dundundunnnnn ago

Is the daughter drugged?

How the fuck are they aloud near this man?

dundundunnnnn ago

This is why I come to voat.

Very well done.

YogSoggoth ago

"Are these cultists devil worshippers?" If you look a the bah'i symbol it is a 9 point star. Count the axis points and you get 18. 6+6+6. Probably nothing, right?

rickman ago

A quick search on Instagram led to me discovering a slime culture of many children, girls are all I saw, uploading video clips of their hands massaging, poking, prodding lumps of this slime stuff. I'd no idea such a thing existed but I then found a video of Jimmy Kimmel promoting it.

Jimmy Kimmel makes slime with kids

Just made me wonder if this was one of those child friendly video cultures that is actually for the pleasure of paedophiles. Videos of childrens hands massaging and kneading gungy slime.

As for the kids. Why is the girl dressed like an old woman and looking rather tired? The boy seems happy enough if not a bit nervous. I don't know. That clips could easily be put down to the kids being nervous about being on camera. It's strange how different they both look compared to Dearman who looks very clean cut, smart and professional. They look like they're wearing hand me downs or charity shop stuff.

3141592653 ago

The 20 minute video on the slime website is very odd to me

3141592653 ago

This is So bizarre

mjvictims ago

If you go to the website at the end it states made by GAB, I believe that is either short for the boy's name Gabriel or short for Girl And Boy. The last name if it has some hidden meaning at all Williams comes from the German language will= desire helm = protection. But I do believe it is rather strange he chose GAB

TrendyCantina ago

From their Instagram "Hi we brought slime around a few weeks ago now and we are unable to play with it because it absolutely smells and is stiff and always has been" https://www.instagram.com/p/BhYIVtAByDk/?taken-by=wonderfulfunslime

gamepwn ago

The person who wrote that comment is named "slime_forever_mk" i.e. MK Ultra. They think we are stupid.

gamepwn ago

Just left a nice comment for them through my channel Operation Containment. Suggest everyone make a YouTube channel and do the same and comment on this video. Let them know WE KNOW.

TrendyCantina ago

https://www.ukindependentschoolsdirectory.co.uk/wp-content/themes/ukisd/scripts/timthumb.php?src=/wp-content/uploads/Southbank-Hampstead-2017-PAGE-library.jpg&w=436&h=300&zc=1&q=90 Here is one of the rooms from Hampstead school. I find it strangely ceremonial looking, and the 2 bright red chairs where I assume those in authority sit, give me pause. The circular artwork with the Sun in the middle around which the entire room is centered makes it seem like a place for ceremonies. I also found this https://www.ukindependentschoolsdirectory.co.uk/listing/southbank-international-school-hampstead/ which I find odd as well. I think they are hiding in plain site the very rooms used for satanic activites after dark, or when the curtains are drawn. The first image (above) looks to be in the basement, which is where the children said it happened...

letsdothis2 ago

This is the school the children attended at the time: https://christchurchschool.co.uk/

TrendyCantina ago

Oh isn't that interesting? No pictures of the school itself, just close ups of children with beautiful lighting? Wow. And the last one shows a book with the one eye looking back at us (occult symbolism)... Very pedophile-y choices for photographs. Why feature children when it's supposed to be about the school? Everyone knows what rich white kids look like, this does nothing to inform interested parents looking for a new school. At least the other website shows what they offer the children (library, etc), and don't waste webspace showing meaningless photos pf the children themselves. That's very telling.

TrendyCantina ago

The little boy looks absolutely haunted, as @Enigmatic_continuim stated, he has that "Damian" look; he has taken on the characteristics of his dad, a perpetrator, rather than the innocence he once had. The little girl is pretty much paralyzed, she shows almost no signs of life except for one forced "smile" which was more of a grimace. This children have been murdered while they are alive, by their father and the rest of the satanists as well as by the State and the authorities in charge of the world, who handed them BACK to the evil ones. They must feel as if the entire world except for their mother and step father are OK with what is happening to them. No wonder they have morphed into what we see today. God HELP THEM and us all, in Jesus Christ.

Narcissism ago

Its almost guaranteed that the boy will go on to become an abuser himself - its how they perpetrate their dynasties Multi-Generational Abuse creating fractured Narcissistic Personalities. At this stage the boy probably looks up to and wishes to emulate his father.

Monsters Are Made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQM1sOk57xM

letsdothis2 ago

Hannah Daragon: Hannah's Games Ltd https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/10296643

Vivienne Jackson, Peach Unicorn Designs https://www. etsy.com/uk/shop/PeachUnicornCrochet


Gab and his children run an eBay store selling handmade slime toys. They have already exported to 15 countries, and have hosted slime parties for 70+ children suffering from cancer and other debilitating diseases

Shizy ago

Ok this just freaked me out! I was going to google "Gab Williams" and the second suggestion down was "when will gabe be ready"! 😳. Ready for what? That's not even related to what I was typing!

I screen shoted it but I'm a tech-tard and don't know how to post it here using my phone. If someone wants to check and see if that's what pops up or let me know how to share a screen shot I'd appreciate it.

