SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @TrustTheTruth.

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PrepareForWar ago

Ok so I'm no researcher but a long time lurker. This is all very shady imo from both sides. The people who back jem are so fucking cryptic in their posts and are "its right in front of your face". Well just fucking tell us. And the mods..... Brand people. This is supposed to be a platform of free speech. If you get led off course by one of these fags your not really helping the cause anyway. Sorry but I'm gonna say it I think the mods and the jem crew are all in it together. Divide and conquer.

Crensch ago

And the mods..... Brand people. This is supposed to be a platform of free speech.

Do you know what forum sliding is?

If you get led off course by one of these fags your not really helping the cause anyway.


Ok so I'm no researcher but a long time lurker.

If you don't post here, you're not helping the cause either.

And in all honesty the only thing any of us should be doing is buying weapons and ammunition if you think this will end without war your fucking retarded.

"Shut it down!" "Stop talking about it, goy!"

Apparently they still want to push this angle a bit.

@Vindicator @shizy @srayzie @think-

think- ago

Apparently they still want to push this angle a bit.

=> Pay someone to go to v/pizzagate, leave comments that instigate people to start a civil war, or vigilantism.

=> Do this over a certain period of time, then call out Pizzagaters for being 'violent vigilantes' in MSM articles.

=> Hope that at least some people will believe it, and associate the fight against elite pedophilia with violence and vigilantism.

srayzie ago


PrepareForWar ago

See that was quick call in reinforcements brand this guy quickly. Fuck off and ill kill you first on the battlefield. That's why I don't research, it is legitimatly a waste of time the only thing that will stop this is a total collapse of the system we live in today. And I dont give a single fuck what you have to say back because I am 100 percent right. NOTHING will stop this until every last one of them and possibly you have taken their last breath. FACT.

Crensch ago

See that was quick call in reinforcements brand this guy quickly. Fuck off and ill kill you first on the battlefield. That's why I don't research, it is legitimatly a waste of time the only thing that will stop this is a total collapse of the system we live in today. And I dont give a single fuck what you have to say back because I am 100 percent right. NOTHING will stop this until every last one of them and possibly you have taken their last breath. FACT.

Then why are you even commenting here? Is it because you're a paid shill here to try and reinforce the idea that the mods are somehow bad people when one mod pings the other so they all know what's going on?

PrepareForWar ago

You got me figured out... I was just laying out what I saw as a lurker but you got rather defensive rather quickly. Chill fag.

Crensch ago

Maybe if you didn't look like a shill, you wouldn't be called one?

Let's play a little game:

You tell me what you think a paid troll/disinfo shill would do here, then we can compare notes and look at your comments together to see what you look like to everyone else.

PrepareForWar ago

Divide and conquer just like you all have been doing. Fuck dude I'm not wasting my time anymore you'll never see me post here again. But you may bc I may start making a bunch of alts just to fuck with you, faggot.

Crensch ago

Go for it. Faggots like you are nothing but a boost in motivation to destroy faggots like you. It's a vicious cycle.

PrepareForWar ago

Brock not pay you to work on holidays?

Crensch ago

It's funny how you project your own situation onto me. Very Jewish of you.

PrepareForWar ago

You having fun? I mean this must really get exhausting. Anyone you disagree with you slander and name call. All I ever did was voice my opinion. Why did you get so upset? Honestly if you're not doing exactly what I said it shouldn't have bothered you and your cronies. I think I sode with Jen's crew now. Thanks for helping me make my mind up.

Crensch ago

1.4 days -10ccp

PrepareForWar ago

So..... No reply. Fucking shill.

PrepareForWar ago

Name calling, finger pointing, and all around faggotry. That's all you have. I stated my opinion. I don't post and this is why. Truly dude, I'm not on their side I just wanted to let people know what I thought was going on. But, why are you so defensive?

PrepareForWar ago

Answer the question? I'll wait.

PrepareForWar ago

Dude its like you post on an 8 hour cycle almost like you're on the clock.... I've been replying at my leisure and you only reply during an 8 hour period.... Weird.

srayzie ago

I guess he didn’t want to play lol.

PrepareForWar ago

And in all honesty the only thing any of us should be doing is buying weapons and ammunition if you think this will end without war your fucking retarded.

ESOTERICshade ago

If I said "anymore" or " any more" which would be correct?

Piscina ago

I think that William Cooper (Behold a Pale Horse) said it best:

“Listen to everyone. Read everything, believe nothing . . . until you can prove to yourself whether it is true or false or lies between the many shades of gray. If you don’t do this, if you cannot do this, or are just plain too lazy to do this, then I can assure you that you will march into the New World Order as a docile slave.”

Unfortunately, I think tags will be ascribed to people whose (sometimes and/or often) valid opinions are disliked. It's a form of shaming and social stigmatizing, as well as public humiliation. If you want to shut down any dissenting opinions, that is the perfect way to do it. Forcing users to carry labels is pretty much the way it was done in The Scarlet Letter. I'd like to think we've moved on a little since then.

Yes, I made that comment to Vindicator. But I've not had any run-ins with him/her and have accepted whatever ruling he/she wanted to make. And I've had a hell of a lot more accusations leveled at me. I don't care though. I know who I am; I know my principles. As I've said before, I'm a nobody on the other side of the world. I have no horse in the race. I ask for, and take, no money. I am here simply because I want children to be protected. I am labelled a 'nut' by some for believing in pizzagate, but I've been here since the beginning and know that something is really wrong in Washington DC. Still noone knows what happened to little Caris. Instead of all this infighting, we should be thinking of the innocent children like her and the horrible things they're forced to endure.

Crensch ago

Still noone knows what happened to little Caris. Instead of all this infighting, we should be thinking of the innocent children like her and the horrible things they're forced to endure.

This is why I don't believe a word of what you say. You JIDF/MediaMatters shills always try to shoehorn in some kind of heartstring-tugging anecdote to make yourselves sound human. You're not.

And you are one of the users that, if we go forward with flairs, will be discussed until you can either apologize or support these words:

There is clearly one rule for the mods, who can and do call users 'cunts', and another rule for users, who get some of their pretty pertinent and relevant threads taken down.

... which I asked you to support 6 days ago now. You've had 6 days, and you've done nothing but pretend it didn't happen.

