Iyd10 ago

Check this out published 01/12/18:

"The Satanic Temple is considering suing Twitter for religious discrimination after a tweet appeared on the platform to burn down the Temple and was retweeted, including by former child actor Corey Feldman.

Feldman tweet:



We all know pizzagate has a "Satanic" aspect, but the church of Satan is far from the "cult" we're dealing with here. I think this is more evidence Feldman is a puppet. Does anyone really take the church of Satan seriously? They're kinda silly imo. Perfect fall guy though.

migratorypatterns ago

Here's the letter from Mara Moon about why she quit.


migratorypatterns ago


It's another platform to get on. Oh, shit! Forgot to post that article I saw about Feldman. Let me see if I can find it. In the meantime, here he is threatening the girl who quit Corey's Angels. How did he threaten her? Why ala Weinstein of course! He told her she'd never work in LA again! Funny, eh? Here's the soft, tender-hearted Feldman actually threatening someone with those words. Yeah, cuz he ain't a POS.


1Saturnwest ago

Just came across the photos for the opening nights of Valkyrie which I hadn't seen before. Brian Singer grew up with Chris McQuarrie. Tom Cruise and Brian Singer very friendly. Ben Fellows statement about TC violently sodomizing want to be young male actors. Scientology a front for underage sex and child trafficking. Where did Tom and Nicole's kids come from?

migratorypatterns ago

TC hasn't really been looked into either. Didn't realize he was friends to Singer. Anybody that associates with Singer on a that kind of personal basis is suspect and deserves looking into.


1Saturnwest ago

Chris McQuarrie directed heaps of TC films -edge of tomorrow, the MI 5 and 6, Valkyrie, Jack Reacher....the list goes on. McQuarrie very friendly with Singer, grew up together. Look at Valkyrie after party photos. Tom Cruise and Singer look like two peas in a pod. Mainly men, cant see many women. Church of Scientology in the thick of pedogate. Its not that the Church has info on TC being gay (who cares these days right), it's the pedo stuff they have got. There's also some reference out there to Nicole being afraid of leaving Conor alone with TC.

migratorypatterns ago

She should be afraid. Yes, not the gay part -- the pedo part.

McQuarrie, huh? I will look into him. Thanks.

sandywhitewater ago

Great work. My introduction to Corey Feldman's claims was through his book "Coreyography." Although it was obviously a carefully crafted, ghost-written story, I still felt sympathy for him. But, after listening to several interviews with Feldman's acquaintances and former "Corey's Angels" on the Opperman Report, it seems clear that Corey is a mooch, a constant "victim" and a pervert. The timeline has it that some of his "Angels" were getting ready to expose him for abuse and non-pay, and then suddenly he conveniently comes out with these allegations and an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for...himself. I'm glad he's bringing light to Hollypedowood, but I just don't think he's a good character.

janet58 ago

Feldman could have been molded like Paul Bonacci was:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1qnZwgQCB0

migratorypatterns ago

You know what? Someone can be molded, but at the end of the day, if they're a sadistic pig, they're a sadistic pig.

I've known lots of people that have been sexually abused, and none of them, we're talking ZERO percent, would ever want or set up a child to go through what they went through.

MichaelClayton ago

Two things, the short bleached blonde hair is a masonic ritual, and Feldman might have ritually sacrifices Haim.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, really? So the Madonna thing? When she went male?

Thanks didn't know that, but they did show that in the Katy Perry video.

As for Feldman, it may be. Maybe he was finally ready to talk or maybe it wasn't enough for Feldman to see him suffering like that.

MichaelClayton ago

From what I've read, sacrifices are indicated by the numbers, dates, ages all that nutty numerology stuff. And the one who sacrifices usually does it for money or a business deal.

The blonde hair is a sign to the masons and a rite of passage showing devotion to the cult.

