SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Any newbies (or older goats) interested in helping with organizing some research?' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @kestrel9 and includes this reply from @LostandFound:

Jen Moore @Jem777 -

Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Allegedly Raping Boy

She told users she left a dead man's switch of sorts, which I understand was the truepundit article among other things.

Heres some other interesting info - 'The person connected to Jem is Sarah. She is here. She is dangerous.' - srayzie - 'Im sorry to say this, but Jem777 was a limited hangout. I have screenshots and video to prove it.' - srayzie

Didnt mean to link both to srayzie but they are pretty comprehensive.

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kazza64 ago

i want to apologise for swearing at you i was just pissed because she just died and it seemed disrespectful as i told vindicator thats not the person i want to be ive been digging into this area of research for 20 years and thats not the person i want to be

srayzie ago

Thank you. I don’t remember what you said because many people have turned on me.

I wasn’t going tio make a new post and explain myself. But, when I made that post, I didn’t know that her death was in question or anything. Later on that night is when I found out. I would have waited.

Anyway, thank you. I’m sorry too. I can see how it must appear to people that don’t know me. My intention wasn’t meant to be disrespectful.

kazza64 ago

me either

Piscina ago

Here you are crying that Sarah hurt you while you call people who don't know you from a bar of soap 'cunts'. Pot. Kettle. Black.

srayzie ago

Sarah is a stalker who threatens me and probably the biggest shill on Voat with tons of accounts. You are just some bitch that wants to continuously whine.

Piscina ago

A post like this only makes the mods look bad. Every day you (the mods) are digging yourselves deeper and deeper. It is NOT normal for a mod to start a thread calling good people 'cunts' for some silly excuse for a fight. That is what Crensch did, and now Srayzie is confirming that she things some users are 'cunts'.

People are not stupid. They will come here and work it out. They will see mods undermining those they have power over, mods abusing people by calling them disgusting names and mods accusing users of nonsensical stuff.

I don't know what game the mods are playing at, but this tactic of starting threads making personal attacks on users, many they've never even interacted with, makes them look like idiots. There is clearly one rule for the mods, who can and do call users 'cunts', and another rule for users, who get some of their pretty pertinent and relevant threads taken down.

It's a pity what the mods have done to Voat.

Vindicator ago

Piscina, in the off chance that you are trying to be a legit v/pizzagate citizen, you should know that Voat is not like Facebook or Reddit, where users expect moderators to govern the language people use in order to maintain so-called civil discourse. Voat is about anyone being able to say anything they please, and other users being able to up or downvote as they please, and say whatever they desire in reply. The culture of Voat -- outside of v/pizzagate -- doesn't just accept offensive speech, it revels in it, because it's one of the few places left where there is liberty to sling in around.

Which is why it's the only place folks can post their research into the pedo elite and know it won't be buried, shadowbanned or otherwise shut down.

Furthermore, because anyone can say anything, if you want respect on Voat, you need to be able to defend what you say with supporting material.

v/pizzagate mods are attacked on a regular basis, and no supporting evidence is given in support. Just about every member of this community who is an open-minded, critical thinking contributor with a solid account history has been asked to join the mod team at one point or another over the past almost two years. 90% of them have turned us down because they have witnessed numerous episodes like the one you contributed enthusiastically to last week, in which moderators are lied about, attacked, slandered, blamed and accused of all manner of nasty, immoral motives and behaviors simply for doing their jobs. It is incredibly hard to recruit good moderators for v/pizzagate as a result. In fact, the bashing @srayzie got over researching QAnon's intriguing leaks about VIPedos in v/pizzagate is what led her to create a separate subverse.

As the only active Owner of v/pizzagate, which gets more shilling than anywhere on Voat and requires mods to thin out the shitposts and disinfo to prevent valuable content from being buried, @Crensch is therefore completely within the realm of what is both reasonable and necessary to make the thread he made and demand that those who want to hurt the reputations of mods provide evidence for their claims.

And frankly, what word would you use to describe someone who used the large following they cultivated by posting freely on Voat to tell numerous users that Voat mods gave their IP address to the Cabal so they could send men to her house to assault her? Jem777 took advantage of the safe and focused forum protected 24/7/365 by us mods to make baseless accusations designed to instill fear, distrust and discord in minds of those we serve.

If that isn't cuntish, I don't know what is.

There is clearly one rule for the mods, who can and do call users 'cunts', and another rule for users, who get some of their pretty pertinent and relevant threads taken down.

Evidence, babe, or GTFO. You'll never have anything removed for bad language, so long as the post follows the rules. And there are far more rules limiting moderators than there are limiting submitters.

Crensch ago

Stellar comment. Useful as a reference for quite a few situations that pop up rather often here, I think.

Vindicator ago

Shizy ago

Very well said vindicator!!!

srayzie ago

Look how respectful your reply was. Many times you don’t get the same treatment. No matter what you do, people will find fault. Thank you for all that you do Vindicator. I see it.

Vindicator ago

Thank y' kindly, ma'am. :-)

Crensch ago

A post like this only makes the mods look bad.

Maybe, to fake users like you. I find that acceptable.

Every day you (the mods) are digging yourselves deeper and deeper.

Every day you (the shills) are digging yourselves deeper and deeper.

It is NOT normal for a mod to start a thread calling good people 'cunts' for some silly excuse for a fight.

This is how I know you haven't been here 1.7 years, and that you do not belong here.

That is what Crensch did, and now Srayzie is confirming that she things some users are 'cunts'.

Your handlers didn't mention me? They should be fired for dereliction of duty, and you should be fired for being too stupid to investigate the mods of the forum you're attempting to astroturf.

People are not stupid. They will come here and work it out.

Yes, they will. And they have. The lot of you have been exposed.

They will see mods undermining those they have power over, mods abusing people by calling them disgusting names and mods accusing users of nonsensical stuff.

Mods have no power over any user here. They have power to enforce the rules and ban actual spammers and consistent rule-breakers. ANYONE can use words and archives and screenshots on Voat to destroy users, and I can tell your panties are in a knot that it happened to you and your crew.

I don't know what game the mods are playing at, but this tactic of starting threads making personal attacks on users, many they've never even interacted with, makes them look like idiots.

Being made aware of disinfo shills that cannot be banned is exactly PG material. If objective proof and evidence can show the username to be lying, then it's pretty damn important.

There is clearly one rule for the mods, who can and do call users 'cunts', and another rule for users, who get some of their pretty pertinent and relevant threads taken down.

Oh, really? Do you have any evidence for these "pertinent and relevant" threads that have been taken down? Direct links will work - find some and let me know.

Also, ANYONE can call ANYONE a cunt here, but if anyone attacks my mods, they'd better have some REAL dirt to present or I'll rip them to shreds.

It's a pity what the mods have done to Voat.

You can leave anytime, and you won't be missed.

Thanks for proving my point. I don't know how much you're getting paid and how much you're prostituting yourself out for, but whatever it is it's not worth it. Your reputation is now down the toilet and you've made yourself look cretinous.

Whatever you say, (((Chaim))).

srayzie ago

@Crensch did not make that post on pizzagate. He made it on v/whatever. I’m speaking to you as a user. I am not using mod powers. Voat is free speech. Therefore, I stand by my statement. You’re a cunt.

Piscina ago

Thanks for proving my point.

Vindicator ago

You were already on my suspicious list, Pissina, but your persistent baseless accusations of mod corruption and attempts to smear @srayzie have completely destroyed your standing as a person of good will as far as I am concerned.


Shizy ago

I see what you did there with that users name. And I LOVE it 😂!!!

srayzie ago

@Gothamgirl has been far worse. She’s accused me of sick crimes and more. All these people that are defending each other and being the loudest to attack are making themselves look bad in my opinion.

Piscina ago

I don't get it. This post has nothing to do with the organised sexual abuse of children. I don't see mods giving it a 24-hour grace. On top of that, all the mods are called in to support this non-thread. The only inference that can be drawn is that the mods are involved in attempting to take our eyes off the issue.

srayzie ago

This clearly shows that Sarah, who was associated with Jem, is one of the main shills on that shill list that Jem interacted with often. I have much more showing her troll pizzagate with shill posts and Jems constant praise of how smart “Sarah” is.

What I getting from you is that you are somebody who supports limited hangouts and liars, makes ridiculous claims that you can’t even support, and that you are a shit stirring drama queen that needs to “get over it” like you told me when I defended @Vindicator for being attacked for something when he did nothing wrong.

Yes, I am pinging the mods since you seem to have a problem with this post.

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

Piscina ago

Stop being a drama queen. Ignore whoever you think is a troll and concentrate on what you are here for, which is protecting children.

Seriously it's laughable that you have to call for support from the mods for your lame-arse excuse for a post. Are you not a big enough girl to handle yourself?

srayzie ago

Miss Drama Queen...

I don't see mods giving it a 24-hour grace. On top of that, all the mods are called in to support this non-thread. The only inference that can be drawn is that the mods are involved in attempting to take our eyes off the issue.

Since you lack even in the common sense department, I’ll be nice and help you out. Your comment is a mod issue. Therefore, I pinged the mods to address your concerns.

I am a big enough girl that I handle even my own subverse, which is why I don’t put up with trouble making whiners like you.

Here’s a quote for you...

Get over it.

Piscina ago

Ignore the trolls. The time you spend on other posters is time you don't spend on pizzagate and helping children. You're letting yourself get sidetracked and you're wasting your time.

I notice there have been a lot of attacks on Gothamgirl. The same Gothamgirl who has been supporting Honey Bee Mellisa Zaccaria. So all you people attacking Gothamgirl are inadvertently attacking Zaccaria. Careful, you'll catch yourself out!

