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Yuke ago

The people that bought the property on September 28th 2012 and still own it to this day are 1644 North Capitol LLC, otherwise known as Syga and Semara Thomas

Syga Thomas is a former US diplomat and has other interesting connections he's very much an 'international' man, speaks five languages and is on the board of directors for the Dupont Underground initiative He runs Maedwell out of 1644 North Capitol Street and District Maids is also based there

Semara Thomas is a medical doctor whose specialist area is obstetrics, gynecology and fertility If you dig a little on her area of work you get some alarming 'big picture' findings regarding mutated genes and their effects, which is quite scary.

zenmaster_411 ago

Good work! I didn't have Semera Thomas (just Syga). This link is great:

From looking at it, I had a mini epiphany (logic related) that I'll post in a comment. It further (circumstantially) points to a connection between Thomas and Alefantis/Scheve

I'm going to do a followup post later today

Yuke ago

Great, thanks. Please, add me in by doing an @yuke so I don't miss it.

zenmaster_411 ago

Will do. I had this next post prepared yesterday. The additional info you provided in your comment is lending me the the confidence to post it! :)