letsdothis3 ago

With WeWork’s Purchase of NakedHub, Who Will Dominate the Co-working Industry in China?

According to the South China Morning Post, Huaxing Capital’s valuation of Naked Hub was $1 billion in July 2017. Over the next six months, its valuation shrunk by nearly half. Last year, Naked Hub completed a $33 million Series B financing led by Hong Kong-based Gaw Capital. Previously, its operation funds were from the parent company Naked Brand Group.


In 2015 Jason Strauss was named to the Advisory Board for Naked Brand Group, Inc. he also serves on the Board of Directors of Remark Media

Strauss and his partners are the masterminds behind some of the most successful nightclub and restaurant brands to open in the past decade, including Marquee, TAO, Avenue and LAVO. They currently operate six of the top 16 highest grossing nightlife venues in the country according to Nightclub & Bar’s 2015 Top 100 list.

In 1997 Jason Strauss and Noah Tepperberg founded Strategic Group, offering consumers a premium nightlife experience with their various events and venues. Former hot spots include include: Southampton staples Conscious Point (1999), Jet East (2002), and Dune (2007) as well as Manhattan boîtes, Luahn (2000) and Suite 16 (2001).

In addition to his hospitality ventures, in 2001 Strauss, along with Tepperberg formed Strategic Marketing Group, a lifestyle marketing, special events, consumer promotions and public relations company.

NAKED GROUP INC http://www.nakedbrands.com/our-history/

In June 2018 Bendon and Naked merged.

Bendon (Founders Ray and Des Hurley) = Heidi Klum Brand; Australian brands: Pleasure State, Davenport and Lovable; Elle Macpherson; Bendon Man

Naked (Founder Joel Primus, Vancouver) = Holt Renfrew

REMARK MEDIA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remark_Media

Remark Media (NASDAQ: MARK) is a global digital media company that specializes in creating technology platforms and user interfaces that combine content with social media.[1] Spun out from Discovery Communications' HowStuffWorks in 2007, Remark Media owns and operates the international versions of HowStuffWorks in China and Brazil, and is the digital publisher for certain content from World Book in China.[2] The company is a founding partner of Sharecare, a searchable social Q&A healthcare platform organizing and answering the questions of health.[3] The company was formerly known as HSW International.

Sharecare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharecare

Sharecare is a health and wellness engagement platform that provides consumers with personalized information, programs and resources to improve their health. It provides personalized information to the site's users based on their responses to the RealAge Test, the company's health risk assessment tool, and offers a clinical decision support tool, AskMD. Headquartered in Atlanta, Sharecare was founded in 2010 by Jeff Arnold (founder of WebMD) and Dr. Mehmet Oz, in partnership with Harpo Studios, Sony Pictures Television and Discovery Communications.

Dr Oz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehmet_Oz

Mehmet Cengiz Öz (Turkish: [mehˈmet dʒenˈɟiz øz]; born June 11, 1960),[1] known professionally as Dr. Oz, is a Turkish American[2][3][4] television personality, cardiothoracic surgeon, Columbia University professor, pseudoscience promoter,[5] and author.

Oz came to general prominence with appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show beginning in 2004, and later on Larry King Live and other TV programs. In 2009, The Dr. Oz Show, a daily television program focusing on medical issues and personal health, was launched by Winfrey's Harpo Productions and Sony Pictures.

He is a proponent of alternative medicine, and has been criticized by physicians, government officials, and publications, including Popular Science and The New Yorker, for giving non-scientific advice and promoting pseudoscience. In a Senate hearing on weight loss scams, Senator Claire McCaskill chided Oz, saying: "The scientific community is almost monolithic against you in terms of the efficacy of the three products you call miracles".[8] In 2014 the British Medical Journal examined over 400 medical or health recommendations from 40 episodes of his program and found that only 46% of his claims were supported by reputable research, while 15% of his claims contradicted medical research and the remainder of Oz's advice were either vague banalities or unsupported by research.

