i_am_john_doe ago

what a fucking load of bullshit. don't fall for this limited hangout from crooked DOJ. they aren't finally busting MossFon, no, they are running cover to prevent the rest of the offshore bread crumb icebergs from surfacing.

Exhibiit A:

this case was led by Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski.

well, well, well, what do we have here:


September 2008, [email protected] emailing John Podesta.

"John... the White House will now disengage, you're in good hands now. Brian and DOJ/FBI are comitted to making sure the process is efficient and confidential."

Benczkowski is just another Illuminati puppet on the Clinton Crime Cartel payroll obeying orders from his master Moloch. Benczkowski won't do shit to really dig into the MossFon leaks and put a bullet in the real baddies--the super elite globalists who are sucking and embezzling trillions out of out economy and into their pockets in the shadow economy using fake and tax dodging illegal offshore shell front corps in Panama and Bermuda and Cayman and all over the Caribbean.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @letsdothis3.

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letsdothis3 ago

The following comment is related to this post via this discussion here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2896441/15439102 and here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2896441/15456163

I'm putting it here so it can be found in future searches.

The Standard Hotel has a new owner: https://www.forbes.com/sites/pamelaambler/2017/11/10/meet-the-likely-new-owner-of-new-yorks-standard-hotel/#58d6449d5779

Gaw Capital. The private equity fund invests in global properties around the world and purchased the boutique hotel for $323 million, according to city records. The selling price represents a $77 million discount to the contract price in early 2014.

Goodwin Gaw, the chairman and managing principle of the fund spoke to FORBES on the sidelines of this year's Forbes Global CEO Conference about why they made a discounted offer for the famed hotel.


Smartphones are changing the way people consume real estate-- that is the thinking behind Gaw's strategy. "The way you live, work, and play is different now," he says about the $33 million investment they led into Shanghai based co-working operator NakedHub.

Over in London, technology is again a driving factor in his property decisions. Opposite Victoria Station alongside Buckingham Palace Road, Gaw purchased an office complex that is home to search engine giant Google.

Goodwin Gaw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodwin_Gaw

Gaw was born in California while his father was a masters degree student in engineering at Stanford University. Gaw's father was Anthony Gaw (died 1999), a property investor.

Gaw is the founder and Managing Principal of Downtown Properties. [5] In 1995, Downtown Properties, Gaw's company, bought the 335-room Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California, out of bankruptcy.

related voat post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2346817

"There was a nightclub for underaged actors at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel that was called Alfie's Soda Pop Club. I met him there – it was like, Alyssa Milano, Nicole Eggert, and Corey was there."

The Soda Pop Club. Remember that?

The Soda Pop Club - Cory Feldman interview, mentions Spacey.

Youtube has removed "Alphy Soda Pop Club Band finale.mov" but a google search at least comes up with stuff like: http://crypticimages.com/alphy-hoffman/

and http://subliminalsynchrosphere.blogspot.com/2016/04/

While Feldman was having innocent fun with Jackson, the scene was different at a soda pop nightclub in Los Angeles frequented by Drew Barrymore, Ricky Schroder, Christina Applegate and, of course, the two Coreys. Feldman doesn’t name the club (note, it was Alphy's Soda Pop Club).

Feldman and Haim’s girlfriend at the time, actress Alyssa Milano (above, as the butterfly), co-hosted the first party. One night, passed out at the home of one of the club’s proprietors, Feldman writes that he woke to find the man “on me.” “I pulled up my pants and ran ... back to my dad’s apartment, and cried for the rest of the night,” Feldman writes. He said that it took time for him to realise “that many of the people I had surrounded myself with were monsters.” (nydailynews.com)

It was through Alphy's, that many of the teen stars eventually ended up 'strung-out' on drugs. We can only speculate as to whether sexual abuse occurred there, but it is a possibility (very likely) and one that I'm not discounting. Feldman says that his first date with Drew Barrymore was arranged by her mother (who was also Barrymore's manager at the time) when Barrymore was 10 and Feldman was 14, Feldman was told that Barrymore had a huge crush on him. Feldman and Barrymore later briefly dated for real in 1989, when she was in her mid-teens. He says that at the time, he was heavily into drugs and she was trying to stay sober after multiple stints in rehab.

You need to be asking yourself, why are all of these kids, supposedly with the world at their feet and with the envy of their peers, are such total and utter 'drugged out/sexually deviant' screw ups?


letsdothis3 ago

re NakedHub

WeWork Is Acquiring China’s Naked Hub for $400 Million

I did a search in voat for wework : NEW POSSIBLE LEAD: Art organization james alefantis is board president of is connected to a suspect youth organization called brightest young things that posts pics of pentagrams on hotdogs

From the "About" on their website:

If you want to send us baked goods by mail or stop by and visit, our FANCY DC HQ is located at the


Wonderbread Factory

BYT Media Inc

641 S St NW, Fl 3

Washington, DC


Then found this article on the BYT website: AT WORK WITH: WEWORK CHINATOWN

This WeWork campus is located in the Chinatown neighborhood of Washington D.C

darkknight111 ago

Do you think these could be some of the 66k sealed indictments?

YogSoggoth ago

Don't matter none. What matters, is how many scattershot bullets are still out there? My estimate is, a lot. More effective than some neon vest. Have you ever been on the wrong side of one of those things, Son?

ASolo ago

Does seem to be part of them yes. To me it appears as though the feds are gong to take the legs out from underneath them first.

think- ago

Interesting comment about HRC, Putin, Iran, and the war in Syria:

[–] sK_DirtMcGirt 2 points (+2|-0) 1.9 years ago

Got a feeling this is where it ALLLL started. My take: Podesta worked the uranium deal for the Clintons/NWO. Clintons hoped the Uranium would keep Russia happy and out of Syria, thus letting the them (Saudis/Clintons/NWO) control the pipeline. Iran was given the ((hush money)) to keep their nose out of the pipeline deal.