Shizy ago

"Gab Williams"?? WTF! That's 100% Ricky Dearman! I love how they throw this in our faces!

Here is a clip of Dearman from 2015. It's the same dude and he even has the exact same accent!


Aasb ago

Wonderful Slime is a product of the son Gabriel "Gab". Even though its the father behind the keyboard responding to orders, I assume.

Shizy ago

I can see that for Gab, but that doesn't explain the use of " Williams".

Aasb ago

This whole stuff is bizarre.

Cc1914 ago

This is my theory.. (keeping Elsa gate in mind ) regarding the " wonderfulslime " business venture . Look at the audience " Elsagate " type videos attracts. There are tons of YouTube videos of kids playing with this slime . Think of what we know about the spying capabilities. Not saying that RD himself is making these videos , but supplying the main ingredient " slime " to the children at large , will make him bigger bucks than the youtubers promoting it . I have so much more to say on this theory , but have no time right now to write it all out . Hoping someone might see what I'm talking about here and look into it further .

letsdothis2 ago

There's a lot to your theory based on what came out about him. Many people said his earlier websites were a front for porn (including children) and streaming stuff.

Cc1914 ago

Yes I remember and what a better way to " win " his children back then opening up a company selling one of the most popular kids toys ! They look dazed and confused

letsdothis2 ago

No wonder they look dazed and confused. They had a bitter pill to swallow - no one came to help them even after their story was plastered all over. Even the BBC stepped in to shut it down.

Shizy ago

And now they are living with that satanist pedophole and having to be paraded around with different identities. I'm so sad for those poor kids- and their mother!

TrendyCantina ago

Me too, this is so traumatizing even to witness! When this story came out, there was not one person i could discuss it with. None of my friends would view the videos, and there were no forums like this one.

Shizy ago

Same here. This was one of the first cases I read up on several years ago after I became aware of what's really going on in the world and it was so disturbing. It still is and pisses me off that this POS can just parade around like this with his victims on display!

TrendyCantina ago

As well it should piss you off! But evil's days are numbered...

Shizy ago

Yes they are! It's not always easy to remember that, but it's the truth!

TrendyCantina ago

We were told the signs, that it would get worse just prior to it getting better.. the darkness before the dawn we are in now.

Sackajahweeda ago

You cant even access their FB page sounds totally legit. That thirsty ass dirtbag just cant stop parading his kids in front of a camera can he? We see you Gab I mean RICKY!!!

TrendyCantina ago

GIRL FROM HAMPSTEAD ABUSE CASE BEING ADVERTISED TO THE ELITES IN SUPERBOWL COMMERCIAL https://prepareforchange.net/2017/03/14/girl-from-hampstead-abuse-case-being-advertised-to-the-elites-in-superbowl-commercial/

downwithpizzaelite ago

WonderfulSlime? Handcrafted by Gab Made with Love?

TrendyCantina ago

what does he consider "love", and what EXACTLY are the ingredients in this stuff? I feel sure he has put some liquids from his after school activities in it. This is probably a mass initiation into the dark arts, even touching this stuff is probably a part of a ceremony and none of the children not their parents have any idea. What's fucked up is that even if someone tested the stuff and found bodily fluids, Bobby would get off scott free just as he did in the past, just as all pedophiles do in London.

Shizy ago

I looked them up on eBay and Etsy. Not too much info on either, but on their Etsy the reviews are not good. I sell on Etsy and know that most people there tend to give 5 star reviews. It's really rare to see a shop with a cumulative 4 star review or less but this shop has 3.5. Many of the reviews talk about the slime being really watery or going bad shortly after purchase. Hmmmmm. Wonder what's in that stuff!

In one review the shop owner responds and has a very arrogant, flippant attitude! That's is NOT typical for Etsy or a seller who actually cares about their shop.

TrendyCantina ago


Their Instagram is creepy too https://www.instagram.com/p/BSJk2uqhZo3/?taken-by=wonderfulfunslime

Shizy ago

Ewwww! And the comment! "Everyone loves the sound of poking"?!??

TrendyCantina ago

I mean.... it's so in our face.

Sackajahweeda ago

Yeah dont mind the double entendre...Their symbolism will be their downfall. 18 cant come soon enough for those kids. I just hope that they havent been totally enducted into the cult by then.

Hopevoats ago

I have nothing to contribute; other than to say that I'm immediately deleting my innocentive account.

You are doing great work, and your contribution is much appreciated!

think- ago

Great post, @letsdothis2! I had no idea that the Baha'i Faith and the Lucis Trust were connected.

GreenDell144 ago

Great work! Everyone is worried about these kids... and you’ve brought much needed attention back to some very important elements. I find the hard drives especially interesting!

I once had a friend from a Baha’i family. Not that it’s and indicator, but he stole a bunch of stuff from me.

