redditsuckz ago

Round Swirl is Not Actually a "Pedo Swirl" -- it's a "Mind Control Swirl" -- Explained by Brave Survivor Lynn Schirmer

"The intention is to associate the vortex [swirl] image with the memory of a cult torture experience (the image in the cloud) to create a trigger effect....It also can produce a general state of fear."

This would explain James Alefantis "god daughter" Caris's Dress;

redditsuckz ago

The Waldorf Schools might be pumping out witches and pagan priests...

wecan = wiccan

Wicca (English pronunciation: /ˈwɪkə/), also termed Pagan Witchcraft, is a contemporary Pagan new religious movement. It was developed in England during the first half of the 20th century and was introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant. Wicca draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practices.

As a side note the 666 hand symbol is also a Spiral meant as a form of mind control on the public and all the celebrities do it;

And a huge percentage of them are transgender.

ASolo ago

You are correct, these symbols truly are talismans warding off interest. Good thread.

ASolo ago

There's something big looming over the horizon with these DC and Alexandria PREP SCHOOLS:




Its coming soon.

Madwack ago

Waldorf used this image, it is a representation of infinite point 3.14. Seen this in watching my pyramid stuff.

still a swirl

DeathToMasons ago

Well done. All of this is in plain sight. I also recall an alleged MK ultra victim saying the swirl wasn't exactly a pedo symbol, but instead mind control.

SturdyGal ago

Spirals also signify a portal as well as a cue to open your subconscious for programming.

redditsuckz ago

Some say the Norway Spiral was some kind of portal...

ArthurEdens ago

Spirals are everywhere, it's a bummer

redditsuckz ago

Yes they are even found in nature such as flowers and the ammonite spiral fossil is around 200 million years old. So the image of the spiral goes way back. But its a bummer that the symbol being uses against us.

ArthurEdens ago

yeah, now anytime I see one I'm reminded of mkultra and pedos, I guess that's their objective

SoundEffects ago

You lost at me at Disney...

YingYangMom ago

You need to read this then. (NYT article)

She explained: ''They would call you out of the basement, and you'd get a bath and you'd get a dress, and if your dress was yellow you were probably going to Disneyland.'' She said they used color coding to make transactions safer for the traffickers and the clients. ''At Disneyland there would be people doing drop-offs and pickups for kids. It's a big open area full of kids, and nobody pays attention to nobody. They would kind of quietly say, 'Go over to that person,' and you would just slip your hand into theirs and say, 'I was looking for you, Daddy.' Then that person would move off with one or two or three of us.''

Also: (2015 - 101 Disney Employees among arrested in Child Sex Ring) (2014 - 35 Disney employees Arrested on Child Sex Charges in less than 10 years)

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

The levels these sick fucks go to is heartbreaking.

cantsleepawink ago

And now you see color coding for all sorts of campaigns. Pink hats for the women's march, white pantsuits for the Democrats at a session. Classic mind control techniques. MKUltra has gone mainstream.

YingYangMom ago

Good news is, we're on to them.

redditsuckz ago

These symbols hold no power if people are conscious of them. Kinda makes sense why its taking so long to wake people up. People have been in a deep trance for so long combined with all the chemicals they put in our food and drinks to keep people dumbed down and sick.

YingYangMom ago

So true. Waking the masses up is and will be the biggest task we'll ever have on our hands. Water is fine, we can get the filters and drink pure water, but the Chemtrails... they are the worst. How can we breathe clean air and grow our organic vegetables when all that crap is falling down from the sky on us and our food? They need to be stopped asap.

redditsuckz ago

Disney is all about mind control, sexual suggestiveness and grooming children...

10 Inappropriate Images In Disney Films

YingYangMom ago

Absolutely. I forbid my children to watch anything related to Disney and am very careful with what I allow them to watch on TV. They play outside, read books, paint, draw, color, play with lego blocks, doll houses and games such as mastermind, battleship, chess, puzzles, 3D puzzles and some playstation games such as Minecraft, Marvel Superheros, et al. I hate anything related to MTV, Disney and Cartoons in general except for a few.

DeathToMasons ago

Good mom. Somebody has to watch over the kids. Should not be the globalist.

YingYangMom ago

Yup. My kids are safe, Thank God. Now, we're working on saving the rest.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I put on the music channels for my 6 & 4 year old. Mostly naked woman girating and riding objects and people. Lots of sexual and satanic talk. I was mortified! Turned it straight off.

Same goes for Katy Perry dark horse lyrics I have sang along to for years. He mentions Jeffery Dahmer! This shit is EVERYWHERE.

YingYangMom ago

Yep, literally.

SoundEffects ago

Thank-you, actually informative.

nomorepepperoni ago

Pretty sure the Disney logo is just his signature, and is a generi-swirl in any case (which is a nod at absolute best to FBI symbols).

Waldorf is fishier for it's ties than its logos (keep looking though).

Have to look at the video before I can form an opinion on it.

If that Flight of the Navigator image is real, that's rather interesting, and I wonder if there might be something more there, given Hollywood's knee-deep involvement in the pedo cult.

DeathToMasons ago

Your reply is a fail.

nomorepepperoni ago

Thanks for your friendly insight. Sorry for not agreeing with everything, but IMO we've seen far clearer links and leads.

redditsuckz ago

Flight of the Navigator's basic premise is the child was kidnapped by an alien.

And Disney goes crazy with the use of the spiral in their most recent movie "Moana"

I counted more then 10 spirals in that one pic alone.