Shizy ago

Oh please with your illogical connection! Questioning Gothamgirl isn't an attack on honey bee! That's just a ridiculous statement form an overemotional woman!

Crensch ago

Jew logic:

I notice there have been a lot of attacks on Gothamgirl.


The same Gothamgirl who has been supporting Honey Bee Mellisa Zaccaria.


So all you people attacking Gothamgirl are inadvertently attacking Zaccaria. Careful, you'll catch yourself out!


Let's show how absurd this stupid cunt is!

@Gothamgirl attacks srayzie.

Srayzie supports PizzaGate researchers.

Gothamgirl is attacking PizzaGate researchers and defending child-fuckers.


Gothamgirl attacks srayzie.

Srayzie supports Taco Bell (by buying delicious tacos!).

Gothamgirl is attacking Taco Bell.

@srayzie @Vindicator @think-

I'd lose sleep over having written something so fantastically stupid, but I guess stupid single-mother whores just have no standards for themselves at all. It'd be pitiable if she wasn't very obviously paid to post here.

Gothamgirl ago

Attacking Taco bell? No there is a tunnel underneath it, just like Mcdonalds with the Hamstead kids.

Srayzie supports PizzaGate researchers, doesn't everyone, thought that's why we here?

Why do keep attacking my child? Thought we were here for children.

Are you mad because I was single and looking to date someone last year and your cunt mod played a mind game with me? Which lead me to say what I said to her.

I support all the mods and anyone in pizzagate that seems to care.

Crensch ago

Attacking Taco bell? No my guess is a tunnel underneath it, just like Mcdonalds with the Hamstead kids.

What a fantastically stupid response. What was the point of this? Do you think you're funny or something?

Srayzie supports PizzaGate researchers, doesn't everyone, thought that's why we here?

Apparently you and your crew do not. Go defend the verified disinfo shill Jem a bit more, cunt.

Why do keep mentioning my child? Thought we were here for children and coming from a mod makes me really wonder why you are here running this sub.

What was it you accused Srayzie of? You know, the thing where I said, "You researching PG AND having your CHILD on FB is YOUR fault and no one else's."?

And then about her putting CP on your phone?

And THEN you seemed completely at ease with srayzie's picture being posted, and even took the time to take a jab at her over her looks. You're a hypocrite, and very obviously jealous.

Are you mad because I was single and looking to date someone last year and your cunt mod played a mind game with me? Which lead me to say what I said to her.

There's no excuse whatsoever for what you accused her of, or what you seemed OK with after accusing her of your own mistake of putting your child on FB with her picture being posted here. Nice double standard you have there, single mom; I'm sure your child will grow up to be such an upstanding cunt, too.

I support all the mods and anyone in pizzagate that seems to care.

Then maybe you should stop supporting disinfo shills and attacking the mods that really do care. It doesn't seem to bother you that srayzie has been right this entire time, and you and your crew have been objectively wrong and subversive here?

No, of course it doesn't, because you're lying about really giving a shit.

Gothamgirl ago

They're not my crew, they have tagged my name, I follow their stuff because it makes sense to me. Do you see me defending their comments?

I have apologized 2-3 times already so there is nothing more I can do.

You make alot of unfounded accusations yourself, and to carryon talking about my disabled child your a disgrace.

I made that comment about Srayzie because she has called me every name possible, and something looks off with her EYES.

Giving a shit like everyday since I got here.

Crensch ago

They're not my crew, they have tagged my name, I follow their stuff because it makes sense to me.

You are frighteningly stupid, then. Dangerously so, and detrimentally so to anyone who could actually accomplish something here.

I have apologized 2-3 times already so there is nothing more I can do. Srayzie asked me to leave so I left.

You are still here. You are not wanted, but you continue to return and post and say the kind of shit that belongs on WorldStar in a "best of" video. Your thoughts are so nigger-tier that I can hardly believe even a nigger would have them.

You make alot of unfounded accusations yourself towards me, and to carryon talking about my disabled child, your a disgrace.

You have the power to stop all of this. You can shut your fantastically stupid whore mouth and move on, or you can keep opening it and begging to get slapped around. You're too stupid to make this end with you in any kind of favourable light - every time you open your mouth you prove that you're not qualified to comment on any subject at all.

I made that comment about Srayzie's pic because she has called me every name possible, and something looks off with her EYES. Plus she herself has posted her pic multiple times.

You probably deserved every name you were called. Guess what happens when someone that always tells the truth accuses someone who always lies or is wrong of something? Most people will simply believe the truth-teller.

That's what you get when you prove yourself to be a single mother.

Giving a shit like everyday since I got here, but once you people go away, I will keep to myself.

You're more than welcome to post your shit elsewhere. Nobody is keeping you here, and if you don't see that you're as unwanted on Voat as you are IRL, then that's a personal problem, and I'll continue making sure your self-esteem stays where it belongs.

Why can't you guys decipher that Stratfor email? It states Angelina Jolie films porn and theyre having sex with 10-12 year old sexbots, clear as day, amongst other things.

Why can't you find a beta provider? Oh, right, because not even a beta would want someone as empty-headed as you. Even a beta would require some substance to their character beyond what you seem capable of.

And why can't you make a submission that obeys the sub rules and prove that you are capable of something beyond following the disinfo shills?

Taco bell, George Takai, camp arrowhead was my point.

Nobody cares about you.

Crensch ago

srayzie ago

I couldn’t have said that any better myself!

Crensch ago

Note to self: Bold negates pings.

@Gothamgirl see parent, because it's a better parent than you'll ever be to your little bastard child.

Gothamgirl ago

Why do you think my child is a bastard?

Crensch ago

Because you mock srayzie for being married and being flirtatious publicly, yet you've apparently screwed users from Voat. I think even the stupidest gutterslut I've met wouldn't be so stupid as to attack srayzie for what she does while being married and fucking random usernames from Voat.

You do know the definition of the word, do you not?

Gothamgirl ago

You're quite delusional at this point, do you make stuff up as you go? No I have not screwed "USERS" from Voat.

Shizy ago

It's not an attack on a child. He/she didn't choose to be a bastard- its an attack on the adults who made poor decisions! One of which was you!

Here's how everyone can assume your child is a bastard: you shit talk @srayzie for "flirting" and insinuate she isn't honoring her marriage vows. If you really feel that strongly about marriage vows, you would have followed the "till death do us part" one. That tells me you were never married because you would still be married now instead of being a single mother.

Now if I'm wrong and you were married, you're a big fat hypocrite! So which is is? Are you a hypocrite or did you pop out a bastard child?


srayzie ago

Good point!

Crensch ago

Stellar point that I let slip by me; thank you.

Shizy ago

Thank you!

srayzie ago

Yes you did. Zyk.... I’ll spare him from saying his username in hopes that nobody makes fun of him.

Crensch ago

Suspicious quotation marks there. Do you call them something else, perhaps? Goats? Voaters?

srayzie ago

She would talk to guys on Facebook too.

Crensch ago

Oh, that's rich. Stupid cunt needs to make the smart move for once in her life of failures and disappear.

Gothamgirl ago

No because that would be plural and like I said there is only one person for me.

Crensch ago

Yeah, but you're a liar and really, really stupid, so nobody really believes that.

Gothamgirl ago

No actually I tripped up your mod into admitting what I wanted her to, and it was exactly what I thought happened, in her own words.

srayzie ago

Oh tell me what that is. Because you have made a fool out of yourself. I have proved you wrong with every lie. Tell me. I can’t wait.

Crensch ago

Nice LARP mr. Miyagi. you're not even smart enough to support your own position with your own screenshots of private messages. You're certainly not smart enough to manipulate someone into doing something you want them to do.

Gothamgirl ago

It would be stupid of me to think I would ever get a fair shot posting it here and I felt that since your very 1st post. You, Srayzie, Shizy have acted like rabid animals.

She gave me enough info that I now understand exactly how it happened, and I don't need to explain to anyone, accept to the Police.

Can you people leave me alone now?

I just want to read and never want to talk or contribute here ever again.

srayzie ago

Were you fair to me when you implied that I threatened to kidnap your kid and planted child porn on your phone when I haven’t even met you? You admitted to putting your kids personal information on Facebook!

Then it comes out afterwards that you’re meeting strangers from Voat and inviting them into your home to fuck when you have children!!!!

How dare you try to tarnish my name with your lies. There were many more lies after that. Straight out lies that I can PROVE are false. No bitch. You didn’t trip me up and have me admit shit to you. I’ve never trusted you, which is why I did screenshots of everything you’ve said to me.

If you don’t want people calling you out for being a shitty mother who puts her kids in danger because her whore needs come before their safety, then don’t come spread lies about people.

I’m not stupid. I’m not going to lie and say something that I can’t prove. I’m so close to exposing your lies.

I get that you’re jealous because your fuck toy from April playfully flirted with me publicly. “Satire my ass”. I don’t even know him. Get the fuck over it. He’s been quiet ever since. You must have ripped into the poor guy.

Before you delete your account, I want a fuckimg apology! You accused me of SICK things and have told me now several times that you were going to the police.

@Crensch @Shizy

Crensch ago


You heard the lady, bitch. Now you get to apologize, too. AND you get to wait until srayzie gets her screenshots and archives it.

Then you have a choice. You have two very intelligent mods putting together things about you that will end any ounce of respect you might have had here from even the densest retards. So you can close your legs long enough to apologize, then delete your account and vanish, or you can stick around and become the butt of the joke of every shill mod attack here in perpetuity.

I also highly recommend you apologize to your unfortunate spawn and hand them off to someone with an ounce of integrity so they don't wind up like you.

