SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

What the fuck does some druggie killer have to do with fucking pizzagate? Stop derailing the investigation with your weird homophobic agenda. Literally every type of person from every walk of life, supports the investigation and contributes here: except pedos (unless to shill and derail the investigation: COUGH).

amyrebeccajames ago

He is friends with Alefantis and with one of the gay porn actors who visited the White House for a two night sleepover with James Alefantis. He is involved in Satanism, seems to be a pedophile, and James mentioned him online the day he was released from prison.

kthanxie ago

Not sure if this was posted already, looked kinda sketchy:

amyrebeccajames ago


jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Fucking animals... I noticed one the events for skroddlesquad is held at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre in New York, thought for a second they meant in the actual Ukraine, still, ton of trafficking going on always in that region, but more so recently.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

In some gay circles, but Alefantis and his friends seem to use it in reference to babies frequently.

zzvoat ago

Good grief. Great find.

carmencita ago

Yeah an Chris Crock was at the WH with Alfantis for 24 hours at one stretch while BO was there. They showed the Guest List on here. Must have been quite some gathering.

4warned ago

Michael Alig is on Facebook. If you watch a video he posted on January 7, he talks about going to a 7/11 in Hicksville NY at 4 am, and a group of 12 year old boys comes in. Then they talk about having pizza with them and wanting to have sex with them. No kidding. These are creepy people.

Here's a you tube link to the video called Asto Erle's rage. Talk about sex with 12 year olds 5 five minutes mark

I hope the Nassau county police keep an eye on this 7/11. Weird that a group of 12 year old boys is out at that time. Sick that these creeps are so open about their perverse desires.

AreWeSure ago

Where's the evidence that Aligns is friend s with JA?

TheRedPi11 ago

Alig is an attention whore with a big mouth. That's not only evident in his tweets -

"In the weeks following Melendez's disappearance, Alig allegedly told "anyone who would listen" that he and Riggs had killed him. Most people did not believe Alig and thought his "confession" was a ploy to get attention."

And in Party Monster confessing on camera:

I wonder what his reaction would be if he found out his ties to Alefantis/pizzagate are being investigated. He seems like he just wants exposure/attention no matter what the cost. He could be a valuable source because of his willingness to talk.

21yearsofdigging ago

Sick fucks that are trying to get you going here. I am sure they are VERY aware of pizzagate. Attention whores.They think they have the protection and can flaunt their vileness. Let them.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Some ceremony tomorrow. Calling himself Monsignor.

rooting4redpillers ago

Here's interesting disturbing discussion of his future plans:

Daily Beast, Sept 2016, Michael Alig: The ‘Party Monster’ Killer’s Second Life


DB: I told Alig he has been blamed for not showing enough contrition.

“Of course, I’m sorry,” he said. “But that sounds trite. No words can make any difference anymore. It’s actions. There’s a charity element to every one of my projects. But, he added surprisingly, “I have been having trouble finding a nonprofit that will accept my money.“

One such, he said, was the Hetrick-Martin Institute, set up for LGBT youth. Another is Green Chimneys, which deals with kids with emotional, social, and behavioral problems.

“They wouldn’t accept it. They wouldn’t even accept it anonymously. I think it’s because they don’t want the publicity. And they also don’t want to be seen as money laundering, like they are being used to lighten my image. Because they would be complicit, sort of. In the crime. So I have started my own.”

It is called Skroddle Squad, he said. He and a professional market researcher have been putting it together, and it is already online.


“Skroddle is a lifestyle. It’s the club kid kind of lifestyle of be your own person, love who you are, and that kind of thing. That’s what the Club Kids were. We were misfits in our own towns, and we came to New York and we created our own family. And that’s what this is, except now it’s worldwide and it’s on the internet, we have representatives in Brazil and in the U.K. and Norway, in France and America.

“Each city has their kind of club kid representative. And then you go onto the website and you click on the city you want to go to. And it will connect you immediately to all the cool people in that city. It’s a network and it’s a family.“And the emails that I’m getting from kids… they are 15 or 16 years old… their parents have kicked them out or they don’t have any friends or they are being bullied in school or whatever… they find comfort in having this international family of like-minded weirdos and misfits… and there’s safety in numbers. And there’s security in numbers. The emails I’m getting, they make you cry, they break your heart.”