The religion seems like a cherry picking of all of the easier elements of other religions, mixed with the cultish admiration of a leader. It’s a surprisingly influential religion. If I’m not mistaken, their recruitment is directed towards high-IQ types and Mensa members

Joe10jo ago

I live a couple of towns over from the Baha’i “temple” here in Chicago and I’m friends with a family that’s Baha’i. If it’s any consolation, both parents went to Northwestern and be if their sons got accepted when he was around 15. Super smart, all of them. What else do you know about Baha’i bc I know nothing. I asked them about it years ago and the mom said that sometimes they’ll sing songs around the house but that’s it bc there doesn’t seem to be a traditional weekly congregation. Ohhh, and I remember hearing her say that they encourage race mixing; that particular family was mixed, as well.

GreenDell144 ago

From what I remember... there is a prophet of the religion whose philosophy gives respect to Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism. It’s an international religion. That is as much as I got when I asked. They did NO PROSELETYZIND and made no attempt to sell me on their religion.

One could take that as respect, but I respectfully asked more than once, basically leaving the door open to be introduced.

That alone struck me as weird. The family was high IQ, or at least believed they were. They totally had an effete, elitist aire.

I liken it to a less virulent strain of Scientology... basically just a thin veneer of unimportant, unbeliever dogma that covers a nepotism system based on recruiting SPECIFIC individuals, not the masses; the way that Scientology recruits drones (whom are the spies and operators of the black mail and secret-keeping apparatus) or ‘queen bees’ (which are the artists that have a narcissistic need for the ego boosting “services” of Scientology).

I need to do more research into the TYPES of people involved with Baha’ito confirm or refute my suspicions, though. I’m mostly speculating based on limited experience and light reading.

letsdothis2 ago

David Icke forum with latest comments on the video: https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=289414&page=1035

Dearman's Facebook profile in the name of Richard Ford https://imgur.com/a/k2i3uV7

and Gab Williams https://imgur.com/a/B8AbYHZ

rickman ago

Dearman is a crappy nobody wannabe actor. I think those internet marketing charlatans wouldn't dare put their own face on their websites and will most likely pay for a model/actor to pose for them.

Shizy ago

Hey how do you know that Richard Ford is Ricky Dearman? I don't think it looks like him but maybe you have more info on this?

Sackajahweeda ago

That website makng you download is sooooo 90's looking and CREEPY!!

letsdothis2 ago

SOROS AND MIRABAUD CONNECTIONS [Mirabaud is connected to Will Draper, ex-husband of the Hampstead children, banker and financier of the Hampstead 'cult']



Pierre Mirabaud Mirabaud & Cie Banquiers Privés, Asset Management Arm

Jonathan T. Allan Soros New America Foundation

letsdothis2 ago

More affiliations between Soros, Mirabaud, Central European University and even Abramovic:


Leon Botstein, Central European University

Dr. Leon Botstein serves as the President of Bard College. Dr. Botstein was employed as Special Assistant to the President for the board of education of Newyork city from 1969 to 1970. He was employed at franconia college, franconia, nh from 1970 to 1975. He serves as Chairman of Board of Trustees of Central European University. He serves as a Director of Interferon Sciences, Inc. He served as a Director of Intelogic Trace Inc. since 1985. He graduated from Harvard university, Cambridge in 1969.

voat post: PWR BTTM - Gay Punk Rock Group - Implicated in Sexual Assault, Possibly Involving Minors, Pizza related

Notice the record label is called “Father/Daughter” records? The logo is that of a man holding a little girl’s hand. The music video above has a scene with Hulk Hogan in a ballerina costume with a little girl holding his hand. A harmless early 90’s movie scene on its own, but, takes on a new meaning in context.


Email listed in above video: ob8419 @ bard. edu

This now involves Bard.edu – which has been referenced/linked multiple times before. Relations to Bard.edu:

Soros’ involvement with Bard/Funding: http://sorosfiles.com/soros/2011/10/256.html#axzz4hDpNAbiT

MARINA ABRAMOVIC Biography with 5 mentions of Bard College: http://prod-images.exhibit-e.com/www_skny_com/MA_Bio.pdf http://archive.is/B9n4c

letsdothis2 ago

Leon Botstein is married to Barbara Haskell, curator at Whitney Museum. (We have many posts involving the Whitney Museum).

Here's Barbara with Caroline Sussman, Laurie Tisch (@exxposethecriminals and @ASolo you would be interested in this):

Laura Tisch is the mother of Emily Sussman Tisch https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/31/fashion/weddings/emily-sussman-and-kevin-craw.html

The Young and the Guest List: Emily Tisch Sussman, Alefantis; Elite Snakes Den in Maine

This thread directly connects no less than 4(four) main characters in the Pizzagate Saga, the main player, James Alefantis ( his business Comet Ping Pong and Pizza named in direct correlation through email with Hillary Clinton and John Podesta by the international whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks ), Donald Sussman ( by far the single largest donor to the Clinton campaign ) Hillary Clinton and of course our other star attraction John Podesta.

