Blacksmith21 ago

I wonder what Megyn had to do for that $25MM contract?

dreamdigital ago

Never forget that JA is listed as being on the party list of NXIVM Cult party.

GeorgeT ago

Of all the targets!!!!

asabove ago

The hard drive was not destroyed. The pictures and video show it did not even hit the hard drive. That dipshit shot the powersupply and maybe the back of the dvd player, not the hard drive. Look at the video yourself.

The rest of the sketchy ACT they put together was fake as hell, even the cops were in on it. (or he would have been shot and had his ass kicked, instead of being led away like a ceo)

Truthseeker3000 ago

Don’t forget that law enforcement moved the camera angles before the shooting took place then moved them back in place after so no footage could be seen on camera. Also, people at the restaurant and nearby claimed they never saw a gunman and didn’t know what happened. Yes, there 100% was an encrypted password only section on the Comet website when pizzagate and Alefantis broke I went on the site to look around and saw it and wondered why a pizza restaurant would have a password protected section on their page. So many questions....

septimasexta ago


"North Carolina arrest records for an Edgar Maddison Welch date back to 2007, and include charges of possession of up to a half ounce of marijuana, possession of controlled substances, driving after consuming alcohol and driving with an open container of alcohol. He plead guilty on the alcohol and drug charges.

In October, Welch is alleged to have struck a 13-year-old with a car on Harrison Road in Salisbury, according to a WBTV story. He stayed at the scene, it was reported. Officials said the victim suffered head, torso and leg injuries.

Reports emerged late Sunday that Welch might be a struggling actor, with a resume that includes a half dozen minor jobs on film productions, including being an extra and production assistant."

According to police incidence report: Door, doorlock, computer tower, barrier wall was damaged/destroyed

According to the "public narrative" at the bottom of the page, NO ONE WITNESSED MADISON FIRING THE GUN.


When I followed this story in real time, as I recall, there were NO customers that witnessed Maddison inside Comet Ping Pong and NO reports of gunfire. James Alefantis was not at Comet Ping Pong that day. The "assault" charge was based on a single Comet kitchen employee who came in the back door as Maddison was allegedly in the area. The rifle was swung in his GENERAL direction, but I don't recall a specific claim that it was DIRECTLY pointed at him. The employee allegedly turned around and ran out and called the police. The employee did not report hearing a gun shot.

My original conclusion at the time was that no gun was fired. Researchers discovered that about a month prior to the incident, Maddison had been involved in a documented car incident in North Carolina where he had hit and injured a 13 year old who was walking on the side of the road with other friends. An early article said the youth's friends claimed that Maddison was the only car on the road at the time and the accident could have been avoided. One theory at the time was that Maddison was given a plea deal and he was used to carry out Comet Ping Pong. This would have been cover to obtain the tower computer, WHICH IS LISTED IN THE FINAL POLICE REPORT. After "capture", his sentencing could have been time previously required in the theorized plea deal. Remember, Maddison did have ACTING EXPERIENCE.

septimasexta ago

"D.C. Police press release on arrest of Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, of Salisbury, NC for assault w/dangerous weapon at Comet restaurant."

WHAT IS LEGAL DEFINITION OF ASSAULT? "a) an unsuccessful attempt to commit a battery (i.e. a swing and a miss); or

b) any act that would cause a reasonable person to fear or apprehend an immediate battery (i.e. a fake slap to make someone flinch, but without actually touching them)."

WHAT IS LEGAL DEFINITION OF "DANGEROUS WEAPON"? "Some things like guns, knives, brass knuckles and other typical weapons obviously would meet the definition of “dangerous weapon.” But even something designed for a completely peaceful purpose can be a “dangerous weapon” if it is used or intended to be used in a way likely to cause serious physical injury or death. A common example is a car or glass bottle. When there is a question as to whether or not something like this is a “dangerous weapon,” it is up to a Jury to decide." WELCH DID NOT HAVE TO FIRE A WEAPON TO BE CHARGED WITH THIS, but only point the gun in the direction of the employee.

septimasexta ago

"28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch, of Salisbury, N.C., REPORTEDLY (emphasis mine) fired the rifle at least once inside the restaurant but no one was injured."


"he drove to Washington in a Toyota Prius" to Comet Ping Pong. Yet, a month earlier, "Police said Edgar Welch, 28, was driving a Buick LeSabre that struck the teen....Investigators have not said how the wreck may have happened or if any charges are being filed."

septimasexta ago

"“We was walking down the road, just a normal walk, and this one car had the full road," said Sean Lankford, who was walking in the group. "We was pretty much on the white line and he wiped out one of my friends and he had the whole road to turn into even the whole other lane, even in the same lane he could have avoided him."

“My friend is really really badly hurt, it’s just a normal walk gone bad and one car made a big difference," Lankford added."

septimasexta ago

"CPP False Flag Archived Comet Ping Pong shooter has previously lived in Haiti and his father worked as an executive director for Protect-A-Child, a non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children."

ALSO: "The dude is already in some serious trouble that could put him away for stretch so he's a perfect candidate for another clandestine FBI type of fake terror operation that there'll be a show trial and a conviction after which he'll be given a new name and credentials and relocated somewhere else until they need him to play some other part for them."

septimasexta ago


"It seems Detective Jeremiah Johnson is actually an FBI agent, so if he is investigating it, then the FBI is handling it not the DC Police. Honeybee video on this:

I played an audio recording of a phone call that was sent to me by BigFish the hacker who broke into comet Ping Pong, where he once again gets the runaround by DC Police Detective Godin who won't confirm or deny anything, when trying to find out why nothing has been done about this. Audio played during.

Email from Det. Godin confirming receipt of information as requested during phone call."

septimasexta ago

OOPS! Maddison is middle name. WELCH is the last name.

Gothamgirl ago

And the shooter had to hold the weapon at really unusual angle, considering the lock was very high up on the door, for it to travel to the bottom back of the closet before ricocheting and hitting it.

Pipebomb ago

If I were going on a mission to save children I wouldn't be firing at closed doors, he could have shot kids if what he believed were true.

poopingaccount ago

So many shills

siegnagel ago

So poorly done. I guess GQ's 50th most important man in DC just isn't worth shelling out for a good well executed believable cover up. This was piss poor.

2012ronpaul2012 ago

Wow, I never heard this before.


Praise be to the LORD my Rock who trains my heart to love and my fingers to serve.