Crensch ago

You can't even pretend to be smart for one comment can you? You can read what's written here without an account, so if you delete yours and never comment here again, I'll put on hold the post that I'm about to make that will be a reference to anyone wondering who or what you are. It will show multiple lies and deceptions and misdirections and accusations and disinformation and distracting of the pizzagate investigation. There will be links to your words and screenshots and archives. There will be no more reason for anyone at any point in time to take you seriously. It will be linked every time you comment or submit anything. The people you were responding to will be pinged.

If I see a tombstone on your username page in the next few hours, that post doesn't come up and those things don't happen. If I don't see it, then I'll make sure to remind people now and then exactly what you are.

Let me be clear here:

If you do not delete your accounts then every time the mods are attacked, your name and your information and everything that I have on you will come up every single time.

When you delete your account there's an option to delete everything you've ever posted as well. You will do that because nothing you have ever posted has ever been worth even the few seconds of the life of the pixels on the screens of those who have had to scroll by it.

You will not be missed by anyone that matters. And the ones that do miss you will be next.

@srayzie it looks like this cunt is threatening you with the internet equivalent of swatting.

Gothamgirl ago

"If I see a tombstone on your username page in the next few hours, that post doesn't come up and those things don't happen."

So now you have a problem with free speech and your going to try to doxx me? Dude leave me alone, I don't give a flying fuck lol.

Crensch ago

So now you have a problem with free speech and your going to try to doxx me?

I have a problem with you attacking my mods and continuing to do so. I have no problem with free speech, do you have a problem with mine? Because my posting all of this information will be my free speech.

It's not doxxing to dig through everything you've posted here and find what is needed to convince anyone that you are, at best, an air-headed slut that lies for attention.

Dude leave me alone, I don't give a flying fuck lol.

You'll never be left alone again. And you don't give a flying fuck?

You're the one with the choice, cunt, and just like @Cheeseboogersghost @RKG @Professor_Autism @Sarai @Sergeant_Asperger and @Dylan_Klebold, you'll try to call my bluff. You think you'll fare any better? Every one of them was at least twice as smart as you.

Keep doubling down like you've done with everything in your pathetic, desperate existence, I'm sure it will work out for you THIS time.

srayzie ago

Ohhh SNAP!

Gothamgirl ago

srayzie ago

Stop sending me videos of men whore.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok so wash your mouth out you have children, and look at the link then. Especially Jangles comments.

srayzie ago

You need to wash your mouth and other places out. You’re the single mother fucking strangers you meet on a pizzagate forum. Who had child porn on her phone.

Gothamgirl ago

"You’re the single mother fucking strangers"

why do you make up these lies?

You tried to play matchmaker and messenger, then you intentionally send me a video showing me the guy talking about his wife not to long later, who does this lol? We never meet. Thats where I feel your mind games started.

The other person I spoke to you about, was not from here, and I never meet that person either. He was part of Cicada3301/Synt/Q - and not even remotely close to my location.

Are you saying because I was single I shouldn't be dating and looking for love, but your married, and it's innocent to flirt for only YOU on Voat? Interesting.

srayzie ago

After you told me how much you liked FlynnL1ve5 and I found out he liked you, all I did was tell you and you were excited. I don’t know what you’re talking about sending a video of someone’s wife. I didn’t even know he was married. You are the one who knew his identity and told everyone when he was shot.

You have tried slandering me time and time again, I prove you wrong, and then you just look worse because you’re exposing yourself as a liar. I’ve said before, my husband knows how I am. I’ve been with him since I was 13. All my kids have the same father.

I don’t need marriage advice from a whore who brings strangers off the internet into her home when she had kids. You even admitted to putting your son in danger by having his information public. You even got a threat that he would be kidnapped. Wow. Wonderful mother! Someone planted child porn on your phone? That doesn’t sound like some mother “dating” and looking for love. How many men, and what kind of men are you inviting over?

You say you care so much about kids, yet you put your need for dick before your kids safety. So you can butt out about my marriage of over 20 years. You're a jealous trashy lying manipulative limited hangout with no sense of humor.

I am playful here. You’re just mad because the guy you fucked was sending me hearts and I sent him hearts. All publicly and playfully. He’s the one who said he was gonna get me “nekked”. It’s a shit posting sub. You are soooooo jealous. It shows because you keep bringing it up.

I’m a fun person who laughs a lot and I don’t get offended by things that a lot of women do. I was raised by my father. So I don’t give a fuck what you think about my personality and sense of humor. I’m not spreading my legs or putting my kids in danger. You are.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I’ve been with the SAME PERSON since I was 13. He was a teenager too. That’s a bad thing to you? All my kids have the same father. Nice huh? Do you even work or are our tax dollars paying for you to stay home and be a “mom”?

I’m not sure how all that works, but don’t you have some social worker or something? You really should inform them that you invite strangers off the internet into your home. There’s no telling what kind of men you had there since you had child porn on your phone. Wtf?!

I happen to like Zyk...(I won’t embarrass him). He’s a single man and was offered some free pussy. He wasn’t the one with children to protect. Do you think he’s the one who put child porn on your phone? If not, then it’s pretty safe to say that you had at least one OTHER man there as well. After all, you said you were “wanting to date”. I guess you just skip the courting stage. 😂

Actions speak louder than words whore. You say that someone threatened to kidnap your kid and someone put child porn on your phone. You said that you put your kids safety first. Yeah, like posting his information publicly. Once again, who did you have at your house? Oh, let me see... a stranger from the fucking Internet!

Well Miss Pizzagate researcher... If you had child porn on your phone and someone threatened you saying they are going to kidnap your child, was that not a big enough deal to you to call the police?! You didn’t already have the police investigating that? You didn’t have any of the men that were over looked into? What the fuck is wrong with you? I would have had the police at my house immediately. YOU should know how serious that can be.

What you did, was something only a mental ill or retarded person would do. You blamed ME, who has never even met you! I couldn’t even tell you what state you live in. I never looked at your Facebook profile again since the day you gave it to me. You weren’t somebody significant enough. Don’t flatter yourself girlfriend.

Have you tried going to the police and telling them your lame story? Maybe you should. Maybe you aren’t mentally fit to be raising kids. Have you even stopped to think about his STUPID it was for you to say that? You keep coming back for more and you’re even talking shit to @Shizy. You continue attacking me even tho I keep proving that you’re lying. Since you can’t shut the fuck up, answer 2 questions for me.

You told @Crensch that you tripped me up and got his mod to admit something you wanted. Please share! Back your claims up with proof!

Please explain to the class how I could have planted child porn on your phone if we haven’t met? Who in their right mind would even believe such a thing?

Oh thank you for keeping me up to date on Sarah. She’s your handler. I’ve never met anyone from Antifa so haven’t heard how they talk. Sounds like you do. You must hang with some freaks.

About the Timothy Holmseth video... if your man FlynnL1ve5 mentioned he was married on there, I didn’t notice it, he was talking about something serious. You act as if you guys were people I thought about all the time.

Besides, YOUR OWN screenshots show that the matchmaker comment was made BEFORE I sent you a link of him talking to Timothy Holmseth.

I said that I feel like your matchmaker because when I talked to FlynnL1ve5 on Twitter privately, he told me he liked you so I invited him to v/GreatAwakening. It was new. You know all this. You are just choosing what you want to share.

I almost feel bad for you, so let me help you out sweetheart...

You see, if you really want to prove something, you have to share BOTH SIDES of a conversation. You look like you’ve done a lot of drugs so I’ll try to not judge your stupidity too harshly.

So, here is FlynnL1ve5 saying he liked you. He also said that it’s nice for mature adults to express admiration for each other. Damn. You must have had some nice chats. He also,says you guys DO talk...

I come to tell you. THIS is screenshot you provided.


srayzie ago

She’s been using her welfare money on this far too often.

Crensch ago

So you took screenshots of your inbox, not outbox, so we don't KNOW what you said, however:

Chronologically bottom to top. You either asked her to take screenshots, or happened to be curious about what he said exactly.

No you made it up.

There's really just not a word strong enough to express how stupid you are. You just proved @srayzie correct while claiming in the same comment that she "made it up".

@shizy @think- @Vindicator

Is this the typical IQ level of PG usernames? Of the trolls? Shills? There is some extreme retardation being presented by this username.

Speaking of:

Have you seen the 911 submissions to /v/PizzagateNoMod that are "translations" of complete gibberish that appear to be botted submissions?

Stuff like this

Pornographic because and on Digital Rupert Murdoch Sucks on for Consumers refuse to buy High Fructose Corn Syrup Kills about Digital for Homosexual and and with about for NFL

19 pages of the crap - nothing ever done with them, just supposedly copied from some website.

Shizy ago

I'm thinking she's her own special kind of retarded! Probably barely graduated high school judging by her constant misuse of simple words!

Vindicator ago

Is this the typical IQ level of PG usernames? Of the trolls? Shills? There is some extreme retardation being presented by this username.

No, not typical of pg usernames. Definitely typical of suspicious characters. Other iterations are playing dumb about the ruleset when they have been advised about it. Repeating the same talking points without evidence and/or in the face of evidence opposite what they are saying.

This particular situation may be a case of a person I suspect has Dissociative Identity Disorder who first appeared here under the username @Psychanaut and doxed herself multiple times. I initially found her posting really good quora articles about Podesta art and helped her figure out how to write them to get more traction on Voat. She kept acting like she had forgotten conversations we had had. When other (shilly) users attacked her and doxxed her, she wigged out and blamed me. There was a post from her about it in v/pizzagatemods. She was weirdly protective of Gothamgirl at that time, and they always were working on the same things. I figured they were the same person. She started pizzagatenomods after I exposed some of the unwarranted claims she was making about mods.

