DCmommaBear ago

Yup exactly, you must be from the snakes pit too! haha

DCmommaBear ago

No problem, maps and stats can only get you so far. Regretfully I know the DC Metro area all too well.

Yuser_Manuel ago

One of Booz Allen Hamilton's largest office locations is located in Clear Lake Texas..which is right outside of Houston and Galveston. Hmm.

Cbradio ago

Oh 12/122306 Stanford email. Its about doing a same hotdog party as Obama, using same source!! And they also joke of how Obama used $65 k tax dollars.

Podesta email 14395 in 2008, set from Comet Obama dinner from Alefontus to Podesta and others; anyone notice how J Palminieri writes email to just IPod sta, takes Alefontitus out of group, and writes " Geez, who is this guy!" Lol, shows in 2008 that they thought Alefontus was desperate to buddy buddy up with them and Obama! What date is Alefontus visits to Obama, start for in 2008, this email shows that he was NOT in direct connect to Obama and J Palmineiri is making fun of him, bugging Podesta to come and bring Obama!!!))

Well as Alefontus and crew, surely reading bout, here you go James, proof you are a lower desperate fall guy to ones above you. Lol

And also a domino game andpizza email with Stafford.

Then the email set of ones who did weekly pizza back in day( appears yuppy age) that they wrote, now have jobs in govt and corp high up.

Then the " pizza program emails using Eloqua software.

Then at least 3-4 emails of ones applying for Stafford jobs that add they eat pizza, like pizza, sick of Hawaiian pizza, etc.

And other ones I listed that I found on Stafford, but also the just released ones in Turkey, that is pizza leptidoptera ( means butterfly ))

ALOT of same pizza talk as podesta to comet)))) How odd!!

Cbradio ago

Hi, I agree and you summarized it well.

On the Stratford emails, when keyterm search, " pizza; what on earth does the email set mean about the people that used to always meet for pizza weekly, that are now in high govt and corp jobs? How does weekly pizza meetups, lead to high jobs?

I will try to find the number of that email for you to see, but I just went through @ 3671 emails of Stratford, using pizza as the search term on Wikileaks.

Two other sets of Stratford emails are highly questionable as, 1. The "pizza program where they are troubling shooting with Eloqua software, Tims pizza party, subscribers including overseas not using a pizza box yet ( separate computer), and a lot more with that email set. Eloqua software has a lot of control over what subscribers, visitors, non subscribers can see and where thy can be web page routed. One email is concern of a non subscriber that got in. And on the emails, two Dif websites are listed, but I went to them and they are domains for sale.

  1. The many emails of both Austin Pizza and CC, and another title. The Austin pizza ones, have only a number and then an attachment inside the email. Ex: number 18, 22, etc. All these " billing type ones have attachmts. I have not looked to see if I got any downloaded yet, SO many attchmts of all sizes, very large ones too.

  2. Email set, where one attchmt does not DL, but just opens up to a pic of cartoonish turtles eating a pizza. So similar to comet stuff. On a email reply, a Staford staff, calls another staff, Donatella. ( fashion Versace guru).

Two more attchmts, opened up with no download in the email sets of #pizza project with that Eloqua software used. Both were Dif sign up customer subscriber pages. So what is this Pizza Project that they are designing with Eloqua and doing a lot of safety testing for it, in those emails?

The one email of two Stafford, in conflict about the pizza project meeting with Tim, is also eye opening. Its a rare conflict drama on the Stanford emails, so both people, write ALOT.

DCmommaBear ago

I wouldn't call Falls Church a "small town"....it is very much a city, just minutes from D.C. Also, Falls Church has a high population of minorities and immigrants. It was initially a small community of humble homes in the 50's-80's, but has since turned into low income area being surrounded and choked out by wealthy communities such as McLean, Vienna and Tyson's Corner.

yabbadoody ago

"Ah, Grasshopper... I see you are catching on!" - Master Po, Kung Fu tv series

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing with pdf warning. (pdf's contain executable code and therefore can contain viruses. I recommend virus-scan before opening.)

Cbradio ago

McClean, Va, wikipedia states that Kennedy FAM had homes there. Reminds me of a case with Kennedy ones at teen ages, where the blonde, girl neighbor came up missing, killed. Anyone remember that case?/ I watched a lot of utubes on it, some year back. Very odd case, a lot of coverup in the small rich town on east coast. Don't know if it was McClean or upper east coast state, rich town. A horrid case for the family and how much cover up occurred and bad cop layman work in investigating. Yet, I think one cop worked very hard to solve, and was bullied and gaslighted.