Psalm144-1 ago


unclassified ago

Yeah, I knew that was bullshit right from the instant that I heard the claim. That is such total and complete bullshit. The day that it happened was the day that I fully and totally believed in PizzaGate.

Are_we_sure ago

Do you have proof of your claims.

A. That CP was found on the Comet Ping Pong Server. And this happened a few days before the Comet shotoing. B. That the Comet Ping Pong website was actually hosted at Comet Ping Pong and not one a webhost like most small businesses. C. That the bullet that went through the hard drive.

SoberSecondThought ago

A. That is what BigFish has been saying for about a year now. It's eyewitness testimony; he found it on their server, then he reported it to the FBI and DC police. Lots of people, including me, got as far as the Comet Ping Pong private page where a series of encrypted graphics files were available. His claim is simply that he was able to decrypt them, and having done so, told the proper authorities. He's still around, and the Honeybee YouTube video above strongly suggests that the investigation is still ongoing.

B. BigFish said that the private section linked to nine other servers around the world. So most of what he claims to have found was not hosted at Comet Ping Pong. While it scarcely matters for purposes of his eyewitness report exactly where the server was physically located, I would expect a halfway competent criminal enterprise not to leave evidence of felony rape and kidnapping on a third-party server. But then, we have reason to think that the Clinton crime syndicate is no more than halfway competent, as their IT guy went on Reddit to ask for help destroying evidence.

C. The story about the gunman firing through a locked door and hitting the computer makes no sense (he's rescuing children so he fires blindly?), but that does seem to be the official account. Nothing specifically proves that the bullet went through the hard drive, but then nothing really proves that shots were actually fired, either. (The employee who says they were has an obvious conflict of interest.) If at any point that detail becomes important, I would imagine a computer with a shot-up hard drive will turn up and its chain of custody will be vouched for.

Funny that they have you in this particular thread trying to bail the ocean with your cupped hands, alone. It's almost as if all those sockpuppet accounts that I keep talking about have some aversion to talking specifically about this evidence.

Are_we_sure ago

A. Why do you believe Big Fish? Who hosted the Comet Private Page?

B. >But then, we have reason to think that the Clinton crime syndicate is no more than halfway competent, as their IT guy went on Reddit to ask for help destroying evidence.

This is more than ridiculous. The guy who used Bleach Bit didn't work for Clinton. He worked for Platte River Networks, a commercial IT provider. So your theory is that Clinton's server contains such damning evidence as felony rape and kidnapping and yet they let an outside group have access to it for 3 years.

Logically this points to, there was not evidence of felonies, you are imagining that, not look at what incompetent felons they are. You are imagining the felonies and you are imagining what they did with the evidence.

C. >The story about the gunman firing through a locked door and hitting the computer makes no sense (he's rescuing children so he fires blindly?)

This is a logical fallacy called arguing by incredulity. Because you can't believe someone who do something that means it didn't happen. Once something happens, the chance of it happening is 100%.

He was in the midst of about 36 hours of terrible decisions. This attempt at anomaly hunting falls very flat. You claim it's a story. I say it's what happened. This guy was making one bad decision after another. The decision to bring an AR-15 into the restaurant was a terrible decision. This congruent with everything thing else he did. He mentioned he resorted to the gun because he was frustrated.

Also remember he believed the children were on the floor below.

SoberSecondThought ago

A. Why wouldn't I believe Big Fish? This is the era of "see something, say something," and he saw something and said something. As I said before, I find his statement especially compelling because I saw the same file folder with the same encrypted files. I just don't have his hacking skills. As for who hosted the Comet page, as I already said, I don't think it ultimately matters. It was part of an international network of such servers, available to hundreds or thousands of users, something that is intrinsically quite vulnerable. The only truly reliable way to protect such a network is through corrupt cops and courts. Then reports like that of Big Fish can be intercepted and quietly round-filed.

Last year, the investigation seemed to have stalled. The DC police officer who had at first been communicating with Big Fish had gone silent. But now, after a year under Trump, I get the impression that the institutional protection that the Clinton syndicate has counted on for decades may be crumbling. The cops have confirmed there is an investigation ongoing, and we have a new name attached to the case, Jeremiah Johnson. Too soon to say much more than that, but the case is certainly not dead.

B. "This is more than ridiculous." I agree, but nonetheless this is where we are. There's nothing saying that Platte River Networks can't be part of the Clinton crime syndicate, in much the same way that, say, Media Matters is. And Platte River's CEO didn't exactly help dispel that suspicion when he obstructed the email investigation last spring.

C. Well, sure, Counsellor, that's one theory of how things happened. You're paid to come up with such theories, and you do a decent job of it. But I can't help thinking that given the truly epic headache that erasing ONE server had already caused the syndicate, they were extra anxious to avoid having to answer questions about the whereabouts of a SECOND one. I think we should be grateful they didn't just burn down the whole place, and blame that on hyped-up Pizzagaters instead.

Are_we_sure ago

You just replying by doubling down on conspiracy nonsense. Like the claim I'm paid to be here. And like this nonsense

The only truly reliable way to protect such a network is through corrupt cops and courts. Then reports like that of Big Fish can be intercepted and quietly round-filed.

The reason I don't believe big Fish is that if he had hacking skills enough to do this he could have put up a website that showed how he nailed Comet. He could even convince the Pizza-gate community.

Fateswebb ago

The website wouldn't have had to of been hosted at comet ping pong, for the authenticated entry point to of been, or even the payload of passing authentication to have been.

septimasexta ago

"North Carolina arrest records for an Edgar Maddison Welch date back to 2007, and include charges of possession of up to a half ounce of marijuana, possession of controlled substances, driving after consuming alcohol and driving with an open container of alcohol. He plead guilty on the alcohol and drug charges.

In October, Welch is alleged to have struck a 13-year-old with a car on Harrison Road in Salisbury, according to a WBTV story. He stayed at the scene, it was reported. Officials said the victim suffered head, torso and leg injuries.

Reports emerged late Sunday that Welch might be a struggling actor, with a resume that includes a half dozen minor jobs on film productions, including being an extra and production assistant."

According to police incidence report: Door, doorlock, computer tower, barrier wall was damaged/destroyed

According to the "public narrative" at the bottom of the page, NO ONE WITNESSED MADISON FIRING THE GUN.


Are_we_sure ago

And? None of that is proof of the three claims. Not sure what your point is.

septimasexta ago

Answered above. Don't wast my time on down voated downers.