Dr Oz sued for weight loss supplement he claimed was a 'revolutionary fat buster with no exercise, no diet, no effort'


Hyde Park's Associate Professor Jennifer Stack '03 was a guest on the popular Dr. Oz Show. Stack, a registered dietician who teaches Nutrition at the CIA, was asked to create three delicious $5 healthy meals for home cooks. The program's four million viewers received great tips from Stack, including a recipe for a Veggie Pasta Pie that combines an Italian Fritatta with a Jewish Noodle Kugel.

letsdothis3 ago

Jason Strauss' Birthday Dinner at TAO Nightclub at The Venetian Hotel and Casino Resort - April 20, 2007

https://imgur.com/a/d2XqouI Elias Koteas and Frederico Castelluccio

Frederico Castelluccio with Bill Clinton at Moveon.org event https://en.yelp.ch/biz_photos/goldstein-communications-new-york?select=CJHbTueQbSoNFhzUgvbVgA (archived: https://imgur.com/a/eScGadV)

Elias Koteas and Frederico Castelluccio with Ari Goldstein

https://voat.co/v/CrowdSourcetheTruth/1976378/9733799 Ari Goldstein​CHECKOUT VOATS PIZZAGATE SUB FALSEFLAG INCOMING

https://imgur.com/a/LsBLOAq Jason Strauss, Robin Leach and Noah Tepperberg

https://voat.co/v/whatever/2806653 : In 1985, celebrity reporter Robin Leach reported Khashoggi threw a five-day birthday party in Vienna for his eldest son,[28] and in his heyday, Khashoggi spent $250,000 a day to maintain his lifestyle.[29]He continued to spend lavishly even when he encountered financial problems.[9] His net worth was said to have been down to about 8 million in 1990.

https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/robin-leach-dead-lifestyles-rich-famous-host-dies-1137244 : Robin Leach, the veteran entertainment journalist best known for his work on TV's Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, died early Friday morning [August 2018]. He was 76. Leach had been hospitalized since Nov. 21 after suffering a stroke in Cabo San Lucas, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, where Leach worked as a celebrity columnist.

He also was an early investor in the Food Network.

Born on Aug. 29, 1941, Leach wrote for The Harrow Observer while he was attending the Harrow County School for Boys, earning $6 a week at the newspaper after he graduated. He went on to become the youngest editor at London's Daily Mail at 18, then wrote for the New York Daily News, Ladies' Home Journal, People and The Star after moving to the U.S. in 1963.

After appearing on CNN and helping to launch the syndicated Entertainment Tonight news show, Leach co-created Lifestyles with producer Al Masini. The program helped usher in the era of celebrity-focused reality series and culture.

letsdothis3 ago



There is a Pizza place hidden in the Cosmo hotel which is not directly advertised anywhere. It is known simply as "secret pizza." I've been there before and as far as I can tell there is no child-raping going on, it's just a pizza place that's kind of hidden away. The Cosmo is set up a little differently from other casinos, rather than being spread out, it's got a casino on the first floor and then 4 or 5 floors above it of restaurants, shops and the Marquee nightclub. It's also a five-star hotel that may not want a low-brow slice bar for the commoners, so it's easy to hide on one of the higher floors and the fact that it doesn't fit with the rest of the ambiance explains why it's hidden (along with some reverse-psychology marketing).

From 2012: "Where is entrance to secret tunnel under strip?"

Trip Advisor question: I heard there is a large two lane tunnel deep under the [Vegas] strip that only the rich and powerful and certain suite guests are allowed to use? A guy named Eddie told me about it.

First reply: i think its behind the secret pizza place at Cosmo

ASolo ago

Great job making these connections, takes a carefully involved, discerning and empathetic person to have the vision to see through the smoke.

Vindicator ago

SWMBO, you're a saint :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Vindicator ago

That was a lot of links to archive!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Archive.is has been wonky for me for two days and I'm woefully behind back-checking posts for new archives.

If I slip you my husbands email maybe you could tell him all about how much of a saint I am. I'd show this to him but he'd just accuse me of having an alt. :-D

Vindicator ago

I bet he'd believe your username, eh? ;-) We should do an end of year thank you thread for all the spouses, friends, parents etc. who make it possible for us all to invest so much time here. I know a number of early heavy contributors have had to bow out because their personal lives couldn't support the time investment.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I bet he'd believe your username, eh?

He actually made my account for me and gave me this name.

We should do an end of year thank you thread for all the spouses, friends, parents etc. who make it possible for us all to invest so much time here.


think- ago

I'd show this to him but he'd just accuse me of having an alt. :-D



IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Was just watching an episode of entourage and the standard hotel was part of the story. Didn’t make the connection until now. Small world

letsdothis3 ago

Remember this? Brightline and Virgin Trains USA. After the trains you know that Branson will target the children, right?

The Hidden Gems – DC Tech Startup Awesomeness That No One Talks About

  1. EverFi – EverFi is the leading education technology company focused on teaching, assessing, badging, and certifying students in critical skills. Raised $$250 Million from investors that include: Jeff Bezos, Eric Schmidt, Lebron James, Richard Branson, Bono (of U2, not Sonny and Cher), Reid Hoffman and not Me.

