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Piscina ago

A post like this only makes the mods look bad. Every day you (the mods) are digging yourselves deeper and deeper. It is NOT normal for a mod to start a thread calling good people 'cunts' for some silly excuse for a fight. That is what Crensch did, and now Srayzie is confirming that she things some users are 'cunts'.

People are not stupid. They will come here and work it out. They will see mods undermining those they have power over, mods abusing people by calling them disgusting names and mods accusing users of nonsensical stuff.

I don't know what game the mods are playing at, but this tactic of starting threads making personal attacks on users, many they've never even interacted with, makes them look like idiots. There is clearly one rule for the mods, who can and do call users 'cunts', and another rule for users, who get some of their pretty pertinent and relevant threads taken down.

It's a pity what the mods have done to Voat.

Crensch ago

A post like this only makes the mods look bad.

Maybe, to fake users like you. I find that acceptable.

Every day you (the mods) are digging yourselves deeper and deeper.

Every day you (the shills) are digging yourselves deeper and deeper.

It is NOT normal for a mod to start a thread calling good people 'cunts' for some silly excuse for a fight.

This is how I know you haven't been here 1.7 years, and that you do not belong here.

That is what Crensch did, and now Srayzie is confirming that she things some users are 'cunts'.

Your handlers didn't mention me? They should be fired for dereliction of duty, and you should be fired for being too stupid to investigate the mods of the forum you're attempting to astroturf.

People are not stupid. They will come here and work it out.

Yes, they will. And they have. The lot of you have been exposed.

They will see mods undermining those they have power over, mods abusing people by calling them disgusting names and mods accusing users of nonsensical stuff.

Mods have no power over any user here. They have power to enforce the rules and ban actual spammers and consistent rule-breakers. ANYONE can use words and archives and screenshots on Voat to destroy users, and I can tell your panties are in a knot that it happened to you and your crew.

I don't know what game the mods are playing at, but this tactic of starting threads making personal attacks on users, many they've never even interacted with, makes them look like idiots.

Being made aware of disinfo shills that cannot be banned is exactly PG material. If objective proof and evidence can show the username to be lying, then it's pretty damn important.

There is clearly one rule for the mods, who can and do call users 'cunts', and another rule for users, who get some of their pretty pertinent and relevant threads taken down.

Oh, really? Do you have any evidence for these "pertinent and relevant" threads that have been taken down? Direct links will work - find some and let me know.

Also, ANYONE can call ANYONE a cunt here, but if anyone attacks my mods, they'd better have some REAL dirt to present or I'll rip them to shreds.

It's a pity what the mods have done to Voat.

You can leave anytime, and you won't be missed.

Thanks for proving my point. I don't know how much you're getting paid and how much you're prostituting yourself out for, but whatever it is it's not worth it. Your reputation is now down the toilet and you've made yourself look cretinous.

Whatever you say, (((Chaim))).