@MolochHunter @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @darkknight111 @letsdothis3

think- ago

Here's an interesting comment by @thewebofslime he made on an old thread about John Podesta and his Russian links (post is also a worthwhile read):

I found this to be an interesting issue, right off the bat, because this email is further primary source confirmation of treason. The first story I read about it was from the New York Times.


Later, the offshore leaks made it possible to see the connections that lead back to Russia.


This image shows the chain of money laundering out of Sberbank, which is an arm of the Kremlin.


Some more articles:



I have maintained, since the beginning, that these issues were the most damning because they are proof of treason, misprision of treason and Voorhees Act violations. This email, combined with the Offshore Leaks is clear evidence that every American can look at and justify putting Hillary Clinton and John Podesta in jail.

John Podesta's connection to Russia through company called Joule, shares dumped to daughter financier Megan Rouse

@darkknight111 @letsdothis3 @Factfinder2

letsdothis3 ago

Excerpts from "Secrecy World Inside the Panama Papers Investigation of Illicit Money Networks and the Global Elite by Jake Bernstein"


Buy the Audio edition of <?php echo get('book_page_book_information_book_page_book_title', 1, 1, false, $book_page_id); ?> by <?php echo get('book_page_book_information_book_page_author_name', 1, 1, false, $book_page_id); ?> at Audible Mossack studied to become a lawyer at a small private Catholic university in Panama. In his practice, he became an expert in maritime law. By the early twentieth century, Panama began to offer itself as a place to register foreign ships. With the Panamanian flag on their vessels, shipowners could avoid taxation and circumvent regulations such as labor protections and boat safety standards that their native countries demanded. The extractive industries (petroleum, minerals, precious metals) were first to discover these benefits, with Standard Oil registering its fleet of tankers in Panama in 1919.

In those early days, Ramón Fonseca, a recent law graduate himself, stopped by to wish him luck.

Born in 1952, Ramón Enrique Fonseca Mora, known to childhood friends as “Yike” (pronounced YEE-kay, short for Enrique), is the grandson of Costa Rica’s first ambassador to Panama on his father’s side and a dentist-turned-insurrectionist on his mother’s.

In 1931, Mora, revolver in hand, was among a small group of young men who staged a successful coup against the Panamanian government of Florencio Arosemena. To keep the peace, the United States made minor concessions. Mora became agricultural and public works secretary. He lasted nine months before Community Action’s pick for the presidency, Harmodio Arias Madrid, removed him. The dentist watched from the sidelines as Arias, and then his brother Arnulfo, both of whom had participated in the coup, assumed control. They pursued a populist agenda: Women received the vote, a social security system was created, antiforeigner rhetoric escalated. In 1940, Arnulfo Arias, who openly sympathized with the Nazis and Mussolini, won the presidency. A year after his election, the National Police (under the approving eye of the United States) deposed him.

At the time of the coup, the sixteen-year-old Fonseca was a budding activist who later entertained thoughts of becoming a priest and “saving the world.” There had been a priest in almost every generation of the Mora family going back centuries. Fonseca dropped out of university after a year, attracted by the reformist zeal of the Jesuits. The priests were secretly running workshops where university students could connect with other members of civil society interested in social reform. Through the Jesuits, Fonseca met Father Héctor Gallego, a charismatic thirty-year-old Catholic cleric from Colombia. Gallego practiced liberation theology, which taught that the Church’s responsibility to the poor included helping them to improve their economic and political situation.

...For years, Fonseca kept a box of mixed human remains under his office desk at Mossack Fonseca, the suspected bones of his former mentor resting by his feet. In 2015, the public ministry took them back. They still await a proper examination and burial.

pon completion of his law degree in 1976, Fonseca left Panama to attend classes at the London School of Economics. The United Nations recruited him before he could complete his studies. They needed Central American lawyers to fill their quota system. In the UN, Fonseca envisioned an opportunity to save the world on a good salary. He accepted a position with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva, but within a few years he had soured on his employer.

“I lost my idealism inside the UN bureaucracy,” he says.

... The Geneva attorney was Fonseca’s doorway into the secrecy world, acting as his sponsor and making introductions. She called the companies “chickens.” The business was simple—hatch the chickens in Panama and collect the annual fee as the registered agent. Fonseca says that while employed by the UN, he referred the work to a cousin in Panama, who agreed to give the companies back to Fonseca if he returned home.

In 1982, after six years at the UN, he quit and moved back to Panama to open his own law practice, retrieving from his cousin the companies created during his UN years. Fonseca created a Panamanian holding company, Michiana International, to handle the registration business. His new clientele included one of the richest men in the world: Adnan Khashoggi, the Saudi billionaire arms dealer.

Named after Khashoggi’s daughter, the Nabila cost around $85 million (roughly $250 million in today’s dollars) to build and outfit. The 292-foot yacht could travel eighty-five hundred miles without refueling and store three months of food for one hundred people. It had a hair salon, a surgery, and a patisserie on board. Tucked away among the five levels and one hundred rooms were quarters for a crew of fifty-two. Movie stars, musicians, and the megawealthy danced in its disco. Bathrooms were hewn from single pieces of onyx. Khashoggi’s personal suite had a tortoiseshell ceiling and featured a ten-foot-wide bed, behind which lay a secret passageway for paramours. Portly, short, and balding, Khashoggi kept a bevy of high-end prostitutes on call. The yacht was a self-contained mobile world, ideal for a hyper-controlling, reality-bending, glam-loving billionaire. When creditors repossessed the Nabila in 1988, Donald Trump bought it.

All that sizzle was in service of the sale. Khashoggi acted as a middleman for arms deals and commodities trades, taking a healthy commission on each transaction. Inside the Nabila’s staterooms, Middle Eastern royalty, Fortune 500 company executives, Swiss bankers, and government functionaries wheeled and dealed. When necessary, the yacht motored into international waters to complete contracts free of government constraint such as tax obligations.

