Miami Herald Expose' On Jeffrey Epstein Exposes Acosta/Trump Thelema Favor and Orchestrated 2008 Housing Market Crash Pizzagate Connections
The three part expose' on Jeffrey Epstein released on Wednesday by Julie K. Brown in the Miami Herald seems to corroborate and substantiate a few things that some of us have known and understood about our President Donald J. Trump for quite some time now AND gives us some very clear and succinct
The Miami Herald broke Wednesday with a huge 3 part series that outlines how the President's pick for Secretary of Labor Jim Acosta was the lead prosecutor that negotiated the sweetheart deal that Jeffrey Epstein received as a plea for his sex crimes against children. Anyone with any amount of common sense cannot argue that this appointment happens to look very much like an obligation or thelema favor that acolytes must bestow on others as a matter of course.
“The damage that happened in this case is unconscionable,” said Bradley Edwards said about Acosta's of the hook negotiating with Epstein himself, a former state prosecutor who represents some of Epstein’s victims. “How in the world, do you, the U.S. attorney, engage in a negotiation with a criminal defendant, basically allowing that criminal defendant to write up the agreement?”
But there is something more revealing hidden in this expose that I've written about before and that it was JEFFREY EPSTEIN'S MONEY, along with the SANDLER CLAN, that I have written about here:
Handkerchief Email Revisited: The Sandler's, Saturday Night Live, and Chabad Lubavitch
...and here:
The Sandler Foundation, D.Sussman, Pizzagate and the Death of Aaron Dover
"The Herald learned that, as part of the plea deal, Epstein provided what the government called “valuable consideration” for unspecified information he supplied to federal investigators. While the documents obtained by the Herald don’t detail what the information was, Epstein’s sex crime case happened just as the country’s subprime mortgage market collapsed, ushering in the 2008 global financial crisis.
Records show that Epstein was a key federal witness in the criminal prosecution of two prominent executives with Bear Stearns, the global investment brokerage that failed in 2008, who were accused of corporate securities fraud. Epstein was one of the largest investors in the hedge fund managed by the executives, who were later acquitted. It is not known what role, if any, the case played in Epstein’s plea negotiations."
So here we have TWO very OBVIOUS and key examples of an avenue of attack on our financial institutions that lead back to the Clintons. It was the second attempt at softening and destroying certain very valued institutions in the financial market of America that effect each and every one of us. which is on par as damaging as the attack on America on 9/11.
Once again, all roads lead back to the BUSH/CLINTON CARTEL. trying to destabilize AMERICA!!!
"The Herald learned that, as part of the plea deal, Epstein provided what the government called “valuable consideration” for unspecified information he supplied to federal investigators."
One could only (only those with a truly logical conspiratorial mind, mind you, pssst no MAGAS, Qtards or Qunts allowed) conclude that the Labor Department pick was a favor in lieu of that extraneous "valuable consideration" that Epstein had on everyone from Alec Baldwin to Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States in their RABID attempt to install the New World Order and Israel's Third Temple to the God Ba'al or Lucifer.
Trump is just another step in the deception so you Qtards better get your heads straight and really get in the game.
A Resource for the Awakening Human
gogogogostop ago
What's this Thelema favor shit? Thelema is related to Crowlean occultism, specifically. How does that relate?
ASolo ago
They all cover for each other because of their Crowleyite belief system and they're all in the club together you stupid stupid fuck
This is the very last place I can say what I want when I want and NOT get censored so I'm going to use this to my advantage before the stupid assholes at this fucking place start censoring and banning based on fucking words I'M ALLOWED TO SAY... Most of you people are WAY beyond retarded and those of you that get off on this sick fucking satanic shit of a world and like to tease and cajole with your brand of sociopathic hate just know that I KNOW your entire fucking day is MISERABLE and that little bit of relief you get from your miserable self-loathing fucking life coming here to deny reality on the regular is just a tiny tiny fix that you WILL NEVER GET because that is your curse. You are about as stinky and pathetic as that Robert Robertson that used to harass people here with your shit filled underwear and your rotting out teeth about to open another ramen noodle for dinner smelling ass....