Nana66 ago

Yes I've seen unsolved mysteries type stuff about that case I thought it was in the Hamptons which I would be willing to guess has a lot of secret societies etc.

Cbradio ago

Yes, lots of strange history..))

save_thechildren ago

Cargill holds contracts worth 550M from Department of Defense

Cbradio ago

Ah, Booz Allen is so odd like Stratford. Thanks for all you found. I key searched, " pizza," in Stratford, Syria, and new Turkey wikileaks dump last many hours.

Stratford emails, @ 3671 come up, under pizza, search term. There is a huge email set of a "pizza project, " that Stratford did, that they use market software, Eloqua. The email discussions are quite revealing, including a lurker caught, how to route the pizza customers to various parts of the website, pizza box as an extra computer to not use with rest of computer use but keep seperate, a conflict between two of them about a upcoming meeting that reveals much as is a drama versus most Stratford emails are ones getting along well.

And also their emails of billing with both Austin pizza, and ones labelled CC, or other labels. Open the email or say, the Austin Pizza billing ones, the email just says a number, like 18, 22, etc. All billing emails, have attachments. I DL some, waiting to see if my memory can handle these large files. Many many attachmts on Stanford, under pizza search terms.

Some surfer, software guy in Cali is in those Stafod emails. Resumes of ones to get jobs, at least three also add they eat pizza or something along those conjectures, which is odd.

Also, one email has a file that opened right away, and is of turtles eating pizza, and one staff calls another, "Donatello ( fashion guro).

I find another email set that talks about ones in yuppy age ( yuppy not term used,), but was about politics and voting; and Staford staff wrote about how that group had a part of " weekly pizza dinners, " and are all in high govt and corp positions, now.

Also, email(2-3 sets) on the cops shot in Texas and another violent event in that immediate time period, are due to Mexican gangs, Mexican president working with CIA, and Texas cop shooting was a huge drug sting with mafia gangs, more than one shooter. Very Dif than what we are getting from the news about a Veteran. And now another Veteran shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport, this week..)))

And the Turkey recent dumps are hard as in another language but, found one with " pizza leptidopera." I looked up that word, and " leptidopera," means butterfly! ( monarch ??).

DCmommaBear ago

This is interesting! May deserve it's own post, with links attached to the emails you found.

Cbradio ago

Thx..I hope more can connect the dots. To do a subverse, takes some tech aspects, I'm not good at. I'm behind on stuff, including compiling more related data on all this, to post...hope your well..))

save_thechildren ago

On another pizzagate thread it was mentioned that Cargill manufacturing was involved in getting rid of bodies- there are 3 plants in Virginia.

Nana66 ago

Ugh...I like meat though :-(

srayzie ago

What gets me is that, when a child abuser or pedophile goes to prison, they have to be put in a different area from other inmates. Why? Because prisoners hate kid fuckers and they will attack or kill them. (I would prefer they sodomize their asses raw on a daily basis with foreign objects and beat the hell out of them. Death is fast and suffering ends. They need to suffer like the kids did).

My point is that prisoners have to be stopped from hurting or killing these sick fucks. But, government leaders, who are supposed to protect and serve our country, are many times either the predators or the protectors. Or both! It's pretty sad that some of the ones making our laws and enforcing our laws protect their own or are criminals themselves of the most vile crimes.

MaryWolf ago

Nana66 ago

I read a comment on facebook from a random person this morning and that's what made me wonder about them.

srayzie ago

The wife, mayor, is still free after this?? News Press editor Nick Benton (one of many infamous letterAwriters) shielded the Gardners through a second trial and after, despite a new focus on a hireAtoAmurder scheme by the Gardners to kill victims before they testified as teenagers. Ms. Gardner made bank deposits to pay the hit man, and incriminated herself further in a secretly recorded phone conversation proving obstruction of justice.