Are_we_sure ago

It answers nothing. Doesn't prove bullet hit hard drive. Doesn't prove CP was on hard drive.

septimasexta ago

I proved that there is no evidence Welch fired a gun inside Comet Ping Pong. How the "tower computer" was damaged remains a mystery. This is not recorded in the incident report.

Are_we__sure ago

You absolutely did not prove there's no evidence he fired inside Comet Ping Pong.

You said there were no eyewitnesses to actual act. No one saw me make this post, but there is certainly evidence I did post this.

But there were plenty of eyewitnesses to him enter CPP with a gun and people who heard him fire and the gunshot damage, all of which is evidence.

septimasexta ago

"Do you think I have access to original law enforcement documents? This never went to court. He plead guilty, so there's no trial testimony."

Bingo. FF? I will win in the court of public opinion. Not you. All of the conflicting crap MSM FAKE NEWS reports just adds to my position.


septimasexta ago

"But there were plenty of eyewitnesses to him enter CPP with a gun and people who heard him fire and the gunshot damage, all of which is evidence." List them, with their official statements.

Are_we_sure ago

Do you think I have access to original law enforcement documents? This never went to court. He plead guilty, so there's no trial testimony.

Here's criminal complaint with a sworn affidavit.

He called or texted his friends that he was going to do this in the days leading up to his arrest and on his drive to DC.

When he entered the restaurant with his gun people fled. He was probably the only person inside when he fired his guyn. An employee went to a refrigerator in the alley and heard three loud bangs. And returned to restaurant saw Welch who raised his rifle at him and the employee fled out the back door.

septimasexta ago

"When he entered the restaurant with his gun people fled. He was probably the only person inside when he fired his guyn. An employee went to a refrigerator in the alley and heard three loud bangs. And returned to restaurant saw Welch who raised his rifle at him and the employee fled out the back door." This is made up. Quote from the document. Only one "victim" is referred to in any official document.

Not many customers at 3:00 pm. One waitress reportedly told her few customers to leave because a man had walked in with a gun. I saw a video interview of two of them who were laughing and said they grabbed their pitcher of beer on the way out. Neither actually saw the gunman nor did they hear gunshots. I saw this first hand, the day of the event. It was local coverage.

Alex jones interviews another "witness." He only saw Welsh "in his peripheral vision" and "could see he had a CONCEALED weapon. HE DID NOT SEE WELSH FIRE A GUN NOR DID HE HEAR GUNSHOTS.HE DID NOT STATE WHAT HE AND HIS FAMILY DID AFTER WELCH WALKED BY. HE DID NOT SAY THAT THEY WERE FRIGHTENED AND RAN OUT. NOTHING. The witness was playing ping pong towards the back middle of the restaurant. He was not still seated up front by the front door. See you tube video at 4:10 Besides the laughing beer-drinking customers, this guy was the only other "witness" I saw interviewed. STRANGE.

septimasexta ago

Welch did NOT plead guilty to shooting a firearm inside Comet Pizza:

"Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, pleaded guilty in March to a federal charge of interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition as well as a D.C. charge of assault with a dangerous weapon as part of a plea deal with prosecutors."

"Welch fired one shot into a locked closet." Released crime scene photo caption. "New photos show Comet Ping Pong crime scene ahead of gunman’s sentencing":

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TOWER COMPUTER AND THE 4 SHELLS? Not one witness has been named that heard the gunshot(S). We need to see a crime timeline. One news report said a shot (s) were fired BEFORE the restaurant worker entered the back door. Another says it happened RIGHT AFTER the person fled out the back door. WHICH IS IT?

septimasexta ago

Found this AP interview with the same guy: Thought Welsh was a concealed carry security guard. NO MENTION OF A CRAZED SHOOTER BRANDISHING A LONG FIREARM. Says Welsh entered the back mystery room. Is that where they keep the "tower computer"?

This version does confirm the beer drinking witnesses account that a waitress told them to get out of the building. WHY WAS THE WAITRESS NOT INTERVIEWED? NAMED?

Are_we__sure ago

This is made up. Quote from the document. Only one "victim" is referred to in any official document.

What are you talking about? Made up??? So you're not even aware of criminal complaint and you are trying to have a conversation about this? I didn't make shit up and I never do.

This is covered in details in the criminal complaint starting on Page 8 of the PDF, paragraph #20.

Not many customers at 3:00 pm.

What makes you say this? This seems like an assumption. 3PM on a weekend is a pretty prime time for a popular restaurants in big cities.

This is the Reuters story from the day of, before they even identified the gunman. They spoke to a witness who was paying his bill and said it was crowded at the time

This is backed up by news reports that people took shelter in several place, an Indian restaurant, the bookstore, around the corner behind police barricades. The criminal complaint says the police also took people to a firehouse.

I saw a video interview of two of them who were laughing and said they grabbed their pitcher of beer on the way out. Neither actually saw the gunman nor did they hear gunshots. I saw this first hand, the day of the event. It was local coverage.

Yeah, the Washington Post talked to them. Their story doesn't back up your claims of few people in the place. When everone started fleeing they got separated from his wife and kid who wound up in the bookstore. They are laughing because the threat was over by the time of the interview.


As I said the patrons were out of the building when Welch shot his gun. This patron says he moved down the block.

Are you aware that Welch was in the building for over 20 minutes?


He said he noticed Welch thought he might a securtiy guard, but he says "I could see my wife saw something was wrong, moments, briefly after that one of the staff told me there was a gunman and we needed to get out. So my immediate reaction was to get my kids and get out. And that's what we did, we moved swiftly out of the place. Everyone was moving quickly out."

Says Welsh entered the back mystery room. Is that where they keep the "tower computer"?

There's no mystery about the back room. It opens to the alleyway and it's used for a couple of things.

When they have big concerts, it's the backstage, equipment load in area.

When they have small concerts, those are held in the back room.

They also rent it out for private parties.

The computer tower was in a small utility type closet. Alefantis said they used it as a coatroom and the computer was on the floor. You can see it at 3:45 in this video.

Dunno where that coatroom is, it could be in the backroom


You are anomaly hunting. It's looking for wierd little unexplained bits and ignoring the whole.

You also don't seem to know how law enforcement or media works.