  2. Brightline Interactive – Some of the most fun projects coming out of DC with the worlds biggest brands at featured at the worlds coolest events like Super Bowl, MLB All-Star Game, NCAA Final Four.

letsdothis3 ago

Wow >>>

Brightline Interactive EVP Sam Santarelli to Speak at Mid-Atlantic Marketing Summit 2013

Sam (Alessandro) Santarelli, Executive Vice President at Brightline Interactive, will participate as a speaker during the Mid-Atlantic Marketing Summit, which takes place on April 19th at the Gannett/USA Today Headquarters in McLean, Virginia.

The panel takes place from 1:30-2:00 on the afternoon of April 19th. Joining Sam during this session are Svetlana Legetic, Co-Founder of Brightest Young Things, as well as Matt Schleyer, Director of Design at NavigationArts.

Brightline Interactive is an award-winning, multi-discipline digital services agency that delivers creative solutions for web, mobile and experiential environments. Based in Alexandria, Virginia, Brightline develops, delivers, and promotes branded solutions for both the public and private sectors by blending creativity and expertise of any and all media and technology available.

Brightline Interactive https://www.brightlineinteractive.com/company/


SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/techhell comment by @flyingcuttlefish.

Posted automatically (#12834) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Brightline Interactive – Some of the most fun projects coming out of DC with the worlds biggest brands at featured at the worlds coolest events like Super Bowl, MLB All-Star Game, NCAA Final Four.

isn't the Super Bowl the thing everyone complains is so full of satantic symbols etc. etc.?

letsdothis3 ago

By the way, in case you didn't pick it up, the 'Hidden Gems' in the article title above is a double entendre:

Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead

The Varkey GEMS Foundation has helped to facilitate more than 2,300 commitments through the Clinton Global Initiative to date. Upon funding and implementation, these commitments will have a total value of over $70 billion.”

Varkey runs massive, sharia law supporting GEMS education. He has donated over 5 million to Bill Clinton. they're headquartered minutes from comet ping pong and besta pizza https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1474351

Sunny Varkey's organisation also runs something called Gems Education

Gems Education also works closely with the ICMEC

Ricky Dearman- father of the Hampstead children had an agent : Peter Ferris of FEA Management. Peter Ferris was nominated for a Global Teacher Award, a Varkey Foundation award.

Remember when people thought it was one of the Hampstead children (the girl) in the Super Bowl ad?

3141592653 ago

It looks JUST like her...

letsdothis3 ago

Her mother says that it isn't. However, the resemblance was probably deliberate.

3141592653 ago

Did you see her say this in a video?

letsdothis3 ago

This article from March 2017 says that the mother thinks it is her daughter : https://prepareforchange.net/2017/03/14/girl-from-hampstead-abuse-case-being-advertised-to-the-elites-in-superbowl-commercial/

I'm almost sure that I've seen (or heard) a more recent interview where she changes that and says it's not but I don't remember where I saw that. :-(

3141592653 ago

Thank you! Let me know if you ever find that other interview

carmencita ago


The pontiff apparently is interested in discussing how the church is perceived by Western media influencers and ways to improve its portrayal in entertainment. The Vatican, which is said to be working with the nonprofit Varkey Foundation, came up with a list of Hollywood players to invite to a summit of sorts. Film and television producer Brian Grazer, OWN mogul Oprah Winfrey, actor Matt Damon and semiretired supermogul David Geffen also scored invites, according to sources.

WME declined to comment on whether Emanuel, the brother of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and the inspiration for Entourage's Ari Gold, would accept the invitation to break bread with the Catholic Church leader.

"The Varkey Foundation has been in discussions with representatives of the Vatican about a potential meeting examining the role of media on the values of young people throughout the world," a foundation spokesperson stated. "Recent media speculation about the purpose and possible participants of such a meeting is inaccurate and premature. The meeting under consideration is emphatically not a discussion about the reputation of the Catholic Church and never has been."

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the link @carmencita.

carmencita ago

YW. They think we don’t see this stuff? We’re not as dumb as they look.

letsdothis3 ago

We’re not as dumb as they look.

Thumbs up.

carmencita ago

Heh Heh. Been saying it for years. :)

letsdothis3 ago


darkknight111 ago

Soda Pop Club you say?