Fuck the fuck off lol, you retards are such lovely pieces of shit
ASolo ago
Ahhh, that felt nice. Well, hey, you might not have fully deserved this but ya did, cuz you're a basic bitch.
gogogogostop ago
You're killing your own credibility talking to me like that just because I asked about the Thelema shit. I didn't see anything in your long-winded piece that had anything to do with it, so I was inquiring.
Are you really that sensitive to harmless questions?
Maybe you shouldn't be on voat. Maybe you belong on fakebook with all the other weasels.
ASolo ago
Pffft. Just done with halfwits.
gogogogostop ago
How about next week? You can put on that purdy dress you like to wear so much. BITCH.
gogogogostop ago
When, now?
ASolo ago
Hey, fuck off. Come at me a different way punk
gogogogostop ago
What the fuck?
SweetTea73 ago
Found this video on 4chan this morning. Have never seen or heard before. What do you guys think of it?
kazza64 ago
epstein is pizzagate he is an elite banker who operated his own island supplying minors to politicians and celebrities he has absolutely escaped prosecution and knows where all the bodies are buried he is a repeat predatory pedophile of the highest order and has to be involved in luciferian rituals as there is a temple on his island the media have ignored his story and nobody wants to talk about trumps involvement because we all think trump is going to save us its hard to reveal the truth without pissing off trump supporters unfortunately but you cannot suppress the truth they're all in it together
Tzitzimitl ago
the secretary of labour is alexander acosta, not jimmy.
ASolo ago
Hey thank you for that, good catch, I have a tendency to space out on names.
Tzitzimitl ago
eronburr ago
While I'm reading the links I don't see how it's possible "ORCHESTRATED THE 2008 HOUSING MARKET CRASH".
That's pretty well known to be a trillion dollar banking bust. Neither are bankers. This was a huge and wide spread issue with mortgage bs and FDIC. Neither of which are in the control of Epstein or Trump.
truthdemon ago
Epstein was working for bear stearns options trading .. the 2008 crash was a set up...theye build up.risk and coverage of risk in the age of easy credit was a controlled demolition.. Just before the US treasury put the breaksnon easy credit ...they drove the price of oil up.... This created the defualts..ot at least starter for the crash ... One has to understand the majority of thr stock market is held by govt composite funds...its an open secret .. Utube : CaFr walter burien Utube : biggest game in town
eronburr ago
I know it was a setup but It wasn't just bankers it was regulators turning a blind eye. Everything economical is strategy from decades prior. They played a role, I have zero doubt about that, but there's checks and balances that also played a role and ultimately it wasn't just a single investment firm it was most of them. Remember they sold to others that bought them. The movie Margin Call comes to mind.
It doesn't make sense Bear Sterns would be solely responsible and knowingly do it because they're the ones that didn't milk FDIC and survive. I still think JPMC is the king of America. They have the world banking interests in America, they have the trillions circulating yearly. They're the big bank that inherited Bear Sterns short positions on silver and did what they wanted for 10 years before giving lawmen a patsy.
The Sandler's were pivotal in creating loans that couldn't ever be payed back
They created the financial crisis. Epstein's testimony shifted the blame away from them.
ASolo ago
We could argue with these fuckin dolts the rest of our lives they're simply just trained to be idiots. I've never really expected much intellectual debate in this place and I never really got it from the many threads I have produced here anyway. It seems all most people have is just time for a few line blurbs here anyway. It seems as though a good 95% of the population really has no clue whats going on in their environment and even those that do have that mixed up with a bunch of kooky crazy bullshit. We are all seriously very very fucked. People are going to get mangled, blown up, tortured and destroyed in this next war in ALL manner of way because of the ignorance that has been allowed to propagate in this world. The programming is so intense and at such a scale we LITERALLY ELECTED a GROWN BABY MAN into office and we are arguing about who the fuck is worse when there's PLENTY of information CONDEMNING the both of them to fucking eternity.