The staff at Comet Ping Pong was almost certainly interviewed by the police and by the FBI and the criminal complaint is based on what law enforcement learned.

septimasexta ago

The guy that AP and Alex Jones interviewed said he arrived around 2:00 pm and had finished his pizza and he and his family were playing ping pong when Welsh allegedly walked to the back room. According to news and incident report, Comet employee called 911 at 3:00pm after encountering Welch near the back door and turned and ran out that same back door.

Please construct a TIMELINE for me of when and how many shots were fired and what was hit by those shots. Include who heard the shots and who witnessed Welsh shooting the gun(s). It has been claimed that the ground was shot, a locked closet, wall, and tower computer. Welsh, in the court report, said he fired a gun(s) two times. Police claimed that LATER they found 4 casings. Welsh was NOT charged with discharging a firearm in the restaurant, OR ATTEMPTED MURDER.

septimasexta ago

FOX LIED. They said assault with a DEADLY weapon. The charge was "assault with a dangerous weapon." A legal distinction. The closet door showed no gunshot. I posted pictures released "later" of the same door Alefantis opened, but it was damaged, allegedly from a bullet.

Alefantis was NOT at the restaurant when the incident occurred. Megan: "WHEN THIS MAN WALKED IN.....You were there that day, RIGHT?" James: "I was there EARLIER that day." MEGAN WANTS VIEWERS TO BELIEVE A LIE. She would have known if James was there during the incident. I would like to hear a recording of the 911 call to hear if the caller mentioned hearing gunshot(s).


MEGAN: "even D.C. police say (pizzagate) has no basis in fact..." ANOTHER LIE. D.C. POLICE HAVE NEVER INVESTIGATED IT. MEGAN: "Again, the D.C. police are saying this is FAKE, FAKE" Sorry Megan, YOU are fake news. D.C. police have NEVER investigated the allegations.

Regarding Instagram photos: James claims the taped up little girl is his "god daughter." NO PROOF. The walk-in cement cooler photo was labeled by James as "KILL ROOM". OOPS! MEGAN didn't tell us that. THE WHOLE INTERVIEW WAS A FAKE NEWS COVER-UP.

MEGAN : " ...a national debate over FAKE NEWS" This shows the media's initial attempt to discredit citizen journalist/researches by labeling them repeatedly as FAKE NEWS. Enter Trump. He turned around and put the label on THEM. LOL!

"Dunno where that coatroom is, it could be in the backroom" It's right next to the only back door in the restaurant. That means that that is the door the employee entered and then left when they saw Welch. Should have heard gunfire.

JAMES OPENS THE CLOSET DOOR WHICH DOES NOT SHOW DAMAGE SEEN IN LATER RELEASED POLICE PHOTOS. video: 3:50 JAMES: "The bullet went into our computer system" SHOWS AN ANGLED HOLE ON TOP OF COMPUTER CASE. Was this a SECOND shot? It wouldn't align with one shot in the door lock. Did Welsh make a statement on motive for shooting the computer? It wasn't on his list for alleged reasons to come to Comet.


septimasexta ago

Regarding "computer tower", just realized the "shooting" occurred 2 WEEKS prior to the interview. Why didn't the police seize the computer as evidence? Why hadn't Comet fixed the computer by then? Did they want us to think this is an old computer they no longer use? Was this sending a message to the guy that reported them for cp on their computer? Yea. WHAT ARE THE ODDS?

belphegorsprime ago

I had heard about this "story" but assumed it was fake news. It just seemed too outlandish even for the MSM to try to push a bogus story like this. I can't believe they tried to pass this off as an authentic narrative.

Humphreyboggart21 ago

If y’all haven’t realized that the devil has taken over the United States then please wake up. Evil is rampant in our government from everything and everything. Everything the government does is to destroy us.

YogSoggoth ago

What was the gun and bullet used? That is actually something that would be recorded in a transcript and have relevance to the case. None of that matters because the M. DC police are corrupt.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

That was just a cohencidence, goys

Coloradical2 ago

It doesn't matter if it was destroyed or not. What matters is that we think it was destroyed.

mooteensy ago

Highly underrated comment.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Traffic cams around comet went out the day before.

cantfindmenow ago

Is there any links for this fact so I can add it to my blog? Thanks

millennial_vulcan ago

what's your blog?

cantfindmenow ago

My blog is Sorry for the late reply, I dont always check this account :)

septimasexta ago


Are_we_sure ago

no true. A single camera was affected. The claim was that this camera faced onto Comet which was not true, I believe.

millennial_vulcan ago

please kill yourself

SterlingJB ago

Showed the intersection where much of the photos were taken, I believe, in the stories of the arrest but it was aimed at the post that day, I believe. Deleted previous inaccurate comments since I couldn't edit.

SterlingJB ago

You believe wrong. You could see half the store front.

Are_we_sure ago

I could certainly be misremembering this. But people were acting like it a focus directly on Comet Ping Pong. Could you see the door?

SterlingJB ago

Not a required element but it was weird, strange, added to the hubbub that half the screen was focused on a pole. And, yes, you were right that it didn't face the storefront but rather the intersection. Was wrong, thank you for helping to clarify.

SterlingJB ago

I deleted. Showed the intersection. Edit function looked to be malfunctioning for sec

Are_we_sure ago

right, because it's a traffic camera, it would be focused on the intersection and not any particular business. I believe that it sometimes focuses on the street in the opposite direction. I was thinking of that , not that it was oddly facing a post.

The thing that's always struck me about this is people on this board call for vigilante action every other week. It's all about someone should go down and do something or worse, they should be killed.
The actions Edgar Maddison Welch took is the logical destination of a lot of thinking on this board. His logic would not be out of place at all on this board. Remember what the guy said when he got arrested? He still believed in pizzagate, still thought it was going on, just that he got bad intel about Comet Ping Pong. Dude is doing 4 years in prison.

Some guy just got arrested for blocked the bridge by the Hoover Dam. He was holding up notes saying Release the IG Report. A report that was released, mind you.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Are_we_sure is JIDF or pedo shill. He shows up quite regularly here.

mrohm ago

Nobody is calling for violence, David.

Are_we_sure ago

Don't pretend you know me.

And I'll just keep a running list here

It's war. As of now, any Mexican is fair game. Get out or die.

mrohm ago

I know you are a David Brock shill.

Are_we_sure ago

You are misinformed.

mrohm ago

Who else would spend hours on a forum they disagree with, shilling for paedos,

Psalm144-1 ago

Seriously! AWS is a fucking CREEP!!