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2886664 Guess who was one of its possible victims?

https://searchvoat.co/?t=“Soda+Pop+Club”&s=pizzagate&u=&d=&df=&dt=&b=on&nsfw=on All hits for Soda Pop Club. Copy manually. Somehow the hyperlink broke when I pasted.

letsdothis3 ago

Check out some of these articles on Gaw Capital and Naked Hub:


Chinese co-working operator Naked Hub is going intercontinental by scooping up Australian flexible office platform Gravity.

Gravity says that its secret sauce in the increasingly competitive shared office market is its appeal to productivity-minded business professionals. Kitchens and lounge areas are provided in the centres, but there is no mention on Gravity’s corporate website of either ping-pong tables or beer on tap.

Gravity’s workspaces put the emphasis on productivity rather than beer pong


Jennifer Zhang has joined the firm as Head of Investment, reporting to founder and chairman Grant Horsfield. In her new role the executive will set up an investment platform targetting resort properties and commercial buildings, while also supporting mergers and acquisitions for expanding the firm’s sharing economy operations.

[The word 'naked' appears 29 times in that article.]

Vindicator ago

That sounds a bit fishy.

I would however add that ping pong, beer and food are standard office perks in the tech world. I know several guys who had to ditch Foosball in their offices because it gave them tendonitis; ping pong doesn't cause as many repetitive strain injuries that making coding hell.

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, nothing conclusive for sure. I just found the language a bit off.

'ping pong, beer and food are standard office perks in the tech world'

by accident or design?


Global co-working giant WeWork is acquiring Shanghai-based naked Hub for a reported $400 million with the two parties issuing a joint statement today.

“China-born naked Hub and WeWork may come from vastly different backgrounds, but there is more that binds us than separates us,” naked Group Founder and Chairman Grant Horsfield said in a statement. “As we look to the future together, I am excited to build on the success we have had and to continue to provide amazing experiences for our China community.”

"In naked Hub, we have found an equal who shares our thinking about the importance of space, community, design, culture, and technology,” WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann said in a blog post on the company’s website. “Together, I believe we will have a profound impact in helping businesses across China grow, scale, and succeed.”


Adam Neumann (Hebrew: אדם נוימן‎; born 1979) is an Israeli–American billionaire businessman. In 2010, he co-founded WeWork, along with Miguel McKelvey.

He served as an officer in the Israel Defense Forces.

He currently lives in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of New York City with his wife Rebekah Paltrow Neumann, who is a filmmaker, and their four children who are two pairs of twins.[3] Rebekah is the cousin of Gwyneth Paltrow.

(With a name like Neumann I'm wondering if there are any distant relatives to the Frankfurt School. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Leopold_Neumann Read One-Dimensional Man ) but I digress....

Inside The Phenomenal Rise Of WeWork

And in 2015, almost two years since that first tour, a 200,000-square-foot WeWork will be the anchor tenant of the $300 million redevelopment co-owned by Boston Properties in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Plans are afoot for another partnership in San Francisco and perhaps Boston down the road.

WeWork's founders have been content to stay quiet about their story until now, swearing investors to secrecy. No longer. Over the next 12 months the company expects to triple its membership from 14,000 to 46,000 and expand to 60 locations from 21 today and 9 just a year ago. WeWork's first location four years ago was just 3,000 square feet in SoHo with creaky floorboards and walls power-washed by its founders. Now WeWork is the fastest-growing lessee of new office space in New York and next year will become the fastest-growing lessee of new space in America as it spreads to cities such as Austin and Chicago, not to mention London, Amsterdam and Tel Aviv.

Whenever you see the words 'phenomenal rise' as if we have 2 geniuses here, take a closer look....

A Peek into Dock 72 at Brooklyn Navy Yard: Image Slideshow

Shining with precision of an origami-like, ocean wave at the Brooklyn waterfront, Dock 72 conveys both fluidity of the water and a structured monumental strength. The 16-story, 250 foot-high, 675,000 square-foot building is the first ground-up commercial construction in Brooklyn in over a decade, according to Rudin Development Company.

Rudin you say?

The Rudin family controls one of the largest privately owned real estate companies in New York City.

Little Sis info on William C Rudin https://littlesis.org/person/51462-William_C_Rudin

Where else have we heard the name Rudin?

NYC - Core Club: $50K Initiation Fee - Overnight Suites - Secret Entrance - Members: Clinton, Burkle, Ghislaine Maxwell, Rothschild - Focus on Modern "Art," Which May be Involved in Child Trafficking

Member: Beth Rudin DeWoody

The comments on that post are a minefield of information.