There is ONLY ONE EXPLANATION and it is the programming we have endured from the MK-ULTRA experiments that grew into an ALL ENCOMPASSING BRAINWASHING PROGRAM and IT IS WORKING PERFECTLY.
eronburr ago
I read
Issue is it mentions nothing on Rothschilds. was removed but at least talked about their role in the past 250 years on the world and playing their hand into controlling the Illuminati.
The Illuminati was only 250 years old but explained Switzerland's rise after the Knights Templar 'disappeared'. Why Switzerland was exempt from the world wars. Why Switzerland is where the Jesuits have their kids educated. Why Switzerland was exempt from banking audits and laws for so long. Why Switzerland is home to the guards of the Vatican.
All of this supposedly arose from Rome not falling but as people evolved and education became more available they broke their systems into more and more fragments and societies. Illuminati being the last head to front up the American Revolution, the Freemasons, American Civil War, FBI and WWI, KGB and CIA and WW2, UN and Israel.
Then you can ultimately tie together the Georgia Guidestones developed just before the CIA's Senior Executive Service (to reshape society) drafted when the stones were constructed and SES deployed the next year.
The Georgia Guide stones, according to the wiki, were planned around the time the 3rd Fatima was read by the pope but not revealed because it was supposedly Albert Pikes scripture of WW3. When you read the Albert Pike letter to Mazzini in 1871 it's easy to believe this was used to write the fatima's and script the world wars.
Freemasons official site links to this site and the list on there show the authors of the Declaration of Independence, creator of the FDIC and Albert Pike all joined the masons before being who they became decades later.
The Georgia Guide stones are huge, and must have cost millions to make in the 70's. They're in the middle of redneck country but have security cameras all over. It's not a "private funder" but an organization that made and maintains them and supposedly they're being taken down.
1871 was a big year, happened to be the year after the first tax to "repay the cost of the war". A loan supposedly taken by Salmon Chase, Treasurer of the Union, from Rothschilds world bank. Same world bank that a few decades later gave JP Morgan Chase the American interests branch to run. Same bank given the Bear Sterns shorts position on silver after it collapsed in 2008, which they shorted and then bought millions of ounces since.
Qresearch said Chase had 10 years impunity to short silver, while buying eventually to become the largest shareholder in the world, this board said it was up in October and guess what popps up in the news weeks later
Supposedly Rome was just a front for the pharaohs to expand further than Egypt and this has been going on for millennia.
Either way. I get there could be multiple NWO's but I don't know Russian. I've read "putin bans rothschilds from russia" and returned to the gold standard. I've read Putin is an orphan and was in the KGB and undid a lot of what Boris Yeltsin and Bill Clinton did. Supposedly both Boris and Bill were NWO, which doesn't make sense for Putin to also be NWO and undo all that work. Also doesn't make sense for North Korea to somewhat declare/want peace with Trump and Putin after splitting the Koreas from the first NWO war.
Then there's this interview open with Putin and Russia being outside the NWO
When you tie in Bill Clinton with the Bushes (, their role in funding the Nazi's and forming the CIA, being blamed for JFK's assassination by Hoover and the FBI. JFK and Eisenhower being open about the military industrial complex (Illuminati) and secret societies and JFK trying to get EO11110 months before getting killed.
It's hard, for me, to not picture Putin ridding Russia of the NWO and Trump trying to do the same.
Piscina ago
Unfortunately Trump is part of the swamp.
EricKaliberhall ago
Media Matters talking points... Nice contribution @Piscina.
Piscina ago
Seriously? It seems that stalking, trolling and harassing users now been added to the mods' job description.
FishstickIsles ago
Questioning faulty logic isn't trolling. Compiling info is great, but in this thread there is a complete failure to make logical conclusions from that info.
If a cabal of pedos had serious dirt on Trump, he never would have been allowed to win the office. They would have used it to destroy him a long time ago, probably close to the election so that no other candidate could have challenged Hillary.
