GJackmann ago

This is still the funniest reply I've read on here. "Only Chris Martin can save us now"
Ok, I was pushed to a breaking point, but I have my sanity back. LOL. I think Chris needs to save himself

GJackmann ago

I really thought he was Mossad BC that is what he admitted to - "Good Mossad" he said. He is a disinfo agent! Those with eyes will see.

GJackmann ago

Lol, CM. Nah, don't think he is gonna save us all. He needs to save himself! But thx for the laugh. I wish him well though. Dream big.

GJackmann ago

Yeah well I was sitting in my running car in a police station fighting off my harassers/informants. I'm not a great multitasker. Plus so much I had to skip over BC it would have been a great embarrassment to Webb and his cheap sex talk

GJackmann ago

You could only imagine the disinfo I had to sort through. When you have like 15 "sources" feeding you information - truth mixed w lies- I never knew what hit me. One day I'll get my whole story out there and prevent this from happening to other vulnerable women.

GJackmann ago

You have the WRONG Wendy Doster. I am Wendy Schoellkopf Doster, a Rosenthal descedent from Long Island New York.

dcdale9 ago

Geez. I never thought DynCorp. I don't know what to believe.

seekingpeace ago

This is going to sound weird but back in the early days Webb talked about meeting some Hollywood execs about the "story". At the time I wondered what exactly the story was and I even commented that it should be documentary because Hollywood would spin the narrative.

His constant references to Hollywood films and their plots has always bugged me. In fact what finally made me connect some dots was his reference to "Coyote Ugly." What's his connection to the film industry? Did the two Studio execs "option" the narrative?

dcdale9 ago

Two Oliver Stone producers met with Webb in Oregon Wendy said. He never heard from them again. It was a cruel hoax that would never come to fruition. I don't know anything about Coyote .

dcdale9 ago

Yes. Webb met with them . He may be a victim of a hoax.

dcdale9 ago

I followed the instructions, and I researched every thing Ben Ben claimed. Wendy Doster MD is thr dame person as this Wendy Doster. The MD, Wendy Doster from NC IS ilegit. I traced her back before Pre med. I checked her physicians license and it is current and in good standing. I checked every convo Ben Ben had with Wendy was immediately suspicious and she blocked him. He had no intimate phone relationship. Bem Ben lives in UK. HE has a middle Eastern accent. I'll explain that later. I called him out last evening and he threatened me a couple of times. This person was able to disrupt the forum and have 95% of the group ready to lynch Wendy due to her varied career. I searched every job she had and found nothing inappropriate.
I an fed up with Wendy. I want to be fair especially if she's ill. She has managed to have me investigated and who she used gained access to my computer because he gave her a report. Of the sensitive files I have it's all in her tweets today. Two nights ago my computer was devastated by a Trojan virus. My computer has no files I can access. My feeling Ben Ben is a Middle Eastern national living in UK and a troll. If you have found anything that supports his claim that's provable, please let me know. He's continuing his disruption and threats to me as of today. She has been successful in her vengeance.

GJackmann ago

Sorry DC, I'm no MD. Never had much of a professional career. I stayed home to be a full time mom. See my 4 chan voat thread now that I have my sanity back. Its on my Twitter profile.

dcdale9 ago

I didn't say you were am MD. That asshole who you communicate with known as Ben Ben on Webb's channel, said one of your aliases was that of a woman with the same name. SHE is legit. This guy attempted to draw suspicion you were involved on some Florida murders. He's a dangerous guy.

shachalnur ago


What Med School?

The one I found in Norfolk Virginia?

GJackmann ago

LOL WRONG wendy Doster.

dcdale9 ago

No. You are trying to set Gwen up. There's no resemblance to each other. You are wrong. I also checked her medical license. Gwen/Wendy just happen to have the same name only. Gwen s dad is Wolfgang. Different father.

shachalnur ago

Set her up how? By questioning her internet identity? She lied about quite a lot untill now. Did you see a picture of Dr Wendy Doster,the pediatrician from Virginia anywhere,or you just found some written data on the internet "proving"she exists? And how strange there's a younger person ,that looks very much like wendy,who moves from Virginia to NY,where everything is happening. And no,wendy's alleged children don't look like her ,or their father. Maybe just all coincidences, But one has to stay sharp,this is ,after all ,the Matrix.

dcdale9 ago

You never questioned her about her identity. You were manipulating her to divulge things to satisfy your creepy mind. They are coincidences. People have the same name. There's nothing in your gossip that can be proven true. Stop your craziness. I know there are people like you who get attached to a person and stalk them. You need to stop stalking her. It's against the law in the US.

SterlingJB ago

At this point dcdale, I'm assuming nothing. Both Gwen or Wendy, you, and Love Good have said things I was not aware of. The HRC benet stuff is completely new to me. With Webb, sure seems like it but I'm not seeing the negative effect of Webb's reporting yet . Would love to hear why Wendy thinks Sanders was the only candidate to receive an electoral vote too.

dcdale9 ago

Webb has nothing to do with the Jon Benet Ramsey murder. That is Clinton and a lot of elite. The elite org. is a gambling in real time on the time of death someone dies. They watch someone being tortured and bet on the time of death. JABS. Joint Automatic Betting System. I found the links at abeldanger.net A world wide investigative group that is headed by Field McConnell. This betting system shocked me so much I felt sick. He has been investigating Hillary for decades. It's either Automated or Automatic.

I have no solid proof Webb is involved with anyone's death. Just speculation.

SterlingJB ago

Oh, sorry dale, I meant there was talk of the tape and apparently he wasn't interested in covering it. Also, I shouldn't have been talking second had w/o at least quoting. My apologies.

dcdale9 ago

I agree. No negative effect.

shachalnur ago

You are blowing yourself up ,and are spreading lies about me.

There are enough peeps here that know me from around the web,and you look like an idiot.

You're desperate she's gonna release what you volunteered to her,because you fell into the honeytrap.

Have a nice slide.

Why are you trying to direct people away from my findings about "Wendy Doster"further down this thread?

dcdale9 ago

Don't threaten me. I saw your convo with Gwen telling her you fathered your sister's two children. Whether you did or not is not the point. You used every possible means to manipulate her. Then spread false information trying to turn everyone against her. What sick game are you playing? You a serious investigator. I don't think so.

shachalnur ago

I fathered my sisters two children,and you saw the convo? Looks like you're about as twisted as she is. Where do I threaten you? Turning everyone against her? Like she needs any help with that. I don't know what you got yourself into,and I hope you get out without too much damage. Wendy has been stating certain personal facts that are at least doubtfull. But she seems to be very involved in all kinds of stuff that didn't happen in Minneapolis. So I looked further and found some things that might be too much of a coincidence. I find wendy a very interesting source of info,and I have nothing against her. So please,don't discharge your frustrations on me,I'm no part of whatever you thought you were doing.

dcdale9 ago

I copied the convo where you said you fathered you sister's two children.

shachalnur ago

Post it or fuck off ,you sick piece of garbage Nazi shit

dcdale9 ago

Nah. Troll. Not good. You should have deleted the incest story with your sister. You lie big time. I see how you try to manipulate people on here with your BS. Geez. Did you feel better after telling Gwen you were sexually abused and that's normal where you come from. A Jew who reads the bible All your words. .

shachalnur ago

you are showing what you are.

You've never read anything like that,because it doesn't exist.

Please post proof,or face the consequences.

Your fun on voat and YT is over,as soon as you comment I will tell people you are an anti-Semite and a liar.

it's you who volunteered personal info to honeytrap wendy,and it's you who's scared that she will post more of your personal data.

Now I understand why wendy outs her communications with you,she knew what kind of Nazi trash you are.

I will direct your above comments to certain people in the US,who just love to find out who you are ,and where little Nazi's like you hide.(screenshot taken for proof)

I will also inform wendy on what you're doing ,little Nazi trash.

dcdale9 ago

It all exists. I v copied it.

shachalnur ago

What's up ,sick fuck Nazi trash.

Post it ,or retract.

If not ,I'll have a serious look at your handle and internet history,and I promise you I'll find out who you are,already got your email address because Wendy outed it on twitter..