It is time we turned our attention to the real estate agents of New York and their modelizing connections ;-)

Yuke ago

Lots of familiar faces there amongst all that degeneracy. I'd be interested to find out what this says (if it's a real language that is) https://i1.wp.com/farm5.staticflickr.com/4864/32083070288_1abc45218d_o.jpg?quality=100&ssl=1

Including a possible Syga Thomas on the left in this picture https://i1.wp.com/farm5.staticflickr.com/4909/45229816054_b127feacc3_o.jpg?quality=100&ssl=1

letsdothis3 ago

Very interesting thread to revisit from 1.8 years ago: 3 U.S. diplomats have been linked to this investigation. Are the Diplomats of D.C. using their DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY for human trafficking? | We give you the run down. by @AHuman

Syga Thomas, Mary Sue Conway and Wylita Bell are all linked to this investigation one way or another.

Yuke ago

I know, that's why I mentioned that it looks like him. He took the Borf building, the other building from the people who also previously owned the Pegasus building.

letsdothis3 ago

Well, thanks for that because I had no idea who he was.

letsdothis3 ago

Followup to the Alefantis/Pegasus/Moonie Connection from an earlier post (Part 4) CONTINUED--THE OTHER PROPERTY OWNED BY PEGASUS OWNER)

Here are some interesting facts about Syga Thomas straight from his LinkedIn profile


Worked for the STATE DEPARTMENT as a diplomat in the Foreign Service (2007-2015) (Thomas speaks 5 languages)

Founded the Thomas Foundation (The Thomas Foundation partners with businesses, governments, NGO's and Academia to support talented individuals around the world.)

Founded a maid service called District Maids

My mind is now starting to think crazy thoughts (based on what I currently know about context of Pizzagate)! What is going on in the ground floor of 1644 North Capital currently?!?! Remember, there was the General Contractor (AG Consulting Services) who ALSO is a MINING EQUIPMENT wholesaler. It again makes me think about the possibility of tunnels!


Mary Sue Conway U.S consulate DR and Wylita Bell U.S Consulate Shanghai, China. They all 3 periodically send containers home to the U.S from overseas which all contain 'house hold effects including 'cars'. I don't know why this is making my blood pressure rise.

Yuke ago

Using that key I've translated the headline on the page of the left, and the top half of the page nearest. The headline reads "Queer Magic". The first part of the page nearest reads: "Magic is a tool of the subverted and oppressed for personal growth and confidence. It is a beautiful tragic necessity, the maintenance of an _________ soul".

Now, I know that there are a few characters close to these guys that are actual witches and they admit it so themselves. It looks like we have at least one more here as well.

SchlongKeyhote ago

lol reminiscent of shit I've seen from outlets in (of course) Portland Seattle etc. where witches cast protective 'hexes' for 'trans youth', I guess when the bathroom issue was topical. additionally they do it for e.g. against Kavanaugh.

what people here need to understand is:

  1. all magic/occult tradition ultimately comes from Babylon and the Jewish kabbalists therein

  2. the institutional proponents will always be identifiably "Jewish" irrespective of what that means precisely or whether 99% are not Jews

  3. it is not our responsibility to differentiate the "good Jews" from the "bad Jews"; they should all be forcibly removed from any position of power or wealth, and stuffed into ovens. it's them or us, simple as that.

Yuke ago

Thanks man.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @letsdothis3.

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letsdothis3 ago


The California Club

From voat post Massive DC tunnel project

So, listening to Jimmy Church's radio show on youtube from 9th Jan I was struck when Jimmy & Brad talked for a while about the tunnel system in California that parts predated the building of the city, and other parts were built to connect mansions and clubs together, including the Playboy mansion and The California Club. I haven't started digging into this yet, but there could well be serious correlation with the DC tunnels and child trafficking.

