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MercurysBall ago


Sabrina Meng Wanzhou and Annabel Yao: Huawei founder’s two daughters

The two daughters of Chinese smartphone giant Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, have been making headlines – and for quite different reasons. The elder one, 46-year-old Huawei chief financial officer Sabrina Meng Wanzhou, was detained by Canadian authorities this month at the request of the United States government, reportedly for violating sanctions against Iran; the younger daughter, Harvard computer science student Annabel Yao, 21, was a sensation at last month’s Le Bal des Debutantes (or Crillon Ball) in Paris.

Huawei founder’s debutante daughter Annabel Yao: ‘I still consider myself a normal girl’

Yao, chosen to perform the opening waltz at Le Bal des Débutantes in Paris, was one of 19 young women to make their society debut this year

While Le Bal des Debutantes in Paris each year is a nod to the tradition of young society ladies entering the elite social scene of Europe, these days it courts modern debutantes, aged 16 to 21, who are chosen for their looks, brains and famous parents – prominent in business, entertainment and politics.

The schedule at the event, organised by Ophélie Renouard, is full of young women such as Baroness Ludmilla von Oppenheim, from Germany; Julia McCaw, daughter of AT&T founder Craig McCaw; and Annabel Yao, daughter of Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei – the latter of whom was one of three debutantes chosen for the opening waltz this year.

Yao – a 21-year-old Harvard computer science student and ballerina who has lived in Britain, Hong Kong and Shanghai – is one of several Chinese debutantes in recent years. Hollywood offspring, such as the daughters of actors Forest Whitaker, Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone, have also become Le Bal regulars.

Seeing that debutante ball with very different eyes.

letsdothis3 ago

@whohat apologies for adding all this stuff to your post but I believe it is all connected and can summarize in a post of my own if/when I achieve enough upvoats with my new account

re François-Henri Pinault is a regular participant, together with his wife, to the investment bank Allen & Co.'s annual weeklong conference organized every year in Sun Valley, Idaho.

Daily Mail article: The Schumer network: Mark Zuckerberg seen in private talks with New York senator and NFL head Roger Goodell at Allen & Co while Kathryn Murdoch makes rare appearance and Jeff Bezos chats with Fiat heir (Party in the USA: Dan Schulman, president and chief executive officer of PayPal Inc., Alex Karp, chief executive officer of Palantir Technologies, Shari Redstone, president of National Amusements and vice chairwoman of CBS Corporation, Veronica Smiley, and Brian Grazer, founder of Imagine Entertainment (l to r))

BOMB!!! Ping-Pong - Freud - Sony - Imagine Entertainment (Wikileaks Sony-email-hack)

That's BOUNCE, Freud, Podesta and the McCanns. The thread linking all of these people is the NXIVM network which is far larger in scope than I first realized.

This is crazy @think-

letsdothis3 ago

In August 2016, when the presidential campaign was running smoothly, husband and wife Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were on “holiday” in Croatia. Javanka were pictured on board the $200 million yacht the Rising Sun of billionaire David Geffen.

They later went sightseeing in Dubrovnik with Rupert “the FOX” Murdoch’s ex-wife Wendi Deng and Brian and wife Veronica Grazer.

After Geffen joined Instagram in 2016, one of the first photos he posted was with Karlie Kloss, the 24-year-old supermodel girlfriend of Joshua Kushner (Jared's brother). Disney CEO Bob Iger is another Hillary Clinton supporter that frequently enjoys time on the Rising Sun:

Dmitry Rybolovlev bought Donald Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida mansion for $95 million in 2008. During the campaign his private jet was repeatedly spotted where Trump’s private jet arrived. In March 2017, a spokesperson for Rybolovlev said it was "pure coincidence" that his and Trump’s planes were parked next to each other in North Carolina and that Rybolovlev "has no connection whatsoever to Mr. Trump or his team of advisers".

In one of those strange coincidences, none other than Dmitry Rybolovev’s yacht and private jet were in Croatia when Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were there on August 10-13 2016. Dmitry Rybolovlev’s yacht Anna was even in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

From Dubrovnik, Ivanka and Kushner went to Hvar, which is an island about 3-4 hours by boat. While Croatian media reported them in Dubrovnik on 11 and 12 August, Ivanka and American media waited until August 14 to post photos and stories on this trip. Were they trying to hide something?

Another interesting Trump-connection is that in March 2017 Rybolovlev’s yacht was photographed in the British Virgin Islands next to the Sea Owl yacht of Trump backer Robert Mercer.