You're fucking with the wrong dog,and if you do you better make sure you're tough enough,or you'll get bitten.

dcdale9 ago

Yes. Nazi trash? How did you guess? Hahaha😆

dcdale9 ago

I know you still talk her you POS. Are you lonely living in UK? You come here and post lies. I saw all your conspiracy theories. PIZZA HUT? I alerted a lot of who you follow. Trouble maker with some kind of mental in capacity.

dcdale9 ago

She doesn't. Not true. She "connects the dots" then it's true!

dcdale9 ago

Huh? Clean and neat is not part of a mind that has all the synapses firing indiscriminately.

dcdale9 ago

Pizzagate....I've been posting this name for a while. JOSEPH BRANTLEY I was in a pizzagate forum for a while and this guy responds to my comment. It seemed off somehow. I looked up his FB page. HIGH PRIEST at Comet Ping Pong. Paid protester for George Soros. I searched everywhere for a current address. Old addresses are in and around the DC Metro area.

dcdale9 ago

BlueBird. Webb's last name is Sweigert. No "a"

MaidenMotherCrone ago

I feel sorry for Wendy, she is obviously a sick women. Her psychotic episode perhaps spurred by a fleeting romance via text messages. I think she is censoring the release of the text since the conversation isn't flowing naturally. She also seems to be baiting him along the way. What guy wouldn't fall for that. Stop and realize the GW has been making these videos for 172 days. I've been following attentively since Day 84. He never takes a day off. He has thousands of comments to read and respond to, research and plan each day for new content, Follow the news and various alt-channels... He doesn't have the time or an opportunity to have fun. Poor guy gets distracted by a bored housewife with a few screws loose and his messages are smeared across twitter. Move on people. Let the man do his work.

dcdale9 ago

Agree. It's people like shachalnur who won't let it go. The guy us a stalker and posting lies. I checked every one of his claims all false. Let's hope this stops.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I do wish she wouldnt post the personal stuff. No benefit.

MaidenMotherCrone ago

What's the benefit of any of it? Sadly, she's only making herself look bad. G.W. has handled it beautifully by not giving it any attention. Again showing his honorable qualities.

MaidenMotherCrone ago

Actually the conversation was about the film, Myron Breckinridge (1970) and a particular scene that Hillary made her aids watch.

dcdale9 ago

All my submissions have been deleted!

Mommyplayer571 ago

What submissions deleted? Here?

dcdale9 ago

My pizzagate submissions

dcdale9 ago

My pizzagate submissions. They were up for 2 months. I'm new to this. Not sure what I violated. Gwen is right on. Believe her. She's mad at me? But I want to support her.

DarkMath ago

"It's in Webb's own words"

I know. I read it too. The problem is Hillary sodomizing a grown man with a dildo to humiliate him is pretty hard to believe. Let's just call a spade a spade that whole conversation was a hoax.

Kcpedogate ago

After reading the messages I think that George let his guard down because a pretty lady made him horny. It happens all too often. I thought it very interesting and had tons of great info! One thing makes me so pissed off though; Here we are drudging around in all the shit of disinfo day after day trying to shed some light on the truth and their are people out their, like George, that know so freakin much about the elite pedos. It just sucks, they have all the intel, and we have to fight to stay awake so we can uncover the needle of truth in this elitist propaganda haystack. Arg, Not fair!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Here is where he says he is working as journalist for Russia



She just posted a lot more DM tweets lots of sexually weird stuff Hillary dildo screwing men Kissinger getting blown by boys

unbiased_researcher ago

She blocked me yesterday. I don't know why she blocked me, all I did was ask her if she had any proof of her claims about George. lol

GJackmann ago

Who are you, I will unblock you if your not a disinfo bad guy

Azzipdoe ago

lol speaks volumes on her and her claims

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Someone on Twitter asked her if she could DM the ones she deleted to them. Maybe you could ask her about the one where he spoke about for whom he worked.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Here is the one that preceded it. Its still on her twitter page. Notice they start talk about Czech


Bluebirdsolitude ago

I couldnt find it. She posted an hour ago that she deleted alot of them for personal reasons, but she had more to post later. Since she deleted them, I dont know that I could legally post the screenshots I have. Just gonna delete them. Frankly, I'm sick of the whole thing, and wont be reading any of her further posts. I guess you could DM her and ask her.

George posted some new info on the Seth Rich murder today. If he has that kinda inside info, dont you think he knows the inside stuff on pizzagate? I made a plea to him tonight on his youtube channel to please release what he knew so pizzagate could be exposed and no more children will be hurt and was told I was a disrupter. Caring about children is now disruptive. Sick world in which we live, full of sick people. Best wishes.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I have the screenshots. Let me see if I can dig up the link. He may've just been filling her fulla crap, but hang on.

educate_yourself ago

i read through and she does seem unhinged and her screenshots dont matchup. also though assange probs was mossad or israeli asset of some sort

GJackmann ago

Lotsa disinfo. I broke through and found the truth in this snakes den. Assange was captured and compromised. Lost control of Wiki. JA is one of the good ones, and there are few. With so many MEN feeding me DISINFO, yes for a while I did think they were all Mossad. In the end I learned TRUST WHAT NO ONE SAYS. I connected the dots on my own and my sanity was restored

educate_yourself ago

i found a lot of the tweets to be confusing. gwebb is mossad disinfo tho, yeah? JA as in julian assange? you do agree hes dead and gone then right? back in october or whatever? IS or WAS one of the good ones. i want to know if u think hes still in charge of wikileaks

GJackmann ago

Do you know if JA is dead or alive? There is no question he is not in control of Wiki. He would not have removed the Myra Breckenridge emails and such. I wonderif I had the dead mans hash in my files, but my computer was stolen

educate_yourself ago

i dont know anything for sure.... they took the real original julian out of the embassy way back in october and dropped him at a cia black site. but the thing is he was an asset or agent so idont think theyd kill him, well i dont know their policy but they could probably just stick him in a DUMB where he will live in luxury till he dies, and CIA or MOSSAD or whoever gets to rape people with his wikileaks that honestly never accomplished anythign anyway just now is probably imho way more dangerous for well meaning people/whistleblowers or wtvr

GJackmann ago

"The original Julian". So we have a real Julian, a fake Julian, an original Julian, and whatever else Julian. I wanna meet this guy. Lol

GJackmann ago

I think J will be ok.

GJackmann ago

Julian is not in charge of Wikileaks, imo I hope he is not dead. I have a feeling he is not. Julian, I know now is a hero Wikileaks got taken by the CIA I would love to print out myvwhole thread of conversations w Webb and print it out for everyone to read. It would clarify a lot

seekingpeace ago

There is no way Assange is Mossad. If anything, he was brownstoned by them.

GJackmann ago

yep, I got that now. Had to trudge through a den of vipers to sort out TRUTH.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

Guys, calm down.

Did you actually have READ the whole thing ?

He unravel the whole story. Their conversation is mind blowing and she looks pretty dumb regarding the amount of info he gave to her. He explained everything : CIA, Mossad, Pakistani IC, Ukraine IC, replacing the whole story in the WW2/Cold war context, HRC & ratlines, the threats he received (dead fish outside of his door), CIA kids being "tested" at 7 years old, the fact Obama IS a CIA kid like many other "personal assistants", Kissinger involvement in all that shit, the fact Trump was not expected to be POTUS at all.

He explained EVERY ASPECT of "pizzagate/pedogate". Like... Where did the kids came from, what are they used for, who is pulling strings...

The rare part where it's getting odd : the text is out of context, part of the message is missing, it lacks maybe one or two screenshots.

When did he tried to "MK'd" her ? He even gave information about his motives and about himself and it sounds pretty credible. He is

Also, this conversation is from early March (7-8).

Her tweets are NUTS, what is she trying to accuse him of ? Unraveling the biggest scandal in human history ?

Connect the dots, he is legit.

dcdale9 ago

She says she erased some of the texts.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

His info seems legit.

His/her relationship is meaningless to pizzagate and I wished she had not put that out there.

However, his stating to her that he is working as a journalist for Russia is a prob...it goes to credibility....and it must have struck a nerve because he seems rattled in the last few vids. Maybe he thought she would not post their convo after he challenged her to do so this morning.

For whom he is working is important because it slants the narrative.

That said, if he already has this info about these children being used by the elites, why doesnt he put it out there NOW and stop it so no other children suffer at their hands?

