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SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

The California Club

From voat post Massive DC tunnel project

So, listening to Jimmy Church's radio show on youtube from 9th Jan I was struck when Jimmy & Brad talked for a while about the tunnel system in California that parts predated the building of the city, and other parts were built to connect mansions and clubs together, including the Playboy mansion and The California Club. I haven't started digging into this yet, but there could well be serious correlation with the DC tunnels and child trafficking.

Tunnel chat starts around 1hr 34min:

SchlongKeyhote ago

I deduced all of that over a year ago and went into some of the LA tunnels but failed to enter the California Club. I will give you some stuff, but only because you're not a total cunt like the others here.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. Going to go through those now.