Are_we_sure ago

It happens fairly routinely including people fantasizing about what they would do to me.

mrohm ago

Yeah, I get a lot of women into me too.

SterlingJB ago

Trying to edit this to read part of the store front but voat

FuckingInsaneGoat ago

I remember reading it was turned, and then turned back.

Earthbalance2 ago

Yes, the camera being moved was reported on I think an entire day before the crisis actor gave his performance.

Are_we_sure ago

Yes, but I think that happens fairly routinely.

You can view DC traffic cams here.

I think Connecticut Ave @ Nebraska Ave would be the camera in question. It's dark now, but it doesn't seem like it would show much of Comet if at all.

SterlingJB ago

It was turned so that half the screen was filming a post. Lots of people saw this and many were monitoring the feed.

zyklon_b ago


septimasexta ago

Do any VOATers know how to get "zyclon's" post removed? His post is an opposition tactic. This is not about free speech!

septimasexta ago

This is a research site. The proper way to phrase your sentiments would be "I would support the DEATH PENALTY for a convicted pedophile." Your current post could be misconstrued as a threat and compromises the integrity of VOAT.

zyklon_b ago

Well if a pedo reads it I hope it fully comprehends I have malicious intentions to murder that monster

septimasexta ago

Please remove this post! It does not help our cause. Lawlessness is lawlessness.

zyklon_b ago

No my friend if this post even keeps one child from being raped and/or murdered then its a good post.

@expertshitposter @gabara @terdwilson @katharzso get your guns we goin pedo slaying!!!!!

ExpertShitposter ago


septimasexta ago

Shareblue must be paying overtime today.

zyklon_b ago

You sure are quick to defend pedos

I found the shareblue pedo kike

goytoynamedtroy ago

The fact that some faggot downvoated you is concerning.

zyklon_b ago

Just shows there are pedos amongst us spreading misinfo

abbcccdddd ago

These people are so corrupt and hold so much power that they don't even need a good cover story. It's incredibly obvious that this is all fabricated horse shit

MrShekelstein ago

The jews biggest downfall, sloppy cover ups.

NotHereForPizza ago

What was that?

Sloppy cover-ups?

Nah, but we're about to be hearing about Horry County soon, fellas. Grab your popcorn!

unclassified ago

Well they're slick enough to never get prosecuted.

truthdemon ago

Or maybe their handlers have designed it that way.. ...the false jews are too dumb to rralise they are controlled and manipulated into these a venetian merchant elite...

Rawrination ago

Who'm ever is behind it. It always comes back to a bunch of assholes raping , murdering, and eating, children. A bunch of satan worshiping fucks no matter what other label they chose.

truthdemon ago

Pedovoria of the pedoempire.

goytoynamedtroy ago


People that still fall for (((their))) lies deserve to get fucked.

septimasexta ago

HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS? What appears to be TWO versions of alleged "fired on closet" with "tower computer" inside:

Two weeks after alleged shooting Fox News showed us this video of Alefantis at the closet: see 3:53 in video. Notice DOOR IS NOT DAMAGED. Notice door at end of hallway. Is this the door the employee entered when he encountered Welch? Did employee report hearing gun shot(s)? There is only ONE back door at Comet.

COMPARE WITH THIS PHOTO, allegedly first published June 21, 2017: "New photos show Comet Ping Pong crime scene ahead of gunman’s sentencing" Scroll down to photos. It's the 5th from left. It shows a similar hallway as in video above, BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME. THE BACK DOOR IS DIFFERENT. Does Alefantis' nearby Buck's Fishing restaurant have a similar hallway and back door? ALWAYS MORE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS.

septimasexta ago

OPPS! Here's the video. See 3:53

Here is my OPINION on the entire video: FOX LIED. They said assault with a DEADLY weapon. The charge was "assault with a dangerous weapon." A legal distinction. The closet door showed no gunshot.

Alefantis was NOT at the restaurant when the incident occurred. Megan: "WHEN THIS MAN WALKED IN.....You were there that day, RIGHT?" James: "I was there EARLIER that day." MEGAN WANTS VIEWERS TO BELIEVE A LIE. She would have known if James was there during the incident. I would like to hear a recording of the 911 call to hear if the caller mentioned hearing gunshot(s).


MEGAN: "even D.C. police say (pizzagate) has no basis in fact..." ANOTHER LIE. D.C. POLICE HAVE NEVER INVESTIGATED IT. MEGAN: "Again, the D.C. police are saying this is FAKE, FAKE" Sorry Megan, YOU are fake news. D.C. police have NEVER investigated the allegations.

Regarding Instagram photos: James claims the taped up little girl is his "god daughter." NO PROOF. The walk-in cement cooler photo was labeled by James as "KILL ROOM". OOPS! MEGAN didn't tell us that. THE WHOLE INTERVIEW WAS A FAKE NEWS COVER-UP.

MEGAN : " ...a national debate over FAKE NEWS" This shows the media's initial attempt to discredit citizen journalist/researches by labeling them repeatedly as FAKE NEWS. Enter Trump. He turned around and put the label on THEM. LOL!

JAMES OPENS THE CLOSET DOOR WHICH DOES NOT SHOW DAMAGE SEEN IN LATER RELEASED POLICE PHOTOS. video: 3:50 JAMES: "The bullet went into our computer system" SHOWS AN ANGLED HOLE ON TOP OF COMPUTER CASE. Was this a SECOND shot? It wouldn't align with one shot in the door lock. Did Welsh make a statement on motive for shooting the computer? It wasn't on his list for alleged reasons to come to Comet.


septimasexta ago


"It seems Detective Jeremiah Johnson is actually an FBI agent, so if he is investigating it, then the FBI is handling it not the DC Police. Honeybee video on this:

I played an audio recording of a phone call that was sent to me by BigFish the hacker who broke into comet Ping Pong, where he once again gets the runaround by DC Police Detective Godin who won't confirm or deny anything, when trying to find out why nothing has been done about this. Audio played during.

Email from Det. Godin confirming receipt of information as requested during phone call."

Adminstrater ago

The courts need the benefit of the doubt to not lock away a criminal, but you don't need all the dots to recognize a pattern.

cutelobster ago

You mean it was a psyop?

Octoclops ago

Most convenient gunman of all time.

discoball ago

Depending on the harddrive, you still might be able to restore this data. Of course I doubt law enforcement will take the time to do so, but it's worth mentioning.

Zorrilla ago

It also depends on how the bullet went through the drive, assuming this actually happened.