The Young and the Guest List

Emily Tisch Sussman is the daughter of Donald Sussman ( himself one of the largest single donors to Hillary Clinton's 2017 Presidential run ). She also happened to be Campaign Director for Podesta's Center for American Progress, making the direct and probably most intimate connection to John Podesta.

That's not all, a Washington Life Magazine Editorial guest list of February 11, 2014 lists Emily Tisch Sussman and James Alefantis together as 2014's geniuses, visionaries, crusaders, and innovators shaping Washington.

Jason Monigold Co-Founder of Caribbean Charity Arrested for Child Rape; His Charity Worked Closely With UN-Connected Non-Profit Funded by Donald Sussman, One of HRC's Biggest Donors

A bit of news today, Aaron Dover, who wrote this piece here on Voat.co has been reported as having died by The Times, UK. Aaron was a student at the same Christchurch primary school in Hampstead, London that Ella Gareeva's children attended and testified about having been complicit in their abuse. Aaron's mother, Jenny Dover, worked at the school as well as the Tavistock Centre in Hampstead apparently.

Alefantis seeks fresh meat in Cuba

Before his life became consumed by the madness of Pizzagate, restaurateur James Alefantis, the man behind Comet Ping Pong and Buck’s Fishing and Camping, took a trip to Cuba last year with the board of the Whitney Museum of American Art. He invited Nathan to join him, even though they would have different aims. Alefantis had art business to attend to. Nathan was there to visit “like all the Jews in Havana,” Alefantis jokes. “We met all these young Jewish Cubans.”

But they also met Paolo Titolo, husband of Mariela Castro, daughter of Cuban president Raúl Castro and director of the country’s National Center for Sex Education. Titolo is an Italian photographer known for shooting members of Cuba’s transgender communities. Titolo took Nathan and Alefantis to a shantytown where they stopped at a shack with a corrugated metal roof, home to a local drag queen who makes dresses for young girls to wear to their quinceañera celebrations. Titolo told the Americans they would have to be discreet at the home.

letsdothis2 ago

Pierre Mirabaud https://www.bloomberg.com/research//stocks/private/person.asp?personId=5092867&privcapId=3716379&previousCapId=31337796&previousTitle=Central%20European%20University

Mr. Pierre Mirabaud serves as Managing Partner of Mirabaud & Cie Banquiers Privés, Asset Management Arm. Mr. Mirabaud served as Managing Partner of Mirabaud & Cie Banquiers Privés until December 31, 2009. He served as Vice President of the Board at Aéroport International De Genève. Mr. Mirrabaud serves as a Member of Board of Directors at ACH Management S.A. He serves as Member of Board of Trustees of Central European University.


ACH Management S.A. is a privately owned investment manager. The firm launches and manages equity mutual funds for its clients. It invests in public equity markets across the globe. ACH Management S.A. was incorporated in 1993 and is based in Luxembourg.

Address:20 Boulevard Emmanuel Servais

Luxembourg, 2535


That would be Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild Europe https://thebanks.eu/banks/16211 https://www.todayonline.com/business/luxembourg-fines-private-bank-rothschild-9-million-euros

Luxembourg watchdogs have fined the local arm of Swiss private bank Edmond de Rothschild for its handling of funds linked to scandal-hit Malaysian investment fund 1MDB, a source familiar with the matter said on Thursday.

letsdothis2 ago

Central European University Board of Trustees (including Soros and Mirabaud) - worth checking out : https://www.ceu.edu/administration/board-of-trustees

Rethinking Open Society _ Michael Ignatieff https://www.ceu.edu/rethinking-open-society


letsdothis2 ago

Another person on the board: Richard C. Blum


<>"Richard Blum, Dianne Feinstein's husband, chairs a company that brokers sales of USPS facilities."

"Senator Feinstein only assisted her own criminal agenda with that of her husband Richard C. Blum. I used to work for a hedge fund within the hedge fund of Richard C. Blum & Associates for five years in the 1990’s. Richard C. Blum used to pal around with ex-President Bill Clinton during this time.


DiFi's 3rd hubby, Richard C. Blum spends lots of time in the Himalayas. I think that area has a big child trafficking problem. See Board of Directors https://www.himalayan-foundation.org/who-we-are/our-team/ "STOP Girl Trafficking" https://www.himalayan-foundation.org/what-we-do/

Nepal is right next to China "Time for the 79 year old insider trader, China connected traitor, hawkish Dianne Feinstein who funneled over 1 billion in military contracts illegally to her husband Richard Blum to resign. She and her husband with Barbara Boxer's help sold San Diego ports to Cosco. Her husband was part of the pressure network which caused police to bust up Occupy in Oakland and San Francisco." http://educate-yourself.org/cn/diannefeinsteininsidetraitor25apr13.shtml

YogSoggoth ago

Feinstein's Agenda 21 Desert Protection Act To Block U.S ... Feinstein's Agenda 21 Desert Protection Act To ... 1994 the biggest gold heist in history ... the Desert Wilderness Protection Act and it's companion ... Search domain politicalvelcraft.orghttps://politicalvelcraft.org/2013/01/09/feinsteins-agenda- Bit of a read. No nonsense though.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Excellent thread! Those poor kids look soulless and the boy even appears to have that "Damian" look in the way he smiles. The conclusion of Wenig's letter is veiled in Satanism as he mentions how the holidays are upon us... who we serve.

