WHAMMO63 ago


That is how they found the tunnels under McMartin Preschool IIRC. Some of you guys must have access to this technology through your jobs? Compile a list of areas of interest and go to town!

otherroom ago

Last comment for now - Definitely closed. The location is taken off their site and Yelp reported it was closed. I can't wait to scope this out more on Friday.

otherroom ago

I'm going to explore the area this Friday the 13th. Where should I specifically be looking for an entrance? I looked for tunnels in the area a few months ago with a friend but they're all boarded shut. Will try entering through the Chevy Chase Pediatric Center but otherwise I'm not sure how I'd get it. I just really want to investigate this.

ragecry ago

Panda Head Morgan has a website. On her website is a subsection called Mind Mall. I'm not entirely sure what the point of it is, but there is a ring on the page with a Scottish freemason symbol (possibly...not sure how to verify that). Why this particular piece of jewelry would be on her page, of all things you could possibly sell, I am curious. Also note the symbolic eye at the top of the page. Anyhow, it could be nothing, so let's get to the next piece...

On her about page at the very bottom it says CAPRICORN. Now of course there are creative/spiritual minded people who are totally into astronomy, that's fine. I just couldn't help but think of James "Achilles" Alefantis and Pegasus Museum. Capricorn is a goat and it is a symbol frequently used in the occult. Cult is short for occult. Again, not much to go by.

Next, a Google search for Panda Head. I'll leave the Urban Dictionary definition for "Panda Face" out of this for now. So I get a website Panda Head Blog, run by this same Morgan person apparently. What's the first thing on that page? A book titled Cult. Click the book, then on the next page click the "3" link. It shows a banner "Dinner at Bucks". So this is probably the restaurant originally headed by Carole Greenwood, and now James Alefantis. Cult -> Bucks. Still, nothing much so far. But there is a connection that's starting to form with the rest of that weird lot in DC.

Well, go back to the Panda Head Blog home page and click issue 6. Now this is getting interesting. Notice the pizza in the middle. Is that Whitney Houston and Marilyn Monroe faces? Actors who hit rock bottom and overdosed. A sort of helpless theme I'm finding common in these artworks. The art is not by Morgan, but someone else, who's art can be found on the Transformer museum website. Here's an odd one:


Still on Issue 6, click Chapter 2 Donut and scroll through the images. Girls dressed in donuts, and drooling donut "frosting" (cum). One of the chicks has two eye of Horus tattooed on her arm. Egyptian tattoos are typical of course, but it's worth pointing out because of the eye on Panda Head Morgan's other website, and the Scottish freemason ring. They also pose looking through the donut holes, possibly a nod to the all seeing eye of freemasonry. Isn't this art strange? Cum, and eating anus, are two obvious messages. Maybe intentionally homosexual, not sure. But we know Alefantis dabbled in this kind of overly suggestive art, and he is gay.

And pederasty was basically how society ran in Ancient Greece. Alefantis has this Ancient Greek vibe and symbolism all over the place, it is undeniable. And freemasonry is a way of showing boys how to be men, and often that involves understanding how older men's society worked, and how to respect it being that it is now different from modern society. It's a way of joining old practices with young practices and being accepting of them. One image that comes to mind is the Popes who molest children and get a slap on the wrist for it, saying how they are old men and don't know better. They get angry when you "conflate" homosexuality with pederasty, but it's literally ingrained in our history, and being thrown in our face now. It's like they're trying to usher in a neo-Greek society where homo and pederast is totally cool and fun for the whole family.

Still on Issue 6, click Chapter 3 Centerfolds. A girl covering her crotch with her tshirt. Typical sketch and innocent as a butterfly, but wait for the next part.

The Corcoran Gallery has an interesting tidbit in its Wikipedia page:



Basically, it gets into how this artist wanted to showcase child porn as art and there was a huge scandal. The particular piece was similar in nature to the Chapter 3 Centerfolds. Instead of the dress lifted as in Mapplethorpes art, the Centerfold art is "holding down the dress", but we can still assume what it means, she is hiding her crotch, your mind goes to the thought and flirts with it visually even though it isn't there.

The connections I've laid out here are not very strong indeed, but I do think there is a sort of cult behind all this, whether explicit or implicit.

Verite1 ago

Wow. I have just returned to the sub verse after several months, having been on it from the onset of the pizza gate scandal so I know exactly what you’re referring to. Trying to wrap my head around the connection of these dots. Pretty incredible.

AssJayDoubleyou ago

Now that some time has passed, are they quietly shutting everything down?

Verite1 ago

That’s what it fucking feels like.

mooteensy ago

Seems like it, yeah. Keep an eye out for places that have burned down recently, too. I think those are important.

