rickman ago

Ignore Winstead. His ranting has been used as an easy distraction by Alefantis. Focus on the fact Alefantis went back on his promises to the ANC about opening hours and loud music. Focus on the fact Alefantis rounded up lots of his friends to fill the meeting so that they could outnumber/out vote any critics. Focus on the weaselly way Alefantis claimed to want to work with the ANCs requests when he'd already been found guilty of ignoring them. Focus on the aggressive defence of Alefantis given by Maccoby at the meeting who said he would not let anyone stand in James way.

The whole thing was rigged in Alefantis favour. Winstead walked right into it by making exaggerated claims about what Comet would do to the community. They had their conspiracy lunatic and that instantly made Alefantis into a victim.

Same thing has happened with Pizzagate thanks to the fake gunman. So the question is why is this place and this man so important? He's serving pizza. Yet he's defended as if hes been building children's hospitals with his bare hands.

SoldierofLight ago

Excellent questions.


I'm skeptical about Frank Winstead. It looked staged like the Ed Welch attack. Knowing the deviousness of the people involved in #Pizzagate, it could even have been a promo video, that at the same time occupies the thoughts of would-be investigators.

SoldierofLight ago

Winstead made this video 10 years ago.


I know. It was when the place first opened. My guess is that it was a reverse PR stunt - something that they could easily debunk from a controlled opposition.

SoldierofLight ago

I hear what you're saying, but I think it's more about Winstead being a very out of the box kind of person. His other videos are along the same lines but there's nobody around, and it's not a retail establishment. I think Winstead was easily written off as a nut job and as a result, the valid questions he was raising were dismissed. It's like @rickman said in another comment on this post-- ignore Winstead and instead focus on the subject of the video. The video is just a vehicle to get us to where we need to focus-- JA. Who IS that guy? WHAT is he really doing?

HollandDrive ago

When is the last time a post focused on what brought us here in the first place?

You can thank this idiot along w/ George Webb. https://youtu.be/OxQd2Bitqic?t=317

equineluvr ago

No, you can thank yourselves for falling for this disinfo bullshit.

Webb, CERNovich, RDS, Green -- there's one on EVERY corner. And there will be PLENTY more to come down the pike to replace them, sucking you in with their DRAMA from "unnamed sources."

The ludicrous MANGOES should have been a HUGE clue to the idiots here that Webb was full of shit. (The mangoes came up AFTER other exposure evidence had been posted here which the SHEEPLE ignored.)

You guys need to LEARN TO DISCERN. You waste TONS of time and energy chasing these phantoms down blind alleys.

HollandDrive ago

Yeah I know, pretty sad. I never liked this Webb guy or RDS and a number others though personally.

SoldierofLight ago


HollandDrive ago

My sources, my sources, my sources ... my headache.

DarkMath ago

With all due respect to the OP this video has been gone over many many times. First of all it's crucial to understand people are innocent until proven guilty. The child that appears to be screaming in this video looks to be walking along with what look like his parents. The kid appears to be very interested in watching a ping pong game and his parents don't. This is exactly how kids that age act and they scream to get their way and personally it's fucking annoying as hell to deal with.

Secondly I'm pretty sure Frank Winstead's concerns have as much to do with playing ping pong next to a well trafficked street as much as anything else. And yes it's a little sketchy a "family friendly" restaurant would have all that Pedo shit in it but whatever. If it's a CIA neighborhood and you want to build a psy-op that's what I would do too.

The most important thing in this video isn't Comet Ping Pong. It's that family with the kid. That family with the kid deserve the same right to innocent until proven guilty we all expect. There is NOTHING about that family that looks sketchy. As in Zero. Zip. Nada. 0.000000%. Null Set. Empty Set. Void. And there is nothing about that family that sounds sketchy.

I've been here almost 9 months now for cripes sake. I ain't no shill. I do have however a well tuned ear for CIA disinfo and CPP is screaming disinfo. If there is anything sketchy about James Alefantis it's got nothing to do with Comet Ping Pong.

So feel free to post some other sketchy stuff or whatever but this is beating a dead horse and given the huge and glaring CIA disinfo campaign going on I'm kind of suspect at this post. No offense. I'm not calling you a shill. It's just over-kill.

If you want to re-start the investigation then maybe consider plowing a new field. There ain't nothing going on in this one.

equineluvr ago

"With all due respect to the OP this video has been gone over many many times. First of all it's crucial to understand people are innocent until proven guilty."