One cabinet pick vs having Hillary as POTUS - which do you think is more swamp-friendly? People aren't using logic well enough here.
EricKaliberhall ago
Quick with the victimhood again... Highly suspicious behavior.
Piscina ago
Says the person who whines about having his soul destroyed by being a mod.
Accuse. Accuse. Accuse.
Or a personal opinion. Not all of us blindly "Trust the [undefined] Plan"
EricKaliberhall ago
Or, you are a whiteknighting cocksucker.
Piscina ago
Go back to mommy's basement you pathetic INCEL.
You haven't provided evidence, just insults,
auralsects ago
your tiresome "not all Jews tho" bullshit is severely discrediting.
the evidence is overwhelming that the identifiable group we call Jews, whatever their origins, are an extremely ethnocentric and destructive people from top to bottom.
this fact and the independent existence of a 'Satanic elite cabal' of them are not mutually exclusive.
indeed, the most logical conclusion would be that it is fortunate that (as you claim) the cabal chooses to "hide among Jews", for we can justifiably deport (vertically) the entire lot of them and kill two yids with one stone.
precisely as we did in earlier centuries when the wider community covered up instances of satanic ritual child sacrifice they've memed into "blood libel."
instead you go full-retard with the "hitler was a gay Rothschild baby" and portray the "Holocaust" as a real event, awakening the programmed sympathy for muh poor everyday Jews who dindu nuffin:
also BS that Chabad is some fringe sect:
non-Chabad, Sephardic Jewish supremacism is often mainstream: 800,000 Israelis attended their largest funeral ever for chief rabbi Yosef, who just like Schneerson said e.g. non-Jews are born to serve Jews.
the subject of your post here is a great example: not all Jews will be shysters, but the BIGGEST shysters will ALWAYS be Jews, as long as this 0.2% of humanity unfortunately exist.
of course there's Mossad-blackmailer/child trafficker working with the biggest players of '08 crash.
the mortgage bubble itself was from the Jewish insistence on extending credit to niggers, who only eventually moved into suburbs in the first place due to 1960s Jewish rabble-rousing.
the last housing crisis was all Jews too, from 'junk bond king' Michael Milken's firm, which was also hugely pizzagate-related.
it's just WHAT THEY DO.
Was Jesus Jewish @auralsects?
septimasexta ago
Jesus' human lineage is through the tribe of Judah. His paternal lineage is God the Father. He is the promised Savior and sacrificial Lamb of God. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The first Church established by the Apostles and followers of Jesus the Christ were Hebrew descendants of Abraham. All Hebrews who rejected Christ, are not in the Body of Christ and do not have Eternal Life. God gave the goyim a chance to hear the Gospel and repent, AND MANY DID. They are grafted into the Body of Christ. The promise of redemption was first to the Hebrews, and then to the GENTILES.
septimasexta ago
Revelation 3:9 Matthew 12:34
JOHN 8:19-45
auralsects ago
LMAO is this a 'what if Mozart had been aborted' thing?
jesus was supposedly sent just to die anyway -- it doesn't even make sense to blame jews or judas for his death
if you disagree then youre a woman and not fit to lead anything, so just shut the fuck up.
Really? Now you're defending Jews? Make up your mind. God is all powerful, doesn't mean you aren't responsible for your sin.
So if Catholics benefit as a group they should be punished as a group?
What about men?
What about High IQ people?
What about the Wealthy Elite?
Your reductive logic needs to be applied evenly. You only focus on Jews.
auralsects ago
im pointing out the blatant childish illogicality of your retarded religion
catholics don't benefit from the Vatican you dipshit, if anything they GIVE the church money.
no youre just fucking dumb as rocks. for one thing it's entirely impractical to punish groups 100x larger than Jews are. your womanly mind cant think in practical terms tho
Zionistworshipsatan ago
Love you @asolo I came to the same conclusion when I saw the bear-sterns mention in the Miami Herald article.
