kazza64 ago

nice work

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

I know what you mean. I thought you liked Jem tho.

Piscina ago

I believe her. Webb is fetid and dirty. He feels entitled to have his fetish demands met. You can tell he's feeling her out if she's willing to do all the things he's talking about. He is gross and disgusting. He needs to keep his penis in his pants, and not expect anyone else--woman, man or child--to be his cum bucket. Use your hand George and don't subject anyone to your sick sex fetishes.

srayzie ago

I agree that he should just stick to his hand.

@auralsects, aka Donkey, would like a ticket for a free show starring George Webb and Rosie Palm. He LOVES how George Webb. He thinks he’s a big strong alpha male with a full head of hair and strong jaw line. But he gets mad at us ladies if we even bring George up.

Since I commented about George, I’m required to apply a trigger warning to this message.

@Shizy @Think- @Vindicator

kestrel9 ago

That's the 'threatened' woman who turned on a dime and made googly eyes at him and they both had happy feet for each other. WTfreak, we're talking about her again?

Remember not so long ago? https://i.imgflip.com/2atnuv.gif

Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm thinking you may turning into a Mossad Magnet ;)

srayzie ago

I think I am too 😂🤣😂🤣 I’ve always been a magnet for the crazies! Shit. You don’t even know the half of it. Have you been aware the Sarah drama?

kestrel9 ago

Just what I was reading in the latest about Jem777 threads...yikes!

srayzie ago

Well yesterday Instarted getting tweets from a stranger, another Sarah alt, threatening me and all kinds of drama. It turns out, she was screwing with @Shizy from that account weeks ago. Then, in the thread I made yesterday, an account claiming to be the FBI watching the boards turned out to be Sarah.

AaronRouseFBI ago

@jangles @gamepwn

As I said, I am keeping a close eye on the subversive activities taking place here. Making juvenile comments and then deleting them like a petulant child might, really doesn't elevate your apparent capacity to deal with this sort of investigation, in fact it renders you to be an erratic personality set on deliberately aggravating and provoking what should be your "team" members, with regards to research. Just what kind of operation is going on here? Forgive me for construing your behavior as markedly odd, given the implication of grave circumstance. https://imgur.com/a/L8kmYvG

Shizy ago

FBI agents don't announce to the subjects of their investigation that they are investigating them! You're a fucking retard 😂!

srayzie ago

jangles ago

given the implication of grave circumstance

Please help us understand this statement. If there is concern pleas elaborate.

srayzie ago

The only concern is that it’s a shill. This is the “Sarah” I was telling you about. This isn’t really FBI. Another Sarah Twitter account started publicly threatening me and my family today. @Shizy said that under that account. They were spreading lies that she was Liz Crokin.

I don’t know if Sarah is a guy or a girl. Me and Jem called her Sarah. That’s what she told us her name was. I’ll get some more info. Until then, don’t worry. This is a nobody.

Shizy ago

She was spreading that I was Laura loomer, telling me I needed to get a nose job, etc.

The real Aaron Rouse was/is working the LV shooting case. Sarah appears to be obsessed with Stephen Paddock and uses Paddock in her name on several alts.

gamepwn ago

I didn't delete buddy boy! Only fixing my comment for a special retard like yourself! Who harasses woman and is quite a dumb faggot who has to create different alts because no one loves them in the real world. Lonely aren't you?

Pizzalawyer ago

there is now a live interview with Robin Girtz on youtube, maybe some one here can find it and post it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

777= Crowley...idiots

Cc1914 ago

This is crazy !! Are those screenshots blurry or is it just me ? Her twitter was suspended or did we already know that ?

srayzie ago

They are blurry. Click on the archive link. Those are really clear. Yeah that account no longer works.

Cc1914 ago

Lol this one ? http://archive.is/https://twitter.com/Gwenjackmann

I’m sorry I just want to make sure because I just put my reading glasses on and it’s still blurry 😁 if that’s not the right one please send me the link

srayzie ago

Lol. Yes that one, no, it was very blurry.

Cc1914 ago

Haha thanks I really thought my eyes were going bad.

Plan1988 ago

I feel,, just don't allow George Webb shenanigans divert

too much of your time/energy from concentrating on the real

not fake Q news . ⬇ With distractions.

srayzie ago

I don’t watch him anymore. But posted this in case something comes up and he’s involved,

Plan1988 ago

Thank You @srayzie. Hang in there. I feel like the Truth

Will be known. Trust the Plan. We have to be patient.