And I'm left feeling angry and defeated.

Here we are, essentially in a vacuum, raising the awareness of those who already know about this, but go onto them streets of your home town and ask anyone you meet if they're familiar with the Hampstead children and they'll likely say 'no', then where to begin to get them from the police videos of thebkids all the way to the eBay awards to wake them up, but then what? Hope they are able to tell someone else? Most likely, they'll start researching, find Voat, and research more, and essentially get stuck in this vacuum like we all are seeing and understanding the vastness of it all and not knowing what to do with it all and how to combat the beast.

eBay, Eli Lilly, and these other companies are huge and powerful, and it's going to take more than a boycott to bring them down. Even if we do push them out of business, they grow a new head (as Hydras do) and we have to research all over again.

Palantir's eTrolls are basically useless and only exist to irritate and remind us (here in the vacuum) what we'll be faced with should we go into the real world and start talking about this vast Satanic system.

I could go on and on about this, and yes, researching and discussing this amongst ourselves and waiting for Q to reveal and waiting for the hammer to drop is starting to feel like grains of sand in my shoe.

We really can't sit behind our screens contributing to and absorbing info from a vacuum forever and expect to get somewhere. God helps those who help themselves, so what can and should we do?

Q shirts and decals can raise awareness, but Q (on the surface) only discusses politics and strategy, and many people will not be able to hang for long because they don't understand, can't keep up, or (let's be honest) will be turned off by the Trump train.

I think the main thing we need to make people aware of is the rise of Satanism. It's the only common denominator, and anyone with half a brain can see how it's being normalized in the mainstream, even if you are washing down your Eli Lilly psych meds with Stargags coffee.

Sorry for the diatribe. I'm just scratching at the walls of this matrix vacuum because I'm getting frustrated seeing more evil unfold and knowing we aren't even putting a dent in it.

dundundunnnnn ago

God sees it all.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Absolutely, but it would be so sweet of Him to let us see them get their Earthly punishment.

dundundunnnnn ago

It sure would.

YogSoggoth ago

Research can lead to arrests. Unfortunately we do it for free, but that's OK. Have you ever wondered about the effect that Frank Parlato might have had on NXIUM? Maybe, just maybe, someone from law enforcement stumbled across him and started reading.

dundundunnnnn ago

Frank Parlato ...who?

YogSoggoth ago

Frank Report.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

No, I never considered that, and I suppose it's possible. I always remember that the greatest rewards are for things we do for free.

YogSoggoth ago

Some of the last words of my grandfather, was, " the greatest feeling you can have, is truly helping someone else." He died shortly after of alzhiemers.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

A wise man indeed!

LexTalionis ago

Your scratching up the right walls. Diatribe needed, Eli Lilly references appreciated.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for this. Your reassurance is much appreciated. I'll try to find more on Eli Lilly, but it may take a while.

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you for the comment. I appreciate it. As you say, sitting behind screens one wonders what impact this type of research has. But I do it because the more I research and read other posts here, the quicker I can form links between various pieces of the puzzle. Do not despair. One day we'll have a story or link that cannot be ignored by the masses.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for understanding, and I do appreciate your research as well as many others' submissions. I also do it to feel like that one puzzle piece will be found and everyone will finally get it, but the frustration is setting in after 2 years of PG research in addition to 15 years of traveling the darkest rabbit holes, I walk around outside disappointed at the miniscule level of awareness. Maybe they're awake, but just pretending to be asleep out of fear of ridicule? Damn, I hope so. Then, there's all of Soros' SJW zombies who are brainwashed into permanent states of zombie-hood or simply just care about money, or both.

I just need to figure out a way to combine posting here and trying to wake up people in the real world. Please note that violence isn't part of anything I'm talking about and above all, I hope even the sleepy timers know that the evil ones such as Soros and Waters are the ones who are behind any violence.

I'm speaking about local businesses who have the pedo triangle and other nefarious symbols on products and literature in their store, but nowhere on their website, so keyboard researchers have no way to demonstrate this connection without being outside searching, too, and reporting back. And vice versa.

Thanks for all your hard work and don't stop. Discouraging you is not what I came in here for. Your thread and the info within just caused a spark, and that's a compliment.

Zorrilla ago

I feel a similar frustration. Not many people understand.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You summed it up well, and I couldn't agree with you more. What will it take for people to realize it's real and all around us?

LexTalionis ago

The works of Sandra Fecht have helped me present the issue of Satanism and actually the issues that stem out beyond, to people of all ages and walks of life that would not budge under any other evidence.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Hey, thanks for the tip and I'll check her out. Name's not familiar, but I'm pretty tired. I'll take all the ammo I can get in order to wake people up!