DarkFae ago

Wow. I just realized who this guy is! There was a movie done about him called "Party Monster". I have an old friend that was in the movie. That's the only reason I watched it (own it) Guess who else was in the movie?? Macaulay Culkin. Macaulay Culkin plays Alig.

rooting4redpillers ago

Michael Alig's Skroddle Squad

This is the website titled with Michael Alig's "charity" for KIDS who are marginalized, disenfranchised. He says Skroddle Squad is a place where "they [kids] can find comfort in having this international family of like-minded weirdos and misfits… and there’s safety in numbers. And there’s security in numbers." Many of the same pics that were included in the op, and there's this paragraph about recruiting hosts, worldwide, for this mess.

"I Want You! SkroddleSquad is currently seeking hosts in major and not so major cities around the world. Send us an email telling us who you are, where you’re from, and why you should be the person to represent your area. Send Photos! Our city blogs will highlight cool events all over the world, and we want YOU to be a part of this process! [email protected]"

One event, The RAVE That Must NOT Be Named, A Harry Potter Themed Halloween Event specifies Age: 18+ Other events show no age specification, so I guess events like this must be okay for everyone.

amyrebeccajames ago

He likes the 15 year olds now? I thought he said 10 was too old. Maybe because he's so much older now.

rooting4redpillers ago

Yeah, isn't it great. Mostly the weak ones with no friends, absent parents. I'd love hate to see his email replies to those kids.

Orange_Circle ago

It's better if you use James Alefantis name in titles. Helps the SEO.

amyrebeccajames ago

ok I don't know if I can edit it now but will do in the future

amyrebeccajames ago

Marina Abramovic also says she's not a Satanist, either. I guess Jews like Spirit Cooking and drinking blood???

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

No, not in general, deviants might do that.

Black_Jesus ago

maybe... ?

amyrebeccajames ago The most (in)famous depiction of Caligula’s life is still banned in Canada and Iceland.

In 1979 the film “Caligula,” directed by Tinto Brass and starring Malcolm McDowell, shocked the world with its explicit portrayal of the emperor’s cruel and salacious escapades. It was the first major motion picture that juxtaposed segments featuring respected, mainstream actors with scenes that were essentially pornographic. To this day, the highly controversial movie remains banned in some countries.

carmencita ago

These idiots are about as disgusting as it gets (except for the kid pics). In the Rumpus Room ad you will notice a list of those appearing. Chris Christopher is at the top of the list and that is Chris Crocker the friend of Alefantis that was also found on the WH guest list for two days adding up to almost 24 hrs. and in the article about the two of them and BO by Yoichi (don't know last name. Yuck.

projection ago

Yoichi Shimatsu, posts on RENSE. He seems to know his shit and can write well too.

carmencita ago

Yes. I read the whole report that was really long. But extremely informative. Wow.

aleeum ago

How do you know Chris Christopher is Chris Crocker?

carmencita ago

It was written on here. A guy named Yoichi also wrote a length article about him and JA.

amyrebeccajames ago

Wow. I just finished reading that article last night. Lots of close friends to JA, Obama, etc... seem to be into pornography and chickenhawking.

Truthseeker3000 ago

@amyrebeccajames Could u let me know what article that was from? I'd love to read it. Also, there was a guy who filed a formal complaint with a lawyer involved stating that when he was in his late teens Barrack Obama himself hired him for oral sex et al and smoked crack with him for a couple nights in a row in Chicago when he was there on business. He picked the guy up in a limo and they drove around, smoked crack and went to some shitty hotel room. It sounds far fetched but after watching his taped testimony/public statement (it was very graphic and about 20 mins long) I found him believable. He wanted to challenge BO on the drug issue by saying he did, in fact, use drugs....with him, as well as gay sexual acts. Eye opening to say the least.

amyrebeccajames ago

There was a lot of info from Andy Martin during the 2008 election cycle. I don't know if he was accurate or correct as I tend to think the video I posted from YouTube about the Cult of Subuh seems to be the most accurate. Look at their photos. Identical likenesses.

zzvoat ago

Larry Sinclair

Also this: "Donald Young was the “openly gay” choir director at Trinity United Church of Christ. You remember that place, right? The church of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, famous for his mantra, “No, no, no, not God Bless America. GODDAMN America!” Yeah, that guy, Hussein’s spiritual mentor.