The retardation you speak of may be an act. It may be drug related. It may be caused by more than one person running an account and not getting up to speed properly when taking over his shift from what the previous operator posted. Or it may be an alter personality in a person with DID.

I haven't poked around in their sub. I wonder if there is a psych term for people who write gibberish like that? ...hold on...

Yep. Sure enough. One of the symptoms of schizophrenia is incoherent speech aka "word salad". Strikingly similar, don't you think? It would explain why she can understand it just fine.


Gothamgirl ago

Oh wow I always stuck up for you. I am not Psychonaut. I am not on drugs. I was just asked to copy it here like 15 months ago.

The reason I understand it, is I have googled every item on the website.

It's part of Cicada3301 and they have planted information on this entire site and the entire internet, not just there.

You can't understand 1 puzzle without seeing them all, and they definitely have predicted the future with accuracy.

srayzie ago

This is about more than your puzzle games. You have outed yourself in many ways. You and Sarah started attacking me on the same day. Normally calm, to the point of boring, GothamGirl suddenly has a complete shift in personality. You’ve been exposed.

Crensch ago

It would explain why she can understand it just fine.

You kill me.

That's very good information. Thank you!

Vindicator ago

Well, there are some folks in here who were raped and tortured as kids and some of them exhibit strange behavior when they get stressed out. I'm sure some are shills LARPing as broken survivors. Most of the ones I suspect are real don't ever say anything about having lived it and in fact deny it when asked and change the subject if the conversation moves too close, so I am inclined to trust my gut.

Crensch ago

Sounds eminently reasonable. I fully agree.

Gothamgirl ago

LHOHQ is part of Cicada3301, and Cicada3301 ran Q. Sorry if you are unable to understand the data. I understand it just fine It's Military Jargon

Shizy ago

Are you touched in the head Gotham? It's a serious question?

Gothamgirl ago

By Christ. I am named after him, and my surname comes from Cyrus the 2nd.

srayzie ago

WTF. Did your Sarah personality come out here?

Gothamgirl ago

No what I said is fact.

Only you understand and know Sarah's personality.

I think you should apologize to researchers here too.

Maybe this wouldn't have happened, and you wouldn't have been on my radar. If you yourself weren't blaming and lying on great researchers.

For someone so FEARFUL of Sarah, you seem to conversate lots with her. Like your obsessed and unafraid, which is quite contradictory of someone who feels threatened.

srayzie ago

Since I screenshot and archive everything you say to me, I will include all this for public record. 🤓

Gothamgirl accused me of horrible things, such as planting child porn on her phone when we’ve never met, and threatening to kidnap her kid. That’s just SOME of her accusations that spanned a couple of days...

@Crensch finally made a post showing her accusations and proof that she was lying.

Finally, @Gothamgirl apologized to me...
Gothamgirl Apology - DM’s

Here she apologized publicly...
My Sincere Apologies to Srayzie and Pizzagate Mods


Was your apology not sincere? You made a public apology after Crensch’s post showing your false accusations towards me and showing proof that you were lying.

Is your handler Sarah putting you to work again? How about you go tell “Sarah”, that I will leave her alone if she leaves us alone? We are sick of being pinged all day. I have to keep blocking several accounts a day. If she wants to stop, I’m on board. But I’m not taking shit from anyone and that includes you GothamGirl. Or are you wanting a round 2?

You sticking up for Sarah after all that you’ve said, denying that you were not part of the Sarah group, is priceless. Sarah doesn’t care how you appear. You’re being used. You’re his/her puppet. Think about that before you go fight Sarah’s battles.

@Vindicator I’m just informing you that GothamGirl is up to old tricks so you can keep your eyes open. She shows up 11 days after this comment was made.

Gothamgirl ago

Actually I asked you questions not made accusations. Go back in your screenshots and look. My apology about that was sincere, and still is.

I think you owe some people apologies to, but if you don't feel like you do, that's fine.

srayzie ago

I don’t owe anyone an apology. I exposed Voats biggest shill that I had documented since like October. I and Archived threats.

The fact that she has gone ape shit and is trolling everyone isn’t my fault. That’s on her. Apparently, she’s pushing you to do her work again.

I think you’ve caused enough drama over this Sarah deal. I don’t even reply to her anymore and I encourage everyone else she pings not to talk to her.

I accepted your apology and have been very nice to you. I’ve left you alone. I think it’s time you move on. I have more important things going on than Sarah and GothamGirl drama.

If your apology was sincere, then drop it. Don’t include me in your drama.

Gothamgirl ago

I don't have drama. Your post about Jenny was the trigger for Sarah and pissed off a few people, and you continously bring her up on here.

You blamed Jem777, and Kevin Flynn for being Sarah too, you don't think you should try to fix that?

Nevermind be you. Take care.

Gothamgirl ago

Trump is talking about Cyrus, today which is my birthday ☺

srayzie ago

I haven’t even been on pizzagate for days GothamGirl! You’re stirring up old shit. Let it go!

Shizy ago

Yeah that seemed outta nowhere. But then again she's been saying a lot of things that don't really make sense!

Crensch ago

LHOHQ is part of Cicada3301, and Cicada3301 ran Q.

Prove both of those claims. Then explain why copying the text to Voat accomplishes anything at all. No comments on MOST of those submissions.

Did you like how you proved srayzie wasn't lying, and that you were? I did.

Gothamgirl ago

I followed it starting here on Voat, and was asked to copy it over.

Crensch ago

Dug through the site and found a page that had some comments, like a guestbook (Can't recall but it was somewhere on the site).

"muh can't remember because unimportant or somethin"

I searched the files areas and came across a .pdf on This file page (Warning: I did not verify if this was a clean file) Its the second link, which is a .pdf mentioning "deciphering"

"Here's a .pdf that it's not safe to download, just take my word for it that the contents are real!"

Then a bunch of your gibberish that you so happen to enjoy copying and posting as if it's important.


Nothing came of it, nothing was proved by it, and you're showing just how stupid you really are. Again.

Gothamgirl ago

You missed the comments and obviously forgot to watch the video, Titus came up with exact same conclusion as I did. I told Srayzie on several occasions. So are you knocking his work to?

This is what you missed in that thread.

soon to be new By age kennedy Missing identification card?runk rn and I'd hope you'd do Qhe *ork for meXXX As for *haQ drove me Qo DG, iQ *ould definiQely have Qo do iQh Qhe experimenQal aspecQ Qhey bring forQhX MeQal kinda alays gives Qhis !hey, you're angry and *eirdX Guess *haQ, QhaQ's OK!! And honesQly DG furQhers QhaQ by saying !hey, Qhere are primal subconscious urges deep *iQhin youX Defying Qhem and indulging Qhem makes you sQ

Crensch ago

You missed the comments and obviously forgot to watch the video, Titus came up with exact same conclusion as I did.

Who is Titus, and why should I give a shit if someone else came up with the same conclusion?

I told Srayzie on several occasions.

I don't care.

So are you knocking his work to?

I am, apparently.

soon to be new By age kennedy Missing identification card?runk rn and I'd hope you'd do Qhe *ork for meXXX As for *haQ drove me Qo DG, iQ *ould definiQely have Qo do iQh Qhe experimenQal aspecQ Qhey bring forQhX MeQal kinda alays gives Qhis !hey, you're angry and *eirdX Guess *haQ, QhaQ's OK!! And honesQly DG furQhers QhaQ by saying !hey, Qhere are primal subconscious urges deep *iQhin youX Defying Qhem and indulging Qhem makes you sQ

Looks like bullshit to me. Looks like very possible intentional disinfo or bot diarrhea.

Is that all you have? Really?

You have no standards at all for what convinces you of things, do you?

srayzie ago

Who is Titus, and why should I give a shit if someone else came up with the same conclusion?

Titus Frost is part of the small circle of cunts that have a new story every other month “proving that Q is either a LARP, a psyop, or not the same Q since January 5th, OR not the same Q since the the one from the end of May. There is so much disinformation from these people that I can’t even keep up.

I think I’ve mentioned Defango to you. He’s a narcissistic asshole who has even tried to make people believe that he was part of Q. Many people think he works for the CIA.

Defango is the one that convinced AMERICAN Intelligence Media “Thomas Paine”, that Q was a Psyop. Then he made the video that went viral, “Q is a psyop”. That’s the video that CheeseFaggotGhost posted. Remember, Thomas Paine from AIM, is the guy that was clairvoyant, did exorcisms, was a Freemason, a Jesuit, and a monk... all by is own admission. LMAO. I made a post about it...

DEBUNKING the Q EXPOSED AS PSYOP video by American Intelligence Media

To make a long story short, Titus Frost thinks Defango is one of the smartest people he’s ever met. This small circle is so obsessed with discrediting Q, that it seems like it’s their life’s mission to convince us to change our minds.

I followed most of these people before Q came along. They know each other and will even pretend they are fighting. Their job is to take each one of their large groups of followers and cause division. Just get everyone confused. It doesn’t take long before each attempt fails, and Q blows them out of the water in regards to “proofs”. Then another story to “prove” Q is a LARP comes along to replace the previous one.

Titus Frost goes along with the theory that Q is Cicada3301. How these people convince others to believe them is beyond me. There is NO WAY, for anyone that is seriously following Q on a daily basis, to deny the fact at this point that Q works right along with our President. What @Gothamgirl would always do, was send me some lame screenshot where something in the past was posted that could fit a phrase Q uses. Like “Calm before the storm”. Since she saw that, she thinks Q stole it. I’d like to see the cunt explain how Cicada3301 predicted McCain’s death down to the day, a month ahead of time. I will show you. It’s unbelievable.

The following will show you what a genius GothamGirl is. She thought for the longest that FlynnL1ve5 was Q. That’s the one that she denies liking because he’s a married man, yet I just proved she was lying about that too using screenshots. Notice that she also says that Sarah is Montagraph.