Zorrilla ago

I really don't know. I haven't had much luck in convincing people. I have been astounded and dismayed at how disinterested people are, and how thoroughly thought-controlled the average person is. It often seems like the average person is in a kind of hypnotic state and they will only accept suggestions from their "masters", i.e. mainstream sources. Any other information is attacked or quickly dismissed and forgotten. I know not everyone is like this but this seems to be the norm, and it is quite discouraging.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Very discouraging! Not that I would dabble in witchcraft, but show me a magic wand made of holly wood that would wake everyone up, and I'll use it.

letsdothis2 ago

Posting for future dissemination:

Sandy Hook Unity: The Plot Thickens http://fgcp.org/content/sandy-hook-unity-plot-thickens

John Woodall, former Harvard professor, and his wife, Margo, are head of the Unity Chapel, which has its headquarters in Haifi, Israeli.

The Woodall’s shared the following words of comfort at an Interfaith Memorial Service in Newtown, which was nationally televised on CNN. The passage was originally offered by ‘Abdul-Baha, the son of the founder of the Baha’i Faith, to a mother who was grieving for her deceased son. The Woodalls’ read the letter in its entirety

Margo then took the microphone and finished their sacred letter:

“That beloved child addresseth thee from the hidden world: ‘O thou kind Mother [and father], thank divine Providence that I have been freed from a small and gloomy cage and, like the birds of the meadows, have soared to the divine world—a world which is spacious, illumined, and ever gay [joyous] and jubilant.

Therefore, lament not, O Mother and Father, and be not grieved; I am not of the lost, nor have I been obliterated and destroyed. I have shaken off the mortal form and have raised my banner in this spiritual world. Following this separation is everlasting companionship. Thou shalt find me in the heaven of the Lord, immersed in an ocean of light.”

This is the creation of a death culture; Boston strong, Sandy Hook strong; “Sandy Hook chooses love.” Born of a global agenda that can be the most giving, it brought in millions of dollars because of the hoaxed tragedy.

From its headquarters in Haifa, Israel and under the authority of the Universal House of Justice, Baha’i is overseen country-to-country by National and Local Spiritual Assemblies. The religion is an international phenomenon, with its spiritual founder prophesying a global socio-political transformation.

What is arguably of concern is that Woodall proceeds under the cover of mental health professional while espousing an ardent globalist ideology that runs counter to the traditional political beliefs and religious faiths that, for better or worse, are espoused by a majority of the world’s population.

What a scam this is. How convenient that the supposed murder occurred where the leaders of the Baha’i faith’s Unity Project were located. They got the exposure on national television on the Interfaith Prayer Service. The rabbi sang his prayer, the Muslim had their prayer too, and the “Christians” were mostly represented by two woman pastors and foreigners. What a disgrace!


In 1995, Dr. Foley became director of the Open Society Institute’s Project on Death in America, a $45 million, nine-year project focused on transforming the culture of death in the United States through initiatives in science, the humanities, education, and professional training. Recognizing a critical need for developing leaders and palliative care experts in order to facilitate change in patient care, Dr. Foley and her team created leadership programs for physicians, nurses, and social workers around the country, including at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Dr. Kathleen M. Foley, a neurologist in pain and palliative care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and a professor of neurology at Cornell University, was appointed to the board. So was Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus.

Dr Woodall is a Harvard psychiatrist.

Palliative care pioneer Dr. Susan Block honored with Lifetime Achievement Award by American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine

She trained in internal medicine and psychiatry so she could provide both physical and psycho-emotional care. She devoted time to learning about the psychological struggles of cancer patients. And through small, just-emerging hospice programs in Boston and later, new palliative medicine programs she helped establish at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, she has cared for thousands of seriously ill patients until the end of life, discovering along the way that patients most want their doctors to listen and honor their values, wishes and goals. That insight has become the foundation of the Serious Illness Care Program she established at Ariadne Labs.

Amazon to Buy Online Pharmacy PillPack

In January, Buffett, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and JP Morgan’s Dimon announced they were creating a joint venture to cut healthcare costs and improve services. Although many view this as likely to have an impact on the broader U.S. healthcare market, it appears to be focused primarily on solving the three companies’ internal healthcare issues. Together they employ 840,000 to 1.2 million people worldwide. Last week they announced Atul Gawande as chief executive officer of the joint venture. Gawande practices general and endocrine surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and is a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School. He is also founding executive director of Ariadne Labs, a health systems innovation center.