Reread NYMags "The talented Mr Epstein" from 2006 it has many more leads regarding epstein's financial crimes/connections*/
Also, I found this interesting, but I don't know the significance used to be Epsteins personal site.
It's been reregistered as a Japanese Cartoon Porno site*/
The web archive (before it was changed in 2018) has many names and photos that need to be investigated.
carmencita ago
Y'all are doing great work here. @ASolo
You were downvoated w/in a minute of your comment @carmencita
The shills downvoating you are cowards.
truthdemon ago
There is only one downvoat...i get that one all the time Could be james alefantis...maybe thats his " CULTURE " these days
EricKaliberhall ago
@Vindicator look at this ^^^ @NOMOCHOMO is displaying the exact type of behavior as ESOTERIC. The "you are being downvoted... Let me help you out" shit, when brigading the last time. Coincidence?
Vindicator ago
Noted. There are many similarities. He also seems to have a particular aversion to you, just like ES did.
Nope, I have a particular aversion to Bullshit.
Idgaf where it comes from. But i smell it on you too @Vindicator
Vindicator ago
When you start providing linked support for every wee turd you fling in here, Chomo, I'll start taking your "aversion" to "BULLSHIT" seriously.
Not what I said.
"You were downvoated w/in a minute of your comment @carmencita"
I never said that you lying shit-stirrer.
Blacksmith21 ago
Or, POTUS nominated Acosta because he knew the spotlight would swing over to Acosta's past.
truthdemon ago
It could be a 5th dimensio chess move.. The much advertised Miami herald article and its followup in the mainstream channels seems suspect..
..the sweet deal for epstein was already in the public.domain ages ago... has to understand that the govt institutions are the ones holding the purse strings of every major company on thr stock market and globally too .. Check out walter buriens biggest game in town.. .. The rewind back to bear stearns saga...seems to be something to do with the stock market today
Blacksmith21 ago
Recall that the Miami Herald has been the best source for GTMO-related news, specifically contracting. MH is owned by McClatchy.
auralsects ago
absolutely embarrassing.
worst shill ever.
ASolo ago
Did you leave a handkerchief
ASolo ago
For a little help in clarification I went to employ our good friend Yoichi Shimatsu:
It Takes A Spillage...Of Blood... To Awaken PizzaGate - Pt 3
A Black and White Handkerchief
This series on Pizzagate has so far given short-shrift to the infamous “handkerchief” email from Susan Sandler, daughter of a wealthy Jewish banker, to his paid lackey John Podesta. Since there’s still puzzlement among many visitors to reddit, 4chan, VOAT and other posting sites about that message, we’re doing the decryption.
In the late summer of 2014, retired banker Herb Sandler was plotting how to recruit Swiss biotech billionaire Hanjoerg Wyss to become a donor to the Center for American Progress. (CAP), Podesta’s nonprofit legal arm. Sandler invited Wyss to visit his villa at Martha’s Vineyard without informing him that John Podesta would just happen to be there.
The players among the Martha’s Vineyard set include:
Herb Sandler, owner of the Golden West subprime lender that caused Wachovia Bank’s failure in 2008 and its merger into Wells Fargo with a $25 billion federal bailout.
Hans Wyss, founder of Synthes bio-engineering prosthetics producer until a court ruling on the deaths of three patients in a human experiment
Rob Mnookin, Harvard Law School expert on foster parents, child custody and gay adoption, and director of the Earl Warren Institute (as in the Warren Commission whitewash of the Kennedy assassination). His male partner is named Dale.
Steve Philips and his wife Susan Sandler(Herb’s daughter), a CAP senior fellow and author of Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority.
The first reference from Wikileaks collection of Podesta emails is an August 8 invitation from Sandler to Wyss for the upcoming Labor Day holiday: I will be at Martha's Vineyard, arriving August 23, departing September 2. My daughter, Susan, her husband Steve and a family friend will be with me. Will you be at the Vineyard at any time during that period, and, if so, would you like to get together?