Everything has to be done decently and in order. I believe in

God. I hope/believe that He is master minding this:-)

srayzie ago

Thank you 🙌🏻

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

So Wendy's alleged hubby has no problem with her extended online alleged affair?

srayzie ago

Well I’m sure he didn’t like it. I didn’t ask her about her marriage.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

my husband would seriously freak if I had an affair with someone (anyone) and posted about it online, if it was someone I thought was CIA, he'd probably freak worse and make me delete it, and if he ever did that to me, I'd be flipping out on him equally...

now if it was my ex, he'd do much worse than freak, but that's a different subject

isn't she scared to post all that stuff?

srayzie ago

I think she was scared for her life and felt that keeping quiet may get her killed.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If that's the real George Webb she was talking to she was pretty bold to get involved in his life in the first place, she probably should be scared... he's talking about having his house bugged with cameras and so forth... which would put her on the list for targeting as well.

It is still possible he is a targeted individual but if he is friends with Flynn and getting help from Congress like he says, he's got to have some sort of role in the government aside from just news writing.

AaronRouseFBI ago

Scared why exactly? This isn't a third world dictatorship, this is the USA. No one needs to fear the federal agencies, which work for the public. I will be keeping a close eye on the subversive activities of this forum which appear to be an attempt to undermine public confidence in the agencies which form the backbone of our justice system.

Shizy ago

Keep a close eye on this you stupid lying cock sucker 🖕🏻

srayzie ago

Go fuck your self Sarah.

@Vindicator @Think- @Shizy

@EffYouJohnPodesta - it’s a shill named “Sarah”

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

probably from the ShareBlue center in the same section that goes online and tries to reason with people to love pedophiles because they can't help themselves

srayzie ago


AaronRouseFBI ago

As I have just said, my name is Special Agent Rouse of the FBI.

Shizy ago

Yeah sure you are loser!

They really aren't sending their best and brightest here anymore are they 🤣!

gamepwn ago

LOL thank you for all the work you do Agent Autism. https://i.imgur.com/5TF67l4.jpg

gamepwn ago

LOL thank you for all the work you do Officer Doofy. We salute you Agent Autism for all the work you do! https://i.imgur.com/5TF67l4.jpg

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Member for 1.4 hours

AaronRouseFBI ago

I am Special Agent Aaron Rouse of the FBI. What I have said stands.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

my bloodline makes me immune to bullshit

AaronRouseFBI ago

Your bloodline?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Go look it up crazy person, should keep you busy and off srayzie's back for a while. Have fun!

AaronRouseFBI ago

First of all, I am a rational human being. Ad hominem attacks, do not cut it with me. I'm a little bit long in the tooth to be subjected to school ground taunts, from what I presumed to be a fully grown man.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If you were, you would have had to have passed 3rd grade, where they teach you how to use commas. And I'm not a man.

3141592653 ago

Rock on

jangles ago

Thanks!!! Many here honor and respect the great people who work at the US Federal Agencies. Some of the most clean cut and respectful people in the world work for and in these agencies. There are many absurd prospects and declarations found on this sub that must be taken with a grain of salt, more likely a shot of penicillin.

srayzie ago

He’s protected by someone. There is no way he’s gotten away with all of this if not.

think- ago

....maybe by his dom?! ;-)

auralsects ago

oof its looking like I am vindicated yet again: the presence of women here is a complete and unmitigated disaster.

go monitor some YouTube comment section or live chats and you'll just see tons of women gossiping and saying they're praying for Trump/Q

they are natural followers and cheerleaders, not thinkers or analysts. yet their vote cancels yours, men

meanwhile its an observed fact that women the world over don't know or care about politics

this is a legit national security emergency lmao

Pizzalawyer ago

You are so right. The moment some guy gives them a compliment, they lose all reason and are in danger of becoming a mule for men like GW. And dont upvote anybody here who you think might be a female. They might figure out who you are , get all gushy and give you every upvote they can together with loads of favorable comments and that well skew the perceptions of everybody here, male and female and even trannies, then we will have lost all credibility and will rue the day we ever signed up for Pizzagate. Off with their heads!.

AaronRouseFBI ago

I am going to issue you with a caution for what you are doing here. This forum is now under the surveillance of the FBI.

Shizy ago

Go fuck yourself officer faggot! 😂

Shizy ago

Only the fatties or the uglies fall for that crap!

srayzie ago

Oops. I forgot to give you a Trigger warning.

auralsects ago

dude that doesn't work because literally the first word you ever said to me was how my alpha attitude had your pussy dripping puddles https://imgoat.com/uploads/13d407166e/137062.png

meanwhile the fact that u spend time making immature memes and still believe Webb is in any way worth defending proves my entire point further.

you cant win. you never will. delete your account.

srayzie ago

Find the rest of it. I want to see what you said that I thought was so funny.

srayzie ago

😂 That’s because you asked me if I wanted to see your python and wanted to know if I wanted to see it. I said I you could just google it.