George, if ya readin this, and you have the info that can bring this abuse of children down, then put it out there and stop stringing it along. There are children being harmed.

dcdale9 ago

You are absolutely on point. She shared most of this with me before she got upset.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

He is trying to get proofs for the public. You know, the people. And he is right : evidences have been buried, the "elite" and the people involved perfectly know this is true. But at that point telling the population that X or Y is a kiddie fucker and that he engaged victims as assistants, without strong evidence, will lead to nothing more than losing credibility and feeding the "fake news" narrative.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Gwen @Gwenjackmann Replying to @realDonaldTrump Follow That's enuff. Not gettin into Tasha Technique

** what is that Tasha Technique?**

GJackmann ago

Natasha is the name of thecwoman who recruited George. She MK ultra'd him thru kinky sex technique. Too graphic to post. Tasha is a Putin trained spy

GJackmann ago

Tasha Technique. Funny shit. Webb being spread eagled with cuffs. Dominatrix play. Sick sexual shit

dcdale9 ago

GW old GF. Natasha. The one he described using cuffs and feathers on him.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

?? Maybe the woman he said he was with when he went undercover to expose the trafficking of children?

dcdale9 ago


cheetoboat ago

wow. I just read her screenshots. Im sorry to say I think this lady just snapped. I think you can see how her texts to him get more frenzied over time. Ive been watching his series for quite a while now, and I know she was a frequent commenter, and was kind of a drama queen with another participant who was eventually blocked. I think the poor lady just had a break with reality. Sorry. I don't even understand what her claims are against him, other than the internet flirting. Nothing she says in her tweets seem to match up with her screenshots of their convos.

Anyway, I don't know where GW gets his info, he's obviously really good at research and perhaps seeing patterns others wouldn't normally see. Its cool to see other people participating in this research. But I still like to look for research coming out from other people to corroborate his claims/theories.

edit: Its pizzagate related because of his research (and their convos) talk about abduction of children for certain elites, training them for future positions of power, and other stuff. Its gross but not entirely unbelievable at this point, after everything we've been seeing.

GJackmann ago

Nope, no break w reality. Just was tweeting while stuck at police station trying to save my life. Only posted a FRACTION of our conversations and had to leave most out BC of all the times he said he loved me in between. Didn't want to embarrass Webb too much. Oh, Ladonna attacked me. I never provoked a SINGLE person, not my style. Done shilling now?

dcdale9 ago

The tweets do connect. I think one would have to be in touch with her almost daily. She contacted me daily. Sometimes several times a day.

Ovi-Kintobor ago

You got it : absolutely nothing in her tweets is matching the content of her screenshots.

At best, she is promoting him. At worst, she is backstabbing him hoping users will not read/understand the content of her screenshots (?) There is a high probability she was set for entrapping him.

GJackmann ago

Way off. See my 4chan voat. I'm only starting to tell my story.

dcdale9 ago

The PM I've heard about do add up and correlate with my documents. But, I did have contact with her every day. I didn't see any of them. Recently on twitter. Anyway, she'll be more credible once she all back.

Freemasonsrus ago

She's off her rocker living in some kind of alternate reality. I don't see anything in those tweets other than him trying to explain things to her and her taking a lot of things out of context or not understanding them.

GJackmann ago

There is just SO MUCH I left out BC I didn't want to embarrass Webb too much. I would not mind making a copy of the conversation in FULL order and content for ALL to see. Careful how harsh you judge others

seekingpeace ago

She may be crazy or maybe she is being harassed. This is how it is done - make people look crazy. It pays to keep an open mind.

GJackmann ago

Thank you. I appreciate that comment

seekingpeace ago

No problems, Gwen. I remember you being very distressed when you knew GW was meeting Dana and I guessed it wasn't just because you were "jealous"

GJackmann ago

What became of this woman? Didn't someone say she was a mother w an autistic son? Hope she pulled through the lies.

seekingpeace ago

I don't know but she still posts on his videos and appears still under his "spell". It's important that people are aware of the three major "hooks" for recruiting people - money, emotion - be it revenge or ideology and sex.

Stay sharp Wendy!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

My issue is that he told her he works for Russia thru some Czech. Which totally matches him always asking for his vids to be tweeted to RT. Yes, his info is good. I know I've been critical of him in the past cuz something just didnt smell right about him. I'm not trying to get anyone to stop listening to him, but I, for one, am done. He is either working for Russia as he told her, or he lied to an obviously mentally disturbed woman. That just makes him questionable to me but each to his own.

He has connections somewhere because he stated emphatically to her a few times that Braverman is def in Israel. How does he know that?

Anyway, it's good to glean the pizzagate info out and hopefully it can be useful.

seekingpeace ago

Now more than ever I'm convinced George is what is called a "pen and inkstand" agent. If you google "revelation of the method" you will understand what I mean.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

You may very well be right. I watched his yesterdays vids and todays. He's been on Pakistani intelligence as the major culprit for weeks now. Today, without explanation, he did an about-face and now says its Dubai ISI and spoiled Dubaian rich kids. Not Pakastani, at all.

What astounded me was in the comments section. Not a single person questioned him on this shift. They just all accepted it without question. Talk about sheeple. I'm still stunned by the "yes, Master" demeanor. Crazy.

dcdale9 ago

Don't be so quick to dismiss her. I've worked closely with her for many months. Her fear of death happened a couple of months ago. I came across either leaked or hacked documents related to pizzagate last year. I kept it quiet while I looked for someone with better Computer skills than me to cross reference my files with known suspects identified by other citizen journalists, Webb's channel etc. I felt I could trust her and shared it. She passed the file indiscriminately thinking she was helping me. She went to Webb with it. He declined. He was adamant from day one he was not getting into pizzagate. He gave somewhat vague reasons.
Anyway, I was a bit freaked because of all the deaths surrounding the Clintons and other reasons. When I discussed this with her, she panicked. She's been that way ever since. I knew about her infatuation with Webb. I cautioned her. She became extremely possessive of his time. She always wanted to give the documents I had. She also shared intimate details of her life. She suffered childhood trauma and exhibits the lasting effects. Her love for a man she never met and frightened she would be killed because of my files. Add everything Webb gave her.She has a need to be accepted, make up for bad times, etc. Right now she's angry at me. I was unavailable to her for several days and she thought I aligned myself with Webb. She accused me of being deceptive. She said Webb used me to brownstone Epstein. It looks like that may have been erased. I attempted to reach out to her the other night. She wasn't having any of it. She's scared. She may have reason to he. I was even surprised she got into Braverman emails.She often surprised me with her in depth questions. I unsub from Webb's channel a few hours ago. Some of the members were ruthless. No one said one thing about Webb's behavior knowing she was susceptible to manipulation. One of the members befriended her to get private information, and he spewed it all out in the forum. He betrayed her. So I called him out harshly and left the group.

seekingpeace ago

Thanks for posting your extra information. It helps people to understand the dynamics better. It's getting harder to know who to trust.

dcdale9 ago

Wendy has gotten files of mine and is posting them 4/4\17 I had Hillary's personal phone book. A link to who murdered the Ramsey child., large Trump files. I find it strange hubby doesn't intervene and get her committed. She is hoping for the day to martyr herself for Webb.

AngB23 ago

I saw she shut down her Gwen twitter, started another but hasn't been on in awhile. Any word from her? Is she ok?

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I wonder if his groupies are really just followers. They may be there for a reason.

dcdale9 ago

Yes. I don't know if they are groupies or victims. The woman Wendy is jealous of is Dana Newton. She's the one he's going to turn first before he and a Wendy meet. Dana is a victim. Carla Vegas also has a connection to Webb She did some things for Webb in Vegas. Not sure if her role. Carla is trying to get the group over to her site. Discord.

dcdale9 ago

There's few who will question his motives, his public stance he's a Zionist, I believe he has dual citizenship. If one questions Webb outside the stated format, the group will not tolerate it!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

It is sickening to me that George manipulated her so, she was obviously vulnerable. All one has to do is read their exchange.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I unsubbed from it too. He's working for the Russians.

20Justice4All17 ago

But what's wrong with working with the Russians when out govt is so corrupt

dcdale9 ago

There's no doubt he's affiliated. I was suspicious from the week I subscribed. I have been watching since around video 20! Gwen gave me all the info as it was happening. You read her posts. She said she would never contact him again. I told her I felt she escaped with her life. I did not know she was still chatting with him. I was gone from the 6th to the night of the 9th. I checked for messages and that's when I found out she had fallen apart.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

His words and manipulation to her did seem predatorial. "Grooming" her.

seekingpeace ago

Bluebird, it's good to ask questions... At first it didn't bother me who he "worked for" because I was learning a lot but it's getting more and more difficult to deny that something else is going on.