NEWS FLASH: We aren't in a courtroom, you idiot, and we aren't on a jury.

Researchers do NOT hamstring themselves by rules that juries are bound by. If they did, no investigation would ever go anywhere.

DarkMath ago

"Researchers do NOT hamstring themselves by rules that juries are bound by."

You must not live in America. Here in America you can sue someone for slander. And ding ding ding that's why Alex Jones & Co won't touch Pizzagate with a ten foot poll because one wrong move could make James Alefantis a very rich man.

This is America horsefucker. We have a bill of rights and a little thing called Tort Law.


FeLpZ187 ago

gtfo shill

DarkMath ago

I'm not a shill. I'm doing this for free.

Speaking of work how about you actually do some and post a submission to /v/pizzagate instead of /v/drugs and /v/techsupport which I'm pretty fucking sure will survive without you.


ArtificalDuality ago

You attempt to marginalize and at the same time you are conducting a covert DISINFO campaign that attempts to create the illusion the "Deepstate" has already lost and everything is a happy end. The fire extinguisher.


What do you think of Joe Biden? Listen to the woman that knows a thing or two about body language, in the 3rd movie listed. What do you think?

DarkMath ago

I'm tellin' ya I'm not a shill. Go read through my submissions, all of them. Would a shill make that shit up? [insert N word here] please.

The problem is you're picking up I don't give a flying fuck anymore and I'm a sober Irishman which I don't have to finish the sentence.

"What do you think of Joe Biden?"

Joe Biden is a disgusting, depraved and degenerate Pedophile who needs to be "taken out behind the wood shed". Washington DC evidently now runs on graft and pedophilia and it needs to fucking stop. And if it doesn't stop sooner rather than later an army of Deplorable Shit Lords are going to disembowel that fucking swamp and everyone in it the hard way medieval style with a pair of pliers and a blow torch.

Does that answer your question?


equineluvr ago

You're right. You're too fucking stupid to be a shill.

DarkMath ago

Thanks for sharing Pocket Hitler.


V____Z ago

"I'm not a shill. I don't get paid"

Tricky you are with your words. But like I told you before, you've outed yourself. You've full throatedly supported both Alex jones and George Webb, to the point of defending Mossad and Israel, bending to Webb's spook speak/propaganda "there are two mossads, one if em is cool. The old ways of organ harvesting are much better. I like Kissinger" (though in leaked text messages he is seen describing Kissinger as someone who likes head from young boys, mostly because he is training them for future positions of power, and he will have control over them then, too.

Though you've made it clear you consider me a 'useless cunt', I figured I'd try to bring some context for newbies impressed by your intellect.

DarkMath ago

Me liking George Webb doesn't make me a shill. It just makes me someone who thinks George Webb has moved mountains to expose the heinous crimes of the Deep State. Moving on.....

"I figured I'd try to bring some context for newbies"

Great! Let me follow your lead. I've asked you about 10 times to explain how Andrew McCabe's plan to frame Trump would have been stopped if it weren't for George Webb. This has gone on for weeks. You refuse to even mention Andrew McCabe's name let alone put any opinion down in a comment.

Only a shill would outright refuse to mention Andrew McCabe. Until you do I'm thinking you're a shill. Sorry. I don't make the rules. This is about stopping child rapists and organ harvesters. If you can't answer a simple question you have no reason to be here because trust me the questions get much tougher the deeper you dig.


HollandDrive ago

You still believe CPP was a well planned deep state psy op correct?

George Webb has moved mountains to expose the heinous crimes of the Deep State.

Come on DMath, give it up already. He does that by getting loaded on alcohol during his youtube larping, saying the FBI is closing in on him and then he's sitting on the porch the next day relaxing? This is comic book crap.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

DarkMath ago

"Sorry, I don't make the rules."

I know. Neither do I and that means your belief the Earth is flat nullifies any criticism you have of my current world view which is George Webb is basically Mossad and Israel turning state's evidence ratting out their former spouses in a highly non-binary highly non-normative dysfunctional 5 and 1/2 way non cis gendered marriage.


HollandDrive ago

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."

You've been brainwashed from a child, as I was.

DarkMath ago

"I can't fix stupid."

I win........again.


HollandDrive ago

Medal or monument winner? Gosh you're hard-headed.

V____Z ago

Thank you for this.