I haven't seen the madonna thing but yes, cross dressing is another masonic rite of passage. As with females in drag in public like Lady Gaga you'll see pics and videos of almost every male celebrity wearing a dress, wig, and makeup and it makes no sense to us outsiders such as...


migratorypatterns ago

Interesting ... thanks.

new4now ago

Funny Feldman said he fired Haim because of drug use

When Feldman was filming Lost Boys, Schumacher fired him be a use of drug use

March 9, 1990 , Feldman was busted with an estimate of 9 grams of drugs

23 balloons of heroin, 2 with coke

HE was looking at 8 yrs for possesion with intent to sell

Each balloon would have covered a user for a week

This was in an article... dual drug busts turn a painful spotlight on two children of hollywood...it was in people , Google title, you can read it, He was already good friends with Sam Kinison at the time, he is quoted here

So how did he get out of it?

migratorypatterns ago

Just goes to show he has powers behind him, and powers aren't behind people that aren't on their payroll.

This is more damning because if he was that victim that PedoWood was out to get, they would have cut him off at the knees right then and there. He'd still be in prison without a little help from powerful friends.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Judas Goat

Blacksmith21 ago

^ 120 submissions to v/Niggers

Yeah, we give a shit what you think.

KosherHiveKicker ago

I was the first to get banned from /v/Niggers. It seemed telling the truth about Jews manipulating blacks against White Europeans wasn't acceptable

Yeah, you've shown yourself to have the IQ of shit-skin via dismissing the truth due to comments on a completely unrelated topic.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nope. All I have done is pointed out the fact that you are a racist. Others can form their own opinions.

KosherHiveKicker ago


"Yeah, we give a shit what you think." - @Blacksmith21

Your specific use of "We" and your ignorant assumption of the opinions of others indicates that you are attempting to speak for them without their consent.

new4now ago

Look up Days of Rage

Great account on the manipulation of blacks

carmencita ago

Well, migratory, you and I and some others have been calling Feldman a Scumbag of the Highest Order. Thanks for your Dyno-Mite Research, we now now it has been verified. Somehow I don't think those were the only two times, but I could be wrong. Feldman is so deeply caught up in this. He is doing the bidding of that powerful elite person that we also suspect. That's where he is getting his money. I've seen him wearing some pretty flashy outfits. Those Designer Sun Glasses cost a Bundle. You don't make that kind of money with a Lousy Band. Thanks for all the digging. I think there will be more in that rabbit hole as we both know.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, it's not that it's not there -- it's finding it!

Thanks, and, yes, you were on to him.

carmencita ago

I think it is out there and it will come out. Also people are not afraid to speak out now in the comments of CDAN DL and Twitter. Those sitting on the fence about Woody Allen I think are listening more closely and changing their minds. I have been saying that it is moving like a roaring train toward the station. I believe now that the people are running this show and that Pedowood may be losing the battle. They will have to move faster and push those lies a little harder. People think Oprah is so popular, but on DL she was really shut down as far as popularity. Things may be looking up.

migratorypatterns ago

I would say so based on what I just saw on Twitter. Two freakin' amazing tweets! The legal shit is happening and a legal shitstorm will lead to convictions. They can try to embarrass our POTUS all the want with cracks about his weight and asking to get spanked, but they're going to jail ...


migratorypatterns ago

Here's one tweet:


Take it to the bank, the FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems. The whole image of a benevolent Barack Obama they’ve disingenuously tried to portray is about to be destroyed. The real Obama, the vengeful narcissist, is going to be exposed for all to see.

Here's another. I mean look at this!


The House must immediately make public the memo prepared by the Intelligence Committee regarding the FBI and the Department of Justice...There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy.

new4now ago

But but Obama never had any scandal while in office

Saint Obama is about to have his ass handed to him , will Michael/ Michelle stand by her man?