According to DC Clothesline, “There were two other openly gay men in Wright’s church: Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. In late 2007, as Obama began his ascent to be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee, in a span of 1½ months, all three men “conveniently” died:"

More from that article here:

The key to Obama is a name everyone should know. .. Frank Marshall Davis. "Dreams from my real father "

amyrebeccajames ago

His real father is Mohammed Subuh:

amyrebeccajames ago

Here you go: I also archived this

carmencita ago

Yes. I just became familiar with the term red pilled. Actually around the time Kanye and his rant. Believe me I have really been red pilled lately. I was convinced BO was involved by reading a lot of the articles on here but that one really was an eye opener. Of course we know that there were men and boys paraded though the WH for decades. Barney Frank and Hastert were heavily involved in hosting parties. Wake up people they are from both parties. We must all unite no matter what our religion or race. This is what is screwing up our country. The Pedo Elites.

wokethefkup ago

EXACTLY. They wish to divide us. It's a well known strategy; divide and conquer. We have the BlackLivesMatter that white people mistakenly take for "black people are better than white people", when in reality that's not what it stands for it stands for "hey, black people matter too." that's a whole other topic but that IS very well one of the strategies they are using to divide. Ignorant people take it as racism, educated people who actually research for themselves will understand this and will also understand why it is important to make us all hate each other whether by race or gender. Newsflash we now have over 70 I think? genders now. HAHA I'm not even joking, this is common shit used to turn us against each other. Remember we are all the same. We are all in this damn thing together fighting the same cause, so don't let the ones we are meant to be fighting against turn the finger on us and divide us. They laugh at that crap, because truthfully it isn't hard or rocket science to divide the masses. Once you open your eyes and take the hate you have been spoon fed since birth about other races and gay people etc, you'll start to realize the bigger picture. I'm sorry for how disorganized and sloppy this post is I'm currently smoking my morning J so excuse me but the point remains the same.

carmencita ago

I completely agree. I read earlier on in here or on reddit that Soros might be involved in funding Black Lives Matter. Ha! Yeah that is what they are trying to do. I and some others are hoping to talk to people with opposite political views and try to unite us with like causes. This will help when the time comes to present a united front against these criminals.

wokethefkup ago

Yeah i wouldn't be surprised to see Soros name pop up.

carmencita ago

He is one of the ring leaders. He and Maddy McCann both had coloboma.

wokethefkup ago

Plus he looks freaking evil as hell:x I know that's reaching but men with a lot of money and time tend to do evil things.

Truthseeker3000 ago

It was verified 100% that George Soros has funded thousands to Black Lives Matter. I've posted about this previously.

carmencita ago

Thanks for posting it and talking about it. It is important to include these items sometimes with other subjects since others may not know. It may have been your Post that first informed me. Thanks.

Azagthoth ago

BLACK LIVES MATTER IS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. I dont care if you are fucking purple. If you cant call a spade a spade, get the fuck off voat. We know what BLM is all about.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

BLM got hijacked. Started off as legit.

RexAxisMundi ago

BLM is funded by George Soros. It was never legit. Soros has a history of using groups like BLM to divide us poor people sso we never go after the rich guys. That is what BLM is, a divide and conquer tool.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Funded since the start? Doubt it. As with terrorism, groups start off for a reason and get funded later on once the appropriate party finds a use for them.

Azagthoth ago

Just look up Talcum X or Marten Loother Cream. That white boy-fuck boy isnt black enough to even liiisten to the blues

PrideOfOshtekk ago

What are you on about?

