Millennial_Falcon ago

So what exactly is the relevance to pizzagate?

2impendingdoom ago

Do you want me to delete the post? I thought it was okay to elaborate and add more links in the comments, The treason, connections to Russia all come directly from John Podesta's email, this shows how he involves his family in this corruption.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I guess that's sufficient. I just wanted clarification. Thanks.

2impendingdoom ago

No problem, I was originally going to do a thread on the tree podesta siblings together and then decided to break it up...

thewebofslime ago

I've come a bit further, since i wrote that. Maybe I'll do a little rewrite.

sK_DirtMcGirt ago

Got a feeling this is where it ALLLL started. My take: Podesta worked the uranium deal for the Clintons/NWO. Clintons hoped the Uranium would keep Russia happy and out of Syria, thus letting the them (Saudis/Clintons/NWO) control the pipeline. Iran was given the ((hush money)) to keep their nose out of the pipeline deal.

However, Putin pulled a fast one, said NOPE, took the uranium as well the pipeline.

Why is Putin so involved you ask? It's not just for oil. This is Russia's "coming of age" time, so to speak. This is what it is all about. Putin thinks he is the chosen one to bring Russia back to great prominence and power; The Olympic games, having a hand on the valve controlling the nat gas/ oil for southern Europe and Africa, and so on.

The deal went bad for the Clintons/NWO and now the blame game of "Russia h-hacked muh election." "Russia bad!"

Kicker is, Russia has the goods on all the dirty dealings of the Clintons their Foundation as well as Podesta and are now in the driver's seat.

This really was a war, but between Putin and the NWO. Putin won and actually saved (depending on your perspective of the globalists) the world from NWO control. This is exactly what he wanted for Russia and the history books.

MolochHunter ago

all we need to culminate the absurdity of the 'Russian Fake News' story is for someone to use this to accuse Podesta of being the 'spy' - and send him to jail for a paltry 6 months or somesuch to satisfy the need to have taken some action on him

like how in the end they got Al Capone on tax, not drug & murder

chickyrogue ago

irs is looking into the clinton foundation for tax evsion as we type! my sister said the exact same thing you have said here!

thewebofslime ago

I found this to be an interesting issue, right off the bat, because this email is further primary source confirmation of treason. The first story I read about it was from the New York Times.

Later, the offshore leaks made it possible to see the connections that lead back to Russia.

This image shows the chain of money laundering out of Sberbank, which is an arm of the Kremlin.

Some more articles:

I have maintained, since the beginning, that these issues were the most damning because they are proof of treason, misprision of treason and Voorhees Act violations. This email, combined with the Offshore Leaks is clear evidence that every American can look at and justify putting Hillary Clinton and John Podesta in jail.

2impendingdoom ago

The email that Assange (according to an interview with him) found most damning was the one stating that CF was funding ISIS (through Saudi and Qatar). I will try to find it...

PS this comment should be its own post.

thewebofslime ago

thewebofslime ago

Yeah, it got a whopping 7 upvotes.

2impendingdoom ago

Everyone is more appalled by child abuse, financial crimes just aren't prosecuted. but that was 28 days ago, try again? This board is so overwhelmed by newbie duplicate posts about katy perry or miley cyrus and maddie mccann... :(

thewebofslime ago

Maybe I'll rewrite it this evening.

2impendingdoom ago

Note Also this email from Mother (Mary) to children:

This email has also been verified by Google DKIM 2048-bit RSA key

Dad in NYT picture

From:[email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] CC: [email protected] Date: 2014-01-15 10:32 Subject: Dad in NYT picture

Times has cabinet meeting picture at page 10 showing dad looking great. While it looks like he is wearing a suit and white shirt like everyone else, he was in a short sleeved black collar shirt with his mummy looking heavily bandaged hand and arm in a dark navy sling that happened to have a white strap.

Gordon, what do you think your wonder drug in action?

Wonder drug in action???

YingYangMom ago

The hypocrisy! Good find.

2impendingdoom ago

This daughter lives in San Francisco / Dublin, CA. Married to Gordon Rouse.

anolegion ago

Megan Rouse. Weird area where she lives. Weird building where she works. Gordon Rouse is in the card game photograph which still puzzles me because even when I know the guy, girl and woman to his right are Gordon, Podesta's granddaughter and (likely) Megan - it still doesn't feel like an innocuous family game. At all.

Anyone got any leads on the elderly couple and the bespectacled guy with the pointy nose in that picture?