Blacksmith21 ago

I thought there were three shots fired? Regardless, shooting into a deadbolt isn't going to result in a deflection with enough destructive energy to penetrate a PC case and destroy a hard drive.

septimasexta ago

According to police incidence report: Door, doorlock, computer tower, barrier wall was damaged/destroyed

According to the "public narrative" at the bottom of the page, NO ONE WITNESSED MADISON FIRING THE GUN.


When I followed this story in real time, as I recall, there were NO customers that witnessed Maddison inside Comet Ping Pong and NO reports of gunfire. James Alefantis was not at Comet Ping Pong that day. The "assault" charge was based on a single Comet kitchen employee who came in the back door as Maddison was allegedly in the area. The rifle was swung in his GENERAL direction, but I don't recall a specific claim that it was DIRECTLY pointed at him. The employee allegedly turned around and ran out and called the police. The employee did not report hearing a gun shot.

My original conclusion at the time was that no gun was fired. Researchers discovered that about a month prior to the incident, Maddison had been involved in a documented car incident in North Carolina where he had hit and injured a 13 year old who was walking on the side of the road with other friends. An early article said the youth's friends claimed that Maddison was the only car on the road at the time and the accident could have been avoided. One theory at the time was that Maddison was given a plea deal and he was used to carry out Comet Ping Pong. This would have been cover to obtain the tower computer, WHICH IS LISTED IN THE FINAL POLICE REPORT. After "capture", his sentencing could have been time previously required in the theorized plea deal. Remember, Maddison did have ACTING EXPERIENCE.

"28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch, of Salisbury, N.C., REPORTEDLY (emphasis mine) fired the rifle at least once inside the restaurant but no one was injured."


"D.C. Police press release on arrest of Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, of Salisbury, NC for assault w/dangerous weapon at Comet restaurant."

WHAT IS LEGAL DEFINITION OF ASSAULT? "a) an unsuccessful attempt to commit a battery (i.e. a swing and a miss); or

b) any act that would cause a reasonable person to fear or apprehend an immediate battery (i.e. a fake slap to make someone flinch, but without actually touching them)."

WHAT IS LEGAL DEFINITION OF "DANGEROUS WEAPON"? "Some things like guns, knives, brass knuckles and other typical weapons obviously would meet the definition of “dangerous weapon.” But even something designed for a completely peaceful purpose can be a “dangerous weapon” if it is used or intended to be used in a way likely to cause serious physical injury or death. A common example is a car or glass bottle. When there is a question as to whether or not something like this is a “dangerous weapon,” it is up to a Jury to decide."

WELCH DID NOT HAVE TO FIRE A WEAPON TO BE CHARGED WITH THIS, but only point the gun in the direction of the employee. I think the final incident report has some "holes" in it.


septimasexta ago

MORE QUESTIONS "Factual proffer of the evidence supporting the charge against the defendant."

Why did the back door victim not hear anything?

septimasexta ago

Notice the Dec. 4th story above says the alleged shot was fired AFTER the employee fled through the back door. The "factual proffer" indicated the shots were fired just PRIOR to the entrance of the employee. Which begs the question of how did he not hear the alleged 4 shots.

septimasexta ago

"(D.C.) Police Chief Peter Newsham said the lone suspect in his late-20s walked in the front door of Comet Ping Pong and APPEARS to have fired one OR multiple shots into the GROUND AFTER employees and patrons had fled. (emphasis mine) The suspect, who police say is from Salisbury, N.C., has not been identified and his motives were not clear. Police said charges were pending."

septimasexta ago


" (D.C.) Police Chief Peter Newsham said the lone suspect in his late-20s walked in the front door of Comet Ping Pong and APPEARS (emphasis mine) to have fired one OR (emphasis mine) multiple shots into the GROUND (emphasis mine) AFTER (emphasis mine) employees and patrons had fled. The suspect, who police say is from Salisbury, N.C., has not been identified and his motives were not clear. Police said charges were pending."

I recall someone posting this ORIGINAL D.C. police incident report online which contained reference to a firearm being discharged into the ground. No mention of a "tower computer".

septimasexta ago


"Police said Welch pointed his weapon toward a restaurant employee, who was able to flee. Welch then allegedly fired at least one shot into the ground. No injuries were reported." WRITTEN BY BENJAMIN FREED AND JESSICA SIDMAN | PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER 4, 2016

Zorrilla ago

Also, there haven't been any photos of any bullet holes in the door that I have seen - they certainly aren't visible in the video.

Octoclops ago

Obviously. That's why it's suspicious.

Blacksmith21 ago

Like my downvoat already? I know special things and they know it.

Kekalicious ago

Special is riding the short bus and having the decency not to eat the seats. Shills gonna shill.

Rawrination ago

Then post your special things to the internet and provide a link here.

We've seen time and again that sitting on information doesn't protect you very well.

Blacksmith21 ago

Show me yours and I'll show you mine?

Rawrination ago

I don't have any. Other than knowing that a lot of the more horrific stuff on this pizzagate subverse is true. And even that is just by doing my homework.

I like to learn and be informed but I don't have anything unique.

Blacksmith21 ago

I read a bit of your comments. You seem solid. I'd love to spatchcock my secrets all over but it wouldn't work out too well for a lot of people. Myself included. Complicated game.

SirLongSchlongLXIX ago

Spatchcock lol

Rawrination ago

Best of luck man! Make sure you've got a good deadman's switch up. ... preferably better than wikileak's one which a little thing like taking down half the world's internet access for a few days was able to stop. X-D

patriot_biz ago

wow, that's weird.

JackBlack1 ago

JA is shady as fuck and the gunman was apparently his personal friend. What a way to get rid of incriminating evidence.

septimasexta ago

Did Besta and Comet close?

See video from May 22, 2018. See 3:28 and continue to end. "#4 Going to lunch at Comet Ping Pong"

NotHereForPizza ago

The gunman's name was Edgar Maddison Welch.

Here is his IMBD page. As you'll see, he's featured as extras and/or background members in most or all of his roles. Someone more dedicated than me could likely find footage or images of him on sets or something for you.

What's funny about this whole situation, other than "striking a hard drive with a bullet through walls" is that James ROTHSCHILD Alefantis (I wonder what "alefantis"means in french) was David Brock's boyfriend, who... conveniently decided to have a heart attack to tie off loose ends after it was revealed he was under investigation.

Go figure.