YogSoggoth ago

Why would any such all encompassing religion use Olde English while speaking to to C-Span? Thou, shalt, ect. What exact book would they be mixing up with other books, and what is their book? Super BS for the uneducated masses.

letsdothis2 ago

The Project on Death in America: twenty years on http://endoflifestudies.academicblogs.co.uk/the-project-on-death-in-america-twenty-years-on/

To paraphrase the Beatles, it was 20 years ago this summer that a remarkable group of clinicians, academics and activists got together under the patronage of the billionaire philanthropist, George Soros, to create an initiative with the disarming goal of transforming the culture of dying – in a society that is perhaps more death denying than any other the world has known. Two women in particular – Dr Kathy Foley and Mary Callaway (pictured r. and l. here) – had a monumental role in driving this work forward over its nine years’ duration.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Fucking George Soros. I can't wait for him to kick the bucket. I often think that his and the Queen mum's deaths are going to be our best opportunities to inject the most truth into societies and have people pay attention. After all, nobody would listen while Savile was alive, but when he died, it was no holds barred and Thatcher's image will always be tarnished as we see the world waking up to this particular level of evil, but not yet seeing the grand scale. Maybe this is the key. Every time a creature dies, the spell is broken a bit more and people are able to see what they couldn't before.

letsdothis2 ago

Booz Allen and Omidyar Network are corporate members of an NSA-linked consortium called Innocentive

InnoCentive, Inc. Secures $9 Million In Venture Capital Funding Led By Spencer Trask Ventures, Inc.

InnoCentive is the first online forum that allows world-class scientists and science-based companies to collaborate in a global scientific community to achieve innovative solutions to complex challenges. Companies including Boeing, Dow Chemical, Eli Lilly and Company, Procter & Gamble and others, which collectively spend billions of dollars on R&D, post scientific problems confidentially on the InnoCentive Web site where more than 85,000 scientists and scientific organizations in more than 175 countries can solve them. Scientists who deliver solutions that best meet InnoCentive's challenge requirements receive financial awards ranging up to and over USD100,000. To learn more and to register as an InnoCentive Solver, visit the InnoCentive Web site at www.innocentive.com.

Voat post: Latest news on Oxfam sex scandal links children's charity BRIGHT HORIZONS with Clinton Foundation and many others...

This author’s previous report explained that microfinancers and re-insurers involved in Haiti in the wake of the 2010 earthquake and the secondary cholera epidemic included Swiss Re, Fonkoze, and Mercy Corp, all of whom partnered with the Clinton Global Initiative to create the Microinsurance Catastrophe Risk Organization (MiCRO). Mercy Corp is Chaired by Linda A. Mason, who also co-founded Bright Horizons, a large child care organization that has previously operated in Haiti with Mercy Corp.

Bright Horizons serves many leading corporations, including more than 95 Fortune 500 companies and 75 of Working Mother Magazine’s “100 Best Companies for Working Mothers”. Our employer clients include Abbott Laboratories, Alston & Bird, Amgen, Bank of America, Boeing, Bristol Myers Squibb, British Petroleum, Citigroup, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan Chase, LandRover, Microsoft, Motorola, Pfizer, Royal Bank of Scotland, Starbucks, Target, Timberland, Toyota, Union Pacific, Universal Studios, and Wachovia.

The Real Russian Trolls are American Democrats: The Money Trail from Putin to the DNC Propaganda Machine

The Center for American Progress is a 501(c)(3) organization under U.S. Internal Revenue Code.[16] In 2014, CAP received $45 million from a variety of sources, including individuals, foundations, labor unions, and corporations.[44] From 2003 to 2007, CAP received about $15 million in grants from 58 foundations.[45] Major individual donors include George Soros, Peter Lewis, Steve Bing, and Herb and Marion Sandler. The Center receives undisclosed sums from corporate donors.[46] In December 2013, the organization released a list of its corporate donors, which include Walmart, CitiGroup, Wells Fargo, defense contractor Northrop Grumman, America's Health Insurance Plans, and Eli Lilly and Company.

letsdothis2 ago

On the Baha'i Faith and the Lucis Trust: The Spiritual United Nations

The Lucis Trust was originally founded in the 1920s by the renowned occultist Alice Bailey under the name of the Lucifer Publishing Company. The Trust is recognised by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and is represented at regular briefing sessions at the UN. The Lucis Trust is also a member of the UN Economic and Social Council. Interestingly Robert Muller served as the Secretary of this Council for many years. Until recently the Lucis Trust was located at 666 United Nations Plaza and lists its official sponsors as the UN, Greenpeace and Amnesty International.

Alice Bailey claimed to be able to channel a spirit guide called ‘the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul.’ Robert Muller was a disciple of Bailey and in his World Core Curriculum it is explicitly stated that "the underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice Bailey by the Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul." Bailey taught that the ‘World Spiritual Teacher’ would soon appear and lead the world into the Age of Aquarius and it was the task of her disciples to “prepare the way for His imminent appearance.”

Bailey claimed that this reappearance required intense meditation and the reciting of the Great Invocation. Former UN Sec-Gen Dag Hammarskjold was also a follower of Bailey and he was responsible for the construction of the Meditation Room within the UN building. Meditation meetings have been held regularly within this room for decades and they open with a recital of Bailey’s Great Invocation..

The Baha’i organisation claims to have a close working relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO) and with the United Nations Environment Programme. It is also involved in joint activities with UNIFEM and UNICEF as well as many other religious, environmental and social programs within the UN. The Baha’i spiritual beliefs mirror almost exactly those described by the Lucis Trust and AAC described above. They too are waiting for the imminent arrival of an ‘Enlightened Being’ who will lead humanity into a ‘new world order’

Crisis and Opportunity Part 1 of 3 - Lucis Trust

letsdothis2 ago

Posts involving the Bahai Faith which is connected to the Lucis Trust and the United Nations:

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

And a Harvard psychiatrist who specializes in trauma and belonged to the UN Baha'i Faith just happened to move to Newtown shortly before the shooting.

