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letsdothis3 ago

Wow >>>

Brightline Interactive EVP Sam Santarelli to Speak at Mid-Atlantic Marketing Summit 2013

Sam (Alessandro) Santarelli, Executive Vice President at Brightline Interactive, will participate as a speaker during the Mid-Atlantic Marketing Summit, which takes place on April 19th at the Gannett/USA Today Headquarters in McLean, Virginia.

The panel takes place from 1:30-2:00 on the afternoon of April 19th. Joining Sam during this session are Svetlana Legetic, Co-Founder of Brightest Young Things, as well as Matt Schleyer, Director of Design at NavigationArts.

Brightline Interactive is an award-winning, multi-discipline digital services agency that delivers creative solutions for web, mobile and experiential environments. Based in Alexandria, Virginia, Brightline develops, delivers, and promotes branded solutions for both the public and private sectors by blending creativity and expertise of any and all media and technology available.

Brightline Interactive


SearchVoatBot ago

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flyingcuttlefish ago

Brightline Interactive – Some of the most fun projects coming out of DC with the worlds biggest brands at featured at the worlds coolest events like Super Bowl, MLB All-Star Game, NCAA Final Four.

isn't the Super Bowl the thing everyone complains is so full of satantic symbols etc. etc.?

letsdothis3 ago

By the way, in case you didn't pick it up, the 'Hidden Gems' in the article title above is a double entendre:

Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead

The Varkey GEMS Foundation has helped to facilitate more than 2,300 commitments through the Clinton Global Initiative to date. Upon funding and implementation, these commitments will have a total value of over $70 billion.”

Varkey runs massive, sharia law supporting GEMS education. He has donated over 5 million to Bill Clinton. they're headquartered minutes from comet ping pong and besta pizza

Sunny Varkey's organisation also runs something called Gems Education

Gems Education also works closely with the ICMEC

Ricky Dearman- father of the Hampstead children had an agent : Peter Ferris of FEA Management. Peter Ferris was nominated for a Global Teacher Award, a Varkey Foundation award.

Remember when people thought it was one of the Hampstead children (the girl) in the Super Bowl ad?

3141592653 ago

It looks JUST like her...

letsdothis3 ago

Her mother says that it isn't. However, the resemblance was probably deliberate.

3141592653 ago

Did you see her say this in a video?

letsdothis3 ago

This article from March 2017 says that the mother thinks it is her daughter :

I'm almost sure that I've seen (or heard) a more recent interview where she changes that and says it's not but I don't remember where I saw that. :-(

3141592653 ago

Thank you! Let me know if you ever find that other interview

carmencita ago

The pontiff apparently is interested in discussing how the church is perceived by Western media influencers and ways to improve its portrayal in entertainment. The Vatican, which is said to be working with the nonprofit Varkey Foundation, came up with a list of Hollywood players to invite to a summit of sorts. Film and television producer Brian Grazer, OWN mogul Oprah Winfrey, actor Matt Damon and semiretired supermogul David Geffen also scored invites, according to sources.

WME declined to comment on whether Emanuel, the brother of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and the inspiration for Entourage's Ari Gold, would accept the invitation to break bread with the Catholic Church leader.

"The Varkey Foundation has been in discussions with representatives of the Vatican about a potential meeting examining the role of media on the values of young people throughout the world," a foundation spokesperson stated. "Recent media speculation about the purpose and possible participants of such a meeting is inaccurate and premature. The meeting under consideration is emphatically not a discussion about the reputation of the Catholic Church and never has been."

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for the link @carmencita.

carmencita ago

YW. They think we don’t see this stuff? We’re not as dumb as they look.

letsdothis3 ago

We’re not as dumb as they look.

Thumbs up.

carmencita ago

Heh Heh. Been saying it for years. :)

letsdothis3 ago