Khashoggi had an unsavory reputation, but neither Panamanian lawyer appeared to show any hesitation in working with him. In the mid-1970s, U.S. congressional hearings had exposed Khashoggi’s involvement in a massive multicountry corporate bribery scheme orchestrated by the defense contractor Northrop, which had poured tens of millions of dollars into the bank accounts of foreign officials to win contracts. Northrop had paid Khashoggi $106 million as a consultant between 1970 and 1975. The hearings showed that at least $450,000 of that found its way into bribes for two Saudi generals.

ASolo ago

Just a great contribution here. Just goes to show how long South American and Middle Latin American politics have been infiltrated by those groups that fled Nazi Germany and how they are currently utilized to support the New World Order shift.

ASolo ago

Even the Khashoggi connection comes into play, definitely a well defined and continuitous network where all the same players involved in an international effort at destabilizing world politics. here we are in these forums pointing them out left and right but yet the show goes on....

think- ago

Interesting. Bernstein was the whistleblower in the UBS case IIRC. I think he said (at least initially) that there wasn't a whistleblower behind the leaks of the Panama Papers, as the journalists claimed, but that it was a job by an intelligence agency, most likely the CIA.

Possible reason: To make US citizens withdraw their shell companies and money from Panama, and invest the money in the US tax havens like Reno or Wyoming (there are two more, I don't recall the states currently).

letsdothis3 ago

Well Mossack's father was a member of the German SS and Jurgen himself worked with the CIA 'early in his career' according to the official narrative. And we all know once you're CIA that's usually it. Eye opening stuff. Nothing is ever as it seems...

I realized some time ago that a number of companies which should have been in the 'Panama Papers' were not... and that the database seemed to cover only some areas of the political spectrum ....

think- ago

And we all know once you're CIA that's usually it.

Yes, indeed. I read yesterday that Mossack got a warning by the NSA previous to the publication (?) / hack (?) of the Panama Papers that they should delete their Nevada office info. (?) So that the US clients there (= tax haven) would not be implicated.

I realized some time ago that a number of companies which should have been in the 'Panama Papers' were not...

Which companies do you mean? Very interesting.... There must be hundreds of Mossack clients that are not in the searchable database.

think- ago

It also appears as though our buddy John Podesta was on the Executive Board

@ASolo - would you please correct this, as it turns out that Podesta was not on the Executive Board of Mossack Fonseca, but on the Board of Joule, which was connected to Mossack Fonseca.


ASolo ago

Right, I do see that obscurity and what you are citing is logically correct

think- ago

Here is a connection of John and Tony Podesta to a Russian bank that is in the Panama Papers:

Another target is the Russian Sberbank, whose U.S. investment banking branch recently enlisted the services of the Podesta Group.

According to its lobbying registration form (http://soprweb.senate.gov/index.cfm?event=getFilingDetails&filingID=8a5bd4fb-2687-4cdf-9906-0a65f4d8d52b&filingTypeID=1), the firm will work on banking, trade, and foreign relations issues.

One of the three lobbyists working on the account is Tony Podesta, a bundler (http://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/827/201507159000221827/201507159000221827.pdf) for the Clinton campaign and the brother of campaign chairman John Podesta, who co-founded the firm.


Wait a minute - the Podestas worked for the US branch of a Russian bank? /s

@darkknight111 @letsdothis3 @MolochHunter @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

think- ago

Interesting comment from user 'Lauren Johnson':

'Another thought is that this is probably only one of several law firms specializing this this practice. If this one is taken down, other law firms could benefit. If other law firms are run by the CIA, then that means that the money from other leaders comes under their control.'


@darkknight111 @letsdothis3 @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall @Vindicator

think- ago

Info about Jurgen Mossack, one of the owners:

'[Mossack Fonseca] is a partnership between 2 lawyers. Jurgen Mossack's father was in the SS and Wikipeadia is very vague but says he ended up working for the US as a spy against Cuba and ended up in Panama. Has Paperclip type ratline written all over it.

Mossack was born in Germany in 1948. He moved to Panama with his family in the early 1960s, according to his law partner.

Mossack’s father had been a member of the Waffen-SS, the notorious armed wing of the Nazi Party during World War II, according to U.S. Army intelligence files obtained by ICIJ.

After the war the father offered his services to the U.S. government as an informant, the files show, claiming “he was about to join a clandestine organization, either of former Nazis now turned Communist . . . or of unconverted Nazis cloaking themselves as Communists.” An Army intelligence officer wrote that the offer to spy for the U.S. might simply be “a shrewd attempt to get out of an awkward situation.”

Nevertheless, the old intelligence files indicate that Mossack’s father later ended up in Panama, where he offered to spy, this time for the CIA, on Communist activity in nearby Cuba.

After earning a law degree in Panama in 1973, the son worked for a time as a lawyer in London before returning to Panama to start the firm that he would later merge to form Mossack Fonseca & Co.'


ASolo ago

Yeah this material is just phenomenal. Anything Bush related also has connections to the Nazi's and people just think the Nazi's are some myth or one of those fags that carried candles on a college campus when in reality the money stolen from german citizens during the war propelled a vast empire after the war and was melded with other ventures in the NWO paradigm. SO MANY of these new researchers are completely aloof on the Nazi angle when what we are looking at in the Bush empire and CLINTON CARTEL is the attempted rise of the Fourth Reich in league with other New World Order goals.

think- ago

This is really interesting:

Comment on the deepstatepolitics forum about who is behind the organization that published the Panama Papers leaks, and the selective reporting of the MSM involved:

'Unfortunately the leaker has made the dreadful mistake of turning to the western corporate media to publicise the results.

In consequence the first major (http://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/apr/03/panama-papers-money-hidden-offshore)story, published today by the Guardian, is all about Vladimir Putin and a cellist on the fiddle. As it happens I believe the story and have no doubt Putin is bent.