Narcissism ago

Shame - it was my favorite restaurant in DC..


swordfish69 ago

You should try the chicken tenderloin they advertised in the window.

kaelar ago

Terasol Bistro across the street from Comet/Besta is also closed.

otherroom ago

Yeah, that strangely closed up at the beginning of the year and I think another business has moved in already. :/

YogSoggoth ago

Google closed down the site that had all the tunnels mapped. It was something like underground explorers, subterranian adventure, Urban cavers, something along those lines. Could it be archived? That site had everything, and more. I still can't believe it disappeared.

septimasexta ago

The tunnels are real.

Both Comet and Buck's fishing and Camping have 2 floors. Buck's Fishing has the basement where the "pizza sauce" is stored. I think Comet's second floor is ABOVE the restaurant, where the "fatherhood" video is alleged to have been filmed. In one of the Comet magazine photo ops, James is perched on what appears to be open stairs to the second story. The stairs appear to be just "ping pong themed" ceiling decor to the uninformed. See photo 4th down: https://www.metroweekly.com/2015/04/from-scratch-james-alefantis/

FINALLY! PROOF: BUCKS CAMPING AND FISHING HAS A BASEMENT!!!! https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459694 Comet may not have a basement, but James Alefantis owns one two doors down......

YogSoggoth ago

Toigo Orchards in Shippensburg, Pa, and Stello foods. Might have been some code in the literation expressed about what tomatoes he chooses. For example; beefsteak tomatoes are generally considered the lowest grade for anyone even halfway knowledgeable in culinary skills, yet he uses them with better grades seasonally. The website I am talking about had all the tunnels, and mapped. That would tell you which buildings are connected by the larger network.

mooteensy ago

Wonder if the map included the tunnels under Buck's

YogSoggoth ago

There is a vast tunnel system in most cities. It was all mapped plus history on one site. This site may have been taken down by them.

mooteensy ago

Sounds like it. If its been scrubbed this hard where I can't find an archive that's strange, but I'm relentless. Will update if I have any luck :)

YogSoggoth ago

Urban adventurers is an actual sport, believe it or not. We need to find someone who lives in a big, or old, City. Here, they must be from here to find them ... relatives maybe? Those guys would know the site if it still exists, and then we could use Archive machine. I remember using the site to find Underground Houston, Denver, S.F.,Portland, ect. All mapped out with local lore. I know zero people from big cities, except retired.

ScannerDarkly ago

Besta is anagram for Beast.

Shizy ago

According to Yelp besta has been closed down for several months.

Arrvee ago

To quibble, until there are photographs of the tunnels they're not confirmed. It is only alleged but a friend of a friend. This is hearsay. It's a lead, but not proof. Definitely worth looking into.

Verite1 ago

Agreed. More people need to corroborate the network of tunnels which we obviously know exist but also there has to be a hard evidence and proof of an operation. Or a whistleblower.

exposethecriminals ago

I actually saw mention of them on Woodrow Wilson High School's website.

Last paragraph: https://www.wilsonhs.org/apps/bbmessages/show_bbm.jsp?REC_ID=60576

IShallNotFear ago

Here is the archived portion as school websites often change: http://archive.is/YQvP1#selection-1173.0-1173.510

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you!

carmencita ago

Thank You for that! WOW. CowaBunga Dude! That pretty much confirms it, in my book. I'm also just blown away that JP lives 3 doors away. Too close for comfort. Pretty convenient for him. There seems to be a Perfect Storm Area here. School, Tunnels, Fort Reno, and JP residence. Something going on here, imo.

mooteensy ago

@exposethecriminals @carmencita Just had to pick my jaw up off the floor...Great work and thank you both very much!

carmencita ago

@exposethecriminals is an A Rated Researcher! Thanks for the compliments. Please check out the posts by me and @new4now on Child Organ Trafficking. They play right into the School and JP.

Pizzalawyer ago

Im convinced by the research of others that Besta Pizza was part of a pedo community so I dont want my next comments to be taken the wrong way.

There are business lawyers out there that provide corporate services to even the smallest businesses and the duties can at times be simple enough for office staff such as paralegals to perform. The corporation must be formed and registered with the secretary of state. Annual reports and fees have to be taken care of. Quarterly federal tax returns have to be filed via a federal tax ID number for both payroll taxes and income taxes. Quarterly workers comp and unemployment taxes have to be paid to the State. A person has to be designated to receive service of process or subpoenas in the event a lawsuit is filed against the business. Typically a lawyer with the assistance of an accountant handles all of these duties for a business owner. That lawyer can agree to be the agent for service of process or can assign that role to another agency or the business owner can assume that role . That said, a law office need not know any thing else about the business. It may not know that the business is a front for illegal activities. I say this in order that there are no automatic leaps of faith or logic which implicate a lawyer just because his or her name pops up. Not that lawyers can't be criminals because many are. The Clintons have always bothered me for not using their legal skills to do good. Instead they use the law to cover up their crimes. Here's hoping we see at least one of them get indicted in the near future. Keep up the good work SW.

D3lta105 ago

Pepe Silvia was behind it all.

