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letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for a well sourced post. I hope you are right. I believe that the recent arrest of the Huawei CFO is linked to all this:

Charges loom for ex-intelligence official Roger Uren after ASIO raid

Federal police are seeking to charge a former high-ranking Australian intelligence official, Roger Uren, with breaching spy agency secrecy laws after ASIO discovered a cache of classified files during a raid on his home in late 2015.

The revelations come as the federal government adopts a more aggressive approach to countering Beijing's influence and intelligence operations in Australia, flagging new counter-interference laws and threatening to boycott an undersea internet cable from Australia to the Solomon Islands because of the involvement of Chinese firm Huawei.

As Yan serves out her jail sentence in the US, the United Nations bribery scandal continues to play out in US courts. According to court files, one of Yan's co-accused, Macau billionaire Ng Lap Seng, is also suspected to have connections with Chinese intelligence. Australian and US intelligence agencies suspect Beijing was seeking to covertly influence the UN via proxies such as Yan.

If you have the time and the inclination read through my comments in the thread of this post :

Canada Arrests Huawei CFO at Request of U.S. Authorities

Has the potential to bring down the whole house of cards.

letsdothis3 ago

I was wondering about that myself - for two reasons:

  1. see the Trump links in this post and in the other on Huawei (; )

  2. Trump's demeanour at Bush's funeral as opposed to Obama's smug expression (

think- ago

Thanks, will look into it tomorrow. :-)

@MolochHunter: please see parent.

MolochHunter ago

noted with considerable interest .....

think- ago

Welcome. ;-o

ASolo ago

I've been fishing through your links and the two cases are undoubtedly connected, another great contribution.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you :-)

ASolo ago