This is a dangerous game and I think it's best not to "contribute" to his research any more.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I unsubbed him mainly because of his manipulation of an obviously unstable woman. What kinda person would do that?

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I unsubbed him

Azzipdoe ago

even if he is working for Russia (btw, who in Russia exactly?)... how does that delegitimize him? if his info is truthful and accurate, who really cares who hes working for?

if he was purposefully put there for disinfo or //slanting the narrative//, wouldn't it be a much better idea to just not put him there and not put out anything?

dcdale9 ago

I think the concern is he may be recruiting to run these ops against the US, as he mentioned he was at those brownstone parties of Epstein's on NY and the island. Gwen was inquiring about him being a Russian agent throughout these chat sessions.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Yeah, I know, I thought that too, and he mayve just been filling her fulla crap about working for Russia, but for whom he works has always bugged me because he is not going to put out any scurrilous info that implicates whomever it is, even if it furthers the investigation. I still think it might be Obama. I am the type of person who wants ALL the facts laid out, then I can make my own decision about that info. I dont like to be duped. George has good info but I've noticed when some of his info sounds really unbelievable, and when people question him on it, he will back away from it. He has also contradicted himself on his personal life a few times. How can one man have been in so many different fields of work? He's written a book, He's worked on computers, he's been a journalist, he's gone undercover, he's done this and that. To be quite honest, after following and observing him since Day 20, and since reading the obvious crap he was giving to Wendy, I think he is a con man. Is his info good? A big part of it is, yes, and I appreciate the info he has put out there, but he himself, I do not trust. I seriously doubt the JTTF story as well. If McCabe wanted him dead, he would be dead, UNLESS he has some major protection. Anyway, doesnt matter.

No skin off my back if people follow him; not my business. I hope he eventually brings all the elites down, but I'm done with him.

dcdale9 ago

Wendy always called Webb out on who "they" are. He always referred back to the Czech writer. She did not stop asking who they are.

dcdale9 ago

All 12 of my submissions that have been up were deleted today! I submitted on the owner and the establishment in DC. Can't say the words. It will get deleted.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

They should have dm'd you the reasons why. Check your dm.

153sdsd ago

Old people flirting, ew, but good info in between, spread the George webb info far and wide

V____Z ago

Skinny girls make your hero hard https://mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann/status/852240604281139200/

This guy and Alex Jones need to stay away from pizzagate, we have enough on our hands without these limited hangout psyop by nut jobs.

In this tweet it's clear George isn't in this because he cares about getting justice for suffering children. He's in this for some perverted power play https://mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann/status/852247437834158081/photo/1

NotHereForPizza ago

Yeah, you're starting to scare me more and more.

We've had this conversation before. You're grouping people together, you're condemning characters, and further, you're falling for the traps people are laying to sabotage ethos of the individuals you keep bringing up.

shachalnur ago

I don't comment a lot,but am experienced researcher for many years.

I can assure you mr. V____Z is a very hard working person that causes great damage to the cause.

He'll slide along ,says sensible things,gains trust from less experienced posters,gets lot's of upvotes. .

But when you get too close for comfort,he'll steer you away.

I like these kind of Brock army sicko's,cause whenever these start attacking,you're on the right track.

Love them,they're doing great work by deduction.

Just keep warning those who fall nto the trap.

V____Z ago

You're hilarious.

dcdale9 ago

Why did shachalnur tell Gwen he fathered his sister's two children? Sick, right? Watch out for this guy. He's threatened me a couple of times. He was manipulating Gwen telling her what kind of Jew he is. Sex abuse is normal in middle east. Said he was abused. Using everything possible to manipulate her. He caused a big problem on Webb's channel saying Gwen varied career makes her some kind of operative. He said he lives in UK. This guy is bad news. If he threatens me again, He's done on voat and every other social site.

GJackmann ago

Nope, never lived abroad!

shachalnur ago


GJackmann ago

Who are you?

shachalnur ago

You should try not to be nasty to people who are trying to be friendly.

I'm nobody now.

GJackmann ago

I really would love to talk to you, like asap.

shachalnur ago

I'll follow you back on twitter Schoellkopf account.

You can contact me through DM there.

GJackmann ago

I had to file an appeal to get the account unsuspended. May be a few days they say.

shachalnur ago

Take your time, Whenever you want. I'll be keeping an eye open.

GJackmann ago

I unblocked you on gwen acct. I got JA!

shachalnur ago

Followed you on Gwen. But don't know what "I got JA" is.

GJackmann ago

Nothing. Someone is messing with me again making me believe things that are false. I have a stalker. Please understand...i have done nothing to hurt anyone and I prefer to keep away, not converse with online people right now.

seekingpeace ago

Be very careful of shachalnur - he's potentially dangerous. Please!

GJackmann ago

Oh, ok. Thank you. He was helping me figure out my ancestors. He seemed very interested in who they were. Thanks for advice

seekingpeace ago

No worries, I saw him write something disturbing about you being a trauma victim and if he triggered you he might get some information. Sorry, I can't find the comment now. Make your own mind up but ...

GJackmann ago

Oh wow. Okay thx, I'll stay away

shachalnur ago

Whatever you want. If you need me for anything you can DM me. Be well.

GJackmann ago

The account is suspended. I can't get back in bc I gave a faux email address and can't verify it. I'll keep trying to figure it out 😊

shachalnur ago

oops,can't find that account anymore,or you unfollowed me.

Follow me on twitter with whatever account you want,and folow me,I'll follow back.

you gave me your email once,but i wiped the conversation we had from twitter DM.

GJackmann ago

If you were GOOD to me, is there any way I could be helpful to you now?

shachalnur ago

Thank you, I'm fine. You might want to be more carefull with sharing your knowledge with just anybody. I've got this dcdale dildo stalking me ,saying disgusting stuff about me,claiming she saw conversations we had. Hope you're a bit more stable now. You obviously have inside knowledge and repressed memories about important issues,but you have to organize your thoughts,separate facts and suspicions and release only things you're sure about. I'm sure you are trying to do good,but too erratic to be taken serious,and might cause damage to people who are not criminals. My advice still is:calm down,focus and be patient. If you need my advice or help with anything,just contact me,and I'll try helping with whatever I can. Because I do believe ,with whatever is hurting,damaging or bothering you,you are a good person.

GJackmann ago

Your comment hurts my feelings. I don't want to hurt anyone. I remember you trying to help me, but then I thought you were disinfoing me, like everyone else.

GJackmann ago

Excuse me. Who are you? For real. I remember you from Twitter.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm beginning to sense that.

The ones that point fingers and sit around waiting to disprove some simple shit are the ones we need to look out for.

Every single one of them only mentions the ethos of person x making x argument, instead of mentioning the absurdity or whatever of the actual argument is.

Every single one of them falls back on projection or tu quo que.

Every single one of them mentions the shill smears that have populated these comment sections since the beginning of pizzagate reporters and such.

Every single one of them mentions lists of people together and tries to group them all into the same boat, ie. seaman, frost, aj, cernovich, RDS, Webb, VL, etc.

shachalnur ago

Stakes are high

Elites are under pressure.

They'll unleash anything,including armies of internet workers,highly skilled in luring and disrupting.

But they're losing the argument,so don't get upset.

Whenever you see one behaving in the way you described,you can rest assured it's about a subject that is a problem to the monsters.

Just keep on telling the truth,explain it to those that don't get it yet.

And the shills? Let them lead you to the truth by deduction..

We're on the right side of history,we'll win.

We were there from the start and fought,

Not many that can say that.

NotHereForPizza ago

After looking through a lot of his submissions, it seems like he's a CPP gatekeeper. He posts non-stop about comet and shit, all while bashing AJ, Webb, and any other name in the process.

V____Z ago

"and any other name" what other names are you referring to here? I have been anti-Webb and anti-Jones since i've known of them both. However i defend David Seaman (alone, albeit) every chance that comes up, because i've trusted him since i've known of him, since 2011.

I do see people make comments where they bunch people together, but that doesn't describe me. I see similarities with Webb and Jones, so i do sometimes mention them together.

Y'all have fun with your theorizing though.

NotHereForPizza ago

I've only seen 2 of his videos.