Blacksmith21 ago

Permit filed for Kitchen Guild:

Enter the Property Address to review Application Status: St. No.* St. Name* St. Suffix* Quad*



Application Status by Property Address: Please see the table below for review statuses. The table is not shown if the reviews have not been identified. A blank Status date means that the initial review has not been completed. Permits Status ApplicationID Permit Type Date Filed Full Address Agent Name Phone Number B1810797 Alteration and Repair Permit 6/24/2018 5027 CONNECTICUT AVE NW JOE SPINELLI D1800693 Demolition Permit 6/20/2018 5027 CONNECTICUT AVE NW JOE SPINELLI 301-520-0247

No permits on Besta.

septimasexta ago

REPOSTING: Did Besta and Comet close?

See video from May 22, 2018. See 3:28 and continue to end. "#4 Going to lunch at Comet Ping Pong" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8TdjVpzJFkYouTube

Blacksmith21 ago

Funny. Remember how Trump tweeted about "dirty awnings"?

AngB23 ago

Haven’t been here in a while but wanted to comment. The dirty awning is CPP.....look at the top of the entrance/awning...you will see something pink which looks like a clitorus. It’s not fully visible except for certain angles-strategically placed it appears


septimasexta ago

Have you noticed the huge Traffic views count for this other post about Welch's visit to Comet and the interview of the alleged CPP hacker who found CP? Views: 3501 More people awakening? Things getting too hot for Comet? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2603679

In the video, people were sitting a outdoor tables next door. None at Comet.

Blacksmith21 ago

Comet looked closed. Possible difference in hours?

Are_we_sure ago

Why does everyone on this board fetishize tunnels so much?

Blacksmith21 ago

Because when we are done, the tunnels are getting filled with concrete and we are going to level everything down to a pebble on the 5000 block of Conn NW.

think- ago


Are_we_sure ago

Dude, I'm quite familiar with your vigilante fantasies. It's the thing you do best.

I'm wondering why tunnels are considered so important? Somebody spent quite a while detailing a sealed up freight train tunnel in Brooklyn. A tunnel that led no where. You entered through a manhole and two blocks later you ended at a big wall. It was supposedly a big deal because Clinton's campaign headquarters was a few blocks away.

Is there any evidence of sex trafficking taking place in a tunnel somewhere? Every example people give, are tunnels that commonly known, if not widely known.

The only tunnels I know used for crimes is usually underneath a border. Drug gangs use tunnels.

Are_we_sure ago

You stupid fucking MS-13 defender.

Wow you are a moron....I defended them? Where?

Fateswebb ago

Not one much for simple common sense are ya?

think- ago

LOL. I first misread your sentence as 'The only tunnels I used for crimes...' So sorry! :-)

bdmthrfkr ago

Hey Moshe, the interesting thing to us is why YOU keep trying to steer the conversation away from tunnels. You kikes will never learn.

pic related https://kek.gg/i/WMw8s.jpeg

Blacksmith21 ago

"Drug gangs use tunnels."

So do human trafficking gangs.

SweetChicken ago


The Border Patrol installed heavy steel gates along the Nogales drainage system to tame the situation, but drug and human traffickers are nothing if not inventive. The new gates denied them unfettered access to Nogales, so they began hand digging their own tunnels that cut into the drainage system.

Later on in the article

Once they have cracked into the U.S. underground infrastructure, they can travel through the entire system and smuggle drugs or humans or even support terrorist activities.

Are_we_sure ago

Nogales, Arizona is directly next to the border. I understand that tunnels are used by the border as I said so. This is because the border crossing is heavily policed

So why are people focusing on tunnels in DC or Brooklyn or cities not near the border? No one has ever giving a single example of a case like what people are fantasizing about.

So again I ask, can you find sex traffickers using tunnels that are not under the border? Once you are in the country there's no need to.

toutedesuite ago

Riiiiight, all those tunnels in urban areas and linking far-flung military bases (including underground facilities) are only used by law-abiding citizens who are conducting completely ‘above board’ business. U.S. troops are training to fight underground will obv only need these skills abroad🤣😉https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.military.com/daily-news/2018/06/24/army-spending-half-billion-train-troops-fight-underground.html/amp

3141592653 ago

The tunnels under McMartin Preschool

Blacksmith21 ago

Which is why the cartels brought in Hezbollah to assist in tunnel building. In the case of DC, the Masons built many of the tunnels. They are everywhere in DC and extend out into the suburbs.

ESOTERICshade ago

Why does everyone on this board fetishize tunnels so much?

Because there is a long history of your cult using tunnels to carry out their nefarious deeds, thats why.

Are_we_sure ago

My cult? Dipshit.

So show evidence of this history.

mrohm ago

Yes, your cult, David.

truthdemon ago

U just mentioned drug gangs...using tunnels for smuggling...whats stopping these very same gangs from using them to traffick children for the child commodity markets that reap bigger profits than drugs..

Google : george bush brownsville texas murders

The Cia is known to use children as drug mules..snuff blackmail rings as documented in the nebraska investigations of the Franklyn coverup..

3141592653 ago
