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Yuke ago

I had to have a breather when I read this because one of my past searches returned this Our friend Syga Thomas importing "household goods" from Valencia, Spain to Baltimore, USA.

YingYangMom ago

Who is this Thomas Syga? Is he also a US Consulate official?

Yuke ago

He 'used' to work for the government, yeah.

YingYangMom ago

Shit. He was a U.S diplomat, worked at office desks overseas and also sits on the board of directors of Dupont Underground.

Mary Sue Conway U.S consulate DR and Wylita Bell U.S Consulate Shanghai, China. They all 3 periodically send containers home to the U.S from overseas which all contain 'house hold effects including 'cars'. I don't know why this is making my blood pressure rise.

AHuman ago

I guess they move around a lot because of their job.

But its an interesting lead still.

Have all 3 of them used Crowley shipping?