Nana66 ago

If you can put together a new (approved) post on what you find on them so we can get more people investigating them and their ties, feel free to start one. You can link my post for reference.

srayzie ago

Did they delete your post you mean? Post in pizzagatewhatever or bring it up in a comment section

Nana66 ago

No, I was just thinking if you have more time and expertise for research on the subject and interaction with commenters then go for it because I am barely having time for responding never mind investigating. I am also not sure what I can do with information except share it and hope someone can do something useful with it. Comments don't usually get much traction.

srayzie ago

Yeah I'll be looking into it. I can share it in comments too

save_thechildren ago

Sorry this is in Virginia in the area you are discussing

Nana66 ago


save_thechildren ago

Has anyone looked into Mt. Weather Emergency Station? Lots of underground tunnels- weird reviews about taking bone marrow and one woman saying they finally gave her baby back.

Cbradio ago

I keep finding bone , prostrones, etc in connection and multi sustainable industries.

Many that I have posted, but here are five of many that I have found: 1. Alefontus friend, Septime Webre Facebook has a Dr Sachiko Kuno post and comment. Kuno and husband run Sucampo Pharmeuticals, www.nasdaq/ markets/ ipos/ filings.....)) has mass info and prostrones are fat tissues used for their meds, specifically Amitiza, with high use in all types of institutions. Sucampo Pharmaceuticals corp is huge on Nasdaq and Amitizo med is also with corp, Takedo Pharmaceuticals. Sucampo filings and related entities they run and have filed from local up to fed, and with nasdaq and fda are with either Dr. Kuno or husband.

  1. Wynne/ Podesta email set. Illegal spine surgeries, three in USA died. Bone filler.

  2. Retsch Corp, human bone mills for medical procedures. Retsch website, PDF file list they use a San Antonia place as a tissue/ bone donor site.

  3. Bio- diesal using bone, called CA/ calcium waste as catalyst. Www.science direct.com

  4. ?? Worldwide corp, Ingredion, bio material food is as open a industry/govt label as bio- diesal and bio- medical materials. Ingredion is all over world, including USA and Sub Saharan Africa ( area mentioned a lot by fbianon on 4 chan). 2009 Food Summit, Ingredion corp was one of many attendees.

  5. Planned Parenthood: www.life news.com Lots of articles of PP sending body parts to Stem Labs, etc.

  6. Also, Stanford emails have a male in Syria that was caught with his apt having meat grinder and many boxes of soap.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I have questioned is human bodies in our food and medicines! Omg! I want to vomit!!

Cbradio ago

I know, me too. More I dig up, ( and its and endless dog in this multi bio, sustainable industries), lose my appetite, nausea vibe. So disgusting.

Nana66 ago

I am thinking Virginia should secede...

remedy4reality ago

or be invaded and conquered

bolus ago

Kevin mccarthy's office is in mclean, i believe, and conneb ii and iii are registered 5 miles away in vienna.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh thanks, Ann Rice wrote vampire chronicles. Haven't read either. Thanks for the correction.

Cbradio ago

There is that movie with Johnie Depp and vampires that all this makes me think of.

Cbradio ago

In book, " Let Haiti Live," motels are given huge monies for housing refugees. Many of these motel owners are different race groups, including the spa one you posted.

Motel owners have also been receiving huge govt movies to house multiple welfare populations ( homeless, ones from lead/ heater/ water tainted low income housing victims, drufmg addiction, prison release, domestic violent victims), and as the survivor book mention in detail; the female refugees sent to the motels. These owners are making alot of money!!

Nana66 ago

Thanks......for finding the link....that I thought I pasted...the exact same link even with very little description.......and so many to choose from like this one http://wonkette.com/470312/virginia-town-shuts-down-ladys-spa-for-sexytime-because-a-man-tried-to-rape-her

Are you a wizard?

2impendingdoom ago

Ok, so I read your comment, and then went to look at the links. First one I open and first thing I see is mention of Rice family. Author of Vampire Diaries name is Ann RICE. and what in hell is Kalogenetics?

Nana66 ago

I have always thought the Podesta brothers teeth look scary.

Cbradio ago

I've been digging through all of wikileaks. Podesta has Raynaud's and there is a email set with his Dr, about changing high Bp meds.

Syria emails and the recent Turkey dumps. There are emails that come up with pizza as search term. Turkey ones are not translated, so its hard and need ones that can read it or translate. But found pizza emails that say "pizza LEPTIDOPTERA." Lepidoptera means BUTTERFLY!!!!! ( monarch???)

Some state the missing girl in Brazil case, is just two suspect drawings; but the two Podesta bros look distinctly different in height, weight, face features and both have very distinct looks. I find it too convenient to blow it off, as fact they both look so different from each other with uncommon looks, and the drawings look just like them, even with specified face marks drawn.