See these...

Montagraph thinks Q is Hillary Clinton and he HATES Titus Frost. He’s always making memes about him. Montagraph is a mean mofo and will dox anyone that accuses him of bad things. It happens a lot. He has a colorful past. Well, Gothamgirl’s boy decided to piss Montagraph off by calling Timothy Holmseth and letting the call be recorded as he tells him that Montagraph is into REALLY dark things. Like snuff. I’ve done a lot of research on him and I won’t even touch on that because, Montagraph scares the hell out of me.


FlynnL1ve5 made Montagraph so mad, that he obsessed over Flynn for over a month. He even had FlynnL1ve5 twitter taken down. Sadly, it also made Montagraph go after Timothy Holmseth. He doxed him and was accusing him of lies so that he would get arrested. Well, he got arrested. He was getting threatening calls. It was sad. You’re an idiot if you think you can go after Montagraph. Him and his friend hackers are ruthless. So since I didn’t like Sarah, she told me that Sarah was Montagraph to scare me. Yet, she says that she trusted me, and how that was a mistake because I am the one that supposedly played games with her. 😂

@Shizy @Crensch

Vindicator ago

This list of names is interesting srayzie. They're all the people on Twitter I stopped listening to a year ago because they ping by bullshit sonar.

The only thing I really found believable was Titus' interview with Bigfish, the original Comet hacker. Did you think that was BS, too?

srayzie ago

Other usernames would be Unirock, Roy Potter, David Seaman, Isaac Green, 0Hour1, Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec.

I’ve always wondered about Bigfish. If you listen to him, he sounds convincing. It’s true or he’s a really good actor.

I’ve really learned to not trust people because I liked many people on this list. Jerome Corsi was a big lesson for me. How I feel about Titus Frost now makes me not trust him.

Gothamgirl ago

Funny your Mod Srayzie just asked me not long ago if I felt Kennedy was connected to Q, wonder what in the world made her ask me that.

Crensch ago

You act like that is some kind of indication of your Authority on the subject and not an indication that she's just a really nice person that tries to be friendly to everyone, even retards.


Shizy ago

Ohhhhh damnnn! 🤣

srayzie ago

Sarah is far more than a troll to me. He/she is obsessed with me and threatens me. Ignoring trolls is a lot easier said than done. I’ve dealt with this person since October of last year.

@Gothamgirl is connected to Sarah and Sarah alts. Gothamgirl has alts. You don’t know all that I know because I’ve kept track of everything as it happened. Normally calm GothamGirl sure freaked out when I started revealing some things. We weren’t arguing before that. That alone should seem fishy to you. Then, she accused me of sick things, criminal things, that I would never do, or even have the ability to do unless I was a big time hacker...

This is just one of the many lies she spread about me. She couldn’t back up any of her lies, but I proved many of hers were lies.

After accusing me of threatening to kidnap her kid because I could have seen where her kid went to school on Facebook, and accusing me of planting child porn on her phone when I’ve never even met her, I find out she fucked a guy she met here in April.

Maybe she shouldn’t put her kids information on display for the public or be opening her legs to strangers on pizzagate forums. That could have avoided putting her kid in danger. It’s funny how she didn’t mention all that when she was accusing ME of doing all of that.

I don’t care who GothamGirl is helping. She’s playing 2 sides and is spreading lies. I am not attacking Honeybee. I won’t be quiet because some of you won’t accept the truth, like everything else I’ve said and backed up. @Shizy is my witness. I pinged her in the replies.

You’ve also been part of the ridiculous attacks on @Vindicator for banning Jem, who repeatedly had warnings. He was doing his job. He was accused of being evil and even somewhat responsible for her death that we don’t even know for sure happened. I made a comment about it and you told me to get over it. Did you also go along with the crowd who accused me and @think- of being evil and corrupt? Aren’t you also the one who asked Vindicator to remove the post @Crensch made, right after you insulted him again? You’re nothing but a nosey busy body. Butt out lady.

Take your own advice and get back to researching and helping kids. Sticking your nose in other peoples business when you don’t know the facts is a distraction and a waste of time.

Gothamgirl ago

Did you miss the question mark on the end of my sentence?

How many times have you reported Sarah to the police?

srayzie ago

Are you serious? Are you implying that I’ve reported Sarah? I know nothing about Sarah. What would I say? I have a psychotic stalker?

Piscina ago

You are making the accusation that I attacked Vindicator for banning Jem but I notice you can't provide evidence. lol, I don't even know who Think is.

And, yeah, I did ask the mods to take that Crensch post down, because he was calling a bunch of people cunts, which I notice you are now doing. Shame on you. Grow up, ignore the trolls and get on with it.

Shizy ago

So @srayzie should ignore the trolls, but it's ok for you to decide you're offended by the word cunt and can complain about it? Once again, being an illogical woman gives other women a bad name!

srayzie ago

You don’t consider this to be part of the ongoing attacks in @Vindicator?

Vindicator ago

Oh, she was all over me the first day -- way worse than that. In fact, while she's bitching about calling people nasty names, she did it herself, calling me an asshole for giving the Grace flair on one of the Jem is dead posts.

srayzie ago

Yeah. But she’s offended for being called a cunt. She’s a hypocritical drama queen.

Shizy ago

Only a cunt gets offended by the word cunt!

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

@EllaDraper is Sarah.

Pizzalawyer ago

So Sarah aka Ella Draper aka EllaChristieDraper is the mother of the Hampstead kids who are cute as buttons and hopefully not terribly damaged by mother or husband/father/boyfriend. We really have our hands full with USA crimes. Sympathy only but no energy to spare. At least none from me.

ESOTERICshade ago

So Sarah aka Ella Draper aka EllaChristieDraper is the mother of the Hampstead kids

That is too stupid of an idea to even be real. You should lurk more.

srayzie ago

Well seeing how you told @GothamGirl, who is connected to Sarah, who attacked me and even accused me of sick crimes once I started revealing things that I knew, that SHE will be vindicated, I don’t need anything from you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Is this the crazy bitch who always deletes her accounts?

Probably so. This person is a psycho.

Kekalicious ago

Whatever floats her boat. @srayzie Sorry that you have been outed. I have to revoke your Russian bot status. A shame too since your one of the better ones with the intel you do. Don't worry bout it. You can still hang out with us trolls if you keep bringing the cookies. Cause stupidity counts in large amounts.

Tha_Dude_Abidez ago

It reads like these alts are bots.

srayzie ago

I would love to find out that Sarah is a bot if that’s possible. In the beginning, I had conversations with her so it’s hard for me to imagine her being a bot. Plus, she’s smart and can actually do good research. She’s made good posts and connections. That’s why I don’t get why she would waste her time doing this.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sarah is not a bot. Sarah is a real person.

That’s why I don’t get why she would waste her time doing this.

Sarah understands the occult world.

srayzie ago

Very true.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Just a theory, Although its hard to think through all this crazy. Maybe someone is making alts that sound like it could be the original user? someone popped up with a username like mine- keksupreme (that is not me or ME hehe), but its easy to see how it could get confusing and be used as a de-stabilization tactic. Its like a schizophrenic phishing tactic.

.s/ But maybe I'm just being paranoid but maybe thats what they want us to think "wait who said that?" oh wait it was me. phew....but who did I say it to? "oh no its working" :)

ESOTERICshade ago

I am not convinced that Jem is really dead.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

But wouldn't George Webb have to be in on it and the hotel Managers?

dreamdigital ago

@Srayzie. I DM'd you earlier. I'm honestly getting some really scary vibes from all this. I don't feel your red flags regarding this person are unfounded. Creeped out.

dreamdigital ago

She looks like a man in drag.

Shizy ago

That's what I said! That's a man for sure!

EllaChristieDraper ago

That's because you are in hell and it's a scary place.

srayzie ago

Sarah must have woke up. It’s starting again. I honestly think the best thing is to not communicate with them or respond to any of their comments. That’s entertaining to Sarah.

EllaDraper ago

@molochhunter @Bopper @Gamepwn @HeyGeorge @Kevdude

Sarah is one who tried to help save my children.

EllaDraper ago

@jangles You are supposed to be a university professor and you are encouraging the worst kind of people to pursue the worst kind of actions.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

jangles ago

must have the wrong person

AbrahamChristie ago

@jangles You're disgusting and I will be letting everyone know just what goes on at McGills University and Toronto University as well.

jangles ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You listed me as being "suspected as being associated with spammers". Well, now I know that you are a fraud. Why would your friend JEM use 777 on her handle?

srayzie ago

No I didn’t list you as that. I just thought that I had seen you she supportive of Jem. I’m wondering the same about the 777.

TruthEarthOrg ago

I think you're right about this whole thing being just another way of distracting people from continuing their research into this stuff. Eyes on the prize! It's good to bring attention to these things though so people know what you look out for. Much love all <3

Piscina ago

I agree wholeheartedly!

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Israeli Conscripts are used to shill on social media sites. Don't forget to say "Chag Sameach" - Happy Holidays.

AbrahamChristie ago

How wrong you are. You have chosen the wrong side...

srayzie ago

I think that’s some smart advice. Thank you <3

Vindicator ago

Same botlike comment spammer Falcon was always banning alts for as "spamalek". It went nuts the minute we started questioning the Jem/Moore story.