This was before I absolutely hated your guts and you were talking like an actual male and not like a faggot. You so nithjng for me. 🙄

Joe10jo ago

I’m a woman and I have to agree with you 100% that for the most part they’re bumbling idiots. But I have to say that I’m glad Srayzie posted this, nevertheless, because what it puts in to perspective is that this is all too real. It doesn’t matter of JEM is dead or alive, the simple fact that she may have faked her death is proof enough that something could happen to make one of us want to fake ours too. Don’t know about any of you guys but nothings ever compelled me to do that. If I need to steer clear or watch my P’s and Q’s with someone, mucho gracias to Srayzie for letting me know.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

think- ago

Well, then quick, Donkeyhonk, off to Afghanistan ASAP!! Off to some mountain village where women wear veils, get raped all the time, and are not allowed to voice their opinion on politics!! Should be paradise for you!! Only problem: They don't like trannies there... :-)

Meimou ago

Cuck, the cuck cucked cucknly.

auralsects ago

firstly lol at you suggesting that theres higher rates of rape in places where womens movement is restricted than places where they are alone with strange men every day and drunkenly wander the streets at night

secondly lol at you proving my point: the evil globalists (the kikes) prioritize "WOMENS RIGHTS" in captive nations like Afghanistan via diplomatic pressure, loan conditions etc, because its obviously disastrous

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

aurelsects it is obvious you're a shill but sticking around here only to mock women isn't really going to be a good use of your time. It did take me over 2 years to recognize your username as oral sex which obviously was a great accomplishment for me as a woman to finally realize. Oral sex, great imagination there, it's something you've probably never received in your life. Try Saudi Arabia, at least there you can make some money.

think- ago

He recently demanded I should demod @EricKaliberhall - I replied that since I was a woman, I can't seem to remember how to push the 'delete' button on the mod list.....I'd say his hatred of women backfired.... :-)

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I vaguely remember that. I am not surprised, trannies are always extremely entitled.

srayzie ago


This CUNT thinks white women should be raped and thrown in a dungeon starting at the age of 12. I wish the camel jockey would go back to the Middle East and ride on his 🐪

@think- @Shizy

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

he can't really be a CUNT since he doesn't really have one though, that's a term reserved only for real women.

srayzie ago

Lol. I like you. I’m a woman too by the way.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thanks and I thought I knew that

think- ago

No, I found the perfect solution! We put him under a burqa and send him over to Afghanistan - problem solved!!

He wants to be a woman anyway, but they don't want trannies there - so he can go around undercover, and even get a male husband!! Then he can spend the rest of his live scrubbing kitchen floors!!

@Shizy @EffYouJohnPodesta

srayzie ago

Why didn’t I think if that? Hell yeah! 😂

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Can I send my ex with him? They could be in a polygamous tranny husbandry marriage together and rape the baby camels in unison before getting suicide bombed by their brother for honor.

srayzie ago

💐 for you my friend.

@Shizy @Think- LOL

Shizy ago

Looks like we got another mouthy broad on our hands 😂! There's always room for more!

think- ago

I thought the same, @Shizy! :-)

think- ago

@srayzie: Look at this woman, she's a genius! She solved all our problems at once!


srayzie ago

Oh damn. I like this lady LMAO!!

Shizy ago

We can start a go fund me to pay for his airfare. No one wants him here so I'm sure the money would be raised in 5 minutes 😂

srayzie ago

Oh i would donate. No doubt lol

think- ago

That's a great idea!

Shizy ago

We're probably gonna have to raise double the cost for airfare. I forgot about his sweaty obese ass that would take up two seats 😂

srayzie ago

He better not have a backpack. He’ll hold the whole airport up.

@think- @EffYouJohnPodesta

think- ago


srayzie ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I LOL'ed at that. Good one.

Shizy ago

Don't tell him he can't take his baby camel or he might not get on the plane 😂

srayzie ago

His preference is usually male goats. 🤭

@shizy @think- @effYouJohnPodesta

By the way, he’s calling us the golden girls 😂

Shizy ago

I love that!

And I'd rather be golden than dark like shit 😂!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If I'm a golden girl, he's a drama queen

think- ago


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I like your meme, I doubt those goats could tell they were being raped.

srayzie ago

I doubt it too. Lol

SchlongKeyhote ago

my baby camel. wow.

every man is cringing hard at the Golden Girls' incredibly lame attempts at humor and their obliviousness.

^this gaggle of cunts is proving my point. keep it up and I honestly think we have a good chance at bringing back the Scold's Bridle

Shizy ago

What was that BJ? All I heard was blaa, blaa, blaa I'm a worthless asshole 🖕🏻

SchlongKeyhote ago

This CUNT thinks white women should be raped and thrown in a dungeon starting at the age of 12.

as a TEMPORARY MEASURE until the birth rate recovers. im not some kind of monster

Shizy ago

You're not white so butt the fuck out of what white people do!