This should be very interesting

Hope he and holder get it for fast and furious, Obama's first crime in office

migratorypatterns ago

Does the fact the s/he has been seen with him in months answer that question? He even used an old Christmas card.

carmencita ago


migratorypatterns ago

Here's another:


MY LATEST: A Bombshell House Intelligence report exposing extensive FISA abuse could lead to the removal of senior government officials via @@SaraCarterDC

carmencita ago

A review of a classified document outlining what is described as extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse was made available to all House members Thursday and the revelations could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice, several sources with knowledge of the document stated. These sources say the report is “explosive,” stating they would not be surprised if it leads to the end of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into President Trump and his associates. #WHOOPY!!!

migratorypatterns ago


Can't wait .... House of Cards is about to fall ...

carmencita ago

I don't know why but I feel that a few of them are going to fall. Real Soon.

new4now ago

Fall? I'm hoping they are thrown off the cliff :)

carmencita ago

Can we do the pushing?

migratorypatterns ago

I hope so.

This aligns with Assange's chess game.

carmencita ago

Fingers Crossed xxx

Here4pg ago

I recall something about Haim complaining about Feldman's sadistic character but I can't remember the details now. Very tragic if he was the handler.

We need to find strategies for these victims. As more truth about these cases is revealed, I hope it will be easier for the victims to find their way out of the maze of control. What a sad world wee live in. I look at some survivors and I'm utterly inspired by their resilience and joy, there is always hope.

new4now ago

Remember Feldman said to Haim " I could destroy you " it was the showdown between the 2 in their series . The look on Feldmans face after saying this, SMH

migratorypatterns ago

There's always hope. It's the handlers job to keep it hidden. The lack of hope means the victim remains reliant on the group that abused them for worth. Like with Haim. He actually rented a billboard after he'd gotten clean and announced that he was back and going to make amends. Isn't that pathetic? He's apologizing to them! That's what these monsters will do to you.

I'm sure Feldman is a bona fide sadist. He'd have to be. He loves what he does ... loves destroying people he's jealous of. That'll teach them a lesson. It's all os sick. Will have to do a part II because there's so much I couldn't include.

TrishaUK ago

SOME GREAT RESEARCH BY #PIZZAGATE - youtube saying that Feldman was a fraud! ........................ He did some excellent posts on it -
1) I Do Not Trust Corey Feldman OR AMTV. #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE - https://youtu.be/GIkK2NTP3RA -............ 2) Corey Haim’s Mom Calls Corey Feldman’s Pedophile Claims ‘a Scam’ #PIZZAGATE - https://youtu.be/I6s6XSijbsI -........... 3) Corey Feldman Denied PIZZAGATE 2 Months Ago! #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE - https://youtu.be/otCIhPfKWYI - 4)...........Corey Feldman Today Show On Hollywood Pedophilia. (Give Me $$$) #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE - https://youtu.be/YQN4oUoFMq8 - 5)............Full Analysis of Corey Feldman & Corey Haim Dispute #PIZZAGATE - https://youtu.be/wH0B33TGuH0 - 6)............ Corey Feldman's Angels Drag Queen Sodomite Halloween Extravaganza, Oct 28 2017 #PIZZAGATE - https://youtu.be/0OdLX4l3guQ - 7).........Corey Feldman Exposes A Pedophile, Finally. #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE - https://youtu.be/m2vMKHpeF1A - 8).......Corey Feldman Controlled Opposition, Wife Swap Reality TV Show #PIZZAGATE - https://youtu.be/nrtvuApzvQI - 9).......Corey Feldman Using California Statue To His Advantage. #PIZZAGATE - https://youtu.be/mgtiyLv-ESk - 10)........4 of 6 Corey Feldman, Haim Sexual Abusers Exposed. #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATE - https://youtu.be/klaLfQDJpCk - 11).......Corey Feldman BEGS for $$$ & Attacks Supporters. #PIZZAGATE - https://youtu.be/HCfVYlwd0hU - 12)........Corey Feldman Creates 2nd Fundraiser, ARE YOU SERIOUS?! #PIZZAGATE - https://youtu.be/SUqhsZnjEwo - 13).......Corey Feldman Old Friend Exposes Him and His Angels #PIZZAGATE - https://youtu.be/9klaG1EThK4 - ...................................................................SO PLEASED TO SEE HE IS UNBANNED ON YOUTUBE AGAIN!!!!!

migratorypatterns ago

Awesome, Trisha! Thanks for including the links.