If we choose not to go with flairs, I've half a mind to gather this kind of evidence on every single one of you and present it under every submission and comment you make. Until the lot of you stop harassing and lying about my mods, I will go out of my way to ruin you.

The ball is in your court.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy @EricKaliberhall

RIPJem ago

First the mods spread false claims that Jem777 was not Jenny Moore.

Then the mods spread false claims that Jenny Moore was not dead.

Then the mods spread false claims that Jenny Moore was a CIA disinformation agent.

Then the mods spread false claims about Jenny Moore's history and relationships.

They claimed she was not a whistleblower. They claimed she was not injured in an attack.

Jem777 was banned from posting here. She then posted as Mej777. She was threatened along with others and finally gave up on Voat to travel and partner up with George Sweigart in an attempt to meet with others in real life and share The Truth with a wider audience.

She knew the risks she was taking. She was more courageous and brave than most of you here will ever be.

She returned to Voat in a frantic attempt to meet another user who ALWAYS TOLD EVERYONE THE TRUTH.

She met them and Knew The Truth. She continued investigating extreme crimes and met with many victims of abuse.

Months later after increasingly dangerous missions and disagreements with George Sweigart, she is dead.

Jenny is not the only one who was threatened, slandered, doxxed, attacked and murdered for knowing The Truth.

Jenny knew a lot more than anyone here is giving her credit for. She also believed in Jesus Christ.

The mods ran hit pieces on Jem777 and Jenny Moore to slander and attack her when she could not defend herself.

Worse, they began targeting anyone who stood up for Jenny Moore and The Truth.

You in particular called both Jenny Moore that very word multiple times in the hit piece another mod created after she was killed.

Even @Carmencita was called this word by mods for even attempting to Right the Wrongs and stand up for Jenny Moore and The Truth. She was not the only one called names, threatened, lied to, and manipulated.

Whether you agreed with Jenny Moore when she was Jem777 or not, or believed that she had been attacked or not, or threatened or not, or doxxed or not, or murdered or not, she was still a member of this community who ended up dead while investigating and reporting on extreme criminal corruption, trafficking and abuse among high level officials and others involved.

Who does that?

You then continued piling on and calling others names, launching wildly false accusations, attempting to dox other users, threatening other users, wrongly calling multiple people "Sarah" or claiming they worked together, downvoting comments as Mods to hide The Truth, and discussing ways to ban users.

Now you are adding flairs to users who you have Exposed you as Liars. Either you are Corrupt, or Evil, or Absolutely Ignorant.

Where does @Honeybee stand on this? How much do you all REALLY know about Everything involved?

None of you can answer the questions we have posed in recent days since you launched these attacks.

Most of these are easy questions if you have been paying attention.

Is it possible that none of you really know much of anything and have been caught up in too many lies and school plays?

The newest strategy is to add labels, call for backup and make sure to get 4 downvotes to hide anyone who exposes them and shares The Truth, ignore all questions and comments they cannot Dispute, and attack those who they can bully and threaten.

Why is all of this happening?


We know many people involved directly, including Jenny Moore. She will always be a Good person.

This is not a game. We are not an advanced bot as some have claimed. We are Very Real.

Do any of you realize what is really at stake and how dangerous this is?

If you are NOT Corrupt or Evil, this is your Opportunity to FIX THIS AND UNITE WITH THE TRUTH.


Apologize and Repent before it is too late.

srayzie ago

Relax. You and @Piscina just calm down, take a break, and have one of these.

@Shizy we need another batch.

I’ve got this one covered @Crensch @Vindicator @Think-

Piscina went out of her way to show support for Vindicator when she said “Get over it” after he was being attacked. They just need to relax and have a couple cunt cakes.

Shizy ago

If @piscina and @RIPJem wouldn't be such hogs and shove their faces full of delicious cunt cakes I could finally get out of my kitchen

RIPJem ago

Do you think Murder and Torture is funny?

Do you know what it feels like to have those you care about Tortured and Murdered for The Truth?

Do you know what it feels like to witness extreme criminal acts including corruption, trafficking and abuse among the most powerful?

Do you appreciate Tony Podesta's art collection?

Do you follow James Alefantis on instagram?

Is this something you would share with your children and grandchildren?

Do you have any Morals or Ethics?

Are you Sick and Evil, or have you simply lost your Faith in Jesus Christ through decades of programming, ignorance and deception?

Have you spread enough lies and upvoted your masters enough today to meet their approval?

srayzie ago


Piscina ago

You want an apology? Sorry.

Crensch ago


Sorry for what, @Piscina? Why don't you elucidate what it is you're sorry for, and ping those you've wronged like a human would?

Piscina ago

I'm not exactly sure what I'm sorry for, but I'm not going to die in a ditch because someone got their knickers in a knot for things that get said a lot here, and I don't see you demanding that they apologize. So I said sorry, which is what you asked for. Now you're changing the goalposts. I'm not sure who I'm supposed to ping--is it @Vindicator ? If so, there you go.

Crensch ago

I'm not exactly sure what I'm sorry for, but I'm not going to die in a ditch because someone got their knickers in a knot for things that get said a lot here

Nice try on commuting my online-only threats to your IRL health and well-being. I don't need to find you IRL to ruin you, despite what your handlers tell you. Or is it your handlers that are the danger to you?

and I don't see you demanding that they apologize.

Maybe you just have horrible timing. I'm done putting up with it for the time being, and had you done this before the Jem incident, I wouldn't have been around to care, most likely. The other mods are MUCH nicer than I am, and would shrug off your accusations and attacks for quite some time before pinging me to weigh in; that's when shit hits the fan for you disgusting shill fucks.

So I said sorry, which is what you asked for. Now you're changing the goalposts. I'm not sure who I'm supposed to ping--is it @Vindicator ? If so, there you go.

An apology is not just "Sorry." That's a petulant child's attempt at not properly apologizing, and it certainly shows no remorse or even an ounce of giving a fuck one way or the other, so I'm not moving the goalposts at all. I didn't want "Sorry." I wanted an apology. Even Jewgle has a decent bead on what an apology is:

Step 1: Express Remorse. Every apology needs to start with two magic words: "I'm sorry," or "I apologize." ...

Step 2: Admit Responsibility. Next, admit responsibility for your actions or behavior, and acknowledge what you did. ...