But why focus on Russia? Russian wealth is only a tiny minority of the money hidden away with the aid of Mossack Fonseca. In fact, it soon becomes obvious that the selective reporting is going to stink.

The Suddeutsche Zeitung, which received the leak, gives a detailed explanation (http://panamapapers.sueddeutsche.de/articles/56febff0a1bb8d3c3495adf4/) of the methodology the corporate media used to search the files.

The main search they have done is for names associated with breaking UN sanctions regimes. The Guardian reports this too (http://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/apr/03/a-world-of-hidden-wealth-why-we-are-shining-a-light-offshore)and helpfully lists those countries as Zimbabwe, North Korea, Russia and Syria.

The filtering of this Mossack Fonseca information by the corporate media follows a direct western governmental agenda.

There is no mention at all of use of Mossack Fonseca by massive western corporations or western billionaires – the main customers.


Now the following is very important and interesting:

'What do you expect? The leak is being managed (https://www.icij.org/index.html) by the grandly but laughably named “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists”, which is funded and organised entirely by the USA’s Center for Public Integrity. Their funders include (https://www.publicintegrity.org/about/our-work/supporters)

Ford Foundation [!!!]

Carnegie Endowment [!!!]

Rockefeller Family Fund [!!!!!]

W K Kellogg Foundation [!!!]

Open Society Foundation (Soros) [!!!!!]


among many others. Do not expect a genuine expose of western capitalism. The dirty secrets of western corporations will remain unpublished.'


@darkknight111 @letsdothis3 @MolochHunter @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

Now if we can just figure out how to kill the mockingbirds!

Do not expect a genuine expose of western capitalism. The dirty secrets of western corporations will remain unpublished.'

Maybe. Or maybe they'll get hacked, too. We live in wild times.

letsdothis3 ago

“International Consortium of Investigative Journalists”, which is funded and organised entirely by the USA’s Center for Public Integrity.

Yes, I worked that out a while ago. Good that you are bringing it up here on this forum.

think- ago

Yes, I worked that out a while ago.

Would you maybe have a link? Thanks!

think- ago

Yes, I worked that out a while ago.

Apologies - my memory is really bad sometimes. :-/

letsdothis3 ago

No need to apologise. I did not post about that here. :-)

think- ago

Ah, ok, lol. ;-)

elgindelta ago

What's in a name....


letsdothis3 ago

Founders: Jürgen Mossack, Ramón Fonseca Mora

Jürgen Mossack https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%BCrgen_Mossack

Mossack was born in Fürth, Bavaria, Germany, on 20 March 1948.[2] His father, Erhard Mossack, was a Rottenführer (senior corporal) in the Waffen-SS, the armed wing of the Nazi Party's Schutzstaffel, during World War II. According to U.S. intelligence files, he offered to spy for the Americans after the war.

When Jürgen Mossack was 13 he moved with his father and the rest of his family to Panama.[3] Once in Panama Erhard Mossack offered his services to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for spying on Communist activity in Cuba.[4][5] Germany's Federal Intelligence Service, said in 2016, when contacted by journalists, that they had documents related to Erhard Mossack but would not share any information, owing to possible security risks.

Mossack served on Conarex, Panama’s council on foreign relations, from 2009 to 2014.[4][9] On 7 April 2016, he announced that given the leak he was resigning from Conarex, the national foreign relations council.

Ramón Fonseca Mora https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram%C3%B3n_Fonseca_Mora

Fonseca is also an award-winning novelist.[9] He has written four novels, along with plays and short stories. He has been awarded the Ricardo Miró Prize, the national literary award in Panama, twice, for novels Dance of the Butterflies (1994) and Dream City (1998).


On partnering Mossack, Fonseca later told a journalist, 'Together, we have created a monster,' according to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

The book jacket of chart topper Dance of the Butterflies 'raises the close relationship between power and morality', while his latest novel Mister Politicus delves into the shady underworld of corrupt politicians and 'articulates the tangled processes that unscrupulous officials use to gain power and achieve their detestable ambitions.'

Among people he follows on Twitter are a fair amount of 18+ accounts - the naked bottom of 'Horny Cherry' sits alongside the official account of the President of Argentina Mauricio Macri.

Has anyone checked out the other companies in that building? https://imgur.com/a/chNkoyy


elgindelta ago

Awesome m8

letsdothis3 ago


ASolo ago

Thought it was quite an odd name as well I should look into company history and ferret out how it was formed, I do notice the X in the logo with the compass star, seems occult enough for me to pass the litmus test.

elgindelta ago


think- ago

Info about one of the guys who were arrested:

For more than 30 years as the founder of Boston Capital Ventures, Harald Joachim von der Goltz has built a reputation as a savvy investor in emerging companies.

What few know, however, is that over roughly that same span of time and with the help of Mossack Fonseca, Mr. von der Goltz has also come to command a vast offshore empire: interconnected corporations, foundations and bank accounts with about $70 million in assets, according to internal emails.

A lawyer for Mr. von der Goltz said the beneficial owner of all of the trusts and accounts is Mr. von der Goltz’s 100-year-old mother, who resides in Guatemala. One document also suggests that the tens of millions of dollars in the accounts originally came from businesses operated by Mr. von der Goltz’s father.

But numerous other documents prepared by Mossack Fonseca and signed by Mr. von der Goltz list him as the founder, manager and “first beneficiary” of the foundation that controls most of the family’s wealth. Mr. von der Goltz also put assets from companies he helped operate into the accounts, documents show.

Most important, Mossack Fonseca registered Mr. von der Goltz as a resident of Guatemala, which tax experts said could help him protect the family money from certain United States tax obligations.

"...we know he lives in Miami; and makes his residence for 5 months of the year in Boston,” Mr. Owens, the Mossack Fonseca partner [the fourth man in this case, who remains at large], wrote in an email in 2009 to top executives at the firm.