Verite1 ago

You are wrong. Stop being a DOUCHE. BLM is EXACTLY as was characterized in the well-written comment above.

amyrebeccajames ago Here is the Youtube he mentioned. Also, Alig_Aligula being his username is a likely reference to Caligula.

"Claims of divinity[edit]

Ruins of the temple of Castor and Pollux in the Forum Romanum. Ancient resources as well as recent archaeological evidence suggest that, at one point, Caligula had the palace extended to annex this structure. When several client kings came to Rome to pay their respects to him and argued about their nobility of descent, he allegedly cried out the Homeric line:[75] "Let there be one lord, one king."[76] In AD 40, Caligula began implementing very controversial policies that introduced religion into his political role. Caligula began appearing in public dressed as various gods and demigods such as Hercules, Mercury, Venus and Apollo.[77] Reportedly, he began referring to himself as a god when meeting with politicians and he was referred to as "Jupiter" on occasion in public documents.[78][79]

A sacred precinct was set apart for his worship at Miletus in the province of Asia and two temples were erected for worship of him in Rome.[79] The Temple of Castor and Pollux on the forum was linked directly to the imperial residence on the Palatine and dedicated to Caligula.[79][80] He would appear here on occasion and present himself as a god to the public. Caligula had the heads removed from various statues of gods and replaced with his own in some temples.[81] It is said that he wished to be worshipped as "Neos Helios," the "New Sun." Indeed, he was represented as a sun god on Egyptian coins.[82]

Caligula's religious policy was a departure from that of his predecessors. According to Cassius Dio, living emperors could be worshipped as divine in the east and dead emperors could be worshipped as divine in Rome.[83] Augustus had the public worship his spirit on occasion, but Dio describes this as an extreme act that emperors generally shied away from.[83] Caligula took things a step further and had those in Rome, including senators, worship him as a tangible, living god.[84]


Cameo depicting Caligula and a personification of Rome Philo of Alexandria and Seneca the Younger describe Caligula as an insane emperor who was self-absorbed, angry, killed on a whim, and indulged in too much spending and sex.[98] He is accused of sleeping with other men's wives and bragging about it,[99] killing for mere amusement,[100] deliberately wasting money on his bridge, causing starvation,[101] and wanting a statue of himself erected in the Temple of Jerusalem for his worship.[95] Once, at some games at which he was presiding, he ordered his guards to throw an entire section of the crowd into the arena during intermission to be eaten by animals because there were no criminals to be prosecuted and he was bored.[102][clarification needed]"

skippingirl ago

Fun fact: there was a movie made about Michael Alig in 2003 called Party Monster, and Michael Alig was played by none other than Macaulay Culkin, who is of course in a band called The Pizza Underground. It's a pretty weird and out-there movie, if anyone fancies watching it for research.

Party Monster Wiki

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I might eventually but I really don't want to, I can't bear to look at Culkin anymore, its a sick, tragic joke at this stage. If he was one of the favoured ones, god help these fucking children.

amyrebeccajames ago

Yeah I saw that note earlier when I first watched the Michael Alig video and I had seen the Macaulay Culkin Pizza stuff on Youtube but I wasn't sure if he was being used for that or if he's into it. I'm guessing a little of both.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. Crazy!

amyrebeccajames ago for archiving purposes

GhostOfSwartz ago

He didn't just kill a guy, he dismembered him!

Jem777 ago

This guy was mentioned before. He served many years in prison for murder was part of some boy band is on video talking about his pedophile preferences.

srayzie ago

😲 We need to look into him more!

amyrebeccajames ago

Definitely some weird occult stuff with the runes and the weird looking symbol in the middle there on that one photo for the Limelight ad on Nov. 16.

amyrebeccajames ago

The hashtag he uses is #doyouknowwhereyourchildrenare which is pretty creepy. He doesn't say #doyouknowwhereyourkidsare he uses the word children. So it sounds like he's talking about people not knowing the whereabouts of their own children, not a reference to the Club Kids. He also mocks Jesus, his own Satanism and that he is a "chickenhawk" by his own admission.