Step 3: Make Amends. ...

Step 4: Promise That It Won't Happen Again.

Crensch ago

Mods, this heartstring anecdote thing has happened a LOT here, and I'd like to thank @Piscina for finally solidifying the pattern of it as a likely COINTEL playbook tactic that is used by shills to make them sound human. I don't think the rate at which this tactic is employed specifically by those that are attacking mods is organic, and I have never seen it used against the attackers. Not once.

Piscina ago

Peace, out Crensch.

Crensch ago

Give my regards to your handler.

Piscina ago

Crensch, I don't know you. It's only in the last few days you've pinged me, which is interesting because I've never interacted with you on pizzagate. And you've pinged me to call me a 'cunt' and tell me you're going to destroy me, without knowing me at all.

I've interacted with lots of users on pizzagate and, apart from the odd snipe, we're all pretty much on the same page and polite and helpful towards one another. I can honestly say that I believe users on pizzagate are there for the right reasons and are good people.

You seem to have come out of nowhere determined to, as you say, 'destroy' me.

Crensch ago

Crensch, I don't know you.

How very unfortunate for you and your handler.

It's only in the last few days you've pinged me, which is interesting because I've never interacted with you on pizzagate.

How is this relevant to anything?

And you've pinged me to call me a 'cunt' and tell me you're going to destroy me, without knowing me at all.

I don't need to know anything but what you've written in order to destroy you. The rest of anything about you I really don't give a shit about.

I've interacted with lots of users on pizzagate and, apart from the odd snipe, we're all pretty much on the same page and polite and helpful towards one another.

Good for you. If you attack my mods, I will show up. If you do not have sufficient supporting evidence to back up your attacks, I will rip you to shreds. IF you have supporting evidence, you will be thanked, and the mods will be dealt with.

Is that clear enough for you?

I can honestly say that I believe users on pizzagate are there for the right reasons and are good people.

I can honestly say you live in a bubble, and have not seen what I have seen. Many of the "good people" users here are not.

If you want to stay in your bubble, that's fine, but steer clear of doing things that will get me involved, because I don't care about your feelings or morale. If you seem to be supporting the disinfo shills, you will be collateral damage whether you really are or not, and I will not give one single thought to what a fantastic person you are behind the keyboard.

You want kid gloves? The mods here are fucking saints, and you insignificant cuntbags attack them constantly, and you pile on whenever someone else attacks them, and you have absolutely no support for your positions, which should make you feel the deepest shame given that you're on a fucking research forum. How you don't feel this utter shame, I will never know, but I will wring it out of you like I just did with Gothamgirl.

You seem to have come out of nowhere determined to, as you say, 'destroy' me.

I don't know you from Spamalek, cunt. I don't care who you are, where you came from, who you know, or what amazing discovery for PG you made; you came here with accusations during one of the biggest upheavals of this subverse's existence to attack my mods, and you have zero support for your attacks. Nothing. Not ONE ounce of it. What, exactly, do you think you look like to me? A human? No, you look like you're getting paid to attack my mods just like many of the others that attacked them around the same time. You think this shit isn't coordinated by $omeone?

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @shizy @EricKaliberhall

darkknight111 ago

Happy middle ground suggestion:

This idea is MUCH more democratic, thus more "abuse proof" and promotes trust and bonding.

Put it up to a vote by the users themselves BEFORE putting up the user flair.

We could use this system for nominating users for a positive flair. Only in this case, its the USERS themselves who nominate X user, then BOTH the users and the mods would vote before putting it up.

The mods job in this proposed system would be to nominate X user for the flair.

Let's put this suggestion to the test with our first targets: pieces of shit that EVERYONE here hates. Auralsects (make a "Sand Nigger Shill" flair for him), AWS (make a (((Shill))) flair for him), and DeathToMasonsASAP (make a "Blackpill Shill" flair for him).

RIPJem ago

The comments below were posted on Vindicator's other related post.

Keep in mind that it was Vindicator who banned Jem777.

Keep in mind that Jem777 was Jenny Moore.

Keep in mind that Jenny Moore was threatened, slandered, doxxed, attacked, and Murdered for The Truth.

Keep in mind that the mods orchestrated hit pieces on Jenny Moore after she died.

Keep in mind that the mods Betrayed Jenny Moore just as Judas Betrayed Jesus Christ.

Keep in mind that the mods worked together to downvote, lie, make false accusations, and attack ANYONE who stood up for Jenny Moore and The Truth.

Read the exchanges on these posts and be sure to see the ones the comments they were so desperate to Hide.


We knew Jenny Moore directly.

We know George Sweigart.

We know more than all of you combined.

Why can none of the mods answer any of the questions posed to them recently including some in the comments below?

The Truth should not be Banned. The Truth cannot be Disputed. The Truth will Never Go Away.


Why are those involved only targeting @GothamGirl with this hit piece when they have labeled, slandered, threatened and attacked others including Jenny Moore and anyone who defends Jenny Moore and The Truth?

Why did Mods call @Carmencita such profane and revolting names?

Who has @Carmencita stood up for in the past?

Why did the mods accuse multiple people of being "Sarah"?

Why did the mods accuse others of being advanced bots?


We do not work with Sarah. We do not work with bots. We do not work with GothamGirl. We do not work with Are We Sure.

The Truth is Unmistakable.

We knew Jenny Moore directly. We know more than ALL OF YOU COMBINED.

We have also received threats, including from the mods and others.

Jenny is not the only one who was threatened, slandered, doxxed, attacked and murdered.

Why can't anyone here answer the questions posed over recent weeks?

Why are the mods so DESPERATE to Hide and Silence The Truth?

Do any of you know the answers to these questions or any of the others posed to you?

Are you still going to argue that Jenny is still alive?

Are you still going to argue that Jenny is a CIA disinformation agent?

Are you still going to argue that Jenny was not murdered?

Who did Jenny return to Voat to meet with and what happened?


We ask questions to find out who really wants to know The Truth.

We ask questions to find out who actually knows The Truth, and who pretends to.

We ask questions to expose those who LIE and DECEIVE.

We asked Jenny Moore many questions directly.

She answered them honestly, and some she did not know, but did not pretend to either.

In basic terms, she found The Truth, and she gave her life for The Truth.

Why are those who Betrayed Jenny Moore so desperately afraid of The Truth that Jenny knew?

