SearchVoatBot ago

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Kirbyrambo ago

Very well done Patriot !!!

RampancyLambentRaven ago

At least, Trump, Khashoggi, Saudi's involved in Las Vegas shooting at the Mandalay Bay. LVPD/FBI caught in a cover up. Stephen Paddock confirmed middle man informant arms dealer federal asset. Stephen Paddock possibly exonerated as the shooter/main suspect. LVPD/FBI caught covering for real shooters, shooters from Las Vegas shooting still at large. government/law enforcement and federal agencies and intelligence agencies implicated in the murders of at least 8 key eye witnesses. The FBI/LVPD/CIA/ATF/DEA/NSA are murderers, liars, and possibly working with the real shooters/enemies. Pilatus plane in Las Vegas during the shooting indicates MBS was in Las Vegas the night of the shooting, Saudi Royals escorted out of Las Vegas by US agencies and law enforcement, possible ties to at least Iran/Contra/Fast and Furious, Jamal Khashoggi likely spy/terrorist/arms dealer and possibly he and his eventual killers were in Las Vegas the night of the shooting.

GranimalSnake ago

It's all connected. Great work OP.