Oh, and since no one will ever willingly have sex with you it's not a surprise that you promote rape! You're a sick bitch tubby!

SchlongKeyhote ago

butt the fuck out of what white people do!

its not your legacy to throw away, cunts. you did nothing to build it and its no coincidence our greatest strides came when we kept you in line

Shizy ago

Who is this "we" you speak of? Certainly not you!!! Not long ago your type would have been killed for daring to talk to me, a white woman like that! Now bow down and kiss my boot and know your place!

SchlongKeyhote ago

youre now saying that a man expressing what I have JUST DEMONSTRATED are traditional white male attitudes toward women IS SURELY NOT WHITE HIMSELF -- which PROVES how lost we are as white men.

LMAO can you go a single post without obliviously proving my own points for me? it is uncanny

Shizy ago

But according to you, you're not a white man, so either you lied before or you're lying now! Either way I don't give a shit because you're still a mental midget with an extra girthy gunt!

think- ago

as a TEMPORARY MEASURE until the birth rate recovers. im not some kind of monster

Try harder.

srayzie ago

Oh please. Donkey isn’t a monster? You’re the most evil one on voat.

think- ago

Sorry, can't reply, I'm rolling on the floor....you are so totally lacking any logic in everything you write....it's cracking me up....

Back to the schoolboard, Donkey! Read statistics about rape - assignment for today, after you'll have cleaned your basement room! Maybe your mum is gonna bring some sandwiches!

The_Savant ago

You won't get any statistics or facts from donkey when it comes to Islam or Muslim countries. Just a warning. In donkey's mind, as long as women and gays have zero rights, the place must be a paradise for people like him.

It ain't the truth. They're all degenerates over there.

think- ago

He is gay in fact, but I agree, since he is also masochistic, he would love it over there.

I recently came up with the suggestion to put him under a burqa though, and send him over. Then everybody would be happy. :-) (Apart from the Afghans, of course.)

auralsects ago

as long as women and gays have zero rights, the place must be a paradise for people like him.

pretty much.

lol @ u condemning the entire western world before 3 generations ago. embarrassment to your race, kys

srayzie ago

The truth is, a bunch of men from the Middle East are faggots that like little boys. Women are used to have children. They like tapping that male ass. That’s why you like hanging out in transvestigation huh Donkey?

The_Savant ago

I condemn half of the western world now. We're all forgetting God as planned by the elites. He's been replaced by material possessions.

auralsects ago

this is the level of logic a woman cant understand: limited contact with men = fewer rapes

also logic isn't dependent on or justified by stats, dumbass.

you're so incredibly dumb you think afghanis punish rape victims because theyre big meanies.

in fact it's called a DETERRENT: girls shouldn't be alone with strange men, period, so if she, say, got into a guys car or invited him inside as rape victims here often do, theyre not showered with sympathy and praise for their bravery.

theyre rightfully punished for being so carelessly stupid and shaming their family by losing their virginity, and serve as a reminder to other girls.

Shizy ago

Did you guys see this filthy Muslims reasoning for why women and girls get raped and how to stop it? And he has the nerve to act like he's intellectually superior and more logical than stupid women?! How sad that we have allowed inbred trash like this to infect other countries.

@think- @srayzie

srayzie ago

Oh I know. He’s a disgusting human being. I think he would rape. I don’t even know if he hates all women or just mainly white ones. He’s always talking trash about white ones.

Shizy ago

He's filth! He doesn't like white women because they are never interested in him! They even cross to the other side of the street when they see him walking their way!

Shizy ago

So it's the women and girls fault that there are sick fuckin piece of shit rapists who rape them? Wow! So it's not the nasty rapists fault, it's the women? You're a really foul fucker!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

a place in the world that doesn't like trannies!!! we need them here to take care of our national disaster

think- ago

In fact, they were sent over (to Europe), and caused the desaster we are currently seeing there....

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

true, and now that you mention it, I don't think they did anything to help with the international tranny problem. Maybe we send our tranny refugees there to do charity work instead.

think- ago

That's a brilliant idea! :-)

srayzie ago

😂 Put that bitch in his place lol

think- ago

....don't talk him into staying!! I tried to make Afghanistan sound as the perfect place for him....(well, I guess it is)...

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

he would last longer here, but then don't dudes there wear dresses daily? LOL

Shizy ago

Even if he stoped wearing dresses and tried to go back to passing himself off as a man, his big floppy man boobs would be too alluring for his Muslim bruthas. He'd be a plaything for them, but I don't think he'd mind!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


think- ago

but then don't dudes there wear dresses daily?

Good point!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/e4jVz :

SP on Twitter: "Here are many of the screenshots Wendy Doster (@gwenjackman) posted of her DMs with George back in April 2017 they are all archived here: t.co/J7YgzskptX… t.co/SBnmNdqxst"

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