Why did the hit piece created by those who Betrayed her garner over 750 comments? What were they ones they were most worried about hiding?

Who were George's exes, employers, and deep contacts?

Why are so many including all of the mods here ganging up to attack and slander Jenny Moore and call her names that no one should ever be called? Why are they lying, attacking, downvoting, calling for backup, slandering and threatening any who stand up for Jenny Moore and The Truth? Why was a special tag created by corrupt mods to falsely label those who defended Jenny Moore as disinfo agents? What were the mods accused of by those they falsely labeled?

Why were the mods spreading lies, falsely accusing users of being other people, and portraying themselves as victims?

Why was Jenny Moore not the only one who was threatened, doxxed, attacked and murdered for The Truth?

What did Jenny think of Defango, Unirock, Lift the Veil, Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, and George Sweigart and some of the other characters involved?

What did Jenny know that none of them knew? What did Jenny believe that none of them believed?

What was Jenny's focus? Who did she meet with? What was her end game?

Who were George's exes, employers, and deep contacts?

What did she say about the Clintons? What did she say about Donald Trump? What did she say about Agenda 21 and Sustainability?

What did she say about 5G artificial intelligence, and how it connects to child trafficking, corruption, abuse and tyranny?

What did she say about Paul Ryan, John McCain, Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer, Podestas, Emanuels, Ashton Kutcher and some of the others intimately involved?

What did she know about secret societies, corruption, blackmail, public-private partnerships, and fake religions?

Why is SoberSecondThought so interested?

What does he know about Lies, Threats, Murder?

Q has told you some Truth, but so have Defango, George Sweigart, and others.

When will ANY OF THEM finally reveal The REAL Truth?

Shizy ago

Here's the bore again! Jem777 got banned by her own choice to not follow submission rules! You're a liar and a fake!

RIPJem ago

Was Jenny Moore attacked, slandered, doxxed, threatened and murdered by her own choice?

Or are you still claiming that she isn't dead?

Or are you still claiming that Jem777 was not Jenny Moore?

Or are you still claiming that Jenny was a CIA disinformation agent?

Or are you still claiming that Jenny was not investigating extreme crimes and corruption involving some of the most powerful people in the world?

Did you know Jenny Moore personally?

We did.

Who is the bore?

Who is the Liar?

Who is the Fake?

Who was Exposed as Corrupt and Ignorant, and who is now spreading more lies and flailing in desperation to hide The Truth?

Janice0771 ago

I don't post much here, so I don't expect anybody to give this much credence. I do, however, encounter this behavior quite often while fighting the good fight offline.

You need to ban these users. They are purposefully tampering with your jury pool and you must take back your control.

They're here to sow the seeds of doubt. They're here to make you question your belief systems, your integrity, your intelligence, your rationale, your logic, your capabilities, and your foundation.

You feel the need to defend yourselves, and that response was triggered, calculated, planned, and expected. Walk away. Anything less and you're feeding into the psycho-social game being played here.

The fact that you're unsure of yourselves and pondering a solution is an excellent example of how they operate. You know what to do.

Clean your house.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Can I get a flair for most naive user

ESOTERICshade ago

This is a terrible and it will end up being abused.

Crensch ago

This is the best argument FOR using flairs I've seen yet.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is the best argument FOR using flairs I've seen yet.

Its your ballgame. Your aptitude and understanding for the duality of the occult world will determine the results. I truly believe, that you believe, in free speech and that you are attempting to uphold the Voat Spirit and uphold free speech.

I believe that you have have good intentions and the reason that I do is because @kevdude thinks you have good intentions.

All I am doing is asking you to think about the future ramifications of these "flairs" because there will be a "butterfly" effect and it will slowly creep into censhorship.

Just my two cents...carry on... :)

EricKaliberhall ago

I think flairs and bans is a good idea. Also an effective combo. Anything making it easier for new users is always a good thing in my mind.

Flairs and bans... Yeah, like a double-tap to the back of the head.

auralsects ago

Based on OP, @Crensch I'd slap a "Pretentious Flamboyant Homosexual" flare on him real quick. You don't even know shit about pizzagate. And you censored posts pointing out that pizzagate is merely Jewish rituals as witnessed throughout history. So add a "kikeshill" tag also, LMAO

Shizy ago

And you need a "filthy stinky Muslim faggot" flair!

think- ago

I'd slap a "Pretentious Flamboyant Homosexual" flare on him real quick.

You are a gay trannie, and you are 'accusing' others of being gay? LMAO

IWorshipQAnon ago

As opposed to a straight tranny

auralsects ago

I'm a masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian. I still slay pussy and now pay less for car insurance. I am a WINNER.

think- ago

I'm a masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian.

In your dreams.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Wtf does that even mean? I can't ask my ex.

think- ago

Translation: He claims to be a lesbian woman, identifying as a man.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Ok. I think? Lmao

IWorshipQAnon ago

I think the flair oral sex needs is incel

EricKaliberhall ago

Which flair do you want donkey... Faggot-shill or Neger-whore? Or maybe we can switch on a weekly basis... The options are endless.

auralsects ago

Well, as a Swede you are the authority on who WHORES THEMSELVES TO NIGGERS so I trust your judgement

Are_we_sure ago

Do you really think people are paid to come here. Why?

IWorshipQAnon ago

Google says yes

aretheyarrestedyet ago

Hell yes they (you) are.

I've had three usernames in my time on this site, and it's always the same folks that attack and cause shit... and caused me to delete my accounts.

One thing I do know is that when YOU show up the submitter knows the likelihood of them being way over target is high.

So yeah, you're definitely paid to be here. Why else would anyone act like such a pillock in posts full of info outing pedos? Unless..... omg, dude, are you a pedo?!

Are_we_sure ago

Being over the target is nonsense language designed to stop critical thinking and to increase motivated reasoning. It's very good brainwashing. Someone's criticizing me, therefore I must be right.. It's very effective because that's our natural instinct.

Dunno if this term existed before Q but what a load of horseshit.

I am not paid to be here and since the forums I go to are dedicated to silly all encompassing conspiracy theories it prevents them from doing anything actually useful again pedophiles. They prefer their witchhunt and to attack democracy itself and the rule of law in their withchhunt. These are objectionable in and of themselves to my non pedo self. The idea that people who disagree with you are corrupt is a hallmark of cults and conspiracy theories.