I have been anti-Webb and anti-Jones since i've known of them both.

Go away. I'm sure others have figured out you're gatekeeping cpp and distracting from real happenings.

V____Z ago

Webb is a real happening? Way to discredit yourself in one fell swoop.

NotHereForPizza ago

See, you keep harping on that. I didn't even mean Webb.

Your only intent is to discredit people, right?

shachalnur ago

You mighht want to follow the george webb saga,whatever he is,there's a lot of info coming out of his work.

and it seems to trigger people .

Check Gwen@Gwenjackman .she's Wendy doster,and she's spamming conversations with George webb she had.

Crazy stuff,and feels like an intelligence operation gone weird.

George is adressing AaronSwartz and seth Rich at the moment,and Gwen is going crazy,or at least acts like it.

question everything,but this george webb -wendy doster saga is one these few situations you can have a look inside the real weird stuff going on

NotHereForPizza ago

Anybody can put a picture on any given contact in their contact list and have the second number send the first any amount of text with any type of information in it.

I'd rather be skeptical of claims such as these. A random lady poking her head out from no where without any prior reputation really throws me off.

shachalnur ago

i figured her out,found real identity,bad news

check george webb yt day 172.2

my name is ben ben

NotHereForPizza ago

I think you should make a post about it, man.

dcdale9 ago

shachalnur is spreading incorrect info. I checked out every one of his claims. Not one checked out. He tried to manipulate Wendy. This guy told her he fathered his sister's two children!!! Said he was abused. Said sex abuse is normal in Middle East. Told her hes a Jew who reads the bible. What sick game is he playing?

shachalnur ago

not yet,have to give george time to prepare

NotHereForPizza ago

Well, the time you do it is up to you. I still think you should post it.

shachalnur ago

I'll explain you what the problem is:

this wendy is a long term operation and has up to 4 identities,amybe all false

so there are 2 possibilities:

Wendy(CIA) is seriously fucking george over,or george and wendy are fucking everybody else over

have to wait to see where george stands on this

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Any response from George?

shachalnur ago

Nope ,but i gave enough clues in the comments on day 172.2 for everybody to figure it out themselves.

Have a look and tell me what you think.

I think one of the three identities involved doesn't really exist.

Don't know which one yet.

20Justice4All17 ago

She gives up her 'name', blames Webb for car accident if her kids!?

20Justice4All17 ago

Ok, clearly does not look like Webb knew she was posting screen shots

shachalnur ago

he tweeted she is free to post them, about two days ago.

the tweets will show they never met,he said

20Justice4All17 ago

If Webb is correct...Kissinger order the release of Humas' emails? In order to 'clip hillarys wings', but this went sideways and trump won.
It seems like Gwen is a groupie, possibly MK...idk, but I'm guessing Webb has naked pics of her, or compromising pic's and she freaked when her daughter got in a car accident...

20Justice4All17 ago

I tend to believe Webb and take it all at face value (minus Gwens accusations)...

20Justice4All17 ago

He said some unnerving stuff related to his personal safety. Maybe she is just paranoid?

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Yes, I have the clues. I google imaged her. She used to work for Trump. Tried to post link but it said banned domains.

shachalnur ago

Did you find MBW?

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Am I looking for her likeness? Ive followed the instructions but nothing concrete.

shachalnur ago

Did you google the exact text? i don't understand what the picture is doing under that images search,because it's a different name,and they doing different things and didn't go to the same school.

first try to google exactly what I said,,the picture doesn't show up otherwise. if that doesn't work ,I'll give you another clue,simply can't out the name without being sure there's a connection.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Googling this text in google images: "the pediatrician from norfolk,virginia" I find only one b&w photo of a woman whom I've never seen before.

Ive googled every other variation I can think of. Got removed, maybe?

shachalnur ago

George,or whomever removed the post on his YT where i gave instructions how to find the info.

so i'll tell what I found.

try google literally "wendy doster pediatrician norfolk virginia"

then to images,and on the 8th line of pictures,there's a black and white pic that looks familiar.

click it and read her history on a site called alumnius.net(if your google images doesn't give the picture ,her name is Misty B.(bishop) Whiteford)

google misty bishop whiteford,and you'll find the same pic,the same pic that was there yesterday on equinox website and seems to be gone now.

the same pic you will NOT find on misty B whiteford's facebook

I found an easy link to the same picture on the site of equinox fitness NY under "staff"yesterday,but it's gone now I think.

What was strange is that she had no activities as a personal trainer in equinox acc to the equinox website,while working there for 6 years

No problem because her working history is clear:

first doing "" nothing "until she's almost 30,with a university degree

then started working for Elie Tahari,who's dressing Hollywood stars,and complete access to important people.

then went to equinox as personal trainer,which is way lower than her elie tahari job..

if you search equinox website ,watch the introduction movie carefully,

Abeku wilson ,the miami equinox killer is there in the movie.

his history says he lived in NY,so there's probably a connection with equinox ny,where this woman also works for 6 years.

the rest you can research yourself.

basically ,this Misty shows up on google search when I look for wendy doster pediatrician virginia,she very much looks like a younger wendy.

she is strongly connected to elie tahari(but wendy is friends with a supervisor at elie tahari on facebook) and equinox.

the day wendy started outing george ,abeku wilson shot janine ackerman from new jersey in equinox miami,allegedly

Misty works at equinox.

too many coincidences,still don't understand how misty ,who is like twin with wendy,shows up when i search wendy doster pediatrician in virginia

misty grew up in virginia,lives in NY

wendy doster pediatrician grew up in virginia and stayed there,allegedly,but hardly any trace of this person to be found,except words.

and our wendy grew up in NY,and lives in mineapolis,allegedly.

what this means,I dont know,but something is odd.

also wendy's facebook pictures are weird,she seems to get younger through the years,and never a pic with her girls together,always separate.

Maybe she has more pictures and posts for friends only,don't know.

also notice that almost all comments under the pics of the girls are about how much the girls look like her.

who are they trying to convince?

Look,this might all be one big coincidence,and it's just strange that misty and wendy doster are connected on google images and look alike,misty works for equinox ,and wendy flips the same day abeku shoots janine ackerman from NJ

Also misty working for years for elie tahari,while wendy is friends with a supervisor there.

And now it looks like misty is gone from equinox staff page ,while she was there yesterday.

And my comment explaining how to find this person on GW YT is gone.

you figure it out,i feel there's something there,and i'll keep looking,but they might be wiping things now.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I found WD working for Trump at one time before campaign and also her fb pic connected to several middle eastern faces. Crazy. You should post on YT.

shachalnur ago

very little can be found of the history of wendy doster anyway,the trump connection,alleged,is easy to find ,and might be part of the forming of her identity as a honeypot..

wendy doster pediatrician's existence still remains to be proven,and also misty's history is vage and she looks like wendy's twin ,or a younger version in some pictures ,not all.

No not gonna post all this on YT,because I don't know george's role,victim or part of psy-op,and don't want to make a mess on his channel.

i'm still not 100% sure,could be all coincidence.

,but you are allowed to refer people to my comments here ,if you like.

I'll answer any questions here or on twitter .same handle shachalnur

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Thanks. I referred ppl here. Didnt wanna post on yt because its your info. Will refer them to twitter as well. Great work, whomever you are. Read your exchange with WD on Twitter. Riveting.

shachalnur ago

you can post it as well ,i don't mind.

I'm just trying to be carefull.

sometimes you see something ,miss a logical explanation,and spamming the info might cause damage.

been there done that,ended up in jail in Israel for doing the same thing.

seeing stuff nobody sees,not being sure what it means.

so you just do it,and if the reaction is jail,without communication or a lawyer for 7 weeks,then i might be on to something.

Starting to get used to it.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

WOW!!!!!! Found the pic but only when I put in Misty's name.

shachalnur ago

there's much more I found.

but i don't know who removed my comment on GW YT.

half willow hills high school east in NY is interesting ,to see who wendy doster knows.

And what would help if is anyone can find an image of wendy doster pediatrician in virginia.

official documents of her existence are there,but no pics or any trace of her doing anything that can be checked.

Also I don't like that I can't find the staff of equinox with info on misty's activities there,because it's gone now ,when yesterday it was there.

this picture of young misty doesn't look exactly like the pictures of misty on her facebook,besides one or two.

but for her profiles on search sites she uses that pic.

and the connection virginia and NY is interesting.