JackBlack1 ago

So you are saying the gun man was a crisis actor playing a role, which wouldn't be surprising at all. But what about the four year prison term? Surely that is fictional. As for Brock, he may have been suicided or may have faked his death. It's too convenient he just suddenly naturally dies of a heart attack so he's no longer in the picture. There are two realities, one on the surface that is all for public perception and another that is real but secret. Only the Jews know about it because it's their world and we don't live in. Who can say what goes on in the real world who doesn't live in that world? Am I speaking in riddles?

NotHereForPizza ago

  1. David Brock is still alive. Likely singing after they gave him a heart attack.

  2. What's four years to someone who won't get fucked with in prison for potentially endless amounts of money?

  3. Jews aren't really involved here (that we know of), at least not directly.

  4. Plenty of people can say what goes on in the real world. It isn't difficult.

septimasexta ago

I challenge your statement that Alefantis was a personal friend. Please post a link to support. It is possible that they ultimately worked for the same cabal.

septimasexta ago

WHO IS SHARIF SILMI? Maryland lawyer Sharif Silmi appears to be the only NAMED and interviewed "witness" of Welch in Comet Ping Pong. Each of his accounts in several different interviews differs.

ARTICLE: "“A lot of us saw he had a gun and we all started getting our families out,” says Sharif Silmi, a Maryland lawyer who was at the restaurant with his wife and three children. “The staff came and got us.”

"Silmi says his family stopped by Comet Ping Pong as part of a day trip to Chevy Chase that also included plans to stop by Politics & Prose and the Little Red Fox bakery, Comet Ping Pong’s neighboring businesses on its homey block of Connecticut Ave., Northwest, which have caught some spillover flak from Pizzagate conspiracy theorists."

"Police, who Silmi says arrived about two to three minutes after the gunman entered the restaurant, have not released the suspect’s name."

Silmi says that since the November 8 election, he and his family, who are Muslim, have felt a bit more cautious." WRITTEN BY BENJAMIN FREED AND JESSICA SIDMAN | PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER 4, 2016 Benjamin Freed Staff Writer Benjamin Freed joined Washingtonian in August 2013 and covers politics, business, and media. He was previously the editor of DCist and has also written for Washington City Paper, the New York Times, the New Republic, Slate, and BuzzFeed. He lives in Adams Morgan. (near Comet Ping Pong)

ANOTHER ARTICLE: "Eyewitness Sharif Silmi was at the restaurant with his wife and three children — ages 7,9 and 12, when the suspect walked in.

“He walked right past us holding a shotgun, when we realized what was going on we gathered our young ones and started moving toward the exit,” Silmi told CNN. “It was very swift, quick exit, everybody moved out very smoothly.”

Silmi, who lives in Maryland, told CNN he and his family are Muslim and that he blamed those who were spreading “false rumors [about Comet Ping Pong] online. They put our children’s lives in danger today.”

Silmi said he did not hear the man speak." Man armed with assault rifle storms Comet Ping Pong in response to fake news reports: police POSTED 6:18 AM, DECEMBER 5, 2016, BY CNN WIRE

VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH ALEX JONES: Alex jones interviews another "witness," Sharif Silmi. According to his statement in the video, he only saw Welsh "in his peripheral vision" and "could see he had a CONCEALED weapon. HE DID NOT SEE WELSH FIRE A GUN NOR DID HE HEAR GUNSHOTS. HE DID NOT STATE WHAT HE AND HIS FAMILY DID AFTER WELCH WALKED BY. HE DID NOT SAY THAT THEY WERE FRIGHTENED AND RAN OUT. NOTHING. The witness was playing ping pong towards the back middle of the restaurant. He was not still seated up front by the front door. See you tube video at 4:10

VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH AP Silmi thought Welsh was a concealed carry security guard. NO MENTION OF A CRAZED SHOOTER BRANDISHING A LONG FIREARM. Did not say he heard gunshots. Did not say he saw Welsh aim or shoot a gun. Says Welsh entered the back section room behind the ping pong tables. It was dark and closed off. It wasn't until a waitress told them to get out of the building that they left. Silmi's name is not mentioned in the D.C. incident report. The worker(s) who warned patrons (no mention of how many were in there at that time) HAVE NEVER BEEN NAMED NOR INTERVIEWED IN THE PRESS. Only ONE worker was named in the D.C. incident report. That is the one Welsh allegedly pointed a gun in their direction and they fled out the back door and called police. THIS IS THE INDIVIDUAL WHO WAS THE VICTIM OF "Assault with a dangerous weapon".

THE FINAL INCIDENT REPORT (See "Public Narrative" at bottom.)

septimasexta ago

Making a Comet Pizza incident time line would be interesting. According to the Final Incident Report: Incident started at 14:57 (2:57 pm) and ended at 16:30 (4:30pm)

From the "Public Narrative" at bottom of report it indicates that victim R-1 (only victim mentioned) saw Welch in restaurant, fled out door in back of restaurant and called 911 at 2:57.

According to Silmi's several statements to the press, he and his family arrived at Comet Pizza at 2:00pm. How long did it take them to eat? They had finished eating and had moved to the middle of the restaurant to play ping pong. Some time before 2:57pm, Welsh allegedly walked by, headed to the room at the back of the restaurant, behind the ping pong tables. Silmi allegedly saw Welch from the PERIPHERY of his eye and noticed he was carrying a concealed weapon. Concluded he was a security guard. Shortly after, he was told by an employee someone had a gun and they should immediately leave. They did. No gun shot was heard.

"When Welch entered the restaurant he allegedly pointed the rifle in the direction of an employee who police said was able to flee and notify police. Patrons inside the restaurant HAD rushed out of the building." SOUNDS LIKE THE PATRONS LEFT BEFORE THE EMPLOYEE FLED AND CALLED 911. Was the employee already at the back of the restaurant? Some accounts said he came in the back door and Welch was in that area. He turned around and left through the same door. This would fit Silmi's account. Therefore most likely no shots were fired PRIOR TO 2:57pm

"On Sunday patrons inside the restaurant ran out when the suspect entered." Based on Silmi, Welsh must have entered close to 2:57pm- I'm guessing about 2:50 because between 2:00pm and 2:57pm, Silmi and family had to order, eat, finish, get up and move to the middle of the restaurant and start playing ping pong BEFORE Welsh allegedly walked by. No gun shots were heard during this time according to Silmi.