Also, fact that Podesta parents were also well known for their $dinners," makes it suspicious if "dinners of crime, " are a family tradition, just like the Rockefeller's historical, "suspicious meal."

Did you know that Tony Podesta worked at a meat slaughter factory?/ Odd choice, as from a Dc connected parents.

Podesta and wife, with the 2-3 couples that they dinner, vacation with; many went to same college in a small town in Illinois. I searched in a similiar direction as you, and an odd unsolved crime came up. A lady found burnt in a abandoned industry, bones inside a burning brick apparatus. That town and surrounding, have some odd histories , also.

I searched abandoned towns and ghost towns. The upcoming new South Hollywood, is South of Atlanta. South Georgia pulls up a lot of abandoned areas or barely any population, high poverty. Train tracks pulled up all over, booming areas died out fast.

Many southern and up the east coast areas have strange stories, connected not just to ghost town, but huge castle like homes and resorts started by ultra rich.

I think pedogate is a long historical with ultra rich, yet populace entered into satanic vampish, just like I'm finding now, all over web and platforms; and on a very long list that was compiled on a blog of both CP's and court cases of severe violent crimes via Satanists. That list is so long, shows courts, judges, authorities, CP's, drs and more have been very aware a long time; yet not only do not inform masses; but blatantly ignore in all the psychological associations, journals, DSM manual, and mental health agendas and programs. Psych industry is even joining the propaganda of the "false news." Look at their tweets and journal stories.

Also, Dc cop website has a separate link for transvestites murdered. And, there are mass unsolved crimes in DC, of all ages, including infants, mostly black. Some have been advocating for years for the cops and politicians to solve these cases, esp this older black man that has made some small news excerpts.

I was also looking up motel and hotel murders, and quite a number of unsolved ones all around these areas. Ones can look, or I'll post later, as I have been digging deep in other areas and need to catch up on things.

As you dug up this "intelligence unit, " I dug up Stratford emails, with search term pizza that pulls up @ 3671 emails. There are many odd email sets, including many attachments to look at, but cp carefully.

Stratford has email set on a " pizza project, using software Eloqua. Has anyone seen or discussed, as that project is very odd and Eloqua allows tracking and designate customers to web sections; and Stratford staff is repeatedly discussing such.

Also, many Austin pizza emails that the opened email will have a typed number, such as 18, 22; then an attachment. Also, other emails like that, some labelled "CC, with attachments. Also, emails on yuppie age people that had , " weekly pizza," that moved on to positions in govt and high corp. And a domino email with pizza that is written very similar to the Podesta one. And more.

Also, Alefontitus is connected to Septime We're, and on his Facebook is Dr. Sachiko Kuno. Kuno and wife own pharmaceutical corp Sucampo that uses " prostrones, " that are from human fatty acids.

Sucampo is on nasdaq.com with Take do Pharmaceuticals with medicines, such as Amitizo. The NASDAQ profile has much info, including Amitizo is highly used in all types of institutions.

Then, Planned Parenthood articles connect PP to these corps and stem labs.

Also, Operation Crops Country has agents mention that young girls are sent to CPs or Vista Maria. Vista Maria is worldwide as is Boystown. Both have huge past cases of pedi abuses. Vista Maria is connected to the Sisters of Good Shepard and Ireland cases, that also include slavevwork abuse of poor females, bodies buried and found, pedo, Maas financial frauds.

In these cases currently, even with mass bodies found and abuses, nuns involved refuse to pay back victims that won rights to be paid.

Both the nun and Boystown have not only become huge and worldwide, but have expanded in services and structures with schools, research hospitals, and Boystown using group homes, sponsor families. Boystown is mentioned over 100 times in the Haiti refugee/ deportee survival book, "Let Haiti live." Pg: 215, stares that Boystown in S Fl, children sent to VA and NY, often to "sponsor families."

It IS easier to dally up paperwork, hide kids through short term placements of "sponsor fams," then foster or adopt routes, BTW.

You dug up a lot of good data. Thanks!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Make sure you save this post. Good job on finding this info.

Cbradio ago

Thx, can you save too, limited right now ..))

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sure thing :-)

Cbradio ago

Thank you.

alliecapone ago

Did you know that Tony Podesta worked at a meat slaughter factory?/ Odd choice, as from a Dc connected parents.>

That piqued my interest. I didn't know that. Just my opinion, but I process my own deer meat. I believe you'd know how to quarter a person the same way by learning how to do such a thing. Not that I plan to. I better put that disclaimer out!