Crensch ago

IWorshipQAnon ago


Are_we__sure ago

Are you using that as a way of avoiding thinking? Of avoiding engaging in discussion?

I just read your post on Gothamgirl. DRA-MA. I still lead towards mental health issues.

As a critic and skeptic on here, I'm seeing this with a bit of distance. From where I am sitting, this seems like the fights of true believers. Ever notice how religions and cults end up in schisms? Like minded people all of a sudden have an irredeemable split? It happens all through human history.

There's a certain baseline of paranoia on these boards to begin with. It's not unusual on here to believe multiple ancient global conspiracies connect every scandal in the modern world. And in fact you can trace these scandals back to the ancient conspiracies in an unbroken line of succession. That attracts a certain kind of thinker. Paranoids lash out when challenged. Even close friends can become ONE of them. If this is a place that feels like home to them, crticism from someone close to them would sting much more than criticism from an outsider or a normie.

SoberSecondThought ago

There's a certain baseline of paranoia on these boards to begin with. It's not unusual on here to believe multiple ancient global conspiracies connect every scandal in the modern world. And in fact you can trace these scandals back to the ancient conspiracies in an unbroken line of succession. That attracts a certain kind of thinker. Paranoids lash out when challenged. Even close friends can become ONE of them. If this is a place that feels like home to them, crticism from someone close to them would sting much more than criticism from an outsider or a normie.

Every word of this is true, and none of it changes the fact that you are paid to come here. Life is full of ironies like that.

Are_we__sure ago

That's a nonfact.

SoberSecondThought ago

First, a couple of paragraphs is not "insanely long," and second, what is it with you people and pretending not to remember things? Does that work in the courtroom? "Your Honor, I don't recall anything about murder charges against my client. Weren't we discussing a parking ticket?" So lame!

You're a lawyer working for the Clintons, maybe paid by the Clinton Foundation, or maybe out of some other pot of money. It's not rocket science, just fairly elementary listening skills. When you confine yourself to short, witty retorts you could be mistaken for a public-spirited skeptic trying to calm down a paranoid conspiracy-fest (which of course Voat is, much of the time). But when you argue anything more complicated, then both because of the subject matter you get most engaged by, and because of how you approach it, you sound uncannily like a lawyer assigned to refute allegations against your client.

I've said this before: It's not the crime itself, but the cover-up that generally causes the most problems. If you came and went erratically, if you got pissed off and emotionally engaged in what you were writing, or if you had ever offered a credible alternative motivation for the hours you put in, I might believe you were just one more guy arguing with strangers on the Internet. But you're (a) relentlessly professional and (b) always here. That kind of dispassionate attention to detail bills out at a substantial hourly rate.

Are_we__sure ago

and second, what is it with you people and pretending not to remember things?

Your theory was wrong, struck me as bizarre and I forgot about it. I don't focus on people's screen names too much unless you're one of the handful whose personalities I got to know.....usually if they got personal with me Frankly, I confuse you with another user. Your theory is still bizarre and wrong the second time around. Have you heard? I'm some guy named Kamil on Medium.

Are_we_sure ago

Jem777 wasn't paid to be here as some Disinfo op. She had mental health issues.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @srayzie @think-

How would you know that?

think- ago


Vindicator ago

It's completely plausible that Jem was mentally ill and being manipulated by handlers to cause chaos and fear here.

@Are_we_sure as a long, multi-account history of attempting to ((( Correct the Record ))) here, often with partial information used as "evidence". The Jem disruption forum attack would not have been possible without his weird provocative comments to her 10 months ago which she took as death threats, then repeatedly referenced to other users as "evidence" that mods were corrupt and not to be trusted.

That drama then lay dormant like a land mine until two weeks ago when George Webb, who has admitted to being Mossad, claimed she died in a DC hotel. The news posted here triggered a chorus of "AWS murdered Jem" with threats to dox him. Throughout that mess, AWS made several odd requests of mods -- to post and sticky a thread for him so he could respond, since his CCP is too low to make submissions (we did not), as well as DMs to me suggesting mods were opening Voat to legal liability.

It is still not clear to me what is going on, but I think it wise to consider the possibility AWS played an active role in helping instigate the forum disruption while wearing the victim mantle. He may well be telling the truth when he says he knows Jem had mental health issues.

@think- @srayzie

IWorshipQAnon ago

Are we sure seems like a correct the record person or someone with insider knowledge he kind of reminds me of Kamil Beylant actually. I really don't think George Webb is Mossad but I think he might be FBI. one of his recent videos he explained that he claimed to be mossad very short term as a way to get mossad people to talk to him. Seems like an FBI kind of thing to do not saying I trust the FBI at all

Are_we_sure ago

@Are_we_sure as a long, multi-account history of attempting to ((( Correct the Record ))) here, often with partial information used as "evidence".

A very succesful history at that. If my partial information is misleading, then show where am I wrong.

Things I've been correct about.

George Webb is a goof. (Took me about 45 seconds.) EDIT: Wow you bring up Webb in your theory. Is DarkMath still around? Go ask him my thoughts on Webb. I was first introduced to Webb because folks on the PG board got all hepped about him. I visiting his channel and found he was making a completely bonkers claim Eric Braverman was missing because he hadn't posted on twitter. The PG forum used on wait with baited breath for his videos like people do for Q drops these days. Took them many, many months to sour on Webb.

The pizzagate list of "code words" is fake and didn't exist prior to Podesta's emails coming out.

True Pundit is fake, his specific report on the Weiner laptop a straight out hoax. A hoax that had been circulating for several days before his report.

The Jeffrey Dahmer case has nothing to do with Pizzagate, nothing to do with Louis Bourgeois, her Arches series was started before Dahmer was arrested and she discussed her actual imitation many times.

The Scalia 'vineyard' image is a fake.

The claim that Hillary Clinton had a long interest in Laura Silsby is false and is based on a document a State Department employee found on the website of Silsby's church after she was arrested.

The claim the Bill Clinton intervened diplomatically is contradicted by the contemporaneous records AND the newspaper that made the claim, dropped it.