John Podesta is the unnamed “family friend”.
On August 11 a response came from Debbie, who emails photos of her lovely and quite normal grandchildren. This elderly lady who could be a staffer for Wyss is obviously not clued into the pedophile parlance “grandchildren and children” refers not to family progeny but to one’s stable of adult and child partners for group sex. Hans later replied that he was available on the 24th and 25th. He came for the party held on the 26th.
On the day after, August 27, Rob Mnookin emailed: Thank You Dear Herb, A short note to say how much Dale and I enjoyed last night. What a stimulating evening, thanks no doubt to the Sandler rules and the fantastic company. What a pleasure to see Susan again, and meet Steve, Mary and John, and Hans.
Note: “Sandler rules” and “stimulating company”, possibly referring to sex toys in a touchy-feely game of blindfold domination. The next get-together was a bit rougher under the Podesta rules.
On September 1, the day before Sandler’s departure, the ex-banker, daughter Susan and John Podesta hired a realtor named Kate to drive them to inspect rental properties. They visited a large rental home “at the end of the road” on Kuffie Point, which juts into Lake Tashmoo, along with considering other houses located by a park, facing the yacht club and at Stonewall Beach, all with minimal neighbors and out of hearing range of public places. Why seek out such isolated places?
At around 4 p.m., the realtor dropped the trio off at the “Field house”, probably one of the larger rentals on Field Club Drive. The guest list for the end-of-summer party is not mentioned. On happy ending is that ever since the morning-after email exchange, savvy Kate was suddenly able to open her own interiors business instead of flogging rentals.
From Kate. Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:04 AM To: Sandler, Susan Cc: Sandler, Herbert Subject: You left something at the Field house Susan & Herb I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it. I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where they are in the house. Safe travels to all Kate
Question: How really difficult is it to find pillows in a sparely decorated vacation rental? Susan immediately emails John Podesta, adding the extra code word “pizza”: Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner
Why the big fuss over a handkerchief? How can a handkerchief be pizza-related? Why is the handkerchief on the kitchen island counter if the party-goers were slicing pizza on it? Are napkins or paper towels not included in a luxury resort home? And as one visitor to VOT put it: Who still uses a handkerchief in this day and age?
The answers come from the same code used at Comet Pizza back in Chevy Chase. The handkerchief worn in a back pocket of jeans or shorts originated in the gay movement of the 1970s to identify one’s preferences in sexual roles, and soon got kinkier with the rising popularity of bondage, domination, sadomachism, golden showers (yellow) and coprophilia (brown).
ASolo ago
Domino’s pan pizza was not on the dinner menu. The main course was an underage girl delivered to the party. Drugged into semi-consciousness, she was put on the kitchen island, and probably taped down by the arms so as not to fall to the floor. Then the slapping and flogging with the Podesta rules, followed by oral sex and penetration, topped off by ejaculating on her, which accounts for the next morning’s sticky mess or “map”.
As the guest departed in the early morning, the passed-out girl was left as is on the butcher block. Podesta tiptoes out, hails Uber and leaves behind his little sex slave for someone else to deal with. Kate returns and after an initial shock, is peeved that a naked girl covered with semen and red welts was left behind like a bag of garbage. If this discovery is reported by the housekeepers, then that means a pile of hush money for the local police.
Susan forwards the message. John Podesta, the presidential adviser and boss of the most politically correct lobby on gay issues and women’s rights, answers curtly, “It’s mine”. No doubt he’d treat a pet dog better than a homeless girl. So what then happened must have been a big IOU of appreciation from Susan when she phones Kate to tell the girl to wash up and dress, and to put her on a plane back to Washington DC, where one of the female staffers from Comet Pizza will pick her up at Dulles Airport. His conscience cleared, Podesta’s back to human rights advocacy and lobbying for clients.