TrishaUK ago

Pleasure, I think this #PIZZAGATE guy sounds very droll but has some excellent posts re pizzagate. I wrote and asked why he was banned, but no reply, guess looking at his posts it is really easy to know why. Some of them are quite gruesome. I should have put a warning on my last post! :) We are winning!

migratorypatterns ago

Hallelujah for that!

Here4pg ago

I was just going over the case of Jaycee Lee Dugard. If you ever feel depressed about anything, that woman's life and resilience/attitude is a fucking miracle and inspiration. What is absolutely tragic though is she is clueless about NCMEC, is a spokesperson for them and has been pictured hugging Oprah. I hate Voat, I hate being here but every time I think of these sadistic people I feel I have to come back and help in anyway I can. This can't go on anymore.

migratorypatterns ago

Oprah is a Feldman. She's a weasel opportunist who would say and do anything for the $$$. She was a mess as a kid, a mess as a teenager, a mess as an adult until a mentor groomed her to knock off Phil Donahue. She scored big and they gave her more tasks including ruining neighborhoods/communities by spreading the fake news of people putting razor blades in Halloween candy. It was a lie, she knew it was a lie, and the apology came way too late.

To me, she's a J.K. Rowling. She was allowed to rake in billions of dollars (and notice that like Bezos, she never uses her own money) so she could fund The Kenyan's presidential run. Remember that Geffen yacht outing with all the big dogs? No doubt they spirit cooked up her throwing her fat ass in the presidential ring. Gayle will no doubt be the unofficial first lady.

I really hope that Assange's info is good enough to derail the entire party. Otherwise ... disaster.

new4now ago

Makes you wonder what Stedman does while Oprah and Gayle doing their thing

And I don't believe for one minute he is just a beard and pasty

Shizy ago

He seems gay

new4now ago

Well he definetly has an identity problem

migratorypatterns ago

From what I hear, he has lots and lots of affairs. Tells the prospective shaggee that he and Oprah have an arrangement.

Are you hinting he joins in? I wouldn't put anything past them.

new4now ago

He's been her beard for how long?

Not so much hinted as How does he fit in?

migratorypatterns ago

Point noted.

Well, Gayle has been with her for how long? Seems to be a thing with her. She demands absolute loyalty. Even with workers. They all sign NDA that seem to be airtight in people blabbing about really goes on. I got a kick out of a tweet that gave a little insight into the real Oprah, and not the fictitious one we see. This tweeter used to work in PedoWood as a grip and tech on movie sets. This one time he worked on a movie that Oprah was in. He said that the movie set always had a table with food and drink set up for the cast and crew, and that this set was no exception. There was a fruit infusion drink that was a mixture of juice and pieces of fruit. He said he said Oprah sidle up to the table. She was the only one there. Everyone was busy doing something, but he and this other guy were watching her. She went up to the fruit drink and looked around to make sure no one was watching. She didn't notice that she was being observed. Next thing you know, she takes the lid off and STICKS HER HAND IN THE DRINK fishing for a piece of peach that was floating around. She grabs it, shoves it in her mouth, and puts the lid back on before walking away. He couldn't believe it. He said all afternoon people were going and drinking from the drink she stuck her hand in. When I read it, I thought, "Now that's the real Oprah." She's a gross, disgusting pig and not what she portrays.

new4now ago


migratorypatterns ago


new4now ago


Someone has to be backing him

migratorypatterns ago

Yup! The evidence just keeps piling up.