Joe10jo ago

I try to stay up to speed as best I can,... just saying, bc this may be a dumb question.... but could Jem and Sarah be the same person? An MK dissociative-type of thing?? Bc I know there are questions as to whether Jem is dead or faked her death.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

She didnt fake her death. I know this is a bold statement but If she did she would have to have at least involved george webb, and if you assume any of the places that reported on it did any kind of due diligence then the 2 managers at the hotel would have to be in on it. I think the only alts making things schizophrenic are the shill sock puppet accounts that a clearly out in force. Ive got no problem believing that the same people who lobby governments (podesta's) have a paid workforce of shills trying to sway public opinion on any matter never mind a damaging conspiracy that focuses attention around there questionable "taste" in art. Especially if its the first domino to fall in a set of increasing size, it makes sense they would make considerable efforts to stop the on coming avalanche.

AbrahamChristie ago


EllaDraper ago

Do you understand what you have done?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Probably not, ill bite though, wut?

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Chag Sameach!

srayzie ago

A lot of people have asked me that. I just don’t see how she would have had the time.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Great post.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Wow, five minutes of my life I can't get back. Thx, crazy shill.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I like where the shill calls someone a reprobate. That was funny. Look up Romans 1 if you want to know what God says a Reprobate is. KJV please.

Sarah, are you a tranny? Projecting?

AbrahamChristie ago

Goes by the name Ella Draper. Maybe you have heard of her?

Yeah, thought so.

jangles ago

RIP Aaron d

AbrahamChristie ago

No she's my wife.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Sorry but Jem777, even if that was Jenny Moore, then Jem777 is either a disinformation shill like you guys said, or Sarah is her own alt, or she's not very smart. I don't believe for a second that a "Sarah Podesta" related to the Rothschilds is creating hundreds of alts on this forum. There's no way Sarah Podesta would spend that much time here. Is there even a real Sarah Podesta? Come on.

If I was a multimillionaire heiress I would not waste my time on voat harassing the mods. This is a paid shill.

Quickly googling a Sarah Podesta (sorry I'm rusty on my Podesta family line, I'm sure all of them are kidnapped or the result of some type of breeding or "legal" adoption) brings up a result from an attorney named Sarah Podesta, and a bunch of other profiles. What an unfortunate last name to have in this day and age.

I have to go, but I'll check this out later.

AbrahamChristie ago


EllaDraper ago

You're disgusting what an ugly ugly heart have you. Do you know what you have done?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@Shizy @srayzie @Vindicator look another alt

srayzie ago

Thank you!

darkknight111 ago

Is this Sarah idiot still rambling on and on?

Excuse me while I fetch the Peanuts trombone.

AbrahamChristie ago

You're one sick fuck...

darkknight111 ago

Thank you for proving my point.

You're one idiotic fuck.

Wom womp womp wom womp wop wooommmmp!

Neinlife ago


AbrahamChristie ago

You are ugly inside and out. Disgusting.

Neinlife ago

If you saw me you would be for my seed.

auralsects ago

Only thing this proves is @srayzie is the dangerous one.

It has always been obvious @Vindicator was a kikeshill just as his predecessor MF was. He didn't even try to hide it: "no evidence Haim Saban is mossad"

So naturally he put 100% women, who are known to be incompetent (I offered to leave permanently if he could link a single bit of the solid research he claimed they provided, and he couldn't) and rival coopting conspiracy theory Qtards on mod team, ensuring this sub went nowhere fast.

srayzie, being extremely stupid, is an obvious target for trolls and shills wanting to clog the sub with distractions (women demonstrably prefer drama to real life).

As seen in her conversations these women absolutely cannot get their brains off dat dick either. It is known that premenopausal women become even more irrational and cock-hungry than before.

I warned you all.

Gothamgirl ago

Not all of us, there is only one guy for me, and what they have stated about me is 100% lies, and half truths.

Shizy ago

And yet sadly, NO ONE will ever be hungry for your flaccid and rancid little "cock" except you!!! Hahahahahaha! You're nasty!

srayzie ago

I think you hate women even more than Jews now donkey.

3141592653 ago

There is only one reason you would go on and on insulting women. And that is, that you feel inferior. women are our mothers, our sisters, our daughters. No need to feel inferior, though.

auralsects ago

A woman can conceive carry and birth a baby while literally in a coma. I'm unimpressed.

I'm not giving idle insults either you cuckass fag. These are cogent and constructive recommendations for this board and the world in general

mynewaccountagain ago

Are you okay in the brain?

srayzie ago

Yeah. Are you?

realityisinsanity ago

Sarah looks like a man.

gamepwn ago

It's not really a picture of her. That's a picture of Marina Abramović, the spirit cooker.

srayzie ago

That’s not her real picture. He/she has a lot of profiles

srayzie ago

I don’t know if she deletes accounts. This is the one I’ve talked about so much. This is Sarah. He/she has stalked me for like a year. They make tons of profiles. Several YouTube channels and twitters. It’s crazy

GoodGodKirk ago

watch yourself, they're attempting a psyop thats obviously getting to you.

you've learned their comms, now it's time to ignore. don't feed the trolls.

srayzie ago

I’m trying

GoodGodKirk ago

i have a tool that could help if interested.

EllaDraper ago

I have a tool which will help you.

Shizy ago

Your meds are the only thing that may be able to help you. Follow your doctors advice nutjob

GoodGodKirk ago

which one is that?

srayzie ago

What’s that?

GoodGodKirk ago

sent in message

siegnagel ago

Mentally ill it seems.

EllaDraper ago

No she is a hero and that will come out with time. You are all disgusting doing this to Christ.

Shizy ago

Ella Draper is a Sarah the fruit loop alt 🤤

darkknight111 ago

Excuse me while I get some nachoes and dew for the idiot show. MF for all this.

3141592653 ago

Lol, I was just about to say, in a Mike Brady voice, that a fresh baked tray of chocolate chip cookies could only benefit all of us right now. think about it, would the fighting continue? Naw, everyone would just be rushing to get a fresh cookie.

darkknight111 ago

That is until Cookie Monster comes charging in.


3141592653 ago

So good

SoberSecondThought ago

This made me laugh. Thank you.

3141592653 ago

Me too! Needed that

Joe10jo ago

Better yet, give Sarah a snickers bar and maybe she’ll transform back to a normal person, lol, like the commercials that ran about a year ago.

EllaDraper ago

Do you know what you have done?

Shizy ago

Here's a better question "Ella", do you know WHO YOU have done???

SeeoneRwon ago

House of Cards

SeeoneRwon ago

Bye x ;)

you can stop stalking me now CIA

gamepwn ago

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

SeeoneRwon ago

Bye Mike

SeeoneRwon ago

Nice try Aquino.

SeeoneRwon ago

Don't forget - WIlliam Cooper = Michael Aquino

SeeoneRwon ago

:) while Satan is trapped for eternity in his echo chamber talking to himself...

The rest of us can move on to heaven.

JordanPetersonMKULt ago

Glory Be Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

gamepwn ago

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."

srayzie ago

Good job! 🙌🏻

SeeoneRwon ago

Whereas you sound like a very bitter old man.

gamepwn ago

No, I'm in my 20's, you sound like a fucking mental patient. You don't need to do this. You might have actually suffered some real shit and are messed up, but there is forgiveness. There is peace, there is a future. You can smile again but only if you drop your pride and let yourself. You can feel happiness again.

SeeoneRwon ago

Fortunately he sounds like an angel to me.

JordanPetersonMKULt ago

The many guises of Satan have fallen

JordanPetersonMKULt ago

Alex Jones = Michael Aquino...

JordanPetersonMKULt ago


JordanPetersonMKULt ago

Jordan Peterson is Michael Aquino

RockmanRaiden ago

I'm gone for a few days, and come back to see this madness. Let me grab some popcorn and catch up.

srayzie ago


EllaDraper ago

Laughing? Is this funny to you?

My children are they funny to you?

JordanPetersonMKULt ago

Jordan Maxwell is Michael Aquino

JordanPetersonMKULt ago

William Cooper is Michael Aquino.

JordanPetersonMKULt ago

Jordan Peterson is head of MKultra

JordanPetersonMKULt ago

State of the CIA

gamepwn ago

"The more alts I make the more right I will be" LMAO

SeeoneRwon ago

LOL Nope doesn't work like that and I have better things to do.

So, see ya loser!

SrayzieISJordan ago

all these commenters are the same guy

Sad Satan

Shizy ago

Yeah, they're all some demented bitch with serious mental issues who is beyond obsessed with @srayzie . Oh, wait, look at your name! The demented bitch is YOU too!

JordanPetersonMKULt ago

MKultra McGills Cuck

gamepwn ago

We all have your back Srayzie! This "Sarah" is a fucking retard if she thinks were falling for her alt bullshit.

RIPJem ago


Srayzie betrayed Jenny Moore exactly as Judas betrayed Jesus Christ. Srayzie is LYING TO ALL OF YOU.

We are NOT SARAH. We do not believe @GothamGirl is Sarah either.

Srayzie is slandering and attacking a Murder Victim who was part of this community, and using her Army of Corruption and Idiocy to attack, downvote and discredit anyone who stands up for Jenny Moore and The Truth. They are lying to everyone, making unfounded and absurd personal attacks, and flailing wildly in all directions since they have been Exposed as part of a corrupt agenda to Hide and Silence The Truth.


See Srayzie's hit piece on Jenny Moore and The Truth and read the comment below and all other comments they tried to hide and discredit. The Truth is Here.

Srayzie is WRONG. Srayzie is CORRUPT. Srayzie is EVIL.


Few realize what is truly at stake. Jenny is not the only one who was murdered for The Truth. Others have been tortured and murdered, and it involves the most powerful people in the world. There is a massive conspiracy afoot across all platforms to hide The Truth.


Look at their coordinated attack on a Murder Victim who was a member of the community and knew The Truth. Who would do such an Evil thing?

