my statements.

FuckTheGlobalstElite ago

The WWS is harming itself by hosting an alumni reception annually at Comet!

carmencita ago

As I said this needs more research. I will not let a School with such a high caliber reputation be thrown under the bus so quickly. This just may be one of the parents that offered to make the arrangements and as usual many of us are too busy and not red pilled enough to see the forest through the trees. But again, I will do my own research, Thank You Mr. Five Day Member.

quantokitty ago

And don't throw a five-day member under the bus when the post is spot on in terms of what we're investigating. It may be that a student's mother made the arrangements, and it may be more insidious. We don't know. And as for the assertion that there's something nefarious going on because this is the second time the OP has posted about this school, that isn't unusual either. When I start digging into something, I'm often uncovering new details about it the further I go so there are more than one posts concerning a person, organization, or event because the digging has turned up something new. I think maybe it's you that has the jaundiced view. I liked Meryl Streep, but when I heard those words flying out of her mouth, game over. Guess who doesn't care about her or her acting anymore? This one post doesn't do that, but it does throw up cautionary flags. I think the post is valid and doesn't hysterically claim anything other than what is proven and shown.

carmencita ago

You may be correct on posting when researching, but I know the programs these schools offer and they are above board. Good luck with your research.Peace.

cantsleepawink ago

I agree. Then again maybe this Washington school is different to the usual Waldorf schools. Perhaps it's CIA run.

carmencita ago

This user is only a member for 5 days and has posted about Waldorf before. They evidently have something in their teachings against pedophelia. Ha Ha.

ObviousChild ago

Maybe it's b/c the founder of the school was a member of the OTO, which Aleister Crowley was also a member. "Rudolph Steiner (1861-1925), who was at the time the Secretary General of the German branch of the Theosophical Society, was chartered in 1906 as Deputy Grand Master of a subordinate O.T.O./Memphis/Mizraim Chapter and Grand Council called “Mystica Aeterna” in Berlin. Steiner went on to found the Anthroposophical Society in 1912, and ended his association with Reuss in 1914." And the anthroposophical society teaches that reincarnating into a black person means you have bad karma and the ultimate goal is to be reincarnated as a white person.

carmencita ago

Thank you for the information. I will keep it in mind. Peace.

cantsleepawink ago

Please read this :

And please supply a reference about the black vs white person as I have never come across this.

cantsleepawink ago

The Steiner-Waldorf schools have a long history, particularly in the Austrian-Swiss-German region of Europe. Allegations hastily thrown at a century's old holistic education system without any professional or background knowledge, will just make us look like cranks.

I have no problem with investigators looking at an individual school but to try and throw mumbo jumbo at an entire pedagogical system is unwise.

carmencita ago

There is extensive research into a School Masters background, so if someone where to want to take over the school it would be highly unlikely they would get away with it.