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Piscina ago

I think that William Cooper (Behold a Pale Horse) said it best:

“Listen to everyone. Read everything, believe nothing . . . until you can prove to yourself whether it is true or false or lies between the many shades of gray. If you don’t do this, if you cannot do this, or are just plain too lazy to do this, then I can assure you that you will march into the New World Order as a docile slave.”

Unfortunately, I think tags will be ascribed to people whose (sometimes and/or often) valid opinions are disliked. It's a form of shaming and social stigmatizing, as well as public humiliation. If you want to shut down any dissenting opinions, that is the perfect way to do it. Forcing users to carry labels is pretty much the way it was done in The Scarlet Letter. I'd like to think we've moved on a little since then.

Yes, I made that comment to Vindicator. But I've not had any run-ins with him/her and have accepted whatever ruling he/she wanted to make. And I've had a hell of a lot more accusations leveled at me. I don't care though. I know who I am; I know my principles. As I've said before, I'm a nobody on the other side of the world. I have no horse in the race. I ask for, and take, no money. I am here simply because I want children to be protected. I am labelled a 'nut' by some for believing in pizzagate, but I've been here since the beginning and know that something is really wrong in Washington DC. Still noone knows what happened to little Caris. Instead of all this infighting, we should be thinking of the innocent children like her and the horrible things they're forced to endure.

Crensch ago

Still noone knows what happened to little Caris. Instead of all this infighting, we should be thinking of the innocent children like her and the horrible things they're forced to endure.

This is why I don't believe a word of what you say. You JIDF/MediaMatters shills always try to shoehorn in some kind of heartstring-tugging anecdote to make yourselves sound human. You're not.

And you are one of the users that, if we go forward with flairs, will be discussed until you can either apologize or support these words:

There is clearly one rule for the mods, who can and do call users 'cunts', and another rule for users, who get some of their pretty pertinent and relevant threads taken down.

... which I asked you to support 6 days ago now. You've had 6 days, and you've done nothing but pretend it didn't happen.

If we choose not to go with flairs, I've half a mind to gather this kind of evidence on every single one of you and present it under every submission and comment you make. Until the lot of you stop harassing and lying about my mods, I will go out of my way to ruin you.

The ball is in your court.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy @EricKaliberhall

RIPJem ago

First the mods spread false claims that Jem777 was not Jenny Moore.

Then the mods spread false claims that Jenny Moore was not dead.

Then the mods spread false claims that Jenny Moore was a CIA disinformation agent.

Then the mods spread false claims about Jenny Moore's history and relationships.

They claimed she was not a whistleblower. They claimed she was not injured in an attack.

Jem777 was banned from posting here. She then posted as Mej777. She was threatened along with others and finally gave up on Voat to travel and partner up with George Sweigart in an attempt to meet with others in real life and share The Truth with a wider audience.

She knew the risks she was taking. She was more courageous and brave than most of you here will ever be.

She returned to Voat in a frantic attempt to meet another user who ALWAYS TOLD EVERYONE THE TRUTH.

She met them and Knew The Truth. She continued investigating extreme crimes and met with many victims of abuse.

Months later after increasingly dangerous missions and disagreements with George Sweigart, she is dead.

Jenny is not the only one who was threatened, slandered, doxxed, attacked and murdered for knowing The Truth.

Jenny knew a lot more than anyone here is giving her credit for. She also believed in Jesus Christ.

The mods ran hit pieces on Jem777 and Jenny Moore to slander and attack her when she could not defend herself.

Worse, they began targeting anyone who stood up for Jenny Moore and The Truth.

You in particular called both Jenny Moore that very word multiple times in the hit piece another mod created after she was killed.

Even @Carmencita was called this word by mods for even attempting to Right the Wrongs and stand up for Jenny Moore and The Truth. She was not the only one called names, threatened, lied to, and manipulated.

Whether you agreed with Jenny Moore when she was Jem777 or not, or believed that she had been attacked or not, or threatened or not, or doxxed or not, or murdered or not, she was still a member of this community who ended up dead while investigating and reporting on extreme criminal corruption, trafficking and abuse among high level officials and others involved.

Who does that?

You then continued piling on and calling others names, launching wildly false accusations, attempting to dox other users, threatening other users, wrongly calling multiple people "Sarah" or claiming they worked together, downvoting comments as Mods to hide The Truth, and discussing ways to ban users.

Now you are adding flairs to users who you have Exposed you as Liars. Either you are Corrupt, or Evil, or Absolutely Ignorant.

Where does @Honeybee stand on this? How much do you all REALLY know about Everything involved?

None of you can answer the questions we have posed in recent days since you launched these attacks.

Most of these are easy questions if you have been paying attention.

Is it possible that none of you really know much of anything and have been caught up in too many lies and school plays?

The newest strategy is to add labels, call for backup and make sure to get 4 downvotes to hide anyone who exposes them and shares The Truth, ignore all questions and comments they cannot Dispute, and attack those who they can bully and threaten.

Why is all of this happening?


We know many people involved directly, including Jenny Moore. She will always be a Good person.

This is not a game. We are not an advanced bot as some have claimed. We are Very Real.

Do any of you realize what is really at stake and how dangerous this is?

If you are NOT Corrupt or Evil, this is your Opportunity to FIX THIS AND UNITE WITH THE TRUTH.


Apologize and Repent before it is too late.

srayzie ago

Relax. You and @Piscina just calm down, take a break, and have one of these.

@Shizy we need another batch.

I’ve got this one covered @Crensch @Vindicator @Think-

Piscina went out of her way to show support for Vindicator when she said “Get over it” after he was being attacked. They just need to relax and have a couple cunt cakes.