Cbradio ago

Yes, agree, for there are regular hunters that do, and preppers; yet a lot of serial killer ressrch is with the job choice history. Even a lot of the nurses in have story that were killing infants at hospitals. And Podesta comes from a rich, Dc in group FAM, so the choice to work slaughter is odd.

Someone on bout, sent me the link of a video of Podesta from YouTube; Sorry I don't know it off hand. But Podesta is dang creepy in the video and how he thinks to talk..)) It is bizarre.

2impendingdoom ago

Based on Dulles Brothers maybe?? I agree that the movies are probably designed to be confused with false memories.

SmilingWide ago

I remember researching another story in McLean at an airport as well... Something about secret FBI or some other Alphabet planes that were flying under fake front companies.... This was pre-pizzagate.


“Specific aircraft and their capabilities are protected for operational security purposes.” Allen added that the FBI’s planes “are not equipped, designed or used for bulk collection activities or mass surveillance.”

Nana66 ago

I recall a post on here about an airport in VA that is unusually able to accept international flights.

Cbradio ago

I looked into both military shipping ports and the huge industrial commercial ones. There are recent business article ones about the commercial port ran by some real rich fellow Volume and shipping containers is up, biggie, including the 20 foot containers.

Nana66 ago

There is a really good post on here talking about investigating shipping companies and ports including stuff about dock workers finding urine and feces in shipping containers. I'm not sure how to find it but I also have a post touching on this subject when I remembered this about Trumps new transportation secretary pick....in the article I linked maybe they omitted other cargo from the story that couldn't be brushed under the rug. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1481507

Cbradio ago

Thank you. Urine and feces..whoa..I had posted a link to the huge VA commercial.port about major higher volume and use of the 20 ft ship containers. Thanks for the link. I hope to find the urine, feces ones you saw.

Digging into the very rich man that runs the VA shipping ports, might be connections to others. Very odd, all the major monopolies allowed on ports and any resource; as also gives such blind trust to one or few people or big corps to adhere to laws and govt contracts in USA or abroad.

Ones are getting anxious that Trump is focusing on the Federal Acquisition Handbook. Look at Dec. 22, Politico article, " Trump's 440 billion dollar Weapon."

Not even the ongoing VA scandal or covered up Obamacare frauds, ever have media or govt staff, mentioning federal contracts and the contract mandates that are to be adherred to, mandate reported by any level of govt corp staff asap to OIG ( OFFice of inspector general and other high ups). Even Bernie Sanders, heading the VA admin on scandals, never mentions the base legal violations of the VA scandal is at govt contract level, Federal Acquisition Handbook and all the govt corp contracts federal and in each state.

2impendingdoom ago

Winchester VA, a bit further out. There are a bunch of military type orgs (Army Corps of Engineers, Space camp, National Guard, etc) and shady spook related businesses in Winchester. Look for post in /whatever

Cbradio ago

There are, and their naval ports. And the commercial industrial ports have been big in industry business news this year and last.

Ran by a major rich fellow, volume and ship containers have gone up big time; esp the use of 20 ft containers.

Also, a old navy ship, is used by ocean researchers that goes up and down the coast, to Bahama areas. The ship has the capabilities of launcher vessels on the boat, that can quickly be used for ones to have smaller vessels to leave the ship. Forgot name, as dig that up weeks, ago, posted it on here.

And, in Haiti refugee, deportee survival book, " " let Haiti live," the south fl ports are used and mentioned a lot; also mentioning various govt groups and programs involved. Routing of refugees is very set up, according to age, gender, asylum, and more. Boystown, Krone, motels, Brevard jail are used, as is a dentist to check teen male teeth as minor or over age 18.

Asylum ones are sent to Guatoma at the ports they arrive. Then later sent to Australia, Venezuela, or Guatamala.

Females, all ages, routed in Dif systems than the males. Minors sent to Boystown in S fl, then to boystowns all over USA, yet page 215, speaks of how sent to VA and NYC, " sponsor homes."

Book stresses that even with immediate families, ones routed and contact is very limited, even with phones.

Krones Facebook has a lot of immigrants posting and protesting. Lots to interview and observe if anyone in S FL, or VA, including the seaports.

Boystown is now 12 main locations, all on coastal locations, except for initial Nebraska ones! Dc, New mexico ( not far from Epstein ranch, Texas.