The claim that Alefantis can be connected to Silsby is false and relies on the word of her fake conman convict lawyer and there's no evidence whatsoever she went to an orphanage connected to Alefantis's friend Max Maccoby. And there's plenty of evidence of which orphanages she actually did go to.

The "pizza and hotdogs" email was written by an Obama hater with no inside information passing along a false right-wing meme.

The issues I've debunked leave the basic foundation for the whole pizzagate theory with gaping holes. Feel free to address them in good faith any time, Vindicator.

The Jem disruption forum attack would not have been possible without his weird provocative comments to her.

So it's on me? Not her lies and mental illness. Wow. let's see where you are going with this.

Throughout that mess, AWS made several odd requests of mods

Wait. It's odd to want a space to respond to claims that I'm a murderer? Seriously?

suggesting mods were opening Voat to legal liability.

Calling someone a murderer is Libel per se, a much, much lower standard of libel where damages are automatic.

libel per se. n. broadcast or written publication of a false statement about another which accuses him/her of a crime, immoral acts, inability to perform his/her profession, having a loathsome disease (like syphilis) or dishonesty in business.

Voat has a button to report "Content contains or links to content that is illegal." It seemed to me that Voat was not enforcing this.

Given the false claims that I was a murderer, given that this claims found their way onto Reddit and YouTube, the calls to dox me and worse, had shit spiraled out of control, yes, I could see legal liability for leaving these false claims up. I'm not a lawyer and don't know how that would play out, but if my personal IRL life got affected by some joke on an internet board I would want my day in court.*

*Reading up on the CDA I might not have a case

but I think it wise to consider the possibility AWS played an active role in helping instigate the forum disruption while wearing the victim mantle.

What was I saying about this place and paranoia? You're wrong dude. I was the canary in the coal mine. I was the first target of her craziness. This would have happened eventually with her, it just would have a different start.

How does the poem go? *First they came for Are_We_Sure? and I did not speak out...

I will give you props for being decent during the first days of this. Because you knew there was no death threat and you were the target of her crazy behavior.

For the record. I had no idea who the person behind the screenname was. The last time I thought of her before all this was the last time she posted on the forums. I had no idea she was basically living near DC and running around with George Webb. If you got folks doing coordinated attacks on this place it ain't me.

Vindicator ago

Wait. It's odd to want a space to respond to claims that I'm a murderer? Seriously?

suggesting mods were opening Voat to legal liability.

Calling someone a murderer is Libel per se, a much, much lower standard of libel where damages are automatic.

It's odd to not reply in the thread the accusations were made in, where people would see them in context, yes.

Libel requires a real person be damaged, AWS, as I'm sure you are well aware. How can an anonymous online persona completely unconnected to your real life identity, livelihood, and social network be libeled? Also, it's in the Voat User Agreement that users may not profit in any way from Voat; therefore there is no material damage that could be claimed.

Are_we_sure ago

Because as you just pointed out.. "AWS, Aas I'm sure you're aware"....I'm not completely anonymous. I have a consistent pseudonyms and I'm pretty sure courts have held, you can libel a pseudonymous person.....

How can an anonymous online persona completely unconnected to your real life identity, livelihood, and social network be libeled?

Well Vindicator, as you definitely aware, there were calls to dox me on the same page as the libel. That would tend to kick things up a notch and there were active doxing attempts. I was accussed of being a specific criminal on some fully anonymous part of Voat.

It's odd to not reply in the thread the accusations were made in, where people would see them in context, yes.

A. They were made in many threads. Repeatedly.

B. My comments tend to get buried.

A thread seemed reasonable to me. Especially if I needed on link to point to to non Voat users as this did spread beyond Voat. And I did ask regular users who had questions to start a thread.

if someone wants to start an AMA thread on this, I'll show the original post and the truth.

That point on the user agreement just seems weird. I'm not profiting from Voat. Recovering damages is not profiting. Also it would be up to the court to determine if Voat contributed to the damages.

After looking into it, I think the law protecting website's from the illegal content of written by their users is the stronger shield, but in this case we had a combination of factors, the libel, the call to reveal my identity meaning the libel would be connected to my real life identity and livelihood and the calls for revenge. Given that we had these combination of factors, and Voat's moderators were aware of them, would Voat still be protected? I don't know the answer to that. Also if things did get out hand, I would probably need to subpoena IPs.

Voat and you did eventually step in about the doxing which I do appreciate, but that was a bit delayed. The first thread still has a post saying I was involved in her death call to hack me. And my guess is that delay was because it involved me and because this crew had "worked over" the refs before.

think- ago

I'm not completely anonymous. I have a consistent pseudonyms and I'm pretty sure courts have held, you can libel a pseudonymous person.....

No, you can't. 'Are_We_Sure' is a fictious personality.

A. They were made in many threads. Repeatedly.

You would still have been able to all of these comments.

B. My comments tend to get buried.

But they don't get deleted. Anyone can read them when clicking on 'show'.

You need only ten CCP to submit a post on Voat, using an alt. It would have been easy to accrue these points in no time, and do a post yourself.

It's not the mods' obligation to create posts so that users can post comments on these threads. You have the opportunity to post as many comments to defend yourself as you like here.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Vindicator

IWorshipQAnon ago

Gee you made the same points in this comment that you made in a skeptic's guide to pizzagate. How do you like it that I got your boychat website shut down Kamil?

Are_we__sure ago

got a link?

IWorshipQAnon ago

To the medium article? It's probably still up if you try Google. Not that you don't know since you seem to be the author and know everything here on the board.

Are_we__sure ago

You think I wrote some article on Medium?

think- ago

He may well be telling the truth when he says he knows Jem had mental health issues.


AWS made several odd requests of mods -- to post and sticky a thread for him so he could respond, since his CCP is too low to make submissions (we did not)

It is still not clear to me what is going on, but I think it wise to consider the possibility AWS played an active role in helping instigate the forum disruption while wearing the victim mantle.

Yep. And strangely enough, the RIPJem shill that showed up accused us mods of helping AWS IIRC (which we didn't) - so I think he might well be connected to this group of shills / trolls.

@Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

think- ago

You are linking to his SCP and CCP, and he starts talking about Jem? Hmm....

Are_we__sure ago

I was refuting an argument she made and she went off the rails and claimed I threatened her with death.

It escalated so fast, it took me complete surprise. My criticism and mocking of her was a threat to her ego, no different from a threat on her life.