First they tried claiming that Jem was not Jenny Moore. Then they tried claiming that Jenny is not dead. Now they are claiming that Jenny was not murdered. They are also claiming that she was not threatened or attacked. They are also claiming that she is a CIA disinformation agent. They are also claiming that she was not doxxed and that is is fine to dox her now since she is dead even though her family is scared and in danger. Now they are backtracking a little and making jokes while attacking and downvoting anyone who exposes them and knows The Truth.

Look at how they targeted, attacked and banned JEM before she left Voat, and again now after she has been murdered. She was threatened, doxxed, attacked in real life, and eventually murdered. Now the mods are attacking her and ganging up on anyone who would defend her. This is an absolute disgrace. SHAME.

Look at their coordinated attack and downvoting to hide comments from those who KNOW THE VICTIM IN REAL LIFE.

We know EVERYTHING. We have been watching EVERYTHING. We have been telling everyone THE TRUTH for a LONG TIME. We know who is Good and who is Evil.

We do not want to be here. This is very dangerous. We owe it to Jenny and others who died for The Truth.


Jenny Moore was slandered and attacked both on Voat and in real life. She was beaten so badly she could barely talk or walk. Jem777 is Jenny Moore. We know this for certain. She was threatened by others here and in real life, and was eventually murdered.


This is not a Game, and the Mods and others involved either need to apologize and ask for forgiveness or they will all be exposed for their role in this.




Here is one the comments from below they are trying to hide from everyone. Read all of them to know The Truth. The Truth is easy to find if you know what you are looking for.

**Why are @srayzie and other mods attacking and slandering a user who was murdered for knowing The Truth? **

Do you know Jenny in real life and meet her in person?

Do you know George Sweigart in real life and meet him in person?

Have you met any of the people involved face to face?

Have you worked with governors, senators, representatives and elite industry leaders?

Have you blown the whistle on unimaginable crimes, abuse and corruption involving top level officials and leaders?

Do you know what it feels like to have those you are close with tortured and murdered for knowing The Truth?

Do you think this is a game?

Do you truly believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know what the real Agenda is?

Have you ever considered the fact that George Sweigart is not Trustworthy like Jenny, and is partly responsible for her murder?

Does George Sweigart believe in the real Jesus Christ?

What is George Sweigart's end game?

Did George Sweigart and Jenny Moore see eye to eye on that?

Do you think Jenny fully trusted George?

What did Jenny and George disagree on the most?

Did Jenny trust Jason Goodman, Trish Negron, Dave Acton, Defango or Unirock?

Do any of them believe in the real Jesus Christ?

Do you know who Wendy is?

Do you know who Janine is?

Do you know who Jack Lew is?

Do you know who Jack Parsons is?

Do you know how Janine is connected to John Podesta?

Have you worked with Ari, Zeke or Rahm Emanuel?

Do you personally know some of John McCain's closest friends?

Do you personally know some of Hollywood's biggest stars?

What direct experience and qualifications do you have?

Do you know who Q is yet?

Do you really believe that Q can be Trusted?

Who has been telling everyone The Truth on Voat since the first day of Pizzagate?

JEM is not the only one who was threatened and murdered.

JEM knows The Truth.

George knows The Truth.

Only one of them is Trustworthy.

Vindicator banned her for knowing The Truth.

The Cabal murdered her for knowing The Truth.

Do any of you here know The Truth?

Why would you Trust in Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Chris Wray, John Huber and an anon named Q?

Do you know anything about 5G AI?

Have you ever watched pro wrestling?

Do you know what hedging is?

Do you realize how powerful those involved really are?

Do you understand where Donald Trump fits on that ladder?

Do you believe that Donald Trump is clean and not compromised in any way?

Do you believe that no one here on Voat is working for the Cabal?

What kind of person attacks and slanders a murder victim who was working to reveal The Truth?

@Srayzie @Vindicator @Crensch @think- @putitout ARE ALL EVIL OR EXTREMELY COMPROMISED.


There are only a few real people on here that can be Trusted.

The Mods are corrupt and complicit to extreme crimes including MURDER.

Look at who Srayzie believes are the Good Guys, and who is Neutral. Is that accurate and diligent research based on real experience?

Is Pope Francis Neutral? is Ed Snowden Neutral? Is Jared Kushner a Patriot? Is Alan Dershowitz a Patriot? Is Rudy Giuliani a Patriot?

Look at who Srayzie is praising, and then look at who Srayzie is attacking and slandering - a Murder Victim who was a long-time member of this community.

Why are the Mods all ganging up on the Murder Victim, and why are they so worried about being exposed?

One could say that Srayzie is simply an ignorant, uneducated fool, but even a fool would not stoop this low.

Is Srayzie a paid operative, and do you believe there are no paid operatives here?

Why are mods defending Are We Sure while attacking the person that Are We Sure threatened who coincidentally ended up murdered?

Jenny said that she was doxxed and targeted. How do you think that happened?



eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I ❤ srayzie. Make voat great again.

srayzie ago

Aww love you too! ❤️ You should come to v/greatawakening sometime. I haven’t talked to you in a long time!

srayzie ago

The fact that this THING comes back doing it’s usual, but defends @Gothamgirl is pretty telling to me.

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Shizy @erickaliberall

Piscina ago

So now you are directly implying that Mellisa Vaccaria the Honey Bee is dirty. Gotham Girl is a big supporter of Mellisa.

srayzie ago

Is that what I said? Please explain to me how in the heck I implied that Honeybee is dirty? What’s wrong with you? Now I’m seeing why you’re called a cunt.

Piscina ago

You are here attacking GothamGirl. I don't know her, so I can't comment either way. But she has been defending Honey Bee when she was retweeting Ark of Hope for Children, which anyone with half a brain can see is crooked.

srayzie ago

It is ridiculous that you think someone retweeting something of Honeybee’s makes her a good person,

RIPJem ago

Your Corruption, ignorance and Evil Intentions have been Exposed.

We know more than all of you combined. We are not an advanced bot, and this is all VERY REAL. Satan is Real. Evil is Real. Extreme Corruption at all levels is Real. Jenny Moore's murder is Real. She is not the only one who was Tortured and Murdered for knowing The Truth. This is NOT A GAME.

You continue to make unfounded accusations and abusive remarks against Good People.


We know that Jenny Moore will always be a Good Person, and we believe that @GothamGirl is a Good Person. So is @Carmencita. There are many more. You have said and done things that cannot be forgotten nor forgiven.

We have Exposed your ignorance, your corruption and your EVIL intentions.

You downvote The Truth in a pathetic attempt to Hide The Truth, because you are AFRAID that many others will find The Truth and EXPOSE ALL INVOLVED.

Shizy ago

Anyone that you claim is a "good person" is automatically put on the suspect as fuck list!

Pizzalawyer ago

this stridency is hurting my ears!

AngB23 ago

If anyone here is TRULY trying to help the children & this fucked up world, read and reread RIPJem’s thread above very carefully. They speak truth.

I’ve been away for a VERY long time bcuz too many GREAT threads were being deleted and many researchers being doxed and silenced. This place is a complete JOKE. Some fighting for children, then search the threads....CP in others and NOT taken down or banned?!?! WTF VOAT?

And I guess I’m in the minority but I learned more from “Sarah/alts” then from nearly anyone else on here. Granted, the threads are more like puzzles and maddening to try and figure out, but i Read the threads, watched the vids and studied them OVER a year now and still do. “Sarah” obviously has a very high IQ so it’s hard to keep up and understand, i wish the posts were more matter of fact, but “she” posted things way before others caught up. I think the cryptic stuff is bcuz of all the fake AF ppl in here.

Call me a troll/larp....I don’t give a rat’s ass. I’ve tried very hard to find the answers and still don’t have them, but I believe “Sarah” was trying to educate us all. Many missed it, others trashed it on purpose to hide the info. I hope those causing all this harm, destruction and evil find it deep in their souls to stop this madness. And gothamgirl was a kick ass researcher. To trash her is BEYOND vile and shows true colors in here

Peace out

srayzie ago

Then you just outed yourself as being associated with Sarah too 😂

Piscina ago

Careful, you'll get called a 'cunt' for expressing an opinion!

MolochHunter ago


RIPJem ago



Shizy ago


RIPJem ago

You do not know ANYTHING, and you cannot comprehend ANYTHING.

Neither you nor Srayzie know anything meaningful, and are DESPERATE to hide The Truth.

You have both maliciously slandered and attacked long-time members of this very community including Jenny Moore who was threatened, doxxed, viciously attacked, and eventually murdered for knowing The Truth. You continue to spread lies and make hateful attacks against other innocent victims. You are both a DISGRACE.

You serve as a Corrupt and Evil lap dog for Srayzie who appointed you as an assistant mod to The Great Awakening group where neither of you even know who Q is or understand the first thing about Q.


Pizzalawyer ago

this stridency is hurting my ears

MolochHunter ago

I AM <<<THEM>>>

I am the MASTER of <<<THEM>>>


srayzie ago

Omg hahaha.

RIPJem ago

You resort to childish jokes because YOU CANNOT DISPUTE THE TRUTH.

Those who PRETEND to be against evil ARE EVIL.

Shizy ago

Why don't you take a break and come back in October. You might be scarier then

MolochHunter ago

i am Lucifer iNCARNATE

and i sniff your panties on your washing line


srayzie ago

You’re such a freak 😂

MolochHunter ago

thank you, thank you

I thought it was some of my most immature work

srayzie ago

Thank you. Most people won’t have my back but I appreciate the ones that do. Thank you!

SrayzieISJordan ago

LOL You lose Satan

gamepwn ago

Take Schizophrenia medicine! It will help you! Jesus Christ compels you, you dumb cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Her Schizo medicine isn't working very well right now... I'm sure she's on it. Probably she's a doped up psych nurse bored on her phone

Check your blood pressure Sarah.