“My suggestion: Leave everything as it is with von der Goltz, i.e. stay and live this potential risk, we might prefer to send money orders and cashier’s checks, which have a slightly lower risk than bank transfers. It’s all well done, customer understands well and accepts it as is,” Mr. Owens wrote.

“I agree with your suggestion on my part,” responded Ramón Fonseca, one of the firm’s founders.

In a statement, Mr. von der Goltz said the companies were established for legal purposes, and that both he and the companies were compliant with United States tax and reporting requirements.

“There has never been any illegal activity associated with these companies,” the statement said.


ASolo ago

Yeah good find I've been trying to find anything I can on the guy because of such an interesting name. Pictures of any von der Goltz are sparce and informationally obscure but there has to be a much deeper connection with a name like that.

ASolo ago

More Clinton involvement in Russian affairs along with GUISTRA'S URANIUM ONE

In a recent article in the Observer, John Schindler, a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst, examined one of the U.S.-related connections associated with the Panama Papers: Russia’s largest bank, Sberbank, uses The Podesta Group as its lobbying arm in Washington, D.C. The Podesta Group’s CEO is Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta. Of course, John Podesta served as former President Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, was an adviser to President Barack Obama and is currently chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The Podesta Group is helping Sberbank (“Savings Bank” in Russian) improve its public image, so to speak. As Mr. Schindler points out, Sberbank is functionally controlled by the Kremlin—in other words, it’s controlled by Mr. Putin. “Funds moving through Sberbank are regularly used to support clandestine Russian intelligence operations, while the bank uses its offices abroad as cover for the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service,” Mr. Schindler noted. http://www.investmentwatchblog.com/justice-gov-an-attorney-with-a-panama-law-firm-which-listed-podesta-as-a-board-member-was-just-indicted-for-money-laundering-and-tax-evasion/

flyingcuttlefish ago

I have a lot on Uranium One deal on my blog https://cfgate.wordpress.com/

There's a search box on the left sidebar ....

think- ago

The Podesta's working for a Russian bank - interesting, huh?

think- ago

The Times’s examination of the files found that 'Mossack Fonseca also had at least 2,400 United States-based clients over the past decade, and set up at least 2,800 companies on their behalf in the British Virgin Islands, Panama, the Seychelles and other jurisdictions that specialize in helping hide wealth.

Many of these transactions were legal; there are legitimate reasons to create offshore accounts, particularly when setting up a business overseas or buying real estate in a foreign country.

For many of its American clients, Mossack Fonseca offered a how-to guide of sorts on skirting or evading United States tax and financial disclosure laws.


Ok, 2,400 US clients, even if we assume the majority used legal tax evading loopholes - how many were involved in illegal stuff?

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall @Factfinder2 @darkknight111

ASolo ago

No doubt

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for a well sourced post. I hope you are right. I believe that the recent arrest of the Huawei CFO is linked to all this:

Charges loom for ex-intelligence official Roger Uren after ASIO raid

Federal police are seeking to charge a former high-ranking Australian intelligence official, Roger Uren, with breaching spy agency secrecy laws after ASIO discovered a cache of classified files during a raid on his home in late 2015.

The revelations come as the federal government adopts a more aggressive approach to countering Beijing's influence and intelligence operations in Australia, flagging new counter-interference laws and threatening to boycott an undersea internet cable from Australia to the Solomon Islands because of the involvement of Chinese firm Huawei.

As Yan serves out her jail sentence in the US, the United Nations bribery scandal continues to play out in US courts. According to court files, one of Yan's co-accused, Macau billionaire Ng Lap Seng, is also suspected to have connections with Chinese intelligence. Australian and US intelligence agencies suspect Beijing was seeking to covertly influence the UN via proxies such as Yan.

If you have the time and the inclination read through my comments in the thread of this post :

Canada Arrests Huawei CFO at Request of U.S. Authorities

Has the potential to bring down the whole house of cards.

letsdothis3 ago

I was wondering about that myself - for two reasons:

  1. see the Trump links in this post and in the other on Huawei (https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2894644/15419829; https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2894644/15430682 )

  2. Trump's demeanour at Bush's funeral as opposed to Obama's smug expression (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2896441/15442542)

think- ago

Thanks, will look into it tomorrow. :-)

@MolochHunter: please see parent.

MolochHunter ago

noted with considerable interest .....

think- ago

Welcome. ;-o

ASolo ago

I've been fishing through your links and the two cases are undoubtedly connected, another great contribution.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you :-)

ASolo ago



ASolo ago

Well it's nice to see that a patting yourself on the back birthday party sticky and a "I'm the owner and your a voat manipulator" callout thread sticky get more upvoats than an actual development.

Goes to show you fuckers got your head in the game.

ASolo ago

I mean, these guys weren't involved in fraud on a GENERAL scale, they intentionally and legitimately set out to defraud and scheme committing criminal acts, these "Accountants" were certainly very involved n the game. This group was LITERALLY TEACHING their clients to be criminals. Let's not be naive here and suggest that these guys were regular uneducated joes.

Owens and Brauer also allegedly showed their clients how to use debit cards and fake purchases to repatriate funds to the US without revealing the secret accounts.

Client names often did not appear on any of the related paperwork, but the clients were determined to have owned and had full access to the accounts, the Justice Department alleged. The two associates managed the accounts’ “corporate meeting minutes, resolutions, mail forwarding, and signature services” — essentially fabricating a paper trail to legitimize the companies, according to the Justice Department press release. https://kbzk.com/cnn-us-politics/2018/12/04/4-men-indicted-in-connection-to-panama-papers-investigation/

ASolo ago

It's not clear whether or not they counseled and schooled ALL their clients in this manner but daamn wouldn't it be interesting to find out that ALL of the names mentioned throughout this article including Chan, Watson, and even GUISTRA were in possession of secret gold cards that would be accessing this laundered money

ASolo ago

The leak revealed the Mossack firm’s ties to powerful heads of state and celebrities, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, family members and associates of ex-British Prime Minister David Cameron, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Hollywood’s Simon Cowell, actress Emma Watson and kung fu star Jackie Chan.


think- ago

The leak revealed the Mossack firm’s ties to powerful heads of state and celebrities, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, family members and associates of ex-British Prime Minister David Cameron, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Hollywood’s Simon Cowell, actress Emma Watson and kung fu star Jackie Chan.