There must be a connection somewhere.

I'll find it with time.

wendy's language with george when she pulling info out of him is clearly debriefing skills,she used the same tone with me,when she was allegedly going crazy,and dumped me as useless, when she saw I was not gonna give her answers she liked to hear.

I have strong doubts if the identity of our wendy doster is real.

But then again; in the tweets george said he got into this investigation after he watched 10 seconds of the hillary tape(allegedly abusing someone).

that's a strong statement he would never be able to make on his YT videos.

Still that statement came out,thanks to wendy.

this whole wendy story smells like a psy-op ,but not sure who 's phucking who and why.

maybe george has been had,but the result of this all is quite interesting.

and so is the connection with equinox and the shooting of janine ackerman there

and janine,misty,wendy doster and george are all jewish

like me,so maybe i feel and see things differently.

right now I'm being flattened on YT by other commenters.

don't mind,gave the instructions and the initials,did my job

now I'll see what happens next.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I ask because of 0Hour1 outing himself this week as being many people.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Great work! You arent George, are you? I'm serious. I appreciate his work, just not sure who to trust.

shachalnur ago

no ,not george

but you might ask george to read this stuff here,

maybe even he doesn't know all this .

Wendy doster,her younger version ,misty from virginia,worked for elie tahari and equinox,and an invisible wendy doster pediatrician in virginia.

maybe new series: Where is Wendy Doster? honeytraps ,equinox and elie tahari

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Thanks again.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Will do so. I'm persona non grata over there and posted this morning there, but will do a little more referring to this thread.

shachalnur ago

if you link it,they'll read it.

quite a lot of shills there,and not recognized as such by the good guys and girls.

not my job to explain them who's who.

SterlingJB ago

Fascinating stuff, shach. The comment section there is very strange. It's kind of nuts to find out that many there actually seem to have IC backgrounds. You (unlike me) seem to know what you're talking about too. I'm joe blo nobody that's been playing along because one: I know the pedo ring/gov stuff is real ever since reading Icke's Biggest secret. Never went full on reptile with my belief in his work but, damn lots of stuff panned out in 15 years since reading that book. 2: I'm interested in the narrative format that's going on since I'm a writer (not too many good creds; one story I did publish was coincidentally about the E smart abduction-- reading again it's like I already knew what I know now if that makes sense), and the webb show is something else. I've defended G quite a bit on his channel, but I'm start to smell fish.

Just wondering your opinion, since my identity on there, even tho I just use a letter as a profile name, would be pretty easily revealed, do you think it would be a good idea to close off the google doc I posted months back that had a few hundred linked in profiles of D-cor sheriffs? I mean, I'm fine legally speaking, but shit's getting weird. Don't want a posse of sheriffs to show up at my house. Also, having to do with accts. The funny thing is that even a lot of the jo blows like me seem to be using multiple profiles. I know that Mark Ayers guy uses at least 3.

Also, concerning Wendy. Before reading your take, I kind of thought she was being more truthful than people were giving her credit for. And I thought it was strange how quick peeps wanted to dump on her. Now, I'm wondering if this is all part of GW's magical spy story. One thing I know for sure, is there is a production element going that's not apparent to the average viewer. It looks lo fi but is anything but. I also sense story arc. Edit: sorry for the long winded comment. I need to quit coffee as well as hire an editor.

shachalnur ago

hello there. take it easy on the tech and slang department. I manage 7 languages but English is not my mother tongue,and i know nothing about docs ,uploads,copy paste and link. maybe that's why i find stuff. can't help you with your question,dunno wendy is definitely a handfull and from DM's with her for a while,i get a feeling this girl knows a lot,gathered a lot of info,and this is maybe mixed with her remembering stuff she forgot. fascinating stuff,but she's taking about dead kids and shit now. i would be more at ease if anybody could prove these kids actually exist,and that Wendy is their mother. she talks about hank doster now.i spotted hank days ago and did you have a look at wolfgang schoelkopf? my guess; there's more weird stuff coming. Hope george has got it under control.

SterlingJB ago

Sorry about the slang. I was talking about the google document I posted listing all the dyncorp sheriffs on linkedin. An yeah, I hope George does too. Thanks for reply. Also, 7 languages? Wow. I took years of spanish, but can still barely order a taco when I cross the border into mexico.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I found one that resembles but initials are wrong

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Ok, help me out here: I just read your instruction on yt. Tell me if correct, please: Go to google images, type in the name of the pediatrician, and then I am looking for a b&w photo?

Bluebirdsolitude ago

No. I looked at Equinox very briefly. Didnt even know there was a murder, never watch news. I havent had a chance to look. Will look when kids go to bed. Thanks for the clues.

20Justice4All17 ago

Sorry to butt in, couldn't find your comments on 172.2... Is there a way to verify if Webb knows Gwen is posting their pm's and still continues to pm with her? Are you buying what Webb is saying in the PMs?

Bluebirdsolitude ago

What is Webb saying about the pm's? I'm not welcome over there because I questioned him...thats not allowed. Whats he saying?

20Justice4All17 ago

Shachalnur is more informed than I...he answered me below

shachalnur ago

GW knows.

my handle on YT is ben ben

SterlingJB ago

Hi again, shach. This will be shorter. I saw the question you posed to Wendy about GW's father. I now about him being an inventor and some about the guy's exp in WW2. But that seems to be the only background I can find on the guy, which seems weird since he seems to have been a pretty important person. I mean, his patents have a lot to do with how we're able to communicate right now. Do you know anything else about him beside the inventor aspect?

shachalnur ago

not too much,clever man and he and his wife gave the genes to george. did you see her answer? she acted like she didn't really know. i'm not into investigating George, i just learn ,and add it to my own findings wendy is a psy-op ,so i study that,because it might turn out to be important. it seems it's personal and a lot of people involved.

SterlingJB ago

I'm trying to do both. I'm better at nonfiction than journalism, and to me George and his show is a story I can work with. Looking for a way to tell it without lessening the very valid work he's doing. I mean, Mossad and Israel's role is quite noticeably missing from what's on YT, but most of the information he's relayed has checked out when I've looked into it.

V____Z ago

Go back through all of my comments. I have been saying he same thing about Webb since the beginning, I fall for no traps, I see him. I have confronted him directly, and he is full of shit.

NotHereForPizza ago

If you're serious, you must be delusional. This is precisely the thing they want; to stop you from doing research and instead focus on who to believe. The people that raise attention to things are still the people that raise attention to things, regardless of whether or not they have few and vague caveats in their personal involvement.

We've known since the beginning that any players in this game will have dirt and all it takes is exposure. We need to decide what we're willing to put up with in terms of these smears, and what we're not. We can't lump everyone into "with us" or "against us" categories. If you're not a bot, and you're not paid, you understanding what I just said only to ignore it means that you're not going to be a good fit here. So, you're probably wasting your time, you're not getting paid enough for this shit, or you genuinely just don't understand what's actually happening here. Maybe it's not limited to those things, or it could even be a mixture. But, the more you post and only focus on smears, the more fishy you'll become.

Let's outline what people that would be paid to disrupt us (like shareblue and shit) would actually want from us:

  • They want us to be confused

  • They want us to fight each other

  • They don't want us to research

  • They don't want us to cooperate

What you're doing helps them, and it doesn't' help us.

What can we do to counter the shills? Keep each other composed, keep researching, and keep ourselves and people we know safe. The moment we stray from these things and give in to what they want (disagreements like this) is the moment we're sabotaging not only our personal investments here, but those of us that have been helping each other continue in this, along with the efforts that people who aren't involved with us have been making.

Pointing fingers will get us nowhere, especially if we aren't pointing fingers at people who are actually involved with whatever pizzagate means now.

V____Z ago

We can't lump everyone into "with us" or "against us" categories.

Actually the only one dichotomizing here is you, in the above statement which is a mischaracterization of my comments. Webb and Jones are not "everyone" and they barely make a lump. They both qualify for the statements i'm making. I've said this about them both the whole time i've been on Voat, and most people get really angry with me for it.

the more you post and only focus on smears

How much of my posting have you read? What percentage of this is "smearing" people besides pedophiles? I assure, it's a tiny percentage so again, you misrepresent me in order to paint me as suspect.

What you're doing helps them, and it doesn't' help us.