I've noticed that male minors and immigrant/ refugeesDeportees are more Boystown outed; as females from USA ( operation Cross Country) and Northern European ( more Caucasion) are more routed through Vista Maria/ Our Good Sheperd ( connects to Ireland cases and the nun npos expanded worldwide and all over USA as did Boystown); is more female minors / caucasion routing.

It appears that Alefontus and DC ones are more into the Caucasion children. Are Alefontus visits to Dc, timed with many children "Obama talks," due to updates with routing of children with either the more south usa , Boystown routing and the more upper NE USA, routing of children to the Vista Maria/ Good Shepard's routings, as both Npo groups are also aligned with CPS?

Can Bosnia children be found routed with Good Sheperd, and what about current Allepo children refugees?/I would think that Aleppo children are at high risk now, and at least at first routed locations at this junction of time. And, any way to find out who are "sponsor families," in VA, DC, NY, east coast areas?/ By law, they would have had to do applications and group training classes. Ones in those areas, could even try to start the process of being a "sponsor FAM," to find out more. And there might be lists or blogs of such families, in govt data or on web blogs, Fb, Utube...))

2impendingdoom ago

Lone Ranger? You got your account back!!

Cbradio ago

Lol, hi thx for remember me. Same password that would not work, finally did. Hey, I can't find on vout, where to change pword, do you know? I looked all over my account settings.

But ya, glad for almost 700 research posts that took Mass hours of research.but now I'm way deeper in research in multi areas, and way behind compiling..

2impendingdoom ago

hit the little gear button next to your voat numbers and the little lightbulb to change password

Cbradio ago

Thanks..( a must step on my to do list..appreciate))

Dagnysghost ago

Wow, good work! The mayor? And what a piece of work that wife is.

badastrid ago

This is excellent. Thanks!

fifibrindacier ago

I'll have a look into this. Thanks.

As you are investigating, dont share any personal information (last line) and use vpn.

2impendingdoom ago

Hi Nana, Booz Allen is where Edward Snowden worked, they are contractors for NSA, which is located in McLean.

fartyshorts ago

Hello, voaters. Please take a look at our thread about the Finders, where PieInTheEye found some mind-blowing details about the NSA, Booz Allen and PRISM. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1506915

evilhillary ago

Booz Allen is a huge gov contractor, they employ 20k+ people and do (pretty much) anything and everything the federal government needs contractors for. From people like Snowden working intel jobs, to basic website design for NIH. They are "consultants" which can basically mean anything but several people in VA, DC and MD work for Booz Allen doing normal (if often times wasteful to the tax payer) work. The headquarters is in McClean but snowden worked out of Baltimore I believe. They have offices everywhere. A similar consulting firm is Deloitte. There are a handful of these firms that basically do the jobs of (and sometimes fleece) the incompetent federal bureaucracy.

Freemasonsrus ago

I thought Snowden was working for NSA in Hawaii... Booz Allen Hawaii?

vector3rector ago

The contractors, Whether directly employed or as a private contractor., usually have enough knowledge and experience, where they aren't bound to a single location. If anything, Ed, was probably "stationed" in Hawaii., because that's probably where the networks, he was monitoring, where based out of. There can be many advantages the Intel and InfoSec community can gain, by having their operatives, onsite where the data collection is occurring., or where maintenance and logistics work is needed.

Freemasonsrus ago

His location stuck out when all the weird shit went down on 4chan with the weird locale in HI that was suspect. So I have wondered if he was aware of that location and what was going on there. Always felt he knew more but also knew when (like FBI anon) to point in a direction vs flat out saying everything he knows.

Nana66 ago

Thanks I am going to throw that into my post.

2impendingdoom ago

Please double check this, I'm so scattered today I shouldn't be trusted as 100%

2impendingdoom ago

Smells like "russian hacking"

Did you notice this little morsel of goodness:

Whatever the case, Booz has another embarrassing incident on its hands and those who own stock in the company are seeing their value drop. A former Booz employee who had stock told me they'd lost $5,300 in the last 20 minutes. One of Booz's top brass - head of the defense business Joseph Logue - had gotten lucky, however. On 29 September, Logue sold $1.3 million-worth of company shares. FORBES understands this was not linked to Martin's arrest.

The company issued the following statement: "When Booz Allen learned of the arrest of one of its employees by the FBI, we immediately reached out to the authorities to offer our total cooperation in their investigation, and we fired the employee.