Here4pg ago

I haven't looked much into Oprah. The fact that she supported and promoted Obama is enough for me to dislike her. I have no real faith in Assange but I understand some do. I won't go into my thoughts on him here because I'm trying to stay positive and focused on kids that need help.

new4now ago

If Assange is doing this to save his ass I'm all for it if he has the goods he says he does

We can go after him later :)

Here4pg ago

That's if he is even really locked up, I have my suspicions from a stalker he had (he only appeared after she left, the whole thing is suspicious af). I really only care about the kids at this point and being against sexual abuse of any kind, I can't get behind Assange and his cohorts and what they stand for.

new4now ago

Personally, never heard of him or Wiki before, it's one of the reasons I came here

migratorypatterns ago

Good plan.

It's about the kids.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Terrific research and puzzle piecing. I already knew Feldman was a fraud and a poser, but this puts things in another perspective altogether. Thumbs up.

finska ago

Excellent post! It is becoming clearer how this went down. I wonder though if a child who is being abused themselves can truly understand the harm in introducing other kids to their pedo abusers. Esp if they have maybe fallen in love with their abuser or are suffering stockholm syndrome and /or are getting desperately wanted attention. I have personal experience witnessing a situation like this as a teenager and not understanding what was happening let alone all the complexities. The real crime is what you do or dont do about it as an adult when you should have developed better judgement.

migratorypatterns ago

I've heard that argument before, and, yeah, you can blame them.

You can't turn a good person bad. Yes, you can tempt and trick them into doing bad thing, but if they were abused ... they'd never subject someone else to that abuse. Never. It shows a malevolence. And not all kids are malevolent. Some pet cats ... some kill them. That's the difference. For Feldman to have allegedly protected so many pedos and actually say that Haim? He's evil ... out and out evil and sick to his core.

finska ago

He probably is evil now....when he was a child though he maybe thought he was helping his friend to get benefits cos he too had been conned that this was a good thing. They dont call it grooming for nothing. I saw friends of mine given surf boards, the use of high end cars, party houses....most of the kids in the local area thought it was fantastic. We didnt want to believe there was a dark side to this. One day I asked a 17yr old friend if mine if he had evet been molested by this provider of gifts. He said to me that he wouldnt call it that because when someone sucks your cock it feels good.

migratorypatterns ago

Now this is true. This I would believe.

Good perspective and I don't feel you're at all an apologist. Just showing what goes on in a kid's mind.

finska ago

The good news is this wealthy notorious pedo (who I personally knew) ended up dying in jail!

migratorypatterns ago

Well, there's karma.

Now if we can just get them IN jiail ...

finska ago

Unfortunately this man had molested boys all over the country and overseas. It was a huge case and ended in an international man hunt....who knows why some go down and others never get caught. I have to admit as teenagers we all enjoyed the parties at his places.....he always had teenagers (both girls and guys so it 'seemed' normal) around doing odd jobs on his farm....we liked the chance to earn pocket money and he just seemed like a nice guy......we nearly felt sorry for him....thats the problem with these people kids just cant see through their cons.

migratorypatterns ago

I think each pedo is different. Obviously, Haim hated the pedo who raped him at 14 so there was no identification and no misplaced sympathy or affection. He straight up couldn't stand him. And pedos cultivate whatever works. They never stop and that's what makes them so dangerous.

Here4pg ago

We all adapt to our environment. A lot of former victims held captive despise the use of the term stockholm syndrome, they explain they were simply playing a part to survive. We can sit and judge these people but we have no clue what it's like to be in a situation like that. If you look to the past, it is only in the last 20 years or so that pedophilia has even really been talked about in the open. It's not only society that has been evolving in thought, as a whole, but also the individual. Sometimes people try to normalize a situation to make it okay for them to endure, they fade in and out of denial.

new4now ago

First time I have heard of Stockholm syndrome was in the case of Patty Hearst

Here4pg ago

Right that's where it was coined. I don't believe she saw it that way, it was more like psychological manipulation and survival.

new4now ago

Could that have been a lawyer phrase like Affluenza? Backed by on the dole doctors?