Limited hangouts, disinfo agents, and predators of any sort are very dangerous to our fledgling truth community, and we have all the forces against us: Brock, Soros, Podesta, Clinton. It is impossible to believe that they will not be engaging in some sort of https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

So I have always made it my mission to out them no matter what kind of blowback I get. I said the same thing about Cenk for years and everyone hated me. But I was right.

I notice there are some people you aren't allowed to criticize, and I find that suspect. Webb has an awful lot of fierce defenders, a higher percentage than normal by at least 3X. So I continue to think he is a well paid operative to string us along and AWAY from the high level perps pizzagate revolves around.

NotHereForPizza ago

Actually the only one dichotomizing here is you, in the above statement which is a mischaracterization of my comments.

Uh, what?... You literally said:

Skinny girls make your hero hard https://mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann/status/852240604281139200/

This guy and Alex Jones need to stay away from pizzagate, we have enough on our hands without these limited hangout psyop by nut jobs.

In this tweet it's clear George isn't in this because he cares about getting justice for suffering children. He's in this for some perverted power play https://mobile.twitter.com/Gwenjackmann/status/852247437834158081/photo/1

You're saying he's "not in this" because the dude can't jerk off in his own home? You then parrot the smears like all the shills, and say they shouldn't participate in something they helped to start.

I'm not misrepresenting what you've said. I'm not using dichotomies. Finally, I'm not saying you're coming up with these smears, I'm saying you're helping perpetuate/echo them. Like I said before, you fell for the traps msm and shareblue created. Stop it.

Webb has defenders because he brought light to ratlines and other intricacies in the investigation. He admitted a while back that he did a brownstone op to investigate fishy shit he was curious about/familiar with. Isn't it funny how not too long after he confessed that he did this, someone came along and brought the exact thing he mentioned people use to blackmail politicians and such up about him?

These aren't hard dots to connect. Quite wasting your time trying to "out" the bigger players. They're doing more work than you, even if they have suspicious pasts or questionable opinions about things. Every fucking one of us does.

You're looking at all the missing tiles, instead of taking shelter under the ones that exist. Quit thrusting your naivete around everywhere.

V____Z ago

Sorry, your reply shows you are not understanding mine... at all.

NotHereForPizza ago

You know, it's pretty telling when people fall back on basics like tu quo que, ad hominem, and the ever graceful, "you just don't understand what I'm saying."


V____Z ago

Well, I am frustrated by having expended energy trying to communicate with you, and it resulted in your reply which makes no sense whatsoever any any level, so I am done talking.

NotHereForPizza ago

Or maybe, just maybe, you're in denial.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Agreed! He is freaking creepy! Playing a sick game of control!

V____Z ago

Trying to lure women who care about the suffering of children, pretending to have some special info that will one day free them. Fucking evil.

GJackmann ago


Ovi-Kintobor ago

Did you even have read all her screenshots in the right order ? None of her claims is matching the content of the screenshots.

You are taking one of the screenshot out of context without any objectivity, claiming he tried to lure her although she is obviously and voluntarely acting dumb and making him to give too many information.

V____Z ago

If she tricked him into giving too many information, then he IS dumb. If he is dumb, we have no use for him here.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree! Pure Fucking Evil!

153sdsd ago

Skinny girls make any straight male hard, leather or not

V____Z ago

That wasn't really my point.

153sdsd ago

But you seem to be implying that he is fallible and human, because of this we must dismiss him and his information, cause they are "bad for this cause"... dont try to David Seaman this guy too, anybody who spreads info is a hero anybody who tries to keep us quiet is the enemy, ...again...no mater the argument, more info out the better, credibility is not what got us here, is truth, there is no credibility except what the authority allows you to have, they will try to destroy your reputation if they think you care. ...a third time... more info good, less info in the media is bad

V____Z ago

This man is engaging in a conversation with a married woman who is trying to help the investigation along, she keeps trying to bring it back the point, and encouraging him to get back to his important work, while he is essentially promising to release Intel in exchange for pictures and sexting. That is all kinds of fucked up. He is a predator, and since he is focussing his attention on pizzagaters, it becomes by business. I am furious with him.

153sdsd ago

All girls are cheaters, also she is the one who started the flirting, also he is a hero who has not focused on pizzagaters, he just has a lot of human traffic related info that is very relevant to us

educate_yourself ago

im ust be retarded because i read through and had trouble understanding some of his stuff. can u elaborate on the sexting do u mean by the muse stuff or w.e?

V____Z ago

She erased a bunch, you're not getting the whole story now.

educate_yourself ago

yeah i was trying to read it and follow the timeline but there was so much missing

V____Z ago

She just tweeted that she is saving "the best for last".

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I could care less about their personal business but Ive always wondered for whom he worked. The info he brings out is definitely a service.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Can someone post a link to where those twitter post begin? So many of them!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

She is still posting them. She is posting them backward.

153sdsd ago

I started reading backwards and got very confused until I figured it out

GJackmann ago

Yeah, sorry. I was sitting in a car in a police station scared for my life. Webb said to post the conversations, I obliged. I was burried and panicked

153sdsd ago

Im on your side, good day

SayWhatNOWAY ago


Gwen @Gwenjackmann 36s Replying to @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/mDC8gqwR0S

I am wondering if the person in the PM talking to Webb really is this lady? I see a someone who is trained, like a cop. Questions are too direct. IMO! Unless I am missing something?

GJackmann ago

Nope not a cop. Just a nobody who cared about Braverman, sex trafficking, corruption. A truthseeker

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I thought the same thing. One thing that piqued my interest: On one of them she posted, her post comment was something like "Oh well, Americans are voyeurs". Since she is supposed to be American, I just found that odd. The whole thing is weird and may all be psyops. Done with George.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Gwen @Gwenjackmann 1m That is how evil @GeorgWebb is!! Honeypot MK Ultra Master. Victims come forward!

she is really going off on Webb now*

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Yeah, she's lost it, poor thing. Thats why his stringing her along is disgusting to me. I have a mentally ill child. I would hate for someone to manipulate her like that.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

She is starting to sound like that Catherine Agnew. That is why it is dangerous to mess around with these supposed mystery "I have info, from secret people" guys. Keep your daughter close, and always be on guard.

Bluebirdsolitude ago


DonKeyhote ago

It's always made me laugh how anyone everyone here is accused of being paid disinfo agents when they propose a theory, yet this asshole has dozens of public videos and his face supposedly walking us right through it and everyone sucks his dick no skepticism LOL

V____Z ago

You gotta wonder if this support and heavy pressure not to question ANYTHING about him (Jones too) is entirely organic in nature.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I never liked him. Nor trusted him.

DonKeyhote ago

His thing is to make us explore ratlines pipelines and weapons etc as if that would red pill people better than pedophiles in govt. Transparent.

DarkMath ago

"yet this asshole"

Hold on there pilgrim. Those texts aren't too credible. They claim Hillary sexually abused Eric Braverman by shoving a dildo up his ass.

Forgive me for being a "wet blanket" but that's fucking retarded.

DonKeyhote ago

Actually thats perhaps the only way a female can sexually abuse a grown man.

I don't know or care who this bitch is either. It's all bogus distraction like worldCorp. We need to find human victims in the flesh not trace the ownership of a website obviously.

DarkMath ago

"Actually thats perhaps the only way a female can sexually abuse a grown man."

That sounds like you believe the texts are real. I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton but the accusation she used a dildo on the head of the Clinton Foundation is loony tunes. And actually really fucking funny given all the weird shit we've seen. And all apologies to any men out there who have been raped anally with a dildo by a 70 year old woman.

SterlingJB ago

This type of stuff has been said about Hillary for a long, long time. That she's extremely sexually abusive to both females and males. It's been said on the MK ultra whisteblower victim types but those accts are becoming more plausible day by day. Sexual dominance and/or sex magic is central when dealing with the occult. And Hillary, whether dildo stories are true are not, is definitely in to the occult. Also, Webb hasn't made any claims about these messages being faked. The writing sounds a lot like him too.

DarkMath ago

"The writing sounds a lot like him too."

