carmencita ago

This guy is an A** and is full of himself. Bush should not have a problem getting compliments from her relatives since some of them have been mentioned on here. No Shame for child love, notice him grab a piece of pizza? I do not know what to make of this, just that he has way too much money and free time. Maybe for things we have been investigating? We will have to look into it some more. Some people are just nuts and like to say things to get attention like little spoiled brats.

Yuke ago

I think it's counter-productive to our cause to look into anything without there being a legitimate reason or link to instigate the spotlight being shone. To simply speculate with no basis would only allow us to fall nicely into the hands of the 'Fake news' brigade.

derram ago :

Barbara Bush finds love with Susan Sarandon's ex Franck Raharinosy | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

francine_rose ago

WHoch lena Dunham molested her sister