I personally think the stories she told were lies, -like being in witness protection, but she believed them.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Your "death threat" is a hallmark of the same type of threatening behavior anyone with your level of experience would use. Smart enough to skirt the law on technicalities. Not really coming off as innocuous there.

Crensch ago

You stated the above as fact, not "I believe".

Are_we__sure ago

Yeah I witnessed the fact she was mentally ill.

IWorshipQAnon ago

Calling your victims mentally ill is not going to work with everyone.

Are_we__sure ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

IWorshipQAnon ago

Only complete narcissistic mental cases make gaslighting attempts as obvious as your dahmer mattress one and then pretend your victim is the one with the issue.

Are_we__sure ago

On yeah? Interesting. Because it was a mocking exaggeration of her argument.

Explain how it was gaslighting.

Crensch ago

No, you stated it as a fact, and when asked, you backpedaled to "I personally think."

The meaning changes between the two; especially when attempting to convince someone else of something. "I believe" is not a statement of fact, while "X wasn't paid to be here, but had Y" is, and requires evidence.

Are_we__sure ago

It's not backtracking at all. It's about two separate things. The I personally think was about her stories not her mental health.

I don't know enough to know about her stories. I have witnessed her mental health.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for making this thread, Crensch.

It should be noted that there are many creative ways that username flares could be deployed, including some positive ones like a gold star or something for people's favorite researchers. People should think about this and share any ideas they have.

think- ago

many creative ways that username flares could be deployed, including some positive ones like a gold star or something for people's favorite researchers

As I said elsewhere, I don't think we should flair users. I don't want to give the impression that mods decide who is a 'good' user, and who is a 'bad' user.

People like Donkey are hated by almost anybody here anyway, and most people have figured out that DeathToMasonsASAP is a troll, who has been attacking the sub from the beginning.

And other users are highly respected anyway, with or without 'gold stars'.

I don't want to see the sub turning into a 'who-get's-the-prize-for-best-essay' site, and I don't want users here being afraid that they might be labelled 'shill', only for disagreeing with mods or other users.

People here are more sensitive than on other Voat subs. Many who come here, or read as lurkers, are survivors. I would like to see them feeling as comfortable as possible, and the constant fear of getting labelled would lead to them being afraid to speak their minds imo.

Also, I don't want to see the - perceived - gap between mods and users who are not modding getting deeper.

We should continue with our ban policy as usual. Bans are given only for violating the rules, not for comments (except for spam, doxxing or posting incriminating material). Imo this should stay this way.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator where are you on this now? Seems like the other users are slightly against it overall, and that's not including the known shitstirrers.

I'm more or less ambivalent, and would probably lean towards not using them if I had to choose.

Introducing the flairs is a great way to add extra variables to this shitstorm equation, and multiple vectors of attack for the shills. I LIKE the idea in an idealistic kind of way, but the reality is that it will very likely be used against us.

I introduced an alternative to @Piscina here, and anyone can call out a username like that. Maybe some of the other users will take up that particular baton and help out when they see one of them posting.

As of this comment, removing all the flairs currently in effect. Will reinstate if the discussion takes that kind of turn.

RIPJem ago











httpswwwdotcom ago

I really like the flair idea and would have blindly accepted its implementation until I read this comment.

You make a good point and I don't think it would be that much of a stretch to assume that the same users claiming the mods are bad/shills/agents/etc would also claim that the mods use flairs as another form of censorship or misdirection etc. Furthermore, it does actually open up an avenue for control with malicious intent—operating under the assumption that everyone can be compromised, that is.

However, I do think it would be funny to see some big red warnings over the incredibly irritating trolls.

ben_matlock ago

i think @think- thinks like me

think- ago

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall: please see parent.

IShallNotFear ago

I don't know if we should highlight the prominent researchers. I have always thought that pizzagate is more about what is said than who said it. I don't want pizzagate to be like regular news media where people think, "CBS said it so it must be true." I don't even want it to be like many conservative circles where people pick their favorite talking head (Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, Lauren Southern, etc) and defend them against other conservative criticism no matter what. I want users to have about the same level of critical thinking and skepticism on a post made by a new user as on a post made by someone who has been here since the beginning. Look, I know if you flaired popular researchers, I may be included as one of the good guys. However, I have had to retract stories in the past. See here here and here. I don't want people to blindly believe what I say if I am wrong. Also, I don't want my previous mistakes to taint other's opinions when I do get it right.

Edit: Had to change one of my retraction links. I guess that is an example of what I was referring to above.

Vindicator ago

This is an excellent point, ishallnotfear. Thanks for making it.

One reason the flairs are being considered is because of the Jem777 thing. For some reason, no one seemed to remember the comments I made numerous times before, during and after I had to ban her exposing the lies she was telling and suspicious behavior she was exhibiting. A flare for that kind of thing next to her username while it would have been met with anger, would at least have allowed us to have a conversation that critically examined the situation. Instead, everyone forgot about it and she went on and on and on off platform apparently fooling Robyn Gritz and a lot of other people. We still don't know what is really going on with Jem. The flares would trigger more critical discussion of suspicious contributions and help prevent sleeper shills from taking people for a ride.

On the other hand, depending on how it's used, this could increase the controversy and drama here and have a chilling effect on research. That's why we need to discuss it.

think- ago

On the other hand, depending on how it's used, this could increase the controversy and drama here and have a chilling effect on research.

This is exactly what is going to happen if we introduce flairs here imo, and this is why I'm against introducing flairs.

ben_matlock ago

i understand the reasoning for adding the user flairs and was at first glance supportive of it. but after some thought and reading some of the objections here, i'd like to go on record to say that I also am against the flairs. i feel the negatives (creating drama/chilling effect on research) would outweigh the positives.

think- ago

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall: please see parent above.

think- ago

fooling Robyn Gritz and a lot of other people

How do you know she fooled Gritz? Maybe Gritz has been connected to her, and contributed to fooling everybody?

Vindicator ago

Yes, that is also a possibility I have been considering. Which would mean OAN is possibly involved as well.

think- ago

Which would mean OAN is possibly involved as well.


Blacksmith21 ago

Or maybe Gritz was playing Jem777? Gritz > Flynn > Targets of McCabe, et al.