Shizy ago

If @piscina and @RIPJem wouldn't be such hogs and shove their faces full of delicious cunt cakes I could finally get out of my kitchen

RIPJem ago

Do you think Murder and Torture is funny?

Do you know what it feels like to have those you care about Tortured and Murdered for The Truth?

Do you know what it feels like to witness extreme criminal acts including corruption, trafficking and abuse among the most powerful?

Do you appreciate Tony Podesta's art collection?

Do you follow James Alefantis on instagram?

Is this something you would share with your children and grandchildren?

Do you have any Morals or Ethics?

Are you Sick and Evil, or have you simply lost your Faith in Jesus Christ through decades of programming, ignorance and deception?

Have you spread enough lies and upvoted your masters enough today to meet their approval?

srayzie ago


Piscina ago

You want an apology? Sorry.

Crensch ago


Sorry for what, @Piscina? Why don't you elucidate what it is you're sorry for, and ping those you've wronged like a human would?

Piscina ago

I'm not exactly sure what I'm sorry for, but I'm not going to die in a ditch because someone got their knickers in a knot for things that get said a lot here, and I don't see you demanding that they apologize. So I said sorry, which is what you asked for. Now you're changing the goalposts. I'm not sure who I'm supposed to ping--is it @Vindicator ? If so, there you go.

Crensch ago

I'm not exactly sure what I'm sorry for, but I'm not going to die in a ditch because someone got their knickers in a knot for things that get said a lot here

Nice try on commuting my online-only threats to your IRL health and well-being. I don't need to find you IRL to ruin you, despite what your handlers tell you. Or is it your handlers that are the danger to you?

and I don't see you demanding that they apologize.

Maybe you just have horrible timing. I'm done putting up with it for the time being, and had you done this before the Jem incident, I wouldn't have been around to care, most likely. The other mods are MUCH nicer than I am, and would shrug off your accusations and attacks for quite some time before pinging me to weigh in; that's when shit hits the fan for you disgusting shill fucks.

So I said sorry, which is what you asked for. Now you're changing the goalposts. I'm not sure who I'm supposed to ping--is it @Vindicator ? If so, there you go.

An apology is not just "Sorry." That's a petulant child's attempt at not properly apologizing, and it certainly shows no remorse or even an ounce of giving a fuck one way or the other, so I'm not moving the goalposts at all. I didn't want "Sorry." I wanted an apology. Even Jewgle has a decent bead on what an apology is:

Step 1: Express Remorse. Every apology needs to start with two magic words: "I'm sorry," or "I apologize." ...

Step 2: Admit Responsibility. Next, admit responsibility for your actions or behavior, and acknowledge what you did. ...

Step 3: Make Amends. ...

Step 4: Promise That It Won't Happen Again.

Crensch ago

Mods, this heartstring anecdote thing has happened a LOT here, and I'd like to thank @Piscina for finally solidifying the pattern of it as a likely COINTEL playbook tactic that is used by shills to make them sound human. I don't think the rate at which this tactic is employed specifically by those that are attacking mods is organic, and I have never seen it used against the attackers. Not once.

Piscina ago

Peace, out Crensch.

Crensch ago

Give my regards to your handler.

Piscina ago

Crensch, I don't know you. It's only in the last few days you've pinged me, which is interesting because I've never interacted with you on pizzagate. And you've pinged me to call me a 'cunt' and tell me you're going to destroy me, without knowing me at all.

I've interacted with lots of users on pizzagate and, apart from the odd snipe, we're all pretty much on the same page and polite and helpful towards one another. I can honestly say that I believe users on pizzagate are there for the right reasons and are good people.

You seem to have come out of nowhere determined to, as you say, 'destroy' me.

Crensch ago

Crensch, I don't know you.

How very unfortunate for you and your handler.

It's only in the last few days you've pinged me, which is interesting because I've never interacted with you on pizzagate.

How is this relevant to anything?

And you've pinged me to call me a 'cunt' and tell me you're going to destroy me, without knowing me at all.

I don't need to know anything but what you've written in order to destroy you. The rest of anything about you I really don't give a shit about.

I've interacted with lots of users on pizzagate and, apart from the odd snipe, we're all pretty much on the same page and polite and helpful towards one another.

Good for you. If you attack my mods, I will show up. If you do not have sufficient supporting evidence to back up your attacks, I will rip you to shreds. IF you have supporting evidence, you will be thanked, and the mods will be dealt with.

Is that clear enough for you?

I can honestly say that I believe users on pizzagate are there for the right reasons and are good people.

I can honestly say you live in a bubble, and have not seen what I have seen. Many of the "good people" users here are not.

If you want to stay in your bubble, that's fine, but steer clear of doing things that will get me involved, because I don't care about your feelings or morale. If you seem to be supporting the disinfo shills, you will be collateral damage whether you really are or not, and I will not give one single thought to what a fantastic person you are behind the keyboard.

You want kid gloves? The mods here are fucking saints, and you insignificant cuntbags attack them constantly, and you pile on whenever someone else attacks them, and you have absolutely no support for your positions, which should make you feel the deepest shame given that you're on a fucking research forum. How you don't feel this utter shame, I will never know, but I will wring it out of you like I just did with Gothamgirl.

You seem to have come out of nowhere determined to, as you say, 'destroy' me.

I don't know you from Spamalek, cunt. I don't care who you are, where you came from, who you know, or what amazing discovery for PG you made; you came here with accusations during one of the biggest upheavals of this subverse's existence to attack my mods, and you have zero support for your attacks. Nothing. Not ONE ounce of it. What, exactly, do you think you look like to me? A human? No, you look like you're getting paid to attack my mods just like many of the others that attacked them around the same time. You think this shit isn't coordinated by $omeone?

@Vindicator @srayzie @think- @shizy @EricKaliberhall