That Harvard psychiatrist was recently mentioned in a Joel Davis post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2612544/13161356

Interestingly, the psychiatrist from Sandy Hook John Woodall and Joel Davis both follow Susannah Sirkin who 'oversees PHR’s international policy engagement including our work with the United Nations, domestic and international justice systems, and human rights coalitions.' https://medium.com/@susannahsirkin/followers

Edit: Bill Clinton with Sirkin in 2012 https://www.flickr.com/photos/physiciansforhumanrights/10174699353

letsdothis2 ago


Along with the institutionalized secular faith of carbon-centric environmentalism that figures centrally in the Bahá’ís’ undertakings, the Unity Project’s understated transnationalism is likewise making inroads at public schools and in communities throughout the world. As in his previous endeavors, the Sandy Hook tragedy has provided the backdrop for Woodall’s evangelizing that seeks to realign the traumatized individual and group toward certain ideals and norms. What is arguably of concern is that Woodall proceeds under the cover of mental health professional while espousing an ardent globalist ideology that runs counter to the traditional political beliefs and religious faiths that, for better or worse, are espoused by a majority of the world’s population.

letsdothis2 ago

Excerpts from a Yoichi Shimatsu article: https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?12504-Who-is-Pierre-Omidyar-and-why-does-the-Ebay-billionaire-want-to-fund-Glen-Greenwald#.WziWbKdKg2w

In stark contrast to his libertarian posturing, Omidyar is connected at the hip to the very same intelligence nexus that he publicly condemns, particularly Booz Allen Hamilton, the NSA security contractor that employed Snowden in Hawaii and Japan . One of the major investment partners with Omidyar Network, Salvadore ”Sal” Gambianco, sits on the board of directors of Booz Allen Hamilton Holdings.

Booz Allen and Omidyar Network are corporate members of an NSA-linked consortium called Innocentive, a consultancy focused on crowdsourcing (read: data-mining of public-opinion polls, consumer surveys and Internet-based personal data). Other member-companies include In-Q-Tel, a developer of communications monitoring software spawned with millions in start-up capital from the CIA.

Also represented is the In-Q-Tel spin-off Palantir, which creates fictive personas or virtual trolls to mount smear campaigns to debunk or threaten journalists and critical websites online and in letters to editors. Palantir, which refers to itself as an “electronic warfare” firm, has created a meta-data collection program similar to the NSA’s PRISM. Michael Leiter, former head of the National Counter-Terrorism Center , is the executive counsel to Palantir.

Another corporate partner in Innocentive is Lilly Ventures, the investment arm of Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals, which produced LSD for the MK-ULTRA mind-control program and is now the lead partner in the Obama-sponsored national brain-mapping project. Full-spectrum surveillance is advancing from wireless electronics into the bio-network of the human synapses, the last frontier for total mind control. The objective of pre-crime pre-cognition, that is, the detection of criminal tendencies, for instance, resistance to authority, and intervention before the crime can happen. Using drugs to impair the mental capabilities of individuals is, of course, only a part of a wider and larger program of social engineering to ensure domination of the globalist elites over any increasingly dependant and expendable population.

As birds of the feather that flock together, Booz Allen Hamilton and Omidyar Network are a pair of ducks in the NSA-CIA pond. These intelligence links are so thinly guised, it beggars belief that an attorney like Greenwald who practiced law in New York City could be so oblivious to the conflict of interest in regard to the security of his client Edward Snowden.

Who is Pierre Omidyar?

Since the existing grude match between the clowns of American and British intelligence cannot continue indefinitely, a new character must be introduced onto the circus to relieve the tension. As a person with close ties with the spy masters of U.S. , Britain , France and Abu Dhabi , Pierre Omidyar arrives with a shocking suddenness as ringmaster for the Greenwald acrobatics.

letsdothis2 ago


I have made the claim, which I can't substantiate without sharing something I'm not able to share, that the SAP sevrers the Clinton Campaign illegally used were provided by Booz-Allen-Hamilton.

YogSoggoth ago

You probably already have this, but just in case Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation. He was the one doing the 'as below, so above' gang sign with Bill Clinton and Joel's mentor.

letsdothis2 ago

Wonderful slime website was created in March 2017 https://imgur.com/a/zc7ycjg

fartyshorts ago

The links on the bottom of the page (Terms, etc.) are all broken, btw.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=Dh9sFl62jpQ :

Do you recognise these children? Are they really happy? - YouTube

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=fQhn5t5-j8w :

Enter the 2018 eBay for Business Awards UK - YouTube

https://archive.fo/InDAy :

Here’s the memo eBay’s CEO just sent to staff in the wake of Donald Trump’s surprise victory - Recode

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