GRITZ is who Flynn was protecting from the FBI. "First we fuck Flynn, then we fuck Trump".

think- ago

GRITZ is who Flynn was protecting from the FBI.

Yes, I know. You mean this gives her credibility?

Or maybe Gritz was playing Jem777?

Could very well have been the case.

kazza64 ago

hey millennial :)

Vindicator ago

Crensch is not Falcon.

kazza64 ago

i was just saying hello :) i saw him post not long ago

Crensch ago

Just to clairfy, you're accusing me of being millennial? Or you're saying hi because he might show up to read this?

i_scream_trucks ago

Wouldnt do much. Flair me as a raging faggot kike ill just laugh at you and do the same non faggot kike thing ive been doing for years.

Not saying youd flair me that way but you see my point.

Crensch ago

So your recommendation is what?

i_scream_trucks ago

not particularly tasteful. i know im a mouthy cunt but you dont often see me having standing rows with anyone about anything important.

im more inclined to just tell someone to suck a cock and get on with life afterwards. some people would have seen me spit the dummy at them one day and have a laugh with them the next. im not bipolar, i just dont give a shit whether someone likes me or not and i take each comment or post as it comes do as i feel accordingly, sometimes a quick fire piss take comment, sometimes an in depth commentary.

Crensch ago

But will it alert normie users to subversive types that would otherwise draw them in and mislead them?

The alternative is banning, and just banning anyone that exhibits the behavioural patterns of the offender. That's how it was dealt with before.

Bottom line: Something needs to be done, or this place will get hammered by sliding and misleading shills until it is completely useless.

Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think-

My post on Gothamgirl is incoming.

IWorshipQAnon ago

I told Vindicator months ago she was bad news when she was participating in some weird threads which were harassing me. This is me @EffYouJohnPodesta

He said she's just a little weird because of her past working at MIT.

Wonder where she came up with the name Gothamgirl. It sounds Elsagatey.

EricKaliberhall ago

I don't believe you are @EffYouJohnPodesta... Go larp somewhere else cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

well that was "fun." Yes, those comments were from me. But the thought of someone wanting to impersonate me for Voat points was kind of a new concept.

EricKaliberhall ago

Serious questions; how many accounts do you have here at VOAT? Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously here at v/pizzagate when you switch accounts daily?

If you act like a shill... I will treat you like one. Your credibility is currently at rock-bottom.

aimeejamey ago

Over the past couple of days I had 3 or 4. QTard & IWorshipQAnon, aimeejamey from this phone due to new account comment limits. I'm not recalling the name of the one or two I made on hubby's laptop but I don't know why it didn't save the passwords. Now that I have my laptop charger and access back to using my own computer I have access to my main account. I used to have only one account. amyrebeccajames. I got banned right off the bat by Millenial Falcon for "spam" when I posted about PP & baby parts. From there I created a new one, it was Shillary GregChism and then AmyJames for a while until finally wiping my hard drive due to over 30 malware apps and many viruses.

I'm sorry you have such a huge problem with me.

Where do I apply to the shill job? I need some money. Unfortunately, Every time I post here it's just me stating my personal opinion.

Which in this case is that you are butthurt.

I've been on here since this message board was brand new. Ask Cc1914 or Carmencita or even Vindicator.

Honestly after all the bullshit I've gone through over Pizzagate your comments pale in comparison. Guess you are having a bad month but whatever. Have a great weekend. after all JOHN MCCAIN IS DEAD. DING DONG.

EricKaliberhall ago

You even respond with another account... I don't give a shit about your phones, computers, lost passwords etc etc.

Unfortunately, Every time I post here it's just me stating my personal opinion.

And how are users here supposed to know that it is in fact you that is stating your 'personal opinion'. Just take your word for it... New account, but hey it's me.

Which in this case is that you are butthurt.

I'm far from butthurt... Just pondering if you're part of the shill/botnet crew that's trying to muddy the water here at v/pizzagate... Or if you're genuine about being a total fuck-up.

aimeejamey ago

Well before your comment I could have sworn you cared.

EricKaliberhall ago

Well before your comment I could have sworn you cared.

If you assume you will get some kumbaya shit from me... You're sadly mistaken. You fuck with me, you will regret it.

aimeejamey ago

I'm not doing anything with you Eric.

EricKaliberhall ago

I'm not doing anything with you Eric.

Keep it that way.

aimeejamey ago

You have anger problems.

srayzie ago

Eric. I never see you talk like that. 😱 😂

NoIdeaWhatPasswordIs ago

Well then, since I agreed with someone about something on here, go ahead and make a Gothamgirl thread of your own, no need to include all opinions. @Vindicator, do you remember this? You recently attacked me for "misunderstanding" things on Voat. Tell me if I misunderstood Gothamgirl or not.

Vindicator ago

I did not attack EYJP for misunderstanding things. I questioned a shitty comment she made and pointed out she might be misunderstanding things as she has done in the past.

If this is really you, I suggest you stick to a single username. We have a botnet going around spamming comments, making snarky-named alts attacking mods and other users, including making death threats. If you don't want to be lumped in with that group, get your shit together with your password.

What this looks like is an attempt to LARP as Amy James to create a bunch of accounts and farm CCP.

@EricKaliberhall @think- @Ben_Matlock @Crensch @srayzie

IWorshipQAnon ago

Hi @Vindicator! No, it's me I'm not a bot. Also I should have my charger tomorrow and I will never use my husband's laptop again. also if I was trying to farm CCP I would probably spend more time on those accounts and remember my passwords, but I don't even know what any of them are at this point unless the browser remembers the password for me, which it doesn't seem to be doing, on his laptop anyway. So you don't remember anything about me complaining about Gothamgirl to you? When I get my charger back I'm going to go see if it's in my f you John podesta account. I'm afraid it might still be on the Greg Chism account or maybe a former account. But it was in a private message maybe you can find it yourself. I realize some of the mods here don't like me and that's fine I just don't want to end up with one of those stupid flares because I'm not a disinformation shill. I don't know what it would take to prove it to you guys anyway but most of you guys are Anonymous on here whereas I'm the only one I know who uses her real name all the time on here. It seems like I'm getting hate because I don't like Q

EricKaliberhall ago


IWorshipQAnon ago

You have some kind of extremely huge internet troll issue in your heart and clearly need someone to pat your head and give back your blanket. Ego town.