On Christmas Eve 2014, a package is delivered to Herbert Sandler, who is a Jew who celebrates Hannukah earlier in the month. I was sent by John Podesta. Now try to pick up the odd elements in the thank-you note: To: CC: Date: 2015-12-24 21:42 Subject: Re: Cheese Sandler, Herbert wrote: > Mary and John > > I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them. Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well. I miss you both Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Herb >>>>Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta? >
OK, for the benefit of the slow pokes, the first sentence states “when changing strategies that have been long in place”, indicating a break in the accustomed game plan, the game being dominoes. “Pasta” is a code word for underage boy. “Sauce” is about group sex. The gift of cheese is therefore an insider joke, since "cheese" is a code word for preteen girls. Return of “my children and grandchildren” is a pun, since in code it also can mean his team of adult and child partners for group sex.
Doubting Toms still don’t believe? Then what does his PS mean? “Do you think I’ll do better playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta?” If you can tell me how anyone can play dominoes on top of a bowl pasta or a plate of cheese, I’ll buy you a Domino’s pan pizza with extra anchovies, because it really stinks. Remember this inhumanely diabolical discussion was being held on Christmas Eve. If that's not blasphemy, what is?
ASolo ago
More Bad News for Jeff Epstein?
JULY 11, 2007
ASolo ago
DealBook - A Financial News Service of The New York Times
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
miamiherald -
redefininggod -
ASolo ago
Helloo ladies and gentlemen, I see that my thread already pissed off a MAGA without them even reading the entire thing or even doing any of the research. I am well aware and prepared for it and potential harassment but you people REALLY need challenging and HAVE to come out of your little cult bubble.
I know that my original thread on the Pool Party Emails are a little obscure and confusing so I am going to take the time to run down what those WIKILEAKS emails were about and later try to tie them into what ever discussion might arise. This will help us get a better understanding of who the SANDLERS were in relation to The Clintons, Trump, and the PERIPHERY of ACTORS that some of you seem to think are out there ON YOUR SIDE LOL.
Astonisher667 ago
Wow you're an idiot.
ASolo ago
What a fucking retard.
Astonisher667 ago
You sure like talking about yourself.
AlphabeticalAnon ago
You know Hillary lost, right? Why are you still grovelling for her? For your campaign of Trump hate? What happy meal are you addicted to?
ASolo ago
Hey, government PIG, fuck off. You can CLEARLY see that Killery and the DON are best buds and both parties are as dirty as your crusty fuckin underwear
AlphabeticalAnon ago
Hey Clinton PIG! Fuck off. We can CLEARLY see how Hillary is so desperate for friends that she'll kiss up to anyone but destroy them if they don't fall down and worship her! HOW DARE anyone run against her in an election! That she stil lost HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
BTW stupid retarded prick of filth and microism, I don't have any parties that I follow or care about. Left/Right is the same shit and is as dirty as YOUR crusty snatch hole! You sure reacted with such anger so I know what you are. SHILL!
ASolo ago
more retard.
AlphabeticalAnon ago
Yes you are. Thanks for playing.
septimasexta ago
A Senator running a gay escort service out of his D.C. townhouse!
"Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank admitted to a two-year relationship with a male hooker, Steve Gobie, who ran a prostitution service out of Frank's apartment, after the Washington Times reported the affair, during a press conference on Aug. 25, 1989. The scandal nearly undid his career, but the Democratic congressman maintained that he had no knowledge that his home was being used as a brothel and kicked Gobie out once he learned what the escort had been doing there. "
A member of Camp Rehoboth along with his pal David Brock. see 8th pic down
Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?
ASolo ago
Great comment
septimasexta ago
Ron Paul Calls the Housing Collapse in 2003
Barney Frank knew exactly what he was doing.
FishstickIsles ago
Do you not think Trump uses a team of people to help make his picks for such positions? I would think any pizza-related tips/suggestions for that pick came somewhere from that team rather than believe Trump is being blackmailed.
What's so wrong with the very idea is that Trump would have been destroyed a long time ago by whatever it is you think they have on him - Hillary was the chosen one.