Tunnel chat starts around 1hr 34min: https://youtu.be/rB_HIYq00ho?t=5641

SchlongKeyhote ago

I deduced all of that over a year ago and went into some of the LA tunnels but failed to enter the California Club. I will give you some stuff, but only because you're not a total cunt like the others here.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. Going to go through those now.

letsdothis3 ago

More stuff from Ambient Eye Photography: http://www.flickriver.com/photos/ambienteye/

Note the Scissor Sisters

Oops, what have we here? James Alefantis is in the White House at the same time of a White House Google Hangout on human trafficking

Okay, I did a little research... Chris Crocker (born Christopher Darren Cunningham) did the "Leave Brittney alone" youtube video, got famous and then did a gay porn for Chi Chi La Rue, there was a documentary was made about him by Chris Moukarbel called Me @ the Zoo. Chris and Alefantis are producers that work together on films, Alefantis is the art scene connection and Moukarbel did a film about a viral street graffiti artist that was a graffiti criminal that was not identified, his art was being sold at a high price. Now we are seeing this stuff pop up... this site https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4KUIwEy5gS6dE3imFyFUTw does youtube vids on human trafficking condemning capitalism as the root cause, including stuff by Bree Olsen ex girlfriend of Charlie Sheen that complains about the stigma against sex workers and that stuff was everywhere for a while Bree making the rounds making sure everybody knew how unfair it was she can't get a job working with kids just because she did porn etc. Moukarbel also did a lot of work on a series about sex. All that can be found out through IMDB. Chris Moukarbel was born in New Haven, CT and lived between Washington DC and NYC. Moukarbel's partner since 2004 is Jake Shears, frontman of the rock band Scissor Sisters a lewd gay band. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scissor_Sisters performed with Gaga and did worked with Elton John. etc.

So here's my theory. As part of a campaign to "end human trafficking" which the left will blame on patriarchy and capitalism so that they can bring in more socialism under the guise of protecting children the left is employing artists and youtube stars, gay porn stars, etc. to produce films about the subject for internet release and those youtube vids I just linked to is part of it. The money might be funneled through NEA and anti-trafficking divisions, etc. Which is why we are seeing people from those groups all around the pizzagate story. And so I theorize that's what the meeting was about. They are coordinating the campaign and getting it all together. Either that or they are running prostitutes to the politicians, which I figure is just as likely considering the previous scandal during the George W. Bush admin. Those are probably the best case scenarios that I can come up with. I know another overnight guest at the WH during Clinton admin. was Saban Haim/Haim Saban connected to Sea to Sky Entertainment, Thunderbird Entertainment, which connects back to Cory Feldman and Cory Haim through Clinton connected people like David Geffen and a child actor's award show/event, but that's another subject, but a very very very very important one that ties this all back to Hollywood and a pool party/fundraiser that involves Clinton. So my theory of a media campaign like I said is the best case scenario, but it would make some sense of all this.

TrustTheTruth ago

Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants are deeply entrenched in The Great Deception of "Sustainable Urban Development" including facilities in and near Chicago.

Chicago (and Racine) is the core of the entire network. The many arms of the mafia, secret societies, NGOs, false religions, corporations, government agencies, and political parties are all engaged in secret, private, private-public, and public partnerships.

There are many levels and unlimited layers to their network. This is why those involved CAN NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE in the broken, corrupt, inept, and dysfunctional system they control.

The Truth is The Only Way.

Who else was part of The Young & The Guest events besides Alefantis, Caron Butler, and Mae Podesta? What do most of them do?

Who are Rahm Emanuels THREE siblings and what role do they each play?

Why did Chris Kutcher back out of the I-94 Project? What religion does he practice?

Why are Caron Butler and Mark Wahlberg such good friends? What religion are they?

Why did Mitt Romney choose Paul Ryan as his running mate? What religion are they?

Who are the Sabbatean Frankists? What is Strangite and what are the Voree plates? Who are the Dutch Brotherhood and Sons of Norway? Who are the Dominicans? What is Kabbalah? What are Scientology and OTO? Who is the Sphinx Head? Who is Jack Parsons? Who is Tim Dolan? How are these and many other groups all connected?

What is the Global Interfaith Coalition? What is One World Religion?

How are Google and all of these companies part of The Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with The Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing?

What is Hillary's model for Community Policing? Where is it?

What is "THE DEAL" Trump made that he called "the 8th Wonder of the World" and "the most incredible thing I've ever seen"?

Who are the Pilgrims Society?

What is next to Google in Chicago?

What is it modeled after?

Who did Bill Clinton appoint to the President's Council on Sustainability?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat for at "THE DEAL" and why?

Who are the wealthiest families in America?

Who are they partners with?

letsdothis3 ago

Okay, my patience is really running thin here now. I know the answer to most (definitely not all) of those questions. In addition, I have a tech background so I'm fully aware of the involvement of the tech industry.

If you genuinely have anything of value to add, spit it out. If you're here to divert people, I'm happy to say 'you're wasting your time'. I suggest you make better use of it.

dundundunnnnn ago

In the comments something like "the guy who made the video is one of them".


letsdothis3 ago