"Acting DC Police Chief Peter Newsham told reporters Sunday evening that Welch walked into Comet Ping Pong and did fire at least one shot into the ground. " SO AT WHAT TIME DID THIS TAKE PLACE? It most likely would have happened AFTER 2:57. This is not noted in the Incident Report. No information on WHERE this happened inside the restaurant. No witnesses to Welch firing a gun.

"Police, who Silmi says arrived about two to three minutes after the gunman entered the restaurant, have not released the suspect’s name." HMM. HOW DO I FIT THIS INTO MY TIMELINE? On second look, the Final Incidence Report leaves it unclear if the 2:57pm time refers to the time Welch allegedly pointed the rifle in the direction of the employee, or when he called 911 after exiting through the rear door (he and Welch were already back there). It sounds like the 2 incidences were very close together. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR THE 911 RECORDING. IT WOULD CLEAR UP TIMELINE AND VERIFY IF A SHOT WAS REPORTED. Let's say that the police were called at 2:57. HOW LONG DID IT TAKE THEM TO GET THERE? We already estimated that Welch entered Comet at 2:50, based on Silmi's statements. That would mean the police arrived at 2:52-2:53pm. BUT THAT DOESN'T WORK. Did the police ARRIVE at 2:57pm? If so, according to Silmi, Welch entered Comet at 2:54-2:55pm. SO, Silmi was back playing ping pong with his family at 2:54, when Welch allegedly walked by to the back area of the restaurant. That would mean that back area, behind the ping pong tables, is where he encountered the employee, who then fled out the back door in that area and called 911. It is still an almost IMPOSSIBLY TIGHT TIMELINE. It appears that any alleged gun shot(s) happened AFTER THE POLICE ARRIVED and bulding occupants had all left. NO WITNESSES? NO POLICE HEARD SHOTS? Can any VOATERS come up with a more accurate timeline? MORE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS.

septimasexta ago

ACCORDING TO WaPo's ACCOUNT, GUN WAS FIRED BEFORE WORKER IN BACK RAN OUT: "The few patrons had fled before Welch shot off the lock to an inside door, sending a bullet into a computer tower. The North Carolina man then turned the gun on an employee who emerged from the back holding pizza dough. The worker ran out, unharmed."

septimasexta ago

I think this is the man that filed original criminal complaint: "TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2006 Former KLRT Sports Anchor Enters Police Academy Former KLRT weekend Sports Anchor is one of 21 Little Rock Police Department recruits now undergoing training. A tipster says, "KTHV reported last night that the LRPD had 21 new recruits and they interviewed Officer Holgate, which explains the opening at fox16. He is also quoted in today's Arkansas Democrat Gazette.

"Justin Holgate, 32, left a career as a television journalist to join the class. “This is a chance for me to give back to the community,” Holgate said.""

FEDERAL CRIMINAL COMPLAINT: filed 12:12:16 (8 days after incident)

NOTE: D.C. police were involved first and wrote up a brief incidence report.

Yet more conflicting accounts.

On Dec. 6, 2016, (2 days after incident) WaPo published this article. See how many "inconsistencies" you can find: "Pizzagate: From rumor, to hashtag, to gunfire in D.C."

septimasexta ago

And another from Dec. 5 READ ALL ACCOUNTS AND NOTE INCONSISTENCIES "Washington gunman motivated by fake news 'Pizzagate' conspiracy"

THIS IS FROM WELCH'S HOME TOWN PAPER, 2 DAYS AFTER INCIDENT "D.C. pizza restaurant shooting suspect from Salisbury remains in jail on gun charges" "Welch is listed in the credits of minor films in roles that include extra and production assistant." Welch's dad was Register of Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, "The Register of Deeds Office provides numerous services to the working community and the general public. By law, the Register of Deeds is charged with the integrity, completeness, accuracy, and safekeeping of all public records recorded in the office. "

ANOTHER POST "Edgar Maddison Welch, the actor who went to Comet Ping Pong with three guns on December 4, 2016, and did "something", allegedly "firing a gun", according to the #NewYorkTimesEatsBabies, supposedly because he was influenced by "fake news" on the internet about that "insane PizzaGate conspiracy theory", also starred in a 2005 movie called "Something About Pizza", which is apparently about a young girl (“pizza”) who goes on a killing spree because her brother ate her pizza, in which Welch played the role of The Gunman.
Then in December, after Welch became known worldwide as the Comet Pizza Gunman, Welch's credit for the role of The Gunman in "Something About Pizza" was removed from IMDB."

"UPDATE: AUGUST 2, 2017:
A citizen investigator named Howard Caplan filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the Washington Metropolitan Police report and police photos from the December 4, 2016 “shooting incident” at Comet Ping Pong, because no person on Earth who actually gets paid to do “journalism” would do that. Howard Caplan’s FOIA request was denied in April for unexplained reasons, and he is appealing that decision. “We can neither admit nor deny the existence of any records responsive to your request pursuant to D.C. Official Code 2-534.” "

septimasexta ago


"At Comet #pizzagate ping pong pizzeria in neighborhood solidarity. Owner Jim Alifantis & Interim-DC Police Chief Peter Newsham below. Cool." SEE PHOTO:

septimasexta ago

Look under the "WE" It says "F...FAKE NEWS" LOL! They originally planned to discredit Pizzagate by calling it "Fake News"....until Trump used the phrase on THEM.

ParsedOutput ago

Why would you plan this whole thing if you had access to the hard drive at any time, and could bleachbit it and hit it with a hammer at your leisure?

cantfindmenow ago

To kill two birds with one stone. A narrative for the MSM - pizzagate is dangerous and believers are crazed gunmen Any evidence was destroyed by an outside source (would raise obvious suspicion if CP told the MSM they smashed up their own harddrive)

septimasexta ago


kazza64 ago

in that case the gunman would have been paid

new4now ago

he might have been busted with something big, Father was known, and they played " lets make a deal"

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

The gunman was an actor. He had a profile on an actor's guild website.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'd love to hear the "personal friend" info...

BlowjaySimpson ago

Edgar Welsh's father was involved in law enforcement and stopping human trafficking in Haiti. He also has/had an IMDB page, and was an aspiring actor at one point in a weird movie.

I don't know the personal friend info.

derram ago :

Comet Ping Pongs’ hardrive hit by stray bullet?! - YouTube :

Interview with the Hacker who Broke into Comet Ping Pong and Found CP - #PizzaGate - YouTube

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