How about some Thorazine?

SrayzieISJordan ago

LOL nice CIA

gamepwn ago

LOL nice retard

SrayzieISJordan ago

voat = MKultra

SrayzieISJordan ago

Don't trust the MKultra handlers in this comment section.

TrustTheOne ago


ReallyLongTimeLurker ago

If you are what you appear to be srayzie, and I believe you are, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Live long, be well, successful in your endeavors and prosper. best wishes, ReallyLongTimeLurker P.S. Your Cute! If that is really you in your avatar.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I need it. I think I’m Sarah’s worst enemy right now. 🙌🏻

EllaDraper ago

You're disgusting @srayzie

GoodGodKirk ago

over target?

srayzie ago

This persons been stalking me for like a year

GoodGodKirk ago

hope you have protection. Go to a range and learn to shoot now.

it's so liberating.

srayzie ago

Oh I have lots of that! Thank you

EllaDraper ago

Stalking you?

You're a filthy liar just like Ricky Dearman

Shizy ago

Oh just stop! You are such a lying phony "Ella"!!!

gamepwn ago

It's fun trolling this Sarah bitch LOL

Shizy ago

Haha! I agree gamepwn!

gamepwn ago


srayzie ago

Welcome to my world. She’s crazy!

SrayzieISJordan ago

You're an MKultra McGills University cuck

srayzie ago

I’ll add this to the list.

@Crensch @Vindicator @Think- @Shizy

I’ll start just making a list of the new alts. There are several.

AbrahamChristie ago

Sick prick you are @srayzie "donkey"

KunasRoommate ago


Lynn_De_Rothschild ago


“And look! He comes with ten thousands of His set-apart ones to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the ungodly, and to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness that they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things that ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

gamepwn ago

"Do not judge, or you will be judged. For with the same judgment you pronounce, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

Shizy ago

Wow, it seems a rabid demon has latched on to this thread. This is insanity!

Lynn_De_Rothschild ago

The demon is you and I know where you're going, slug.

Shizy ago

How'd you know I'm going to get Taco Bell? You must be psychic 😂

SrayzieISJordan ago

Enjoy it :)

I know I will.

Shizy ago

Fuck off!

SrayzieISJordan ago


gamepwn ago

Here's a nice video you fucking dumb cunt!

gamepwn ago

Bitch you and your alts have been seen by everyone on this forum! Go fuck yourself!

SrayzieISJordan ago

The forum consists of the CIA and your rag tag team of McGills Cucks

gamepwn ago

No, but it does consist of a pretty mentally unstable retard who pretends to be FBI agents and someone actually important you pathetic bitch

SrayzieISJordan ago

You're a second rate MKUltra handler Satan

Go piss up a rope

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Like someone else said, the power of Christ, and not being a retard, compels you Sarah. Go check your blood pressure Sarah. Check on those patients. Don't rape anyone today it's bad karma.

gamepwn ago

You are a fucked up Human Being trying to destroy these forums with alts with your insane mania and harassing Srayzie. You are a fucked up piece of shit. No one loves you so you troll these forums. Nothing about your life means anything.

Lynn_De_Rothschild ago

Maybe being subjected to MKultra for years drives a person a little bit crazy


srayzie ago

Were you subjected to MKUltra?

srayzie ago

@jangles Sarah watches the boards so she was accusing me of being you on Twitter too. Screenshots above

jangles ago

Apparently I talk to myself. There is no strength in Sarah's antics. She is a troll and fed by this type of post.

ESOTERICshade ago

There is no strength in Sarah's antics. She is a troll and fed by this type of post.

Yep. Don't feed it and it will die.

Lynn_De_Rothschild ago

Game over bitch.

Lynn_De_Rothschild ago

  • I killed Osama Bin Ladin as the scapegoat from your dad's childhood for his and mine bombing the Pentagon and WTC's, believe me... I'm sure he has mentioned it to you and laughed. * [email protected]

Lynn_De_Rothschild ago

Here YA GO

-----Original Message----- From: David McCullar To: katrinapeterson33 Sent: Sat, May 7, 2011 12:15 am Subject: Barbara please don't ignore me lady.

Barb, Why don't you tell me who you have been with that makes you feel so much more preternatural of a celebrity because of natural selection and... of course, because your celebrity which is obviously preternatural because of natural selection was engineered by democratic arbitration. You can't rob me of my genetic composite. You're not going to smoke my pineal gland. Did you know that I am fucking smart and smarter than Robert Pattinson or whoever you have been trying to be contemporaries with the white trash hoe Angelina Jolie making porn with, and easily more charming because I am not a tween automaton? Did you know that the alkaloid of DMT is actually a neurotransmitter like LSD 25 and 5-MEODMT, psylocin A + B and all psychadelic drugs because the definition of psychadelia is a neurotransmitter that the metabolite itself thereof creates a kaleidoscopic vision of geometric proportions in the pea and pea or whatever attachment to the pineal gland there is with light cones OR rods also depending on genetics, and depending on genetics the chromosomal filtration of certain neurotransmitters within these rods or cones which also illustrate in the visual cortex apparently? Have you been fucking any celebrity studs? You shouldn't have been because they don't understand you like I do and I am the Powhatan of the Royal American Family, you said I was cute or whatever, I am losing weight and I love you more than anyone else in the whole world but we are both desensitized by rape and jihad and porn so that we don't lust for eachother as much as we do feel bipolar sexually for other individuals we can abuse or submit ourselves to? I am really uncomfortable with you submitting to other men and uncomfortable with how you abused me. I was so nice to you and you shouldn't be scared that I want to crucify your rapist because I killed Osama Bin Ladin as the scapegoat from your dad's childhood for his and mine bombing the Pentagon and WTC's, believe me... I'm sure he has mentioned it to you and laughed. I went to treatment after hiding in your shadows, stalking Ben Curtis because I didn't like him during love at first site, and demonstrating respect to the Stewards (Martha's family) while at Casis and living in Pemberton. I didn't get into Yale from treatment because my dad is not as wealthy as you are, but I would have gone to Yale if my mom hadn't died or I had stayed at St. Stephens or god forbid my dad's first boss' bratty oldest son had "let" me go to Austin High. Gray is such a faggot. I am going to use him from now on like the son of a bitch he is to sing and play guitar because that is the only motherfucking thing he is good at including being a best friend, getting married, being a family man, and being consoling to me after my mother died. Nancy Fuller is a ridiculous ugly fat bitch who withdrew from our family when my mom died and thought she was more important because my family who is richer than theirs lost our Matriarch who was only a landowner with a college education at the University of Texas and not some land shark Byron Fullerton bitch lawyer thus distancing my best friend from me for life and giving him the impression that he is in charge. I hate the Fullers. I am in love with you and they offered me sanctimony for grieving the loss of my mother when I should have been girding my loins for you like Walker and Jenna at Austin High. Gray wanted to show me all the punk people at your school who I could not be friends with because my drummer from St. Stephens thought he was a faggot too and Gray aspires to be more fascist like Branden Lee Allen wishes he was more Indian when he takes mushrooms but doesn't know that they were from India who did that. Just, stupid motherfucking confused dead people. I would kick Gray's ass too. I know this is personal and close to home, and I want you to admire your feminine side and let me sweep you off your feet without all the intrigue that we got started at so young. I promise you a happy life with me at Stanford and Johns Hopkins or MIT if you will just be patient with me and plead OUR case to your relatives. We were going to get married if we could have been the judge of that? That was so immature when we decided that because we knew we couldn't... decide, that. We sure can, but its going to take a lot of work and I just wonder if you are as eager and willing to get them ready for us as I am? Barb, I am sorry for all the rude and funny things I said to you in poor taste. I wanted to tease you for all the ignorance your camp had displayed to me throughout my adolescence. I know its tough this mutual exclusion manic depressive bipolar disorder dom and sub self aggrandizement we all want for ourselves but I feel even keeled with you finally, and just hope and pray that you will save me from my libido which is so distracting and you are far prettier than that nasty cock sucker Gianna Michaels who I wanted to fucking marry for two days because she offered herself to me for money after talking all sweet and shit, hypnotized by you though... and not because you are just famous just because you are my high school lover. I know you didn't have a boyfriend in high school and I didn't have a girlfriend either. I was meek and you were not in bloom but at 17 I was more gorgeous than you until you started straightening your hair which is no big deal, I adore you. I love your family. I just fear you will continue lying to me or ignore me like Gray and Walker when I write to you. Please be my wife Barbara. I could get married in a year to you I think, in holy matrimony if you would lend your fellow man some compassion and make me your charity so that I can support a family with you after my MD is attained in Neuroscience and if you would contact me immediately. Those guys you like are gross. Stop fooling around, let's get serious. lovingly, David Frederick McCullar

-- Michael McCullar Senior Editor, Special Projects STRATFOR E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 512.744.4307 Cell: 512.970.5425 Fax: 512.744.4334

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Up until 10 pm posting copies of random emails from Wikileaks that you either copied and pasted, or edited, copied and pasted?

Trigger warning, If you are afraid of this troll, then don't read any of this in case the alt is a top secret Illuminati super master of MK Ultra and she's dropping trigger words...

MolochHunter ago

couldnt even be bothered reading your diarrhea

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Im sorry i know you didnt read it, I did, but I still think you might have a better idea of what it was than me? So what did i just read?

Lynn_De_Rothschild ago

So take your pizzagate and shove it up your ass.

Lynn_De_Rothschild ago

Nobody gives a shit about Jangles Peterson

Lynn_De_Rothschild ago

Listen MKultra reprobate, cut the fucking cackle.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You don't know a thing about Romans 1, shill.