Shizy ago

No it wasn't coined as a result of the Hearst case. It came from a case of four victims of a bank robbery in Stockholm Sweden in 1973, hence the name:


new4now ago

I said that was when I first heard of it

Shizy ago

I was mostly pointing that out for the person who thought it came from the Hearst thing

new4now ago

Well at least I know the beginnings of it now, so I thank you for that

new4now ago

Kids are already living in those conditions in the inner cities

That's why they are easy pickings

TrishaUK ago

Are you speaking from experience and want us to try understand you? Just an observation you have only been a member for 1.2 hours you seem to have a sympathetic ear for the pedo.

new4now ago

He is speaking of the victims and what some do to survive, that's how I took it

Young children think it's their fault, where do they get that?

Why do some MK victims survive and others don't?

The mind can be a powerful thing when it comes to survival

Do victims become abusers?

We see it in a lot of things Drugs, alcohol, abuse

Do some victims become part of the bigger picture for personal gain?

Scary shit

Why would Feldman take his young son to the Playboy Mansion?

I can't think of one good reason

Here4pg ago

Were you never a member for 1.2 hours? How did you skip that?

I'm not sure where the hell you got sympathy for a pedo from, anything but that. You have issues.

TrishaUK ago

Wanted to see your reaction, says a lot. :)

Here4pg ago

How do I see it through their eyes exactly?

Shizy ago

Hey new person, it doesn't help to start off being a DICK!

Here4pg ago

I'm a dick? Why? Someone accused me of defending a pedophile. Fuck off.

Shizy ago

You're being a dick!

Here4pg ago

Go to hell you fucking idiot.

Shizy ago

sooooo still being a dick

Here4pg ago

If you come at me like an asshole, expect to get dick (I don't have one btw).

This isn't rocket science.

Shizy ago

Maybe you should get some dick instead of being one 😂😂😂😂. But seriously, you were being a dick for no reason and then got butt hurt that someone called you on it. Now put on your big girl pants and stop playing the victim

Here4pg ago

Do explain exactly how I was being a dick in the first place.

Shizy ago

Cunt? Ouch! I'm sooo offended 😂😂🖕🏻

Here4pg ago

Why would you think I was trying to offend you? Only a shit person, with shit intentions would do that...someone like you.

Shizy ago

"I know you are but what am I". This is getting tiresome. Your response to Tricia's misunderstanding was reactionary and uncalled for. You obviously aren't a reasonable person, which is a detriment to someone claiming they want to help kids. You're smug and defensive so I'm sure you'll never admit you over reacted but that's ok. It's been fun taunting you but I'm bored with it now so adios!

Here4pg ago

I've come across Tricia before and she was a bitch then too, as you are. Thanks for fucking off. Block me. :)

TrishaUK ago

AHHH...Caught out! Thought you had only just been on Voat for 1.2 days....You have been on before if you say you knew me before! My instincts are right, just something odd about......whoever you are. I can't be doing with this combative rhetoric - @Shizy Thanks, sorry I wasn't here with this exchange. Just woke up to it. I will block.

Here4pg ago

Thanks bitch.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/FvN7v :

Dating Corey Haim: "My First Major Heartbreak"

https://unvis.it/http://www.newsweek.com/who-alphy-hoffman-corey-feldman-reveals-name-third-alleged-child-abuser-710384 :

Who Is Alphy Hoffman? Corey Feldman Reveals Name of Third Alleged Child Abuser

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks!

Matt_Helm ago

This is fantastic detailed research. Feldman has been paid off by the big names who got him to only name the small fish.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks! I was pretty excited when I ran across it.

There's so much more, but I didn't have room to fit it all. Haim was used, abused, and spit out. What heartless SOBs.