I know. I thought the same thing. It's just so insanely random and bizarre to say Hillary would do such a thing. And who would tolerate it? Eric Braverman has a great education and could get a job anywhere he wanted. It's absurd to believe someone would sign up for ass rape by a 70 year old woman.

dcdale9 ago

Kissinger kids like Braverman, Neil Brown, Obama are groomed all their life to assume high level positions. A form of control? Anyway, this is what I wanted to share. I don't have a link nor do I have the vid number. I remember Webb talking about the atrocities committed by Isreal on the Palestinans. He mentioned the slaughter of entire towns by Israel and the the kidnapping of women and children for trafficking and organ harvesting. The men became prisoners and eventually organ donors. Webb goes on to talk about programs the Israeli had. Impregnating women, the children would be given to couples in Isreal. Some would go to the US. Kissinger was involved as was the CIA. THE CIA kept their eye on the kids as they grew up. Kissinger kids! ! Now this info comes out in tiny bites over months. The kids go through a mind control MK Ultra? Then the time comes for their placements and they, boys, go before Kissinger and a sex act occurs with Kissinger. Webb calls it their baptism.

DarkMath ago

Nothing would surprise me anymore. I would also point out that your comment leaves out some of the History about the formation of Israel. At least 4 Arab armies invaded the day Israel became a nation. It's common knowledge that the Arab Palestinians were told to leave their villages for 2 weeks to make it easier for those Arab armies to fight Israel. They didn't have to worry about killing any Arabs that way.

Unfortunately for the Arabs those 2 weeks ended and Israel had won. They haven't let any of those Palestinians who voluntarily left to come back into Israel. There are two sides to every story.

But the other stuff about Israel abusing the Palestinian refugees and God knows what else I'm sure it happened. It's absolutely horrible to see innocent people killed on both sides.

And to be brutally honest I hope the Muslims never give up the Temple Mount. I'm a born again Christian and the New Testament goes into great detail about what happened up there. Besides the rampant corruption around selling salvation the Pharisees were sacrificing animals all day long up in the inner Temple court yard. Can you imagine what would happen if the Jews retook the Temple Mount and fired up the barbecue again?

As a Christian I don't even want to think about what would happen this time. I'd be thinking the world would end shortly after.

dcdale9 ago

The ones for Hillary are abused in a number of ways to humiliate them. Dominate them. All her assistants and Bills come from the same program and all are "baptized"

SterlingJB ago

It would be absurd if he wasn't black mailed also and/or grown up in this kabal type shit since birth. I'm not saying any of this is true. I'm short on belief. But what all of this sex crap seems to be about his creating a circle of blackmailed individuals. Oz only has power because of the curtains. Also, when it comes to Hillary. Sounds like if you actually know first hand or have evidence against her, going against the grain of HRC may cost you your life.

DonKeyhote ago

I obviously haven't wasted any time reading this. But Hillary dildoing him wouldn't be more surprising than ritual human sacrifice. Hazing often involves stuff up your ass or so I'm told.

dcdale9 ago

I guess she hazed them.

V____Z ago

I found nothing surprising about it whatsoever.

kestrel9 ago

Special apologies to those who may have suffered such an assault from a 70 year old woman version of Satan personified.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Her tweets are nuts. The screenshots between her and Webb sound quite lucid. That said, take what you will from it.

seekingpeace ago

Why post her facebook page with her kids on it?

equineluvr ago

Another Jew, of course.

99+% JEWS in EVERY PG-related story. Damn, I should have placed BETS. I could have retired quite comfortably! :)

Bluebirdsolitude ago

He told her Czech/Russia. She is obviously disturbed. Seems like he was playing her. Kinda sad.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

What interested me is for whom he said he works. She is still posting.

Jem777 ago

Something very odd is going on. George has alluded to many of these things in his videos such as the Braverman & Neil Brown story. That they are adopted children or Kissinger children raised to infiltrate.

TruthTrumps ago

I THINK he...or someone else questioned whether or not Braverman and Neil Brown could actually be brothers.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

"Trust only Bannon"

Sorry... She lost me there...

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TruthTrumps ago

Watching the same thing. Don't know what to make of it yet. Look at timestamp...it's today. Yet she was berating and accusing Webb of attempted murder yesterday. How are they at completed odds with each other...and then having these kinds of conversations?

sugarskull ago

Because she is a nutter.

kestrel9 ago

Have not read all of Gwen Jackmann's tweets regarding Webb, however I believe these should clarify the situation:

"Webb's underlings. Webb, Braverman, Epstein, Assange, Hillary....the list goes on. The Mossad Exceptionals"

"@JulianAssange @eric_braverman @GeorgWebb @HillaryClinton are all Mossad, among others like Kissinger. They want WW3 against Syria"

"The enemy is a faction of the Israeli Mossad which has ruled the world for a while that includes Webb's global elite. It will blow u away!"

"This global elite includes #Pedogate It includes Google, it includes the Deep State and a whole lot more"

"I need help stopping George Webb. He has me under targeted surveillence. @JulianAssange He car accidented 2 16 yr old girls ( my daughter) Gwen‏ @Gwenjackmann Replying to @AngBee23 No.Webb had his informants almost kill my daughter 2day. He will stop at NOTHING to silence me. Sorry, but I'm not the one to do this task"

This is the summary:

4h gab 🐸skeethazard‏ @skeethazzard Replying to @Gwenjackmann and @JulianAssange Lady you are insane

DarkMath ago

"Webb's underlings. Webb, Braverman, Epstein, Assange, Hillary....the list goes on. The Mossad Exceptionals"

Braverman, Epstein, Assange and Hillary Clinton work for George Webb? Obviously that's sounds fucking nuts but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Care to expand on that a bit?

GJackmann ago

I was wrong about many things, especially Assange, lol. I had 20 "friends" feeding me disinfo. I lost my mind bc I didn't know what was true. Webb messed with my head. He is not to be trusted. Period

DarkMath ago

I don't get it.

kestrel9 ago

Not much to expand...I think she's nuts. lol

DarkMath ago

She's nuts is right. This is looking more and more like a Worldcorp hoax by web LARPers.

kestrel9 ago

Couldn't agree more!

kestrel9 ago

NOTHING slips by Gwen J. ...she has uncovered Webb's murderous 'informant' red handed! HAH, take that Mossad agent G. Webb (/sarc)!

Gwen‏ @Gwenjackmann

Replying to @Gwenjackmann and @AngBee23 You! You are the informant! I think it was you who tried to kill my daughter and her friend. They are 16!!! Innocent children, have hurt no1 3:07 AM · Apr 12, 2017

9h AngB‏ @AngBee23 Replying to @Gwenjackmann Me?!? What r u talking about. I saw ur post in voat, came here to try & help/get info. I'm trying to expose #Pedogate #Corruption

9h Gwen‏ @Gwenjackmann Replying to @AngBee23 Who ran Gillian and Lilah off the road. They were the victims of attempted murder. @GeorgWebb has people doing it. He will stop at NOTHING

kestrel9 ago

And this:

Gwen‏ @Gwenjackmann Replying to @MBinMidAmerica and 4 others

The fuckers are blocking me from Voat

THANK YOU VOAT!!! LOL...we don't want the one woman lunatic asylum moving over here and accusing everyone here of being a Mossad agent, of putting cameras in her house...ad nauseum

DonKeyhote ago

Epstein at least is an actual mossad agent jackass. Think logically about voat banning people.

kestrel9 ago

Never said he wasn't, DonkeyQuixote. She lumped George Webb's name in the mix, and that's not enough reason for me to believe her claims about G. Webb (wasn't implying anything other than that).

She's not 'banned' (as far as I know), but sounded like she was trying to make posts that were blocked. Assuming even that is true. Right now I don't believe a word of her claims and think the entire Twitter event between the two of them is just a distraction. Interesting for awhile...now I'm moving on.

TruthTrumps ago

I see what you are saying, however there's a lot of info (or dis-info) in the texts between them. It appears they have some type of amicable and intimate (re: subject matter)) texting relationship. She may appear off the rails in some of her tweets, however we don't know the story...and we are dealing with some very dark disturbing stuff.

kestrel9 ago

I guess I'm just relying on my own take on what I would do if I honestly believe George Webb had put cameras in my house and was trying to kill me.

If they have an intimate relationship then they are either hamming up some drama on Twitter or they're both nuts.

kestrel9 ago

More of Gwen J.....(sorry it's like rubber necking a train wreck)

Gwen‏ @Gwenjackmann Replying to @MBinMidAmerica and 4 others

A service guy is coming to my house soon. He is going to kill me

(oh no!)

and more recent: GJ sents GW a kiss emoticon, says "I'm being spiritually blocked here"

...are GW and GJ going to be dating soon?

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