This is BIG.

@MolochHunter @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @darkknight111 @letsdothis3

letsdothis3 ago

This is BIG.


think- ago

...and we shouldn't forget that the Queen also got busted in the Panama Papers, although I forgot the details.

@MolochHunter @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @darkknight111

think- ago

even Jackie Chan is an alleged monster according to CDAN

Would you maybe have the CDAN link?

He recently admitted in his autobiography that he once threw his son across the room, and has been violent. IIIRC, he also had some domestic violence issues.

ASolo ago

I do have a ton of CDAN bookmarked I'll see if I can find it but it can be so difficult finding his links. I'm pretty sure the blind implied that yeah he was womanizing and violent and had many mistresses around the world.

think- ago

K, thanks.

flyingcuttlefish ago

thanks to this post .... when I dug around a little I found out Marc Rich's wife put over a hundred million off shore in the Cook Islands .... https://cfgate.wordpress.com/2018/12/07/marc-richs-wife/

letsdothis3 ago

I forgot to add, from The First Wives' Club https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_First_Wives_Club

The film project originally belonged to Sherry Lansing, who bought the unpublished manuscript of the novel in 1991, after many publishers had rejected it, and handed it over to producer Scott Rudin when she became CEO of Paramount Pictures in 1992.[4] "It was one of the single best ideas for a movie I've ever heard," she said in a 1996 interview with The New York Times. "The situation of a woman getting left for a younger version of herself was far too common. But we didn't want a movie about women as victims. We wanted a movie about empowerment."


Sherry Lansing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherry_Lansing

Sherry Lansing (born July 31, 1944) is an American former actress and film studio executive.[1][2][3] She is a former CEO of Paramount Pictures,[4] and when she was the president of production at 20th Century Fox, she was the first woman to head a Hollywood movie studio.

She is a Regent of the University of California.[2][5][20] She sits on the boards of the American Red Cross,[4] The Carter Center,[21] DonorsChoose, Qualcomm, Teach for America, The American Association for Cancer Research,[4] the Lasker Foundation and Friends of Cancer Research.

As of March 2013, Lansing was a member of the board of directors of the Dole Food Company.[23] Beginning in 2012, she has also served as a member of the board of directors for the W. M. Keck Foundation.

WM Keck https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Myron_Keck

William Myron Keck (April 27, 1880 – August 20, 1964) was an American oil entrepreneur and philanthropist. Founder of Superior Oil Company,[1] author Kevin Krajick has described Keck as "the world's greatest oil prospector, a man whose instincts about the location of petroleum were so uncanny, some believed him clairvoyant."[2] Keck established the W. M. Keck Foundation.

WM Keck was the original owner of THE STANDARD HOTEL https://www.revolvy.com/page/Superior-Oil-Company-Building


THIS https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2490765 QAnon goes full Pizzagate, orders horde of anons to report Rachel Chandler to FBI, warns of coming bot attacks

Here's one: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2370450 http://archive.is/SPAyP

(linked to the Q tip about the helicopter crash y'day) Standard Hotel busted disposing large quantities of acid


It strongly looks like this chain functions as a hub for prostitution, whether adult or minor. Just look at the Valentine's Day advertisement they have on their site.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I'm lost. What has Sherry Lansing to do with Mossack Fonseca firm?

letsdothis3 ago

I'm sorry.. my contributions can be messy as I tend to post as soon as I find something and spend very little time writing up coherent threads putting pieces together.

In my opinion, it is very clear that Mossack Fonseca is the CIA and represents how they hide money trails to do with drug running, trafficking, blackmail, etc.

I also have written much about the Omidyar Network. They are very involved with the entertainment and public relations industries, especially in the UK. Tavistock is involved. In America this ties back to the CIA. (Of course, CIA is heavily involved with the transformation of society via the Hollywood studios).

In this post we see a link between Omidyar, Wikileaks and Paramount: Walter and Anne Pincus were mentioned in one of Tamera Luzzattos WL emails. So I wanted to find out a little more about them.

Read through that thread, including the comments.

Then : https://variety.com/2018/film/news/adam-pincus-first-look-media-1202968768/

flyingcuttlefish ago

great work! speaking of Hollywood and CIA .... AI think tank for entertainment industry full of military "sponsors"

letsdothis3 ago

Sometimes I love the serendipity on this forum. Interesting link, thanks. Think you'll be also interested in this comment that I just posted here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2899411/15458548

letsdothis3 ago

Follow the wives...

Denise Rich https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denise_Eisenberg_Rich

Denise Rich (née Eisenberg) is a singer-songwriter, socialite, philanthropist and political fundraiser.

In 1984, Rich penned the lyrics to "Frankie", a hit in 1985 that went gold for the R&B group Sister Sledge.[9][13] Since then, she has written songs recorded by Celine Dion, Marc Anthony, Natalie Cole, Luis Fonsi, Jessica Simpson, Patti LaBelle, Chaka Khan, and Diana Ross.

Billy Porterʼs rendition of Deniseʼs “Love Is On The Way”, written for The First Wives Club (1996), inspired Celine Dion to record her triple-platinum version of the song.

The First Wives' Club https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_First_Wives_Club

Cameos of note include Ivana Trump (who famously stated in the film, "Don't get mad, get everything."), Gloria Steinem, and Kathie Lee Gifford as themselves, as well as author Olivia Goldsmith, director Hugh Wilson as a commercial director, and Heather Locklear as the younger lover of James Naughton's character Gil.

Olivia Goldsmith https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Goldsmith

A graduate of New York University, she was a partner at the management consultants Booz Allen Hamilton in New York prior to becoming a writer.

Many voat posts on Booz Allen including: Looking into what Booz Allen is about led me to possible investigation needed into McLean VA and at least one outlying town encountering high profile pedophiles getting away with it.

And linked to the Finders here: The G.H.W.Bush CIA controlled a ritual child abuse cult in the Washington D.C. area.: Very old link.

And some further interesting connections with Omidyar : The Hampstead children and Ricky Dearman turn up at the 2017 Ebay Business Awards

Booz Allen and Omidyar Network are corporate members of an NSA-linked consortium called Innocentive, a consultancy focused on crowdsourcing (read: data-mining of public-opinion polls, consumer surveys and Internet-based personal data). Other member-companies include In-Q-Tel, a developer of communications monitoring software spawned with millions in start-up capital from the CIA.

Also represented is the In-Q-Tel spin-off Palantir, which creates fictive personas or virtual trolls to mount smear campaigns to debunk or threaten journalists and critical websites online and in letters to editors. Palantir, which refers to itself as an “electronic warfare” firm, has created a meta-data collection program similar to the NSA’s PRISM.

Another corporate partner in Innocentive is Lilly Ventures, the investment arm of Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals, which produced LSD for the MK-ULTRA mind-control program and is now the lead partner in the Obama-sponsored national brain-mapping project.

Further voat posts:

Account Deleted By User

Denise Rich admits that wealth helped her gain unique access to the first family, but says that she never had sex with President Clinton or even spent the night at the White House.


According to Newsmax, Saturday, March 31, 2001:

"Mark Rich was a key figure in the .... creation of an underground government that survived the break-up of the Soviet Union and still rules Russia today behind the scenes."

Billionaire Chelsea F.C. owner Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova separate

Art collector, fashion favorite and entrepreneur Zhukova — who is on the board of the Metropolitan Museum — spearheaded the $27 million Rem Koolhaas-designed Garage Museum of Contemporary Art that opened in 2015 and drew a crowd from Jeff Koons to François Pinault.

And here's what happens ... Dasha rubs shoulders with Ray[chel] Ray Chandler. You remember Ray Chandler, don't you?

And there's our NXIVM link to add to the link I made to that cult 2 days ago, here in Canada Arrests Huawei CFO at Request of U.S. Authorities::: and here https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2894644/15419886

@ASolo @think- @whohat

3141592653 ago

Abramovich? Interesting

letsdothis3 ago


Rachel Chandler posing at the party with Dasha Zhukova, who is the wife of Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich: https://www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.000/id29517/article13.jpg

flyingcuttlefish ago

The Omidyar Network and Clinton Foundation - https://cfgate.wordpress.com/2016/12/08/omidyar/

ASolo ago

Yeah wow. So many degrees of separation...

Marc Rich was an international commodities trader, hedge fund manager, financier and businessman. He was best known for founding the commodities company Glencore and for being indicted in the United States on federal charges of tax evasion and making controversial oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Rich

What IS IT with these HEDGE FUND managers, every single one of them I here of has a HIGHLY dubious lifestyle

Donald Sussman -has a yacht called Alices Restaurant, #3 biggest donor to the Clintons, linked to the death of Aaron Dover Jeffrey Epstein -Lolita Island and modeling agency spy ring Louis Bacon – a billionaire hedge fund manager who's in a bitter fight with another luciferian Peter Nygard Gabe Hofffman -fronts his 'own' money for AnOpenSecret but is a jewish homosexual who spends his time harassing sexual abuse victims on twitter and uses the antisemite defense like a magick wand.

Why are they all so TWISTED?

We have all those examples like Wolf of Wall Street and The Devil's Advocate, when are we going to get the hint?

It really seems lie theses HEDGE FUND managers have the time and money to slip into ALL of the big luciferian events almost as though they are head minions or satanic saboteurs, they must all be trained from birth.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagateuncensored comment by @flyingcuttlefish.

Posted automatically (#12673) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I am putting this in my CF Gate bog with some good search terms and a link back to this post - https://cfgate.wordpress.com/2018/12/07/mossack-fonseca/

I think this story will get added on to and that more dirt will come out on the Clinton Global Initiative as some investigations begin to bear fruit.

flyingcuttlefish ago

YOU CAN SEARCH the Panama Papers data set here - https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/

ASolo ago

Thank you for this contribution

flyingcuttlefish ago

I can tell when journos are checking my blog because they go way back to older pages and there's more traffic on it than usual. They seem to be checking out Clinton Foundation and (tottering) Deutsche Bank today.

YogSoggoth ago

Traffic? I just had someone blow by with a cop scanner CB and look directly at me. Clever car, I have to admit. This guy did not realize I do not sleep like others. He did catch me by surprise though. I usually write down all licence #'s. They are like a receipt, You can return them to sender at a later point.

ASolo ago

Interesting detail. Yeah, they have no choice but to find ways to print this because it's really the only news worth reporting. This and that Epstein story is catching on like wildfire and we've got to keep the flames fanned.

flyingcuttlefish ago

archived - http://archive.is/JI3Q8

also - here's a video summary - (NO MUSIC) The Panama Papers, Las Vegas and The Clinton Foundation part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymPPrdXr5MM

carmencita ago

Funny GHWB just happens to check out just now. Some people have all the luck.

Hassan-I-Sabbah ago

He was on ice for a while. They just needed a distraction, and the death of the "great hero" was it.

ASolo ago

Yeah I find the timing uncanny, this is a weird life. I guess it's ok that we didn't get to see him twisted up like a washcloth and every ounce of sin squeezed out of him but that would have only fed the wrong side of me anyway it's best he die in the torment he created for his own progeny.

carmencita ago

His funeral resembled one that may have been someone canonized a saint by the Satanists. Also McCain. Babs checked out right around the time it was on Twitter that she was on the Board of Rainbow Cultural Garden which is an arm of NXIVM. Another convenient exit imo.

flyingcuttlefish ago

he probably died when someone shot his doctor (on a bicycle) ... a few weeks ago....

carmencita ago

Well, and isn't that how all three of them died? Ahem, nothing odd about all three of them going between April and December. No, nothing at all.

ASolo ago

Yeah it was exactly as you said it was, all the usual suspects paying tribute to a master spy and luciferian. Shameful and a really sad sad spectacle. I hope they know and understand we're not falling for it. Disgusting evil murderers.

carmencita ago

Completely agree. Plane being tracked by radar going to Gitmo the other day. @fogdryer. @NOMOCHOMO

fogdryer ago

that's what I tried to send you and couldn't figure out how.

George senior, NoName

carmencita ago

Would not be surprised. I have seen radar tracking before. Wonder where they sent Barbara. Same place. Wonder if they let her bring her fetus in jar?

fogdryer ago


carmencita ago

both there. That would be interesting. Separate rms? I don't think they have His and Hers towels. lol.

Mammy ago

Wowzers. And what a dig! Thanks for posting this.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @darkknight111.

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septimasexta ago

THEY WERE ALL THERE. POTUS HAD HIS CHANCE......NO ONE WENT TO GITMO! Frame 2:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vg3SaCFXbf0

letsdothis3 ago

I found the body language of Trump and Obama worrying. Obama looked like the cat that got the milk.

ASolo ago

Oh they ALL understand and know DONNIES role

ASolo ago

Barr ;Bush

Trump Weighs Bringing Back William Barr as Attorney General



ASolo ago

Uh oh Trumptards all these strange (favor like) appointments look kinds fishy...

Miami Herald Expose' On Jeffrey Epstein Exposes Acosta/Trump Thelema Favor and Orchestrated 2008 Housing Market Crash Pizzagate Connections


ASolo ago

Wait til I start digging in to old My New Chin (Mnuchin)

ASolo ago

[–] darkknight111 [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 9 months ago


Q Boards found a major player connecting Clinton, Soros, and Warburg aspects of all this.


ASolo ago

Frank Guistra who's organization, Elpida, uses the triangle blue boy lover pedophile symbol as it's trademark in GREEK RELIEF EFFORTS for young BOYS, who's organization, the Radcliffe Foundation, has ties to Justin Treadeau's Canadian administration, celebrities like George and Amal Clooney, and pop stars like Elton John.

Link to Elpida Images:




The GRECO/ROMAN Connection: Organized Crime; AHEPA; Comet Pizza and Cheese Pizza


carmencita ago

Bill C and Frank G in Haiti with a little friend

https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=DxlxW8EQ&id=DF92B428E85D2B6FFA75DE1F4781FE8 17AD89619&thid=OIP.DxlxW8EQv4C5wEjmlJNlLAHaFj&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fmedia.breitbart.com%2fmedia%2f2015%2f05%2fbill-clinton-frank-giustra-AFP.jpg&exph=480&expw=640&q=picture+of+frank+giustra+and+bill+clinton+in+haiti&simid=607999649107742656&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0

Another Friend


So creepy.

darkknight111 ago


I made a lead about Panama Paper stuff about 9-10 months ago and spread that lead across the internet.

I can tell you, Mossack Fonseca ties ALL of them together. Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, the list goes on.

I suspected that LE white hats watch our forum. This development is proof of that.

Hang our heads high brothers, we may have helped bring about a major takedown today.

Requesting Swamp Takedown flair.

Or is THIS the time for a new Confirmed Kill flair.

ASolo ago

I'll tell you though VVV THIS VVV is heavy, great contribution...

I can tell you, Mossack Fonseca ties ALL of them together. Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, the list goes on.

ASolo ago

DO NOT flare this shit "SWAMP" ANYTHING

think- ago

DO NOT flare this shit "SWAMP" ANYTHING

LOL. Great find, @ASolo! This shows that reading The Guardian as morning paper really sucks sometimes - I read an article about the case, but of course they didn't mention a connection to the Clinton Foundation. ;-)

Would Mr. Supersleuth be content with a 'Potential Lead' flair? ;-)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @darkknight111 @MolochHunter

ASolo ago

Actually this is a confirmed win so why don't we put something more flashy I mean it is beyond just a mere lead these are federal charges

Confirmed Win? Kill?

Anyone have anything better?

think- ago

I can only offer 'Swamp Takedown' grin or 'New Evidence'. It has been my understanding that we ran out of space, and cannot create more flairs.

@Vindicator might want to chime in. Going to leave now.


ASolo ago

Ah, yep, k, thanks yes that's fine. Thanks for your work and input.

think- ago

Welcome, @ASolo.

YogSoggoth ago

Bicker, relent, bicker, solvent.

ASolo ago

That's interesting. Yeah it takes a discerning eye and a ton of practice to read between the lines and I don't doubt you're damn good at it in the first place but those devils speak in tongues on those huge publications. Thankfully we've got quick thinking alternative news orgs like the one that collated this beauty.

ASolo ago

Thank you for your very considerate reply and, thank you for the other comment you left earlier. You've always been kind and considerate toward me and I want to let you know that I notice. Nothing I've said or done here in the past few months have any reflection on you just so you know. Thanks for the flair.

ASolo ago

Confirmed Kill is fine, or something more creative but NOTHING Trump related.

ASolo ago

I will be opening up an entire section for TRUMP alone in this thread more than likely so you all can save your Q and Trump shit at the door.

zyklon_b ago

learn to swim learn to swim learn to swim learn to